Rwby Fndm - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

(saw your confession on rwby confess) i think the current problem with critics and fans is that *both* sides that go to war (NOT the critics and fans who are minding their business and only occasionally engage, shoutout to them, i love you all) either made their side their whole personality and/or they're actively trying to one-up/destroy the other. you can't post anything without them NOT reading, rather already crafting a response in their mind to counter your point, even if they didn't even read what your point is. it's a really uncomfortable situation because anything you do will put you in this or either side and you cannot get the whole fan experience. i've honestly been afraid of posting knightshade not because i dislike bees (I'm rather indifferent to them) but because i'm afraid of people thinking i hate bees and that it's cheating art and the whole nine yards (saw it happen to many blacksun, dragonslayer and knightshade art). i made ONE joke and people already painted me as a critic and a hater. ONE.

also, while some critics bring very valid points and give excellent food for thought, the majority that goes into forums and twitter usually repeat the same points that have been analysed to death. like, in reality there's always something new to criticize about rwby, but no, in forums it's always the same stuff. it feels like they're fishing for praise or engagement instead of actually posting their thoughts.

anyways good luck with everything

... *Inhale*


Finally a anonymous ask that isn't someone being a prick but also engaging with me! You have no idea how happy I am.

Outside of that. THANK YOU, you finally put into words how frustrating this community can be. Like I love this fandom but God damn does it make me wanna pull my hair out.

And it sucks even further since neither side are complete pieces of SHIT! It's just some choose to be the fuckin worst or reiterate on points that don't work! Its just utterly frustrating because I just wanna talk about Rwby and how I view this series but instead you gotta pick a fuckin side because this fandom chooses to act like fuckin toddlers!

I'd like to make a thread out of this but I wanna make it natural. But regardless. THANK YOU!

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8 years ago


Rooster Teeth: *Jaune interacts with Weiss*

FNDM: How dare he?! He's basically raping her?! He does not have any right to interact with the oh-so-perfect Weiss.

Me: *Grabs popcorn*

Me: RWBY FNDM is getting ridiculous

Me: This should be fun.

Me: RT should make a short about how the FNDM is reacting.

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6 months ago

I love your rwby positivity posts! Always happy to see new fans enjoying the show!

AWWW THANK YOUUU πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• this show deserves all the praise, and its probably the new thing im gonna be hyperfixated on until something else comes into picture LMFAOOAOA but thank youuuu THE FANDOM SO FAR HAS BEEN REALLY WHOLESOME AND WELCOMING I APPRECIATE IT!!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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2 years ago

I just realized some hypocrisy in the RWBY FNDM

In the wake of this "Cleo" situation, even with it being fake, it helped me realize the hypocrisy and the double standards regarding older characters x younger characters.

Some people: "This ship is pedophilic!" "Older men shouldn't be with younger girls!" "It's gross!"

First off, Blake isn't a younger girl, and neither is any other girl in the show barring Ruby at the moment. They're young women, they're consenting adults, and this is fiction.

Second, there's the hypocrisy and double standards heavy in those statements too.

Kali x younger guys: "Oh my god so hot! Such a milf!"

Qrow x younger women: "Disgusting! He's too old to be with her! This is problematic! There are so many issues with this!"

Like what the fuck? It's not only hypocritical, it honestly sounds really sexist. Older women like Kali or Raven are allowed to have sex with Sun or Ren or Jaune no problem. But as soon as it's Qrow with Blake or Weiss or whoever is a young woman, it's suddenly a problem? Fuck that, seriously.

I get that people might not like shipping Qrow with younger women. I understand it, but to say it has issues where Kali/Summer/Willow/Raven being shipped with younger men is perfectly fine? Yeah, I don't understand that shit at all.

And another fucking thing that infuriates me is the hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to a character's sexuality. Just tell me something isn't wrong with this:

Writing straight characters as bi/gay/lesbian: Perfectly okay! Nothing wrong here!

Writing Ilia/Coco/Gay or Lesbian characters as bi/straight: "OMG, why are you so homophobic!? Stop erasing their identities!"

Is it because of equality? Is that why it's bad? Answer this: Is it really equality when you erase a straight character's identity or sexuality just to pair them with a gay or lesbian character? No, it's not, so it shouldn't be problematic for a person to make a gay or lesbian character straight or at least bi for things they write, especially considering, y'know:

It's fan fiction, not canon

I was called homophobic before when I tried to defend a friend of mine on his decision to keep writing Coco as straight or bi, despite what's in the book (and I've yet to see any clear evidence from the book that says Coco is lesbian. Bi at most with the only thing I've seen people refer to). They started spouting shit about Coco being the first canon lesbian and being more important than Saphron, Terra, and Ilia just because she was the main character in a spinoff book. They said Coco was the first canon "lesbian", while Ilia, Saphron, and Terra were revealed as lesbian first and they called me homophobic for correcting them.

They called me homophobic, yet my favorite ships are Ladybug and Freezerburn, and a lot of my OC ships are lesbian ships. Idiotic. If you want respect, you god damned earn it, and that person didn't deserve any respect, and I dropped it after they stupidly called me homophobic

The FNDM is full of hypocrisy and double standards. Hell, any fandom is, no matter what the show is. Now I'm gonna request something that I doubt anyone will listen to, but I'm gonna politely request it anyway.

1. Please don't say Qrow x Blake/Weiss/Winter or any younger woman has issues and is problematic because of age if you ship Kali/Willow/Raven/Glynda/any older woman x Jaune, Ren, Oscar, or any younger men/women

2. Please don't say its problematic or erasing someone's identity or sexuality if a fanfiction writer/artist makes a gay/lesbian character straight to be with a straight character and writes/draws it if you make a straight character bi/gay/lesbian to ship them with a gay/lesbian character.

Just simple requests but I'm tired of seeing these double standards and the hypocrisy regarding these subjects. Call me homophobic all you want regarding the second thing, but just know that you'll make yourself look stupid while doing it. I can imagine that this is probably gonna get me a lot of hate, but oh well. It would be nice if people would be civil if they don't agree with me here.

Have a nice day.

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