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THE LAST OF US + the collective emotional trauma it causes <3
ya ya ya, The Last of Us Season 2 is gonna be incredible, but have you considered instead doing a 7 season 140 episode family sitcom that peaks around season 5-6 and has a letdown final season but still ends with a widely watched three-part finale about one of the characters’ weddings going wrong but still ending up okay?
TLOU s2 first look (in video form) came out, and HOLY FUCK IT’S INCREDIBLE!! But you guys know me… you know how I am… let’s analyze this sucker.
Spoiler for tlou part 2
Other than the amazing dialogue and acting here, this scene thrills me because now we know we get at least a little more time with Joel. Thanks, Craig❤️
I’ve seen people say it could be therapy, which I love, but it’s also possible it could just be a normal conversation. Either way, I can’t wait!

Onto the next shot!

The “the tattoo looks bad!” People are sweating lol This looks AMAZING!! The scarring makeup is so well done! But ALSO did someone say shallow depth of field?? No?? Okay we’ll screw me I guess. Also, IT’S THE MOTH AGHHHHHH

Beutiful recreated shot. The shallow depth of field is gorgeous, and the lights… it’s just beutiful!

First thing’s first…
It’s possible that the person holding onto Ellie’s shoulder is Maria, since if you turn your brightness up you can kinda see her side-shave hairstyle.

I have two theories for this: 1, this is right after the chemical burn? Or 2, this is after Joel dies? I could be totally wrong, though.

The guy in the background doesn’t look familiar to me, and none of the main cast have beards like that. I think he’s a new character, probably just a small role as a doctor.

This is definitely Jackson. You can see that the gates are the same as Jackson’s from ep 6.

And I’m fairly sure that it’s an infected horde, since none of them seem to have guns or weapons.

(No analysis here. Just hype.)

Definetly Seraphites, probably from the iconic forest scene. Looks great, love the lighting here.

First look at Dina!! Woo!!

Ellie has an assault rifle, and I think she might be on some rafters here, judging by the metal and because she’s definitely above ground level.

Gorgeous landscape shot, probably around the Jackson area.

JEFRREY WRIGHT RAHHHHHHHHH I don’t believe there’s a fight in the kitchen with Isaac in tlou part 2 (correct me if I’m wrong, but I definitely don’t think so?). He could be fighting Ellie here, which would probably be triggering for her (bad memories of guys fighting her in kitchens)

Firstly, KAITLYN LOOKS SO GOOD WOOHOO!!! Secondly, awesome recreated shot.

Not 100% sure, but could this be Tommy and Ellie? The first person looks like Tommy, with the longer dark hair and jacket. And the second person has the same color jacket that Ellie was wearing in the first look, and seems smaller than Tommy, which would also line up.

Awesome shot! I bet this is in the tunnels, especially since the shot after you see an infected slam against the doors.
Anyway, those are all my observations for now! This was the best 20 seconds of my day, and I’m so UNBELIEVABLY hyped!!
Analyzing the new trailer instead of doing schoolwork because it’s more important than my future.

HBO logo on blurry backgrounds… oooooh, it gets me so hyped.

”David? I knew a David once. He was a weird little queer boy.”
“Seems like we’re talking about different David’s, then…”
Catherine O’Hara is a therapist/Jackson resident confirmed! No sneaky editing here!

They love each other so much😭 Can’t wait to see this guitar lesson❤️❤️

Gah, this scene is gonna break me😭❤️ also holy heck this set design!

I think this person is Ellie, since you can see the fur on the hood of the jacket. The person next to her on the lighter horse is most likely Dina, then.

The porch scene😭 also I’m not sure how anyone can think Bella doesn’t look 19 in this, because the weariness of our little Ellie is absolutely heartbreaking💔

“Don’t mind me, just washing the blood off my knife knife”

I believe this scene is during the infected attack, since they’re wearing the same clothes.

Also, this isn’t Tommy’s eye injury, I don’t think. However, because of Maria’s eggplant jacket we can see that it’s her in this scene:

Maria’s favorite is eggplant purple confirmed??

This is the scene from the promo shots that were released. You can tell because of the setting and Ellie’s outfit.

Abby mourning her dad. So psyched to see Kaitlyn Dever, watch Dopesick if you haven’t!

Craig Mazin: Oh, you wanted more infected did you? Huh? *spits* Fuck you! I’m the boss! Here’s your fucking infected!

Pretty sure the gun is Joel’s… hahahaha I’m gonna die hahahaha

Going back to the first horsey picture, this is probably Dina and Ellie, with Dina on the lighter horse.

First close-up look of the Scars!! Wooooooo!!

Well this is terrifyingly AWESOME

I just love Ellie’s little hair curl here

Tortured Seraphite and Jeffrey Wright looking incredibly scary. Love it.

This is the infected attack on Jackson, probably. Same type of walls and the snowy environment.

🎵Scars burning alive, you know how I fee-ee-eel🎵

It’s September, take your damn Santa hat off, dead-boy. Also, this is the train sequence for sure. At least that’s what I got judging from the red lighting and… the fact they’re in a train…

I think this is Joel, judging from the general physique and facial hair. Also BELLA STOP YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME!!

Joel loves his coffee❤️