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Top 10 Favorite Fire Emblem Mothers in my opinion

10. Elena - Path of Radiance

9. Mikoto - Fates

8. Liprica - Shadows of Valentia

7. Sitri - Three Houses

6. Eleanora - Blazing Blade

5. Deirdre - Genealogy of the Holy War

4. Ismaire - Sacred Stones

3. Olivia - Awakening

2. Eyvel - Thracia 776

1. Naga - Archanaea Saga, Awakening
Top 20 characters that should be in Fire Emblem Heroes. In no particular order. Part 1.
FYI: this list will only include characters from FE1 to Sacred Stones. Part 2 will include characters from Path of Radiance to Three Houses.

10. Melady ( Binding Blade )

9. Luthier ( Fire Emblem Gaiden )

8. Mycen ( Fire Emblem Gaiden )

7. Dart ( Blazing Blade )

6. Guinivere ( Binding Blade )

5. Knoll ( Sacred Stones )

4. Midir ( Genealogy of the Holy War )

3. Guy ( Blazing Blade )

2. Oswin ( Blazing Blade )

1. Vanessa ( Sacred Stones )
Top 10 Fire Emblem Fathers: INPO

10. Garcia - Sacred Stones

9. Eliwood - Binding Blade

8. Finn - Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776

7. Greil - Path of Radiance

6. Chrom - Awakening

5. Lambert - Three Houses

4. Henry - Awakening

3. Laslow - Fates

2. Hector - Binding Blade

1. Kaze - Fates