Rottmnt Replica - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

RESPONSE TO THIS POST by @somerandomdudelmao (since it was getting too long!)

RESPONSE TO THIS POST By @somerandomdudelmao (since It Was Getting Too Long!)
RESPONSE TO THIS POST By @somerandomdudelmao (since It Was Getting Too Long!)
RESPONSE TO THIS POST By @somerandomdudelmao (since It Was Getting Too Long!)
RESPONSE TO THIS POST By @somerandomdudelmao (since It Was Getting Too Long!)
RESPONSE TO THIS POST By @somerandomdudelmao (since It Was Getting Too Long!)
RESPONSE TO THIS POST By @somerandomdudelmao (since It Was Getting Too Long!)

I was originally going to put text into the first three panels... but kind of liked it better with just letting the emotions do the talking instead.

He's basically just saying something around the lines of: "You got so big..." "You got so BIG!" "Your HAIR got so big!"

Cass you utterly destroyed me with your response. My boy needed this so badly and I am eternally grateful! I can only assume that poor Cass' Dee does not fully realize what's in store for him in the near future. I am very much looking forward to it.

Also don't think I forgot poor Cass' Leo:

RESPONSE TO THIS POST By @somerandomdudelmao (since It Was Getting Too Long!)

Ok I'll stop. Thank you all for this awesome Showdown! It certainly went places I was not expecting but am glad for it!

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1 year ago
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These
I Have Absolutely No Excuse Other Than The Fact That @somerandomdudelmao And I Were Bummed That These

I have absolutely no excuse other than the fact that @somerandomdudelmao and I were bummed that these two didn’t get to face off in the Peepaw Showdown. Leo would have had his ass handed to him but think of the comic potential that could have been! So to make up for it we agreed to do a little something after the finale. The hug is from @bluepeachstudios piece HERE that got me all emotional so I had to include it.

Also consider this my love letter to all of Cass’ hilarious propaganda. Was so fun to see every round. Hope you don’t mind me including it in here, Cass!

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1 year ago
Okay, Everyone Says Two Donnies In The Finale Is Funny, But I Think It's Also Pretty Symbolic.
Okay, Everyone Says Two Donnies In The Finale Is Funny, But I Think It's Also Pretty Symbolic.
Okay, Everyone Says Two Donnies In The Finale Is Funny, But I Think It's Also Pretty Symbolic.
Okay, Everyone Says Two Donnies In The Finale Is Funny, But I Think It's Also Pretty Symbolic.
Okay, Everyone Says Two Donnies In The Finale Is Funny, But I Think It's Also Pretty Symbolic.
Okay, Everyone Says Two Donnies In The Finale Is Funny, But I Think It's Also Pretty Symbolic.
Okay, Everyone Says Two Donnies In The Finale Is Funny, But I Think It's Also Pretty Symbolic.

Okay, everyone says two Donnies in the finale is funny, but I think it's also pretty symbolic.

And I wanted to do something sweet about Ghost, because I have a deep respect in my soul for him and his story😌

@rottmntpeepawpolls @amevello-blue

On a separate note, the shadow ban is gone!

Who predicted that I needed to make it to the finals to break the curse? You were right ahaha

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7 months ago
Small Collection Of Replica Raph Sketches, Cause, Listen, I Love Him
Small Collection Of Replica Raph Sketches, Cause, Listen, I Love Him
Small Collection Of Replica Raph Sketches, Cause, Listen, I Love Him

small collection of Replica Raph sketches, cause, listen, I love him

I don’t draw Raph often but whenever I do I’m like “ahh my soul. she is healing.”

(Replica designs from @kathaynesart!!)

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1 year ago
Casey Jr Learned A Valuable Lesson That Day.
Casey Jr Learned A Valuable Lesson That Day.
Casey Jr Learned A Valuable Lesson That Day.
Casey Jr Learned A Valuable Lesson That Day.
Casey Jr Learned A Valuable Lesson That Day.
Casey Jr Learned A Valuable Lesson That Day.
Casey Jr Learned A Valuable Lesson That Day.

Casey Jr learned a valuable lesson that day.

This is 100% canon and happens at some point in Replica I just don't have anywhere to stick it since things are going to shift gears at the end of this chapter!

Honestly Mikey would not have been bothered at all with CJ being crowned as best hugger. But when he found out that Omega was trying to keep it a secret from HIM he wanted to poke the bear and get a reaction out of the normally unfazed AI. Too bad it backfired. Also for the record, Mikey is on the "Raph was the best hugger" side of the argument, and they know Raph liked Mikey's, thus the stalemate.

Also I'm curious... help them solve this dispute:

It'd be hilarious if they tied.

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1 year ago


You can see the moment Leo’s heart breaks…



Hope you enjoyed this little Replica Intermission flashback as we head into the Holiday Special that happens a few years after this. To be honest, this was as much of a peek into the earlier years of the Liberty Colony as it was a character study. I really wanted to get a handle on how these boys were in their early-mid twenties before diving into the special because they become very different people by their thirties.

TED Talk below on the details of this scene...

I really grappled with the concept of how long it would take for the boys to figure out that the statue was the key. Most interpretations seem to assume they figure it out right away, but honestly, without CJ there to warn them in advance and tell them what it looks like they don't have a lot to go off of aside from Splinter's vague mention of a key. The fact that the Krang were praised by the Foot is enough to set off Donnie's alarms but... with the Foot already gone by the time the Krang make their grand appearance on Metro Tower, the connection can only be hypothesized.

Honestly, I think Donnie would still go to Raph first, a breach in conduct but given the sensitivity of the subject and fear of accusing Leo it seems on brand. Raph ultimately would make the choice not to tell Leo until they knew for certain... which they never did. So it was put off longer and longer until it finally came back to bite them all at the worst possible time. If the colony finds out what Leo did... it could be disastrous. At the same time, Leo's trust in his brothers has been shaken, though it still pales in comparison to the fresh, crushing blow in knowing that it was all his fault. ...Don't worry, he'll be feeling a bit better by the time of the Holiday Special.

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10 months ago
I May Or May Not Have Been Listening To A Lot Of Cheesy Saxophone Music While Making This Image. Anyways,

I may or may not have been listening to a lot of cheesy saxophone music while making this image. Anyways, here is my submission (with Replica Donnie) for Round 1 of @tmntfashioncompetition

The fashion theme is "Born in the 80's" and since I WAS born in the 80's I very much took this one to heart. Of course I have been pitted against the illustrious @thegunnsara for this first round so I am very nervous. I do love how our designs are practically night and day in vibes though hahah! Be sure to vote for your favorite on Sunday, May 19th!

Have some of my inspo below the cut!

I May Or May Not Have Been Listening To A Lot Of Cheesy Saxophone Music While Making This Image. Anyways,
I May Or May Not Have Been Listening To A Lot Of Cheesy Saxophone Music While Making This Image. Anyways,
I May Or May Not Have Been Listening To A Lot Of Cheesy Saxophone Music While Making This Image. Anyways,
I May Or May Not Have Been Listening To A Lot Of Cheesy Saxophone Music While Making This Image. Anyways,

Most excellent.

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5 months ago
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This
Here Comes The Boy! Can You Tell Which Panels I Actually Spent Time On? Haha. Sorry That Most Of This

Here comes the boy!  Can you tell which panels I actually spent time on?  Haha.  Sorry that most of this comic is so messy, but otherwise I would never get it all done!  Part 2 of this convo coming soon.   Also, thank you so much for all the lovely comments and hashtags!  They keep me going!  I wish I could respond but Tumblr keeps giving me an error message when I try.  BEGINNING || PREVIOUS || NEXT MASTER POST

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5 months ago
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him
So Next Page Was Voted. Ill Be Posting The Future Donnie Design Soon. At Least You Got A Peek At Him

So next page was voted.  I’ll be posting the Future Donnie Design soon.  At least you got a peek at him here.  I’m not usually one for torture porn, so sorry for the heavy flashback.  The next page will be more of a comfort arch, promise.  


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5 months ago


DONE.  I’m resisting the urge to do a whole TED Talk on future Leo.  However, I do want to discuss something on the matter.  To be brief, while I see a lot of people in the fandom emphasizing the pain and self loathing of this character (all of which I am certain he goes through) that is not what I see in him by the beginning of the movie.  Some one who hates himself that much and is so bogged down with regret would not be the type to speak about still having “hope” as their greatest weapon (especially in such a cheesy manner).  I see a man who has gone through the ringer and come out the other end harder and wiser.  But most importantly he appears to have doubled down on his faith in himself and even more so in his loved ones.  He knows it’s not about him.  That he doesn’t have the luxury to be depressed and ultimately must overcome his own mind to achieve his tenacious goals.  Does he still have bad days?  Most certainly, anyone filled with that kind of regret does, but I really think that this is a battle he fights and wins more often than not by the time of 2044.  He is a man dedicated to his cause and family, and while he still has a long ways to go at this point in the story, I feel like this would be the start of him finally forgiving himself.

I’m not into torture porn (though that may surprise some of you) nor do I think it’s healthy to wallow in that sort of pain for an extensive period (fandoms can be a great outlet for this, but it can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional state if not treated in a healthy manner), and I want this to be a story of healing rather than one completely bogged down with sorrow.  Because no matter how bleak things can be, you are always worthy of love, especially self love. 

Please make sure to give yourself a hug and thank you for all your support and kind words.  We have one last round to wrap up Leo’s arch then it’s onto April.

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1 year ago
I Redrew My Favorite Panel From @kathaynesart S Comic Replica- If You Havent Read It Already I Highly

I redrew my favorite panel from @kathaynesart ‘s comic Replica- If you haven’t read it already I highly suggest you go check it out, It’s written beautifully and the art is amazing! Original panel below

I Redrew My Favorite Panel From @kathaynesart S Comic Replica- If You Havent Read It Already I Highly

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2 years ago

The funny one, everybody!

Finally got around to finishing my 12k… er now 13k Celebration Animatic you guys requested. Warned you it would be silly. I know it’s stupid but been wanting to do this since I first heard this audio clip months ago. Consider it my convoluted Donnie version of the infamous “Yo Mama” joke Raph makes in ‘03.

Technically this is not canon, though let it be known that Replica Donnie is just as unhinged as the rest of the f!Donnies. He’s just too tired to make a show of it most of the time. It’s exhausting being quirky in your 30’s (speaking from experience).

Also sorry for the lousy quality. Maybe someday I’ll learn how to use Clip Studio to make a proper animatic rather than just clip it on Instagram. Replica update should be up next!

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1 year ago


You can see the moment Leo’s heart breaks…



Hope you enjoyed this little Replica Intermission flashback as we head into the Holiday Special that happens a few years after this. To be honest, this was as much of a peek into the earlier years of the Liberty Colony as it was a character study. I really wanted to get a handle on how these boys were in their early-mid twenties before diving into the special because they become very different people by their thirties.

TED Talk below on the details of this scene...

I really grappled with the concept of how long it would take for the boys to figure out that the statue was the key. Most interpretations seem to assume they figure it out right away, but honestly, without CJ there to warn them in advance and tell them what it looks like they don't have a lot to go off of aside from Splinter's vague mention of a key. The fact that the Krang were praised by the Foot is enough to set off Donnie's alarms but... with the Foot already gone by the time the Krang make their grand appearance on Metro Tower, the connection can only be hypothesized.

Honestly, I think Donnie would still go to Raph first, a breach in conduct but given the sensitivity of the subject and fear of accusing Leo it seems on brand. Raph ultimately would make the choice not to tell Leo until they knew for certain... which they never did. So it was put off longer and longer until it finally came back to bite them all at the worst possible time. If the colony finds out what Leo did... it could be disastrous. At the same time, Leo's trust in his brothers has been shaken, though it still pales in comparison to the fresh, crushing blow in knowing that it was all his fault. ...Don't worry, he'll be feeling a bit better by the time of the Holiday Special.

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5 months ago

I dunno whether this got lost to the algorithm so @kathaynesart

HAPPY 20K TO @kathaynesart!!!

HAPPY 20K TO @kathaynesart!!! 🎉🎉🎉

I had my go at the DTIYS, HOPE YOU LIKE!!! 💕

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1 year ago
Replica Donnie: Technodrome Sniper.
Replica Donnie: Technodrome Sniper.
Replica Donnie: Technodrome Sniper.

Replica Donnie: Technodrome Sniper.

(More info under the cut:)

In his prime, Donnie was the only known fighter who could successfully hit an infant Technodrome while it was in low orbit (they actually don't come down to Earth normally except to attack). He had the firepower, the precision, but most importantly the mind needed to calculate exactly where they were going to be ten seconds in the future for his attacks to make contact. While he was never able to do enough serious damage to the mother Technodrome, he did manage to use this method to plant a tracker on it that still works to this day.

Finally have the time to put some of my concepts to paper. Really wanted to figure out where these boys were in the height of their power and how to make them even more powerful than the teens at the end of the series. Donnie makes a big show of using a shot put technique in Purple Jacket, so it feels only natural that he'd know how to javelin throw as well. Seems more up his alley if you ask me. I don't foresee this concept being used in any of the Replica flashbacks I have planned, so figured I would share for posterity. (NOTE: outfit not finalized yet)

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11 months ago
Ok Dont Mind Me Crying About This Over Here.
Ok Dont Mind Me Crying About This Over Here.

Ok don’t mind me crying about this over here.

THIS👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 right here is I why I love the boys so much. For the longest time I struggled with the belief that I was only important or had value if I could do something to help other people. If I wasn’t “producing” or being a boone in every situation, then I literally felt like nothing. If something wrong happened, than it was instantly my fault because I wasn’t good enough.

For YEARS I’ve wrestled with this internal self loathing, but for the first time ever…I’m growing out of that? There’s a “Sprout” of hope if you will. That’s what these stories mean to me: Hope🧡🌱

I can learn to love myself with all my “kinds of special” and with that love help others recognize their own awesomeness. i find it interesting that both Omega and Speout are buddies. Because Omega in the Greek alphabet is the last letter, and he was kind of designed with the intent to be the last one standing. But “standing” next to “Sprout” who is the embodiment of taking what was left before and growing into something new, is kinda lowkey poetically beautiful for me. A literal example of the beginning AND the end. and goodness is it inspiring. I’m so grateful to be alive at the same time as the great minds of @kathaynesart and @intotheelliwoods

I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The
I Have Been Meaning To Do A Crossover With The One And Only @kathaynesart For Such A Long Time! And The

I have been meaning to do a crossover with the one and only @kathaynesart for such a long time! And the @tmntaucompetition has created the perfect excuse for this :)

I think Sprout and Omega would have a surprising amount in common, they have a lot they can talk about with one another!

Apologies for the cliffhanger- haha- whoops-

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10 months ago
Do You Ever Just Fangirl So Hard That Your Blood Sugar Goes Low? No? Must Be A Me Thing
Do You Ever Just Fangirl So Hard That Your Blood Sugar Goes Low? No? Must Be A Me Thing

Do you ever just fangirl so hard that your blood sugar goes low? No? Must be a me thing 😅

Anyhoo, like… whoooohOoOhOoOoo


I just love Replica Leo so much. His poise and his “so done” attitude while still being the most incredibly classy leader ever. Ugh I am in awe of his character.

Oneion also had my most mad respect like, he’s doing it for One’s own good. He knows it hard and it’s gonna hurt but Oneion just gives me biggest “tough love” kinda vibes ever and I’m here for it. Hemayevenbemynextattempttodrawprojectwhoknows

TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST (file was getting too big so starting a Part 2)

TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST(file Was Getting Too Big So Starting A Part 2)

First off I want to thank everyone who participated in the vote for The TMNT AU Competition! It was so fun to be a part of this event and I’m so honored to be able to go home with Empyrean Weeping’s @cupcakeslushie as the champions! It has been an absolute blast getting to interact and draw with so many of you! Also thank you @dianagj-art @intotheelliwoods and @tizeline for being such amazing finalists!

We might do a few more updates to wrap this up then it’s back to work on Replica for me haha.

Also note: One is fine, he’s just in an arm lock, which is painful in the moment but should leave no lasting damage. Replica Leo however is in immense pain after doing an emergency disconnect from his prosthetic. All those raw nerve endings in his arm are probably screaming at him right now. Luckily he knows how to handle pain… though he’s obviously a little more short with One now haha.

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7 months ago

AKA the Apocalyptic version of “WhY iS iT sPicY?!”

Replica Wip! When You're Excited To Taste The First Snowflake Of Winter, But It's Actually Just Ash From

Replica wip! When you're excited to taste the first snowflake of winter, but it's actually just ash from your brother's giant explosion. D:

Sorry I’ve been a little quiet. Been working hard on Replica and dealing with plenty of social obligations but it’s coming along! So excited to finally finish this and get back onto the main storyline though I will miss these boys.

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