Sal X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Me waiting patiently for sally face requests:

Sal, my man, lowkey 🤭
Hi :) ! I hope you're doing well <3 . I was wondering if you could do some Larry Johnson x chubby!fem!reader hdcns, along with some Sal Fisher ones too ? 🖤 Ily !!
Yesss there is not enough chubby reader on here, and as a chubbier girl myself, I couldn't wait to write this!! And Ilyt 🖤🖤 I hope you enjoy these Lil HCs
Larry and sal x Chubby!Fem!reader HCs

Separately of course
{Fluff} Warnings: some swearing,mentions of creeps but that's it.
Ok, to start, Larry with a Chubby Reader is a match made in heaven
He doesn't care you got a Lil meat on your bones his literal catchphrase is
"Well, there's just more of you to love."
He lives by it.
You will never see him be one of those guys that tells you not to eat something cause 'you gotta lose a few pounds'
Naw he don't give a fuck. It's your body he loves you no matter what.
Also, I've touched on it in the past, but I think Larry is a touchy guy.
Like not even in an inherently sexual way, it's literally just how he shows love
With you, it's all hugs,kisses,cuddles,grabs, and squeezes.
He loves how soft your skin feels even in the spots with bumps or stretchmarks he still loves it.
He would lowkey like to trace your stretchmarks. Or maybe paint them. I could see him turning your stretchmarks into like a cool as lightning piece.
Also, he would love just laying on you. He gets hella comfortable just laying on your thighs.
And if he gets the chance to fall asleep on them. That's it he's out like a light for hours.
But if you move, he will wake up and be like
"Where the fuck are you going?"
He's also your number 1 defender/Protector
cause ain't nobody gonna talk to his girl in a way he don't like.
Someone makes fun of your weight.
Well, now they are insecure about their own.
He's all about treating others how they treat you.
He has and will make a bully insecure the same way they made you insecure, but while he does it, he's talking you up the whole time
Cause you're perfect.
Now, if someone is hitting on you, he's lowkey proud like
"Yeah, my girls, great, and nobody else can have her"
But if they are making you uncomfortable or just downright fetishizing you ( i hate when this happens and if it happens to you to im so sorry)) he's getting you tf outta there, and who knows. He gets feisty he might try to square up with them 😭
He's just really awesome.
He takes care of you and loves you so much
To him, weight doesn't mean shit. He loves you for you. Your personality is what matters to him. And he will always be there for you.
Even if you're feeling insecure, he's pulling you outta that state of mind.
But let's be honest with him, it's almost impossible he never gives you the chance to feel bad about yourself.
He reasures you before you even realize you need it.
Overall, he's just a great boyfriend no matter what size you are
Alright, sal is just the sweetest damn thing on earth
You think he gives a FUCK your a Lil Chubby?
I mean, when he was younger, even he was a little Chubby.
Plus, the guy got his face blown off. He's not the type to judge
He's just happy that he has someone that he loves and that loves him for who he is.
That's what means the most to him
And he does his best to show it.
He's not as touchy as Larry, but he still is big on it, especially farther into your relationship
The more he trusts you, the more it becomes
He lives for your hugs. He finds it really comforting. You're like a little pillow
Like if he wakes up in the night from night terrors or a vision. He will just grab you and pull you into a cuddle
The next morning, you wake up, and you have to poke him to make sure he's just sleeping and not dead
You just have that calming effect on him. idk
He is just always holding you
Your hand,your waist, an arm over your shoulders (if he can reach)
He also does not care about what you eat.
He's just like girl do whatever you want.
If you do wanna lose weight ok just do it responsibly.
Don't hurt yourself in any way.
Honestly, this could go for both him and Larry.
Getting onto the topic of protection
sal is a sassy dude.
especially as an adult. Dude, hit 19 and said fuck it I'm done.
Someone insults you for your weight ok well sal is talking shit on their whole bloodline.
he has a roster of insults he's come up with over the years
And he can be mean as fuck 😭
And the thing is, he doesn't even swear a lot while doing it. He is pulling up with words that even you're just like, "What?"
So just cause they said something to you, he's not only making fun of them but also there intelligence without even trying
Who needs to swing when you have sals attitude.
Now, if someone normally hits on you, he doesn't really care he might wait for them to leave, then chuckle about it with you
But if they are full on like touching you or fetishizing you, he don't let it slide.
He lowkey finds it fun to fuck with creeps.
Like, don't get me wrong, he hates what people do it to you in public, but he just loves the chance to talk his shit
just watching him make fun of them. cheers you up. just cause let's face it
he's 5'8 as an adult, and he's kinda lanky, so watching him make fun of someone bigger than him is hilarious
He has made a dude cry.
It was hilarious. You lowkey forgot the dude had full-on grabbed your ass
But yeah, other than that, Sal just doesn't give a fuck your chubby your a human being and he loves you.
And he always will.
You're also never insecure with him. He lets you know how beautiful and lovely you are and how much he appreciates you.
And you do the same for him
You guys are just the best together 🖤
Hi hi again ! I just wanna say I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the chubby reader x Larry n' Sal hdcns you wrote !! It's very nice and comforting, and really made my night - I can't stop re-reading them :') . THANK YOUUU 👹🖤‼️
Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something similar to the chubby reader hdcns, but with an ADHD!reader ? Just some Larry n' Sal with an adhd having gf hdcns ! Pls & ty, ilyyy <3
(also, if you're not comfortable with writing these, or don't know abt the symptoms of adhd [with depression & anxiety symptoms, bc it's a big struggle for me personally lol], no pressure abt writing these hdcns !! Remember to eat and stay hydrated <333 !!!)

Heyyy I actually loved writing this as I've struggled for years with depression as well and me and my family have been unsure if it's Adhd or autism since I was a kid lmao So here is
Larry,sal x Adhd!Girlfriend!Reader (separate)

Sal is really good with you
He's a really calming person to be around, so if you're really struggling that day, he's got you
If you're too hyperfocused and forget to take care of yourself, he will find a way to pull you away without bothering you. Even if it's just for a bit so you can eat or something
But if you have trouble focusing? Well, sals next to you and talking you through whatever you're trying to to.
He will even help you.
One day, you started frantically cleaning your room. Pulling stuff from the drawers pulling the stuff out from under your bed. Unloading your desk.
But then once you saw the amount of stuff, you kinda froze up. not sure where to even start.
You were honestly so overwhelmed you almost had a breakdown, but then sal walked into your guys' room, looking confused as shit asking you what's going on.
He waited patiently as you explained, and then he sat on the ground with you and started helping you organize everything,talking you through the process the entire time to keep you from getting more overwhelmed.
He's a damn angel
And once you guys got done and the room was back in order, you guys put on a movie and just passed out
If it's a day where you can't seem to sit still. He won't try to stop you.
Naw, he's saying ok come on, let's go to the apartments and run around checking on the ghost.
He doesn't try to hold you in place or stop you he tries to encourage you to do what you need to in a healthy way.
Also, if losing or misplacing things is a struggle for you, that's fine, don't worry.
Cause either he knows where it is or he's looking for it with you. And sometimes, when he sees something in an odd place, he will just grab it and put it where it should be.
And then when you need it, you don't have to go on a scavenger hunt.
On days where you can't seem to drag yourself outta bed or you're just not doing good with racing thoughts
He's with you. If you both have class that day, he will coax you out of bed,
and while you guys are driving there you guys will talk about it, and if you can't put it into words, he will just tell you stuff to get your mind off it
If you don't have class, he will lay with you, and you guys will just put on a show and chat, which makes you feel a bit better
He's like your other half at this point, and it's nice to have some calm when things get crazy
Overall, you both have a pretty good system, and if he's having issues, you help him out too, so it's a pretty win-win you
guys are great together
Well, now Larry, I think, has a bit of it to but a little different. He's more on the hyper focus end.
He will get to painting or playing a game, and he's not moving from that spot until it's done, and if you are also hyper focused at the same time it can start off good but then can get a bit unhealthy
It's whoever comes out of it first that will snap the other out of it
But if you're having trouble focusing, he will do his best to help, but let's be honest, you both will probably end up distracted
One day, you were trying to work on a project for one of your classes and you were stuck because you had so much to do and didn't know where to start.
So you tried to put on some music. We'll that didn't work too well because now you're sitting there watching MTV music videos.
By the time Larry got back, you were spaced out at the screen with your project forgotten sitting next to you.
He asked you what it was, and when you told him, he asked if it was done and you ended up explaining that you got stuck.
Well, he sits down with you and takes a look at it and also kinda blanks. Then you guys started talking, and the conversation ventured off, and yall ended up rushing it the night before.
At least he tried lmao.
Now, if it's a hyper day for you guys and you're running around trying to do a bunch of stuff, he will probably roll a joint and give it to you like.
Smoke this.
After you do, it can have one of two reactions
1 you actually slow down and are able to chill for a bit, or 2 it just makes you wanna go on an adventure.
If it's the second you guys end up in a gas station getting snacks and then heading over to sals to bother him and his girl it's cool they don't mind lol.
Now, when it comes to misplaced objects it really fucks with larry. Like I said in my general Larry HCs, he's messy but in an organized way.
So if he's digging around trying to find a certain paintbrush and he ends up finding it in the living room instead of in his art area he it really fucks with him.
But he's not mad he's just more confused and like what the fuck I didn't put that there.
And if he asks you and you don't remember, then you guys jokingly blame the ghosts. You both know it probably wasn't them but it's a Lil inside joke.
Now, for days, you can't get up, he stays with you. He's either in the same boat or he just feels bad and understands. Sometimes, he will lay with you, and you both might smoke and talk to each other. Or he will put on a show or music and paint while you do you.
It's just nice to know he's there and that he cares.
Overall, you guys got a lot going on, but you guys manage it as well as you can and what's important is that you do it together 🖤
hey! I stumbled upon your work, and instantly loved it. would it be ok if you could do a Sal fisher x flutter shy! like reader? Im sorry if this doesn’t make sense, but reader who has the same personality as flutter shy and is also good with animals?
Awww, love fluttershy this is a bit short and sweet and lightly proofread i apologize!!
Sal x fluttershy like reader HC

You guys most likely met in school.
Sal almost instantly wanted to try and be your friend because you seemed so sweet.
But you were really, really shy.
So when he first tried to talk to you and you kinda seemed scared or uncomfortable, he automatically figured it was cause of his appearance.
He was kinda sad about it, honestly, but at this point, he was used to it.
But then he found out you were really close with Ash, and he decided to ask her about you.
After sal told her what happened, she burst out laughing. He stood their for like 3 minutes, waiting for her to calm down as she leaned against the locker catcher, her breath with a big ass smile.
"Oh god dude no no no. It's not that she's scared of what you look like she's just scared to talk to people in general. She actually thinks you're pretty dope she just struggles to talk to people. But don't worry, I'll help you." Ash says, patting his back as she continues to chuckle.
It reassures him a little. Ash said she would introduce you guys, which was nice but also a little scary. He did not wanna freak you out.
But once ash does Introduce you guys shit lights up.
You all are besties.
The first time you came to his apartment and saw Gizmo, you almost ran to that cat. Picking him up and talking to him. To sal it was almost like Gizmo understood you.
A lot of the time you guys hang is sal playing games or playing guitar while you play with Gizmo.
It's the only time that cat gets any exercise cause whenever sal tries to wave the shoestring in his face, Gizmo looks at him stupid.
After some time of hanging with Sal, you start to come out of your shell more. Opening up a bit and starting to chat more with others without being as easily spooked off.
And he also learned that you liked to sing. Alot.
He will catch you sometimes. But he knows if he mentions it, you'll stop, and you have such a nice voice, so no way he'll do that.
One day you mentioned how much you wanted to be a singer but didn't have the balls and he convinced you
To sing while he plays guitar. It's a nice little bonding moment.
Ash has a picture of you that she just loves so much of you holding gizmo while singing with Sal in the background just looking up at you.
She gave you both copys.copy's.
It was really embarrassing for you. Sal, on the other hand, put that shit in his locker, and it's his favorite picture
Now you are full of surprises. One thing sal didn't expect was for you to have so much build-up rage.
Now, it was the day Travis punched sal, and you weren't having that shit. As soon as Travis's fist collided with sals prosthetic, your backhand made contact with his bare face.
Nobody was expecting you to bitchslap him. After you stuck your finger in his face, almost yelling at him as you back him up against a wall before you actually manage to scream at him.
Jesus Christ.
Once Travis was gone, you went up to sal and Ash back to your normal self.
You never spoke of it again. And they were kind of too scared to ask.
With Sal, you are more open, and the group loves you to death.your love of animals is deeply loved by sal and your hidden anger. (While being a surprise) He kind of found cute cause he never thought you could be capable of it.
If yall do end up dating, expect to end up running around in the woods looking for demons and or raccoons.
We won't get into how you befriended the ghosts or how the red eyed demon won't attack you. ( it's like a little discord fluttershy situation like how they became friends)
Sal gets freaked out when it appears in front of you the first time, and you waved to it while he was trying to figure out how to escape.
After that you had some explaining to do lol.
But back on track, you guys dating is the fluffiest,cutest, toothrotting, lovely, type of relationship you will ever see.
morning cuddles. 🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆🎸 FLUFF

You just woke up, it’s a Friday, it’s 9AM. Your hugging sal, he’s got his arms around your torso, his face between your breasts. A true little spoon, he pulls you in closer, snuggling up to you more. The light is shining on you two between the blinds and curtains. Larry, ash, and Todd are on the floor, sleeping. You had a sleepover and since you were at your house you took the bed. You played with sal’s hair and ran your fingers though it. You felt him smile against you as you did so. You kissed the top of his head. He was so cute.