Sam Holland - Tumblr Posts
how about the holland brothers being very protective of the reader (she’s their sister) even though she’s 18, but they don’t like her boyfriend or something
a/n: i’m sorry if you requested this a while ago. i hope this is good. this is my first time writing tom holland sister fics…
warnings: angst, fluff, couple of curse words
Y/N started dating a boy named Brad, he was known for his looks and ways with girls. She had developed a huge crush on him and he took the opportunity to gain more popularity, being that she was related to Tom Holland.
“Y/N! He’s using you. Can’t you see? It’s so obvious!” Sam groans.
“Don’t be so mean to her, Sam. She really likes him,” Harry glares at Sam. “Look Y/N/N, we are just trying to protect you. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but he is using you for the fame,” Harry says gently.
“Why can’t you guys be happy for me! He likes me and I like him! Not everything is about Tom and how he’s “oh, so famous.” Brad cares for me, goddamnit!” She shouted, frustrated.
“Y/N,” Tom’s voice appeared, “as bad as it sounds, they’re right. It’s Brad’s reputation that he cares about. I’m sorry.”
“No! I’m- He couldn’t! He said he cared! That he loved me!” Y/N’s tears roll down her face.
They sat together on the couch comforting her for the rest of the day, convincing her to break up with Brad. When she did, she realized her brothers had been telling her the truth and she had felt terrible for yelling at them. They, of course, forgave her and she was glad she had brothers as great as them.
i was wondering if you can do a tom x reader where they are dating but no one knows yet until Harrison, the twins, Tuwaine all have their suspicions so they planned to flirt and throw compliments at her during dinner time together to get a reaction out of Tom and he gets super jealous and upset during the whole thing until he finally snaps?
their suspicions
a/n: i finally posted after such a long time omg... sorry for going on a short hiatus, just been stressed recently,,, anyways, i’m trying to work on the requests before i start anything new... also! i want to create/start an actual permanent taglist so if you want to be added to it, comment on this post or send to my inbox or use this: google forms for you to input for users! enjoy jealous!tom xx
pairing: best friend!tom x reader
warnings: jealous tom, fluff, flirtatious harrison
You and Tom began dating in November of 2019. Before that, the two of you were close friends, stuck at each other’s sides all day and night.
Tom wanted to keep the relationship a secret from everyone, including his best friends and family.
At the beginning, no one noticed the change. Your closeness from before hadn’t changed as much, at least when you were around others. When the two of you were alone, you would have intimate moments together, giving each other chaste to passionate kisses and holding each other close. Cuddling was an exception, seeing as you already cuddled before you became a couple.
It wasn’t until quarantine that people began to notice a difference between you and Tom.
“Where’s Tom? He was supposed to help us make dinner,” Harrison asked, standing shirtless in the backyard while taking off his boxing gloves.
“He isn’t much help, though. Besides, we’ve got Sam,” Harry shrugged.
Sam laughed and patted Harry’s shoulder, “Thanks, mate.”
“Have you guys seen Y/N?” Tuwaine stepped outside of the house, looking around the backyard.
“No, what’s up?” Harry’s brows furrowed.
“She promised she would help me choose a movie for tonight,” Tuwaine frowned.
“Isn’t it strange that they’re both missing? This isn’t the first time, too,” Harrison said suspiciously, crossing his arms.
“Maybe they’re just hanging out. They are friends, you know,” Sam said while scrubbing the grill.
“I don’t know. They’re getting a little too friendly,” Harrison squinted at Tom’s window.
Tuwaine, Harry, and Harrison had newly risen suspicions while Sam stayed mutual. Sam didn’t want to invade either of your privacies. Although he always sensed a connection between the two of you, he never pushed your relationship any further than friends. If the two of you wanted to date, then you’d make the decision on your own.
You were cuddled in Tom’s arms, still hazy with sleep. You must’ve fallen asleep while watching a movie with him.
“Darling, you gotta get up,” his hoarse voice whispered from behind you.
“Mm, no. I don’t wanna,” you whined, eyes remaining shut.
“But you gotta. The boys’ll notice if we’re missing for too long,” he placed soft kisses to the side of your neck.
You tilted your head to give him easier access to your skin, “Let them, I don’t care anymore.”
“Darling,” he pulled away from you. He slid out from under the covers and off the bed. He walked over to the other side of the bed where you laid and sat beside your limp body. “Get up or I’ll tickle you,” he threatened. You laid under the duvet, ignoring the man hovering you. He threw the duvet off of your body and slid his hands into your shirt. His fingers began attacking your sides.
Laughs broke out of your pink lips, “St-Stop it, Tommy.”
“Then get up, princess,” he continued his assault.
“F-Fine, ju-just,” you gasped for air, “stop,” you squealed loudly.
“Alright, love,” he pulled his hands out of your shirt, smiling at your squirming figure.
“You’re mean,” you frowned at him, flipping over to get more rest.
“Y/N! You have to get up or I will carry you downstairs,” Tom said sternly.
You hummed, cuddling with yourself.
You felt his hands firmly grasp your waist, and a moment later, you were over his shoulder. You squealed and slapped his back, demanding him to put you down.
“Nope, I told you I would carry you down if you didn’t cooperate,” he lightly smacked your ass.
“Thomas Stanley Holland! Put me down this instant,” you said strictly.
He ignored you and carried you all the way down the stairs. Finally, he placed you on your feet and pushed you towards the backdoor. You glared daggers at him, flipping him off before stepping out of the house. He chuckled behind you.
“Y/N! I was looking for you! You promised you would choose out a movie with me to watch,” Tuwaine exclaimed as soon as he saw you. “What happened to your hair?”
You heard snickering from behind you and saw Tom, Harrison, and Harry smirking at each other.
If only looks could kill, you thought.
“I’ll be right back. Tom wouldn’t let me sleep and carried me here, thus the mess on my head,” you said, not truly knowing how bad you looked.
You walked back into the house, still able to hear Tom’s terribly hidden chuckles.
As soon as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you freaked out. You hair was practically a nest on your head. All your clothes were wrinkled, and your mascara was smeared over your eyelids and eye bags.
You decided that taking a shower was most efficient way to fix your predicament.
“So, Tom, what were you and Y/N doing earlier?” Harrison smugly.
“Oh, we were watching a movie,” Tom shrugged nervously.
“Just a movie?” Harry’s voice arose.
“Well, we did fall asleep...”
Harry and Haz winked at each other and whispered, “Sleeping.”
They heard the door slide open and close, following the quiet steps from your flats.
“Damn, Y/N/N, what’re you dressing up for?” Tuwaine chuckled.
“Dress up? This is my casual outfit,” you smiled at your friend.
“Casual for a date night,” he added, then gasped, “Are you going on a date tonight?”
All of the boys, including Tom, looked at you.
“What? No,” you laughed, flustered, “I’m staying with you guys tonight. Bros over hoes, am I right?”
‘So that means you’re single, right?” Harrison spoke up.
Tom’s gaze snapped over to face his best mate.
“Y-Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You laughed nervously.
“Have I ever told you how gorgeous you look, whether you look like a mess or not,” the blonde moved closer to you.
“Thanks, Hazza,” you blushed, replying awkwardly.
Harry and Tuwaine eyed Harrison confusingly. Harrison winked at them, and they smirked at each other in realization.
“Yeah, Y/N/N, you look absolutely breathtaking tonight, though you look breathtaking all the time,” Tuwaine intervened.
“Maybe I should take you out tonight,” Harry grinned at you, “After all, you are single, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah, I am.”
Tom ears were tinted with a bright red.
“Leave the girl alone, guys,” Sam finally said, attention still on the food on the grill.
“Buzzkill,” Harrison sang.
Harry and Tuwaine laughed.
“You can sit by me tonight, if you want that is,” Harrison whispered in your ear as he walked by.
You felt extremely hot and embarrassed. Your cheeks were surely as red as Tom’s ears.
Sam had finished making the meal, so you had to choose a seat.
“Y/N, come sit here,” Harry patted the seat beside you.
“No, Y/N/N, come sit with me,” Tuwaine smiled warmly.
“Ignore those divs. The space on my lap is lonely, you should come give it some love,” Harrison smirked.
The comment made your pink once more, and you hid behind Tom. Tom was shaking with fury and jealousy.
“She’ll be sitting beside me,” Tom said sharply.
You shyly sat beside your boyfriend, gaze glued to the floor.
“So, Y/N, I’ve been thinking,” Harrison began, “We’ve known each other for a while now, and I’ve always felt this connection between us. I was wondering if you wanted more in our relationship.”
Sam audibly sighed but continued to eat his meal.
Your eyes widened. You only ever saw Harrison as a brother, just like Harry, Sam, and Tuwaine.
“I- um...” you began, only to be cut off by the brunette beside you.
“No, she doesn’t,” Tom growled.
You felt his hand grip your thigh, and his lips attached to yours. He passionately kissed you, biting your bottom lip for entrance. You gently pushed him away, embarrassed at his display of affection.
“Ha! What did we tell you Sam! They are dating after all,” Harry cheered happily.
“What?” Tom asked cluelessly.
“They thought that you guys were acting suspicious, so they came up with this “plan.” I told them otherwise because, unlike them, I respect your privacy,” Sam glared at the other boys.
“We’re his best mates though, why wouldn’t he tell us?” Harry whined to his twin.
“Ask him,” Sam shrugged.
“We wanted to keep it a secret from everyone to avoid drama. You know how the press gets,” Tom sighed.
“Besides, we liked the secrecy and privacy we had, but it feels relieving now that you guys know,” you spoke after a while, finally calmed down from the situation.
“Sorry for the flirting, just trying to get results,” Haz chuckled.
Tom glared at his best mate.
“Once you divs get a girlfriend, you’ll understand why they did what they did,” Sam said slyly.
Harry, Haz, and Tuwaine yelped at the smirking twin with anger.

But I’m happy for him, period.

Don't look at me that way🙈