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This may be a bit TMI but as some who has experience sexual assault and was groomed by a pedophile at a young age, Elliot's mannerisms screamed that he had been sexually abused at a young age. His detachment from his body, emotions, bonds with other people, and particularly his aversion to physical touch/intimacy are cornerstones. His social anxiety is linked with this. After you have those experiences, the feeling of being violated and needing to protect oneself, physically and mentally, are core parts of yourself. Elliot is very hyper aware of his surroundings and is constantly on guard. He has trouble with holding healthy relationships because at an early age, he had the exact opposite of that as a child.
Your whole relationship with yourself and others people, is deeply damaged from sexual trauma. It's very hard to sort out emotions when you're still in the midst of the after effects of your trauma. Which you can be very blind too because the trauma effects one thing to the next- it slowly unravels over time.
Additionally: People who use drugs, do it for a reason. Poor Elliot is clearly trying to escape them through his morphine use. To find momentary relief. Most drug users have an emotional issues that they're trying to handle, and find themselves ill equipped. They emotionally cope by using drugs. It was quite nice to see a realistic depiction of what drug use is like, uses for, and the personal highs and lows of it.
Personally, I saw that scene coming for a long time... It was very unsettling.
Can we talk about 4x07 and 4x08 please