Ruby Martinez Headcannon - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Dating Ruby would include:

dedicated to @seawaterspritzer

Dating Ruby Would Include:

First off, that boy is a freakkkkkk

Whenever you guys are alone (which is rare.) he will have his hands all over you.

Squeezing, groping, touching, licking biting


Though he really loves to be intimate 


But its a good kind of clingy, you don’t mind it.

Never lets go of your hand, even if you try to walk away, he’ll make you drag him along

Forcing the twins to help him set up a date in his kitchen

Of course after he would give them the left over food and sweets.

Constantly putting Jasmine in check,

“If you don’t back the fuck off my man,”

Ruby of course getting turned on

Always keeping an eye on Olivia

He hates rough sex

He likes to take his time so the both of you can enjoy it.

Though he won’t object to a few quickies here and there

All depends on the time and place though

Loves laying down in between your legs and when you run your hand through his hair.

He could stay in that position forever if he had to.

Never, ever misses a day without saying he loves you.

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5 years ago

FAMILIA (Oscar Diaz imagine)

Dedicated to @thecraziestcrayon

FAMILIA (Oscar Diaz Imagine)

(Not my gif!!! Credit to owner!!)

“It’s gonna be a boy.” he said as he caressed her stomach, she giggled at the feeling of fingers running across her skin.

“How can you be so sure?” she asked, her fingers lightly scratching the back of his scalp, his body settled between her legs as they lie on the giant mattress in their room. Across the room she looks at the fully built crib and cot that was already prepared even though she had at least six more months to go. Oscar wanted to be prepared though, a baby was a big responsibility and on top of that he had the gang and Cesar to take care of so his attention was demanded a lot from each aspect.

“because I just know.” was all he said as he placed a gentle kiss on her stomach.

“He’s gonna be big and bad, just like his daddy.” He continued on and left small pecks on her skin. Her smile slowly began to fade, of course she was excited to have this baby, especially with Oscar. But she didn’t want her son or daughter to even be involved with the gang in any way, shape or form. She already has to worry about Oscar being safe and on top of that with Cesar slowly becoming no longer affiliated but apart of the Santos was scary enough.

“What are you thinking about mama?” Oscar noticed her face, the way her body deflated into a shrunk and her lips slightly pouting. She knew there was no point in keeping what was on her mind on lock, so she told him.

“I’m just worried about what will happen when he or she gets older,” the movement of his hand on her stomach cane to a halt and he sat up to get a good look at her. “I just don’t want our child being apart of the gang Oscar.” She whispered in the end and turned her head to the other side so she wouldn’t see his reaction.

“Hey.” He spoke gently and moved her chin towards him. Leaning in he gives her a soft peck and then gave her a deep long kiss before pulling away and leaving a kiss on her head.

“I promis you, they aren’t gonna be apart of this. I won’t let he or she be in this life, I know it seems like I am cause of Cesar but this is my child, and I swear to you I will make sure they won’t be part of this life.” He promised her and left another kiss on her small bump.

“I love you Oscar.” The emotion was clear as day in y/n’s eyes, same with Oscar. It was raw and surreal, he never showed this type of feeling to anyone except her and Cesar but he truly did love this woman, the mother of his child, the love of his life. They were still only sixteen but they were ready for this responsibility, as long as they were together. Just as he was about to reply a loud and wild commotion erupted as their bedroom door was slammed open and several cops with guns pointed right at the couple were present.

“PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR NOW!” One man screamed as his gun was dead set on Oscar. Y/n tried to stay calm so that she wouldn’t cause stress to the baby, but because there was so many cops in their room pointing guns at her that could harm her and the baby she couldn’t help but start to hyperventilate.

“Alright, alright don’t hurt her she’s pregnant man!” Oscar pleaded as he tried his best to shelter y/n from being in the guns view.

“Oscar Diaz you are under arrest, Put your hands where I can see them.” Tears began to build as she watched Oscar raise his hands in the air and practically be man handled by the police. Putting the cuffs on him they drag him out aggressively as they read him his rights out loud.

Although her breathing started to become uneven, y/n got up with her wobbly legs and quickly made her way outside to where Oscar, Cesar and the rest of the guys were on the porch. She could the sound of Cesar’s cries as he tried to get to his older brother.

“Oscar!! Please don’t go please!” His heart ripped into two as he watched his little brother and the love of his life watch in horror as the police stick him in the backseat of the car and close the door. Just as the car was about to take off, he took one last hard look at them and mouthed the words ‘I love you’ before they took him away.


He was sentenced to ten years in prison, four if he had good behavior but to y/n that was still too long. Oscar would miss out on every mile stone with their child, their first breath, first skin contact, first steps, first word every little thing.

It completely wrecked Y/n, she would have to be a mother and a father for the first few years of their child’s life. On top of that she was going to have to raise Cesar as well and there’s no telling how this could go. She remembered the day of his sentencing, Cesar crying into her neck as she tried her best to comfort him and not break right then and there.

The dullness and the pain that swimmer in Oscar’s eyes as he watched the people he loved the most suffer in silence as the judge read his conviction made him want to get down on his knees and beg god for forgiveness and to somehow find a way to reverse this situation.

“I’ll be out soon baby I promise. Just take care of Cesar and our little one and I’ll be out before you know it.” He whispered in her ear as he hugged her close and tight one last time before he was to be transported to the correctional facility. He rubbed her back soothingly as she sobbed very hard into jumpsuit, staining it with her endless tears. Giving her one last kiss for the moment he tries to remember the feel of her lips, the taste of her and the smell of her. He rubs his hand across her bump and feels the small feet kick against his hand one last time.

“I love you, daddy will be home soon.” He whispered to her stomach and left one last kiss until he was taken away by the guards.

Y/n knew she now had to be strong, not just for herself. But for the baby and for Cesar, and she would do whatever she has to to keep them both alive and safe.


*Four years later*

The sound of tiny feet padding into the room caught Y/n’s attention as she turned over from her spot on the bed. She sees the messy curls that covered the little head and then sees Cesar following in right after to grab them.

“Good morning precioso.” She said as she bundled her little guy up in her arms and smothered his face in kisses. Small giggles erupted from his little body which brought a smile to her face.

Mateo Oscar Diaz was born on December 21st weighing in at 8lbs and 9 oz. Precisely almost a year since Oscar has been locked up. Four years later and this little version of him was the only thing keeping her sane besides Cesar.

It was hard at first, Cesar tried his best to help but he was just a kid, it isn’t his responsibility. Since he was away, she’s sent him letters and pictures of them which he would then reply back. Oscar missed his family dearly, and soon he would be seeing them since he was just eligible to be released on parole. He was coming home to his family after four years.

“He looks like him everyday.” Cesar mumbled as he watched his nephew and sister. Y/n nodded in agreement and sat up to go and hug Cesar. Just then the phone went off and Y/n gave Mateo to Cesar to hold as she answered.


“Y/n, it’s me.” His voice was raspy and much more deep. Her body tingled as she heard him.

“Oscar?” Her voice came to a whisper and Cesar flicked his head towards her at the mention of his brother’s name.

“I’m coming home baby. I’m out.” She couldn’t hear anything else after that. So many emotions were happening in that moment, she was relieved, happy, anxious, nervous, all in one. The love of her life was finally coming home and he was going to meet his son for the first time.

“When will you be here?” She asked as she finally caught up with her thoughts. She heard the sound of a honk and immediately started walking.

“Right now.” He said and hung up the phone. Taking Mateo from Cesar, they all rush out and see the one person they’ve been waiting for. He still had the buzz cut but he was so much taller, so much lean and buff, the wife beater he wore highlighted his bulging muscles and there’s was tattoos on his neck and arms. A typical Cholo, but a Cholo that Y/n loved nevertheless.

They were frozen in their place and wasn’t until Oscar started walking forward that Cesar immediately ran after his big brother and crushed him a death grip. She decided to let them have that moment before walking up with Mateo.

“I missed you so much Manó.” He whispered into Oscar’s arm as he tried to keep his composure.

“I missed you to Cesar, I missed all of you.” He said as he looked up to see the love of his life and his child standing there on the porch, waiting for him. Breaking away from Cesar he walks up to the pair and stares at his child, his son.

“He looks like me.” He whispered as he took it all in. “He does, just like his daddy.” She whispered back as the tears started to form. This wasn’t a dream, this was all real and she couldn’t be more happier.

“What’s his name?” He asked as he was tempted to grab him and hold him.

“Mateo Oscar Diaz.” She started as the little boy in her arms stared at his daddy. He knew who he was, she never kept anything from him. She showed him pictures everyday.

“You want to hold him?” She asked. Oscar nodded and held his hands out carefully. Passing Mateo into Oscars arms he slightly braces himself just Incase Mateo would freak out and start crying. But he didn’t, he just stared at his father, taking it all in.

“It’s daddy Mateo.” Y/n told him as he continued to stare at Oscar.

Leaning his head on his chest Oscar moved his hands so that one was holding him securely and the other was holding his head to his chest. This was his son, his flesh and blood and he was finally able to hold him and see him.

“We missed you Oscar.” Y/n said as the tears started streaming, wiping them away with his thumb he gave her a sad smile before leaning in and leaving a lingering kiss on her lips. Finally after so long, he was with his family.

“I missed you to mama, I missed you all.” He said and guided his family inside the house.

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5 years ago

Preference 2: how you hug


Preference 2: How You Hug

He likes it when your close that way he can hold you to him tight. After the shooting he just couldn’t handle the stress, but with you it was different, all he needed was to just be near you, to be with you, because that was all he needed.


Preference 2: How You Hug

He’s never been in a relationship so it was all new to him, yet over time he was able to get over his little awkward quirks and found comfort in bringing you in his arms. Of course he would always kiss your head first, that’s how you knew everytime he was gonna hug you and you weren’t going to deny that.


Preference 2: How You Hug

Ever since his brother kicked him out he’s been trying to stay strong as best as he could, but deep down you knew he was slowly breaking on the inside. So when the crew is gone and you confront him about it you grab him tight and squeeze him to show that you’re there and that you aren’t leaving.


Preference 2: How You Hug

He hates to show weakness, especially in front of the gang. But when you’re both alone and you see the stress lines on his head you go over to sit on his lap cause he knows once you sit that you will not move and bring him close to show him that you’re here for him and that you love him.

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4 years ago

Hands off (Oscar Diaz Imagine)



Prompt: Hello :) I just finished reading all your Oscar work and I love it! I saw that requests were open so I thought maybe you could do a story about how spooky would react to another santos yelling at or shoving the reader? If not maybe have the reader be working at the bank the santos robbed and Oscar having this “love at first sight” thing with her when she’s scared but doesn’t show it? If you do both or either thank you so much! If not I’ll still look forward to any other work <3

Requested by: @Bae-b-cakes

If there was one thing that got Oscar triggered it would be when someone lays their hands on his girl. Doesn’t matter if its a guy or girl, anything as much as a finger gets near her then asses are about to be handed to them. Like tonight for example, the Santos decided to throw a party in order to celebrate the prophets being locked up. Everyone was drinking and having a good time, music was blasting through the stereos and cheers were being shouted out here and there.

Y/n was comfortably sitting on Oscar’ s lap with one arm wrapped around his neck and the other holding the cup in her hand. Occasionally Oscar would kiss her every few minutes just to see her get flustered but she didn’t complain. It was very rare that Oscar showed his real side in front of other people besides Y/n and Cesar, so to see him smiling and laughing put a big smile on her face.

Noticing that her cup was empty, she decided to get a refill but of course she couldn’t go without giving Oscar a kiss on the lips. Walking to the table full of drinks she grabs the bottle and starts to pour it in her cup. Once she sat the bottle down, Y/n turned around only to smack into somebody which caused her drink to spill on them. 

“Oh my god, I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t see you were there.” Y/n was quick to apologize to the guy but all she got in return was a disgusted and pissed off expression. 

“Are you fucking blind or something?” he spat at her as he glanced at his soaked shirt. 

“I swear it was a accident I-” she was cut off by the guy roughly shoving her which caused her to slightly lose her balance and fall on her butt. 

“Maybe next time watch what your doing, maybe then your stupid ass wouldn’t have done that.” the guy continued to seethe and Y/n continued to profusely apologize even as a few tears formed in her eyes. But as soon as she saw the figure behind this guy she quickly got up and dusted her pants off.

“What the hell is going on here?” Y/n started to panic as she saw Oscar’s face. Anytime he made that face she knew that he was getting ready to do something bad. 

“This bitch is the one who wasn’t paying attention and spilled her drink all over me.” the guy explained not knowing that Oscar was Y/n’s boyfriend. She held her breath as she watched Oscar roughly turn the guy around and lean down so that they were both at eye level. Everyone at the party began to notice and stopped to watch. 

“Don’t you ever call my girl a bitch.” Oscar roughly spoke as his grip on the guy’s shirt tightened up. Y/n took that as a sign to try and break it up before any fight was started. 

“Oscar stop, just leave it alone. No fighting tonight please.” Y/n begged him as she tried to get him to loosen his grip.

“Look man I didn’t know she was your girl” The guy tried to defend himself but he was now scared shitless, especially since more Santo members started to gather around them and boy were they ready to put their hands on someone. 

“Everyone here knows, rule number one, don’t ever touch the queen.” Oscar spat venomously as he shoved the guy to floor and grabbed Y/n by the waist. She watched him signal to the guys to drag him out of the party and let him take her back to the couch where he plopped her right back onto his lap.

“You okay bebe?” he asked gently as he pushed a strand of hair back that had fallen in her face. Although she was worried about the guy that was most likely getting a beating in the front lawn, she was just happy that Oscar didn’t get involved. 

“I’m fine.” she said and leaned in to kiss him which he happily obliged by pulling her closer. 

“I’m proud of you for having self-control.” she whispered in his ear after she pulled away from him. He gave her his signature smirk and leaned into give her a long steamy kiss that made her yearn for more than just lip-on-lip action.

“No one messes with my queen. Nobody”

A/N: I’m back!!! Anyone else watch season 3? I was completely shocked by the ending like what the fuck?!

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4 years ago

Lockdowns and Confessions



Prompt: Can I request a Oscar imagine where the reader is ruby’s older sister and it’s based in the lock down episode. And everyone knows Oscar loves her but he still hangs out with other girls so she’s mad at him and avoids him until he corners her during the lockdown and tell her that he loves her.

Requested by: @kathleensx

Of all days to have a lockdown, it just had to be the day that Oscar had stopped by. Now he was stuck in the house and Y/n was not at all happy with the situation. She didn’t want to see or talk to him, let alone breathe the same air as him. Deciding to not be anywhere around him, she walks back to her room and closes the door. 

Plopping down on her bed she lets out a big sigh as she glances at the picture on her nightstand. It was a picture of her and Oscar. Both of them were too invested to realize that the picture was being taken. Y/n was laughing with a big smile and eyes closed as Oscar just looked at her smiling. Not a smirk, not a grumpy face, but a real smile. 

Safe to say they have a history but every time it would go one step forward, two steps were immediately taken back. She was tired of them getting nowhere, were they together? Or is she simply wasting her time? The night that they argued was on repeat. 


It was the annual block party that the Santos were throwing. Beers scattered all over the lawn, weed and alcohol stanching throughout the air, people dancing, making out or gossiping on the latest rumors. 

Y/n was taking a sip from her cup as she talked to Angelica. Although she and Mario had broken up, Y/n and her were still good friends and didn’t let a silly break up get in the way. 

“Anything happen between you two yet?” Angelica teased as she wiggled her eyebrows in a playful manner which Y/n brushed off. 

“If by what your thinking is sex, then no. Were just taking things at our own pace.” she said as she took another sip from her cup. Angelica laughed it off, but once her eyes flicked to the scene behind Y/n her smile immediately vanished. 

“Hey, lets go play beer pong.” she tried to pull Y/n away before she turned around. 

“Actually, I was going to talk to Oscar real quick.” she said as she started to turn around, but Angelica’s grip on her arm tightened and she pulled Y/n towards her. 

“Oscar can wait, come on one round before someone goes and plays before us.” she begged as she tried to keep y/n’s attention on her. Managing to get out of her grip, Y/n took a step back.

“Angelica seriously, what is going on with you.....oh.” she could see why Angelica was trying to distract her. Just so she would not see the scene that she is now looking at. A girl on Oscar’s lap, with her arms around his neck and their lips locked on each other’s. 

Anger took over her body and without thinking she marched over to the couple, ignoring Angelica’s calls and stops right in front of them. She places her hand that holds the cup over them and dumps the liquid on top of them. 

“Yo, what the fuck?!” Oscar wiped the alcohol from his face and looked up to see a very pissed off Y/n. 

“Instead of fucking leading me on for so long you could’ve just told me the damn truth instead of making out with this hyna. But I guess you were too much of a goddamn coward to do that.” she spat as she held the tears in her eyes.

Y/n gave him one last look before grabbing Angelica and leaving the party. 


“That’s my favorite picture.” Y/n gasped when she turned around to see Oscar standing at the entrance of her door. As to why he was here, she had no idea. 

“Yeah, it was mine too.” she whispered as she placed it back on her nightstand. 

“Was?” she heard the sound of his footsteps get closer to her bed, but she stayed where she was at and still continued to glance at the picture.

“Was.” she heard him scoff and felt a dip in her mattress. 

“Your still pissed off about the night of the party? Well what do you want me to say Y/n? I’m not gonna apologize for something when we aren’t even together.” Y/n felt her teeth clench and just like that night, she let her actions take over. 

Her hand stung on the impact once it connected with his cheek. 

“Are you fucking kidding me.” she screeched as she stood up from her bed and walked so that she was right in front of him. Although Oscar was pissed off at her for hitting him y/n could care less. 

“What you did that night was beyond disrespectful. That night just proved that I don’t mean shit to you and that you don’t care about me. I wasted my life on you and you pull that shit with some slutty ass hyna! Well fuck you Oscar. You’re not a man, you’re a goddamn coward!” her voice was strained but she was happy that the weight was finally off her chest, at least she thought it was until she felt herself being pushed up against the wall by his strong hands.

“Call me a coward again. I dare you.” he whispered harshly in her ear as his arms tightened up on her. 

“You are a coward Oscar, you led me on. You weren’t even man enough to just say whether or not you wanted to be with me. Your an asshole and you have your ego so far up your ass you can’t even apologize.” The tears finally fell and even though she knew Oscar would snap she didn’t care. 

He needed to know what he had done. How he had made her feel stupid for constantly waiting and waiting only for it to end up in nothing. Just as she was going to say something else, the power went off. 


Pushing him off of her she feels around for her candle so she can light it. Once she does she comes face to face with his broad chest. Its quiet between them for a few minutes until one of them spoke up. 

“I’m sorry.” it’s a quiet one. So quiet that she was surprised she even heard it. 

“What?” a groan erupted from his throat and he grabbed her by the hips and turned her around to face him. 

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m a goddamn idiot and used my dick and not my head for thinking straight. I don’t deserve you. I shouldn’t have led you on, but you don’t deserve to with someone like me. You deserve someone better. Not some gangbanger who may never get to leave this life.” he looked her in the eye as he said every word. 

“After all this time, you think I really give a damn about what you do for a living? I don’t give a damn about all of that. Why can’t you see that I only want you Oscar? You and only you.” the tears fell as she confessed what she has been holding back for years.

She could feel his hands cupping her face, wiping the tears from underneath her eyes. She watched as his thumb then proceed to trace her lip as she continued to look at him. 

“I do want you Y/n, I want you so bad. But you shouldn’t want a life with me, constant watch behind your back, risking your life everyday just to be with me. I can’t do that to you. No matter how much I want you and how much I love you, I can’t do that to you.” his voice cracked slightly. 

This was her Oscar.

 The real Oscar that she knew and loved. she knows that he has had a rough life, and for him to confess how he feels is difficult. But she was not gonna let him go. Not when he finally told her how he felt. 

“I am not leaving you.”  Y/n said firmly as she grabbed ahold of his wrists. 

“I love you Oscar, and yeah. life might be a little difficult if I’m with you. But life is and will always be difficult, I’ve waited for you for so long, and I am not letting you leave me. If you truly want me, then you will stay. You won’t give up on me again.” 

She took a step closer so that her face was now closer to his, and without thinking she pressed her lips against his. When he didn’t respond at first she began to pull away, but then he grabbed her and pulled her close so that their bodies were touching. 

The kiss deepened which made the air get thick around them. her hands stayed wrapped around his neck as his were wrapped firmly around her waist. Once she truly needed air, she pulled away. The power finally turned back on and she could hear her brother and the others yelling down the hall. 

“Promise me Oscar, that you won’t pull this shit again.” she whispered as she buried her face in his neck. She felt a squeeze on her waist and a pair of lips on her head. 

“I promise baby. I love you.” 

She finally got her Oscar back, and she’ll be damned if anything comes between them.

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4 years ago

When you’re lonely and single af so you make an edit of your favorite couples only to feel even more depressed after watching it 💀

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