Route - Tumblr Posts

Finished it everybody!! Took a while, but not long!
Mystic Messenger - 707 Route : For those who are wondering what will happen after getting his Good Ending... ( Spoiler-Free )
Same as the other routes, you will be able to access 707’s after-ending scene ( need hourglasses ). You will also notice that the Secret Ending 1 is unlocked, and if you finish unlocking all the scenes in Secret Ending 1, you will in turn unlock Secret Ending 2. Both Secret Endings need hourglasses per scene, so be sure to save them up.
Highly recommended to play 707’s route last if you haven’t started yet because it kind of explains the whole truth behind the game in his route. At first, I didn’t know about this and got spoilt playing his route first. Still, he’s my favourite so I don’t really feel bad ( •ω•ฅ).。.:*♡
So, this post is just to let every1 know that his route is actually the true route in this game. Yup, the end.
Lust in Terror Manor - Otome Game - Introduction

Looking for an otome game to hype up your Halloween?
Fear not ! There’s one for avid murder mystery fans. (*¯︶¯*)
Lust in Terror Manor is a new otome game by Abracadabra Inc., featuring a murder mystery theme with 13 men and women trapped in a hotel on an island.
It’s a ticket-based game and free-to-play. Overall, there’s 7 routes that you can take but at the mean time, only some of them are unlocked.

The tutorial shows that the killing game within this otome game follows these rules below.
You can save this post as reference if you like, because I think it’s important, especially when it comes to decision-making and possibly as evidence. If you play games like Danganronpa and Ace Attorney or just the regular text adventures, then you’ll catch my drift.

For first choice, I’m gonna start with Hayato Natsukawa cuz he looks interesting. Hopefully, I’ll survive. Lol hope.
With that, have a nice Halloween everyone !
Ps. Need an invitation code?EfaEsW
Outlander : Fantastic Princess Walkthrough

Outlander : Fantastic Princess is a free-to-play, fantasy otome adventure mobile game where you are the royal princess of the Southern Dynasty who have finally returned to your homeland, only to discover it to be conquered by the forces of evil and must now brave the enemies together with your allies and newfound love.
Available on IOS & Android. Originally in Chinese but was later translated to English.
This walkthrough has been last updated on 9th April 2021 :
Added invitation codes to the list.
In future, the game might add ( not confirmed ) new characters, will update walkthrough if it does. Thank you for the future new character CGs - will include them in once they’re release in English version to avoid spoilers.
Some CGs of new routes have been contributed by players from original app, but will not add into guide due to spoilers. Will add once English app release the new routes.
Q&A section will still be ongoing.
Thanks to everyone who sent their submissions and use this walkthrough for their gameplay ☆ owo
Disclaimer & Notes
Game created by CatCap Studio
Director : Zhaogongzi Script : G6/IGNACE Art : SERIKA/Baner/170/Vision/DLJ Programming : Bob/luud8 QA : WEI Jingchuan All game illustrations that appear throughout this walkthrough belongs to CatCap Studio, who is the creator of the Outlander : Fantastic Princess game.
Creating this walkthrough takes a lot of time and effort, so please do not copy-paste, repost or/and claim it as your own. My only wish in providing this walkthrough is to serve as an English reference for the players of this game.
Use control F to search certain words or sentences in this long walkthrough.
If there’s any submissions ( endings, images or information ) that you wanna share to this walkthrough, you can submit them to or the Post Office here.
Any questions that you wanna ask? Feel free to drop by Curious and Curiouser here.
Thanks for reading and have fun ^_^
Story Stages
Character Routes & Endings
Q & A Corner
CG Gallery ( Spoilers ! )
Invitation Code List
Websites / Links / Credits
CatCap Studio Website :
Outlander - Fantastic Princess FB Page :
iOS version :
Android version :
Kirin's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 1 - Chapter 1
Favourite Gift : Jade
Can Combo Skill with : Dragon & Tiger OR Pheonix & Tort
All Kirin Choices
Pheonix's Place - Sound of singing
Pei's Place - Eastern Wing Room

Battle Strategy
Main Partners - Dragon & Tiger OR Pheonix & Tort
Supporting Partner - Lothar
Not Important - Lancelot, Yee, Cana, Storm, Gabriel
Note : You can easily have clashing combo skills here so becareful when you arrange your deck.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Yee's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 1 - Chapter 3
Favourite Gift : Sachet
Can Combo Skill with : Tiger OR Storm
All Yee Choices
Pheonix's Place - Strong sound of wind
Pei's Place - Yard

Battle Strategy
Main Partners - Tiger OR Storm
Supporting Partners - Gabriel & Pheonix OR Gabriel & Cana
Not Important - Kirin, Lancelot, Lothar, Dragon, Tort
Note : Storm & Lancelot is not advisable as supporting partners due to conflict with Yee's combo skill with Storm.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Cana's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 1 - Chapter 5
Favourite Gift : Silk
Can Combo Skill with : Gabriel
All Cana Choices
Pheonix's Place - N/A
Pei's Place - Back to room

Battle Strategy
Main Partner - Gabriel
Supporting Partners - Yee & Tiger OR Storm & Yee OR Lancelot & Yee
Not Important - Kirin, Lothar, Pheonix, Dragon, Tort
Note : None.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Storm's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 2 - Chapter 3
Favourite Gift : Pendant
Can Combo Skill with : Lancelot OR Yee
All Storm Choices
Pheonix's Place - N/A
Pei's Place - Western Wing Room

Battle Strategy
Main Partners - Lancelot OR Yee
Supporting Partners - Gabriel & Pheonix OR Gabriel & Cana
Not Important - Kirin, Lothar, Tiger, Dragon, Tort
Note : Yee & Tiger is not advisable as supporting partners due to conflict with Storm's combo skill with Lancelot.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Gabriel's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 2 - Chapter 5
Favourite Gift : Love Knot
Can Combo Skill with : Cana OR Pheonix
All Gabriel Choices
Pheonix's Place - Sound of speaking
Pei's Place - Hang around

Battle Strategy
Main Partners - Cana OR Pheonix
Supporting Partners - Lancelot & Storm OR Yee & Storm OR Yee & Tiger
Not Important - Kirin, Lothar, Dragon, Tort
Note : N/A
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Lothar's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 3 - Chapter 6
Favourite Gift : Amulet
Can Combo Skill with : ???
All Lothar Choices
Pheonix's Place - N/A
Pei's Place - Corridor

Battle Strategy
Main Partner - ???
Supporting Partners - Kirin & Dragon & Tiger OR Kirin & Pheonix & Tort
Not Important - Lancelot, Yee, Cana, Gabriel, Storm
Note : Will update again at a later time.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Tiger's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 4 - Chapter 7
Favourite Gift : Crisp
Can Combo Skill with : Yee OR Kirin & Dragon OR Pheonix & Dragon & Tort
All Tiger Choices
Pheonix's Place - Sound of snoring
Pei's Place - Kitchen

Battle Strategy
Main Partners - Yee
Supporting Partners - Gabriel & Cana OR Gabriel & Pheonix
Not Important - Kirin, Lancelot, Storm, Lothar, Dragon, Tort
Note : Lancelot & Storm is not advisable as supporting partners due to conflict with Tiger's combo skill with Yee. Kirin, Dragon & Tort are not listed as supporting partners to save on coins and time.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Pheonix's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 5 - Chapter 6
Favourite Gift : Jerequity
Can Combo Skill with : Gabriel OR Kirin & Tort OR Dragon & Tiger & Tort
All Pheonix's Choices
Pheonix's Place - Running water
Pei's Place - Back Garden

Battle Strategy
Main Partner - Gabriel
Supporting Partners - Lancelot & Storm OR Yee & Storm OR Yee & Tiger
Not Important - Kirin, Cana, Lothar, Dragon, Tort
Note : Gabriel & Cana is not advisable as supporting partners due to conflict with Pheonix's combo skill with Gabriel. Kirin, Dragon & Tort are not listed as supporting partners to save coins and time.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Dragon's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 6 - Chapter 7
Favourite Gift : Exquisite
Can Combo Skill with : Kirin & Tiger OR Pheonix & Tiger & Tort
All Dragon Choices
Pheonix's Place - N/A
Pei's Place - Hall

Battle Strategy
Main Partners - Kirin & Tiger ( start ), Tiger & Pheonix & Tort ( later )
Supporting Partners - Pheonix ( start )
Not Important - Lancelot, Yee, Cana, Storm, Gabriel, Lothar
Notes : This is a hard route due to the late appearence of Dragon & Tort.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Tort's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Stage 7 - Chapter 7
Favourite Gift : Gold Goblet
Can Combo Skill with : Kirin & Pheonix OR Tiger & Pheonix & Dragon
All Tort Choices
Pheonix's Place - N/A
Pei's Place - N/A

Battle Strategy
Main Partners - Kirin & Pheonix ( start ), Tiger & Pheonix & Dragon ( later )
Supporting Partners - Tiger ( start )
Not Important - Lancelot, Yee, Cana, Storm, Gabriel, Lothar
Note : This is a hard route due to the late appearence of Dragon & Tort.
Going Back Ending
Stay Ending
Shadowmort's Route & Endings
Return to Character Routes

Become Ally : Purchase his package ( Start a new game before playing his route )
Favourite Gift : None
Can Combo Skill with : N/A
After Phoenix joins team - Ignore and keep sleeping
Drowning in water - This feeling rings a bell…
Sandstorm - Who’s voice is that?
Ruby Dragon’s Dreamscape - It is him…
The last battle choice - Drip a drop of blood…
At Ruby Dragon’s Dreamscape, you must scroll down to see this choice.It’s below Tort’s option.
If you do not choose “drip a drop of blood” after the last battle, then you will not get any of Shadowmort’s two endings.
~Contributed by Sun and Moon
If you are having trouble with other routes blocking Shadowmort’s route, have at least two characters share the same highest affection before the final stage. This will negate the characters route from disturbing.
~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou
Battle Strategy
Main Partners - N/A
Supporting Partners - N/A
Not Important - N/A
Kill Ending
Do Not Kill Ending
A bit late for a reblog but yup, V is out now owo so go get him at Mystic Messenger !
[MM] Release of V Route and 1.8.2 update
Hello, this is Cheritz.
1. Mystic Messenger Another Story V Route Released

V Route Opening Announcement :
Another Story’s V route will be available from Original Story menu this update.

This Route contains the following contents:-
1. 11 days of playtime
2. 7 different Endings
3. Full voiced Visual Novel and Calls
4. New Message and Phonecall Ringtones added
5. V Route Freetalk added.
V Route Purchasable item and Hourglass expense
- The Everyone Calling Card will work for all members excluding V. (The calling card is applied to calls with jumin, zen, 707, yoosung, jaehee)
- Depending on the remaining contents volume, the expense on hourglasses for unlocking the next day chatrooms, unlocking missed chatroom and outgoing calls can differ with the Casual and Deep Story.
2. 1.8.2 Update
1.8.2 Update Content
- New content added (Another Story) - Fixed the profile load system - Minor bug fixes
[v1.8.2 Update Release]
Android: We are planning to release a new version today
iOS: Takes an extra 2~4 business days after the Android update due to the Apple review process.
Thank you.
+)Android : 09/08/2017 v1.8.2 update released