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Supernatural Masterlist

Supernatural Masterlist

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Supernatural Masterlist

- Magic Always Comes With a Price

- Heart to Heart

- Time for a Wedding

- You Might Be Pregnant

- Find Me

Supernatural Masterlist

- Keep Me Closer

- We Could Stay

Supernatural Masterlist

- I Wish That I Was Good Enough

Supernatural Masterlist

- I Really Like Napping With You

- The One I Love, The One I Hate

- Last Chance for Romance

- The Truth

- I'll Stay

Supernatural Masterlist

- I Know My Value, Anyone Else's Opinion Doesn't Really Matter

- Missing You

- Run Through Walls

Supernatural Masterlist

- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Supernatural Masterlist

- Airport Blues

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Find Me

Find Me

Click here for my masterlist.

Prompt - “I'm a guy who has faked love his entire life, I'm a guy who thought love was just something idiots felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to.”

Note - I haven't wrote for spn since 2019 but here we are rewatching it for the first time since it ended, also yes, we're ignoring any and all geographical issues.

The just over six hour journey from Ohio to Tennessee was long and repetitive and you were glad to finally throw yourself down on the uncomfortable mattress, uncaring about the springs poking into your back as you let your eyes fall shut.

You hadn’t had a break since before the last case, a case in Ohio involving skinwalkers which was always stomach churning when you were forced to watch them shift but you’d all dealt with it, a silver bullet to the heart was all it took before Dean’s phone rang. The person on the other end tipped him off about something going down in a town north of Tennessee, not sure exactly what creature was taking young women but it was definitely your type of job.

Whilst Dean drove you and Sam looked into the case. The man on the phone was right, whatever this creature was the victimology was always the same, young women who all seemed to live normal lives. There was nothing suspicious about any of them, nothing out of the ordinary, so why was this creature taking them?

No bodies had ever been recovered either, Sam told you both and you turned your search to the missing persons database. A pattern emerged pretty quickly, for at least three decades young women had been going missing, snatched in broad daylight without a single trace and they were never seen again.

Despite the case though you couldn’t help but smile as you remembered Dean’s hand in yours, him giving you an encouraging squeeze, once then twice, as you read the growing list of disappearing women.

Travelling with the Winchester’s was hard work sometimes and you didn’t mean because of the cases. You were actually pretty well adjusted to the whole supernatural lifestyle, like Sam and Dean you had been raised into this world so anything else seemed different, this was your normal.

You’d first met the Winchester brothers out on a case in California, a tough case involving Daeva. You all worked well together and then went on your separate ways, nothing but their phone numbers came out of that hunt. It was tempting to use one of the phone numbers for something that had nothing to do with needing help on a case but you didn’t give in, Dean Winchester was charmingly smooth and there was definitely an attraction on your behalf but you knew nothing like that worked in your line of work, so you pushed all thoughts of Winchester’s out of your head.

Until five months later when you found them pretty beaten up. You’d been surprised to see them again and hated that one smile from Dean had you blushing like an idiot with their first crush. This case took longer than the previous one, a vengeful ghost who wouldn’t stop after a salt and burn had the three of you stumped as you tried to find out what it had latched on to. It was a good few days before you found a locket and prayed that it was what you needed. Thankfully it was and the three of you made your way back to the motel with a few new bruises.

Sam had smiled at you and told you it was good to see you again before disappearing into the motel room, shutting the door softly behind him leaving you and Dean alone next to the Impala. You remembered Dean’s smile from that day, charming and sweet as he told you how good you’d done, asking if he could maybe take you out for a late dinner. You had smiled back, ready to say yes, ready to push all thoughts of what a bad idea this was out of your head before you were cut off by the ringing of his phone. Dean had given you an apologetic smile before answering it, eyes widening as he listened to the person on the other end of the phone.

You didn’t see him for seven months after that. This time it was you who needed a helping hand and Dean choosing the right moment to appear, just as you started to let yourself give into the fantasy the djinn was feeding you. You blinked into consciousness to see Dean drop a blood stained knife before he stepped over to you. You could still remember how his hands felt cupping your face, rough but soft as he tilted your head, looking for any visible signs of damage, murmuring quiet words of comfort as he cut you down and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, holding you against his chest until you were in the car.

From there you seemed to bump into each other all the time, California, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona. Eventually you all decided to join forces, you ditching your stolen car and happily riding in the Impala, Dean’s music playing loudly as you got to know him more, laughing at his stories, watching Sam’s cheeks turn red with each one.

It wasn’t shocking to you when the attraction turned into something more. You knew it was bound to happen, being in such close quarters with him everyday but you also knew you could never act on it, firstly because you knew Dean didn’t feel that way about you, how could he? He was Dean Winchester. He didn't do relationships, he did one night stands with any girl he could find. It had taken some time to get used to that, to pushing the ugly feelings down but you were pretty good at it at this point.

“So, we don’t have much to go off,” Sam said, causing you to suppress a groan as you pulled yourself up, rolling your eyes at Dean’s grin as he flopped down on the bed next to you. “Missing girls, no bodies, no witnesses, no crime scene.”

“Is there anything we do know?” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow at Sam who was already setting up at the small table, laptop open and ready to do research.

“I know that I’m starving,” You said, standing up and grabbing Dean’s wallet from where he’d thrown it down. “I’ll get us some food.”

“Better bring me back a burger.” Dean warned you with a glare that was undermined by the smile pulling at his lips. You smiled innocently back at him before heading out of the motel room.

You hadn’t been walking long when suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your stomach that made you freeze, momentarily paralyzed as your body registered the feeling, before you doubled over in agony. You opened your mouth to scream, to yell for help, you didn’t know but all that came out was a gasped breath as your throat tightened. You tried to push through the pain to pull your phone out of your jacket but were stopped at the pain in your head, so sharp that it blinded you, sending you into a world of darkness.

“Shouldn’t she be back by now?” Dean asked as he glanced at the clock, the sound of its constant ticking being one of the few sounds other than the rustling of pages and Sam’s fingers against the keyboard for the past fifty minutes.

“Relax,” Sam said absentmindedly as he skimmed through another article before shaking his head because it didn’t seem right, “she didn’t take the car and the restaurant was probably further away than she thought.”

Dean nodded, his leg bouncing up and down as he looked back at the clock before looking at the door like he could will you to walk through it. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach but he tried to shake it away knowing it was probably nothing. He’d always been protective over you, at first he couldn’t explain why, he knew you were more than capable of handling yourself, hell he’d seen you handle yourself more times than he could count. Yet for some reason he was always worried about you going up against whatever being it was that day, even more so when you offered yourself up as bait.

It had taken months for him to realise he liked you, with a little help from Sam who was tired of watching the two of you from the sidelines dancing around each other. Still the revelation had done nothing to change anything, Dean had refused to act upon his feelings, shaking his head at Sam, insisting it would pass. You were too good for him, no way in hell could someone like you like somebody like him.

Dean forced himself to turn down to the pages set out in front of him, skimming through them as he tried to link anything to this case but kept coming up short. He glanced at the clock after twenty more minutes had passed, meaning you’d been gone for over an hour now.

“She should be back.” Dean said, his voice uneven causing Sam to look up at him with wide, worried eyes as he too glanced at the clock before turning back to Dean.

“You don’t think-” Sam began but Dean cut him off with a shake of his head, already standing and clutching the car keys.

“Don’t say it.” He warned as he threw the door open and practically ran over to the Impala, engine on and pulling out of the car park before Sam had closed his door.

Dean drove for ten minutes before he found a diner, knowing that you wouldn’t stray further than you had to. The car was still running as he left it, making his way into the diner with a resounding slam of the door causing the people inside to jump.

“You alright there honey?” The woman behind the counter asked him. Dean didn’t answer, he just pulled his phone out and quickly pulled up one of the many pictures he had of you.

“Has she been in here in the last hour?” He asked desperately, eyes wide and pleading with the woman to tell him she’d seen you, for you to be alright, just lost in town but the woman looked at the picture, her eyebrows knitting together before she shook her head.

“Sorry hun, I haven’t seen her around.” She told Dean softly, a sympathetic smile on her face as she took in the pale face and look of distress.

Dean flew out of the diner and back into the car, looking at Sam who shook his head as he pulled the phone away from his ear for the fourth time, each one going straight to voicemail.

“God damnit!” Dean yelled as he punched the steering wheel causing Sam’s eyes to widen sadly.

“We have to go back to the motel.” He said softly, knowing Dean would hate anything that didn’t seem proactive. Outside of taking Sam, taking you was a pretty dangerous thing for anyone, human or not, to do. It was a death sentence, one that Dean would be more than happy to dish out.

“Back to the mote- Sam are you kidding? She’s out there with that, that thing-” Dean began to rant but Sam cut him off, keeping his tone soft as he spoke.

“Exactly, that thing. We have no idea what has her, no idea how to kill it. We need to be smart, we need to trust that she can handle herself until we can get to her.” Sam could tell that his words had gotten through to Dean, he didn’t like them but he pulled the car out of the parking lot and drove in the direction of the motel, neither of the brothers saying a word as they ran through every scenario of what could be happening to you.

As Sam and Dean desperately began to research back at the motel you were just regaining consciousness, scrunching your eyes shut tightly against the pain in your head. When you finally managed to pry them open the sight around you made you gag, multiple bodies in different stages of decomposition, some recent, some old and some skeletons.

You gagged once more, shoving the sick feeling down and forcing yourself to look around. At your best guess you would say you were underground and there was very little in terms of light sources so you found yourself squinting against the darkness, trying to see anything other than the dead bodies around you.

Fear ran through you, you didn’t know how long you’d been gone for but you prayed it was long enough that Sam and Dean realised you were missing. You knew they’d find you, they had to.

Dean’s gonna find me.

“Ok, ok,” Sam said as he pushed the laptop back, twisting it in Dean’s direction. “This could be it.”

Dean wasn’t looking at the screen though, he had the phone to his ear, desperately hoping another hunter had heard of whatever could have snatched you away from him but he was having no luck. At Sam’s words he cut the call off as the man on the other land was mid word and looked at Sam.

“What is it?” He snapped, sick with fear.

“Ok so It’s called a timor veritatis, it’s a creature that is able to abduct women in the daylight, women who it believes hides a secret. It doesn’t matter how big or little it is, so long as nobody else knows it then the timor veritatis deems it fit enough.” Sam explained as he read through the article, eyes widening as he read ahead causing Dean to glare at him expectantly.

“Fit enough for what?” He snapped again, watching as Sam took a shaky breath before looking up at him.

“Fit enough to feed on.” Sam told him quietly, watching as Dean paled and staggered over to the chair, looking at Sam with wide, scared eyes. “It feeds on her lies.”

Dean nodded as he stared down at the table, thoughts of you running through his mind. The image of what the timor veritatis was doing to you was too vivid, he could see them perfectly and hated that he had let this happen. A town where young women were going missing and Dean had just let you walk out of the motel room alone.

“It’s not your fault.” Sam said, easily reading his brother's thoughts.

“Of course it’s my damn fault, I let her leave! She never should have been out there.” Dean protested, his eyes filled with tears but none fell as he stood up and ran his fingers through his hair. “I let her go out there.”

“Dean,” Sam snapped, causing Dean to look at him, “we don’t have time to waste. Blaming yourself isn’t going to help find her, so sit down and start reading. We need to find out everything we can about this thing.”

Sam’s sharp spoken words were enough to make Dean nod and take a breath, eyes still wet as he sat back down and got started on more research, desperate to get you back no matter what he had to do.

He was going to find you.

You had no idea how long you had been wherever you were but there was no sign of the thing that had taken you. There was no sign of anything. The silence around you was deafening, there was no howling of wind, no sounds of water running, there was nothing but the sounds of your own shaky sobs as you lost touch with the world.

The silence was more terrifying than the thought of whatever had taken you coming back, you wanted it to come back just for proof that the world was still turning outside wherever you were.

Right now it felt like time was moving on but you had been left behind, frozen in place and so disconnected from reality. Hours, days could have passed and you couldn’t tell. There was no light coming through, no cracks for the glow of the moon or the sun to shine through.

“Oh no.” Sam murmured causing Dean’s head to shoot up, his stomach already twisting before Sam could say anything else.

“What?” He asked, not wanting an answer but knowing he needed it.

“It says the timor veritatis keeps its victims alive for six hours.” Sam said and Dean let out a soundless gasp as he calculated just how long you’d been gone for.

“Sam, she’s been gone for three hours.” Dean told him shakily.

“I know,” Sam replied, “she’s ok though, I think she’s going to be ok.”

“You don’t know that!” Dean snapped, feeling anger and guilt and fear running through him.

“It says that the timor veritatis typically leave their victims after capturing them, they hold them for six hours and leave them for four hours.” Sam explained, not taking his eyes off the screen.

“So we have an hour to find her before it starts doing whatever the hell it does to feed on her?” There was no keeping the panic and fear out of Dean’s voice, not as he realised that he was about to lose you.

“Caves!” Sam exclaimed, causing Dean to raise an eyebrow at him, “It typically keeps its victims in caves, preferably in the dark and as quiet as possible.”

“And where the hell do we find a cave?” Dean asked but Sam was already loading up another tab and with a few clicks found what he needed.

“Ok, there’s a national park that has the-” Sam faltered for a second, glancing up at Dean who looked at him expectantly, “It has the longest cave in Tennessee.”

“Seriously?” Dean exclaimed, bringing his fist down against the table.

“Dean, we're a forty minute drive away.” Sam said, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible but he couldn’t stop the tremor in his words. Dean’s eyes clouded with fear as he stared at Sam, feeling like his throat was closing up.

“How do we kill it?” He managed to ask and Sam turned back to the laptop, praying for a miracle. Losing you would kill him, he knew that, so he couldn’t imagine what it would do to Dean.

“The literal translation of timor veritatis is fear of the truth.” Sam explained, pausing to read.

“Fear of the truth, so what, we tell it the truth and it dies?” Dean scoffed but secretly prayed it was that easy. God knew Dean had his fair share of secrets.

“Pretty much,” Sam nodded, “it has to be a truth of a secret held close to the heart.”

“Of course it does,” Dean said with an eye roll but stood up and made his way out of the room again, Sam following close behind.

Tears fell down your face as you prayed for something to happen. You’d spent who knows how long trying to get yourself out of your restrains but they wouldn’t shift and all that work had left you with nothing but spre wrists and exhaustion running through you, mixing with the fear, the dread, every bad feeling seemed to pile on top of you until you were suffocating.

This was so much worse than anything you’d gone up against before, usually the creatures wanted to witness you suffer, tied you up and gloated or just tortured you until you got free or one of the brothers saved you. Never had a creature been so, so human like. The psychological torture was worse, it was so much worse, than any amount of pain anything had inflicted upon you before.

Dean, you begged silently, praying he would hear you, please hurry.

“36 miles of cave, where the hell do we start?” Dean muttered as Sam analysed a map, trying his best to strategize exactly where you’d be.

“Ok so this is the closest entrance to where we were so it’s possible that’s the most likely one it took.” Sam said, hoping his confidence was for good reason.

“I don’t get it man, why travel so far out to take these girls, what is it about this town forty minutes away?” Dean asked as he drove as fast as the Impala would go.

“I don’t know, maybe even with the distance it’s the most convenient place.” Sam shrugged as he sat back in his seat, looking over at Dean. “How you holding up?”

“Don’t ask stupid questions.” Dean said softly, not looking away from the road.

“She likes you too, you know?” Sam said, just as softly as Dean had spoken knowing that it was a risky subject to bring up at the best of times but now…

“She shouldn’t.” Dean answered and Sam took the lack of snapping as a sign he was allowed to continue.

“When has Y/N ever done what she should do?” Sam asked and watched as Dean smiled shakily and nodded. “It could work, you could make it work.”

“She deserves better than me.” Dean told him, nothing but honesty in his voice.

“Deserves better than somebody who would do anything to make sure she was safe, better than somebody who spent two weeks straight awake with her when she couldn’t sleep after the djinn? Better than somebody who makes her laugh so hard she forgets about all the bad stuff? Dean I know you think you don’t deserve her but she thinks you’re everything, she looks at you like you’re the best thing to ever walk the Earth. Trust me, I wouldn’t say it, wouldn't encourage it if I didn’t think you had a shot.” Sam told him, quietly but truthfully.

Dean stayed silent for a long while after that, thoughts running through his head faster than he could keep up with but he eventually nodded and tightened his grip on the steering wheel in determination.

“Let’s find her.”

A single sound echoing from far off in the distance had you freezing against your restraints, the only movement was the steady flow of tears that made their way down your face.

You desperately, desperately prayed it was Dean but you knew you weren’t that lucky, knew it was more than likely the thing that had taken you. You struggled to care though, it felt like you’d been down here for a lifetime, no noise, no light…nothing.

Your eyes squinted in the darkness as you tilted your head, trying to hear another noise but nothing came. Not for a long few minutes and then you heard impossibly loud footsteps that seemed to come from every direction and with two possible entrances you weren’t sure which one it would come through.

Please Dean, I need you right now.

“We’ve got less than ten minutes to find her.” Dean said, panic clear in his voice as he and Sam made their way deeper into the cave, not even knowing if they were anywhere near you.

“We’re gonna find her, Dean.” Sam told him, voice steady and determined because no way was he going to let Dean lose you. He never wanted Dean to know how that felt.

“Sam-” Dean began but he was cut off by Sam holding a hand up to shush him, both of them staring ahead as a scream sounded from far away.

Dean had taken off into a run before Sam could even register the noise properly but he was quick to follow behind, both of the brothers speeding through the cave, trying to stay upright on the uneven flooring.

It felt like they were getting nowhere fast, the walls stayed the same, the route stayed the same but finally, finally Dean rounded a corner and froze causing Sam to run straight into his back.

Sam and Dean watched as the creature, a black slender figure with skeleton-like features, fed on your soul. Dean had to swallow down against the sudden bout of sickness that rose in his throat before he stepped forward, gun raised and fired.

He knew it wouldn’t do much to the creature but it was enough for it to pull away from you, enough for it to let out an ear piercing screech before it turned blood red eyes onto Dean and he couldn’t help but relax at that, anything to keep you safe.

“You made the worst mistake of your pathetic life today,” Dean told the timor veritatis almost casually, watching as the creature took a step towards him, head tilted as it assessed him, teeth bared for him to see. “Taking Y/N, bad choice.”

“Dean,” Sam muttered from somewhere behind him but Dean ignored him, taking a step closer to the creature who snarled at him.

“Fear of the truth, that’s your name huh?” Dean questioned, looking the creature in its eyes, “Well then let me tell you some truths, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for that girl.”

“You lie.” The creature hissed out and Dean couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped him as he looked over to you. Despite looking a bit sickly you looked fine.

“No, I don’t,” Dean told it, “I really don’t lie, you want honesty? I wish that I was lying, there are days when I look at her and I want to hate her so badly, there are days when I want to run away but I don’t.”

Dean could see the creature flinch like it was in pain but his attention was on you and the way your eyes widened as you looked over the creature at him, eyes scared but trusting.

“You know why I don’t? You want the honest to God truth. I love her, I love her more than anything.” The words caused the creature to twist and turn, pain wracking through its entire body but it wasn’t enough, it needed more. “That’s right you ugly son of a bitch, I love her.”

As he spoke Dean kept his eyes locked on yours, wide and honest. He watched as you took a deep breath, looking at him in disbelief, like you were seeing him for the first time but as he spoke he watched a shaky smile form on your face and found the courage to carry on.

“I’m not a guy who says that lightly, I’m a guy who has faked love his entire life, I’m a guy who thought love,” Dean said with a soft scoff, “was just something idiots felt but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break even if I wanted to and there have been times when I wanted to.”

By the end of the speech the creature standing between you and Dean was writhing and screaming in pain but neither of you noticed, too busy looking at each other. Dean watched tears pour from your eyes but the wide, almost disbelieving smile on your told him you were ok and he couldn’t help but grin back.

Dean stepped around the remains of the timor veritatis and moved closer to you. He made quick but gentle work of cutting you down from your restraints and you didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a messy, tearful kiss that he couldn’t help but smile into for a second before he kissed back, savouring the feeling of your lips finally against his.

“You alright?” Dean asked once the two of you were forced to pull away for air, Dean not going far as he rested his forehead against yours.

“Knew you’d find me.” You told him breathlessly, both from the kiss and the creature.

“Course I would.” Dean scoffed before grinning down at you causing you to smile brightly back at him before you leaned back in to kiss him again.

This kiss was softer, it was sweeter. Both you and Dean moved slowly in sync with one another. One of Dean’s hands came up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing along your cheekbone and the two of you ended up having to pull away from each other when neither of you could help the smiles that pulled at your lips, a soft huff of laughter escaping you as Dean rested his forehead on yours again.

“I love you too, Dean.” You told him softly, finding it was the easiest thing to say and the look of amazement you got in return for it was worth everything that had happened today.

“I’m sorry it took this for me to tell you.” Dean said, a frown pulling at his lips causing you to roll your eyes and lean up to brush your lips together quickly.

“Come on, neither of us was going to say it first, I’m not surprised it took…” Here you trailed off and turned your head slightly to look at the remains of the creature. “Whatever the hell that thing was for us to finally say it.”

“Me too,” Dean laughed because he shouldn’t have been shocked at the turn of events, he should have known that your life in danger would be enough for him to confess. “Come on, let’s get you outta here.”

“Please.” You huffed out, looking around the room and grimacing, glad that Dean had found you before the silence became too much, before the creature had gotten any further than it had with you.

Dean let his hand reach out to gently take yours in his, threading your fingers together and you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your lips at the feeling.

It was a long walk back to the Impala and you felt like every bit of exhaustion from the day had hit you the moment Dean helped you into the passenger seat.

“You okay?” Dean asked as he sat down in the driver's seat, starting the car as he shot you a look of concern.

“Hm, I’m fine, just tired.” You told him, shifting in your seat until you were comfortable and let your eyes fall shut.

“Get some rest.” Dean murmured as he reversed the car and you couldn’t help but smile as you felt his hand rest on your knee, giving it a soft squeeze before you did as he said, listening to Sam tease Dean before you fell asleep.

“Nice speech.” You could hear the smirk in Sam’s voice but underneath that there was a softness that spoke of his pride.

“Shut up, bitch.” Dean grumbled and you felt him squeeze your knee again.


You blinked awake just as the Impala pulled into the parking lot of the motel and rubbed at your eyes before stretching and looking over at Dean who was watching you with a soft smile.

“Come on,” Dean whispered softly, gesturing towards the motel room, “let’s get you to bed.”

You didn’t say anything as you climbed out of the car, wincing at the pain in your arms after having been raised for hours on end. Dean watched you and took your hand again, leading you over to your motel room and pulling you in.

It wasn’t long until he had you tucked in bed and you could feel your eyes pulling shut once more but fought against it as Dean sat on the blanket, managing to open them enough to shoot him a pleading look.

“Stay?” You asked tiredly, watching as Dean’s eyes widened before he shook his head and smiled at you, not wasting any time in moving the blanket and crawling under it. You shifted over so that your head rested on his chest and Dean moved his arms so they were wrapped securely around you, holding you close as he placed a kiss to the top of your head.

“Love you.” You mumbled, finally letting your eyes fall closed again and drifting off into a deep sleep.

“I love you too, Y/N/N,” Dean whispered, feeling weightless now that he wasn’t keeping those words from you anymore and he never intended to let a day go by where he didn’t tell you just how much he loved you.


Dean Winchester Taglist (Link in bio to add yourself!) - @dindjarinsspouse, @lovinnholland, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @halepack2011, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @acidicjae, @frickin-bats, @kodiakwhiskey, @cleardetectivechaos, @silverose365, @siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @cole22ann, @levisbloodcut, @alexxavicry, @peterpgrace, @baconlover001

Tags :
4 years ago

Main Masterlist

A/n: I am accepting requests about anyone from Marvel and Supernatural; feel free to tell me about your dirty fantasies. Just send me an ask, tell me if you want it as drabble or one-shot or headcanon. I will be writing smut. I won’t be writing Non-con. 




“I gave birth to a cockblock”

Drunk Soldier


The Awkward One  (Avengers x reader)


Give Me Some Sugar  (Sugardaddy au)



Perfect (soulmate au)

Big Sweater and Fuzzy Socks 

Boss Bucky Drabble


Violent Behavior  (college au)




Asguardian Liquor (One-Shot)  




I Saw Your Girlfriend Naked 

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman



Supernatural Rewrites Season 1

Tags :
9 years ago

He Loves Me Not

Pairing: Dean x reader

Word Count: 910

Summary: Dean is giving you the cold shoulder... why? 

Warnings: Cursing

A/N: Hope you like it!


Dean grunted as you tightly wrapped a bandage around his arm. He fixed you with a death glare and you tried not to flinch. If looks could kill, the piercing green stare that was on you would have made your heart stop beating in the blink of an eye. You had to take that grunt as a ‘thanks’ because just then the hunter got up from the arm of the couch and stalked off to his room, leaving you there to stare at his retreating back. Each step that led him further away from you felt like a stab in your heart, because you felt things about him. Things that you weren’t necessarily proud of, but things that were there nonetheless, and they made your skin tingle at the barest brush of skin on skin. You heard Sam clear his throat from behind you and you shook your head to clear your brain, tearing your eyes away from the long-closed door of Dean’s room. You turned to face the younger Winchester, who had his eyebrows raised in a silent inquiry.

“What is it?” you asked him, feeling your cheeks redden under his gaze, and you fought to keep control of your voice. Sam tilted his head in the direction of Dean’s bedroom. “You and Dean. I know that the way he’s been acting is bothering you, it’s clear as crystal. I know how you feel about him,” he said. “You... you know? Is it that obvious?” you asked, feeling your cheeks heat up. You knew there was no reason in denying your feelings about Dean; not to Sam and definitely not to yourself. Sam nodded. “Everybody but Dean knows,” he said.

You took a deep breath to calm yourself down. For God’s sake, you were a hunter; you couldn’t have a panic attack if Sam and Cas knew about your love life -or lack thereof. “Why is he acting this way though?” you blurted out just as Sam was about to turn around and start his research on anything that would be any help with finishing the current case. “Why is he treating me like I’m trash? I’m only here to help you the way you two helped me,” you sighed.

“I think he’s just jealous. You show up out of nowhere, you’re a top-notch hunter, you know how to do stuff. Don’t worry; he’ll adjust. Plus... I’m sure he likes you too. He just doesn’t know what to do about it.” “Not acting like a bastard would be good to begin with,” you muttered under your breath, and Sam gave you an apologetic smile. “You’ll get to that,” he said, and left to start the research that would bring you one step closer to finding out more about the monsters hot on your tail but would not make you understand Dean’s reasons for acting like he hated your guts.

You were so lost in thought that you hadn’t noticed that night had fallen, and Sam had long exited the room to go to sleep. The ever-vigilant hunter part of you that was half-asleep barely registered a bedroom door open and close as Dean walked into the living room. His eyes met yours and it was as if you had been doused with ice water. You jolted to your feet immediately and tried hard not to look flustered. “Dean,” you acknowledged him with a nod, quickly looking away and avoiding meeting his eyes. “Y/n,” he said, and his deep voice was surprisingly gentle. It had always been gruff when directed towards you, dismissive but not less attractive. Now that his voice was soft and almost tender, it practically sent shivers down your spine.

“What is it?” you asked him, and you were surprised when you felt fingers gently stroke your chin and life your head up so that your gaze met Dean’s green eyes. “I heard what you and Sam were talking about a couple of hours ago,” he stated, and you felt another blush rush to your cheeks. “I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel that way. That was never my intention. I was just... protecting myself in the completely wrong way. What Sammy said was true. I do like you,” he confessed, biting his plump lower lip and drawing your gaze straight down to the path his teeth and tongue made. It was obvious that he’d noticed you looking as he leaned down to reach your height and pressed his lips on yours.

God, those lips combined with those skills should be illegal, you thought, and that was as far as that train of thought went, because he had pushed you back down on the couch and he was kissing you so roughly and with so much abandon that it made your heart beat so fast it felt like it would break out of your ribcage. The heated kisses gradually slowed down to gentler, loving ones that allowed you both to explore each other. Eventually, he pulled away, out of breath, and his gaze met yours for one more time, only this time you didn’t flinch away. His pupils were blown wide with lust, almost completely covering the bright green of his irises, and you were mesmerised. “So you go from insulting me to kissing me senseless?” you teasingly managed to say in-between gasping breaths. Dean just winked at you. “Yep,” he said with a dazzling grin. “But I sure plan on just doing the latter from now on.”

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9 years ago

Please, kill me.

Pairing: Dean x reader

Word Count: 864

Warnings: Feels, spoilers for season ten, cursing

Summary: Dean asks something of Y/N, something she’s not sure she can do...

A/N: Hope you like it!


“Y/n,” Dean called out to you, voice surprisingly steady, as if he was struggling to keep it that way.

“I have something to tell you,” he said when you had made your way to him, sitting down on a chair next to him.

“Go on,” you said with a small smile, your gentle voice softly urging him on. You had realised the severity of the situation because of the look in his green eyes. You had never seen him like this, and it took you a bit by surprise. He was frowning, and his whole face had a clouded expression of thoughtfulness, but his eyes were practically talking to you. They were full of despair, and full of something else, too; something you couldn’t quite place, but it was there and the hurt it radiated was almost palpable.

You reached out and gently squeezed one of his hands, trying to reassure him.

Dean took a deep breath, closing his eyes as if composing himself. For a second, you were cut off from the torrent of emotions pouring out of his eyes, and this time when he opened them again, you were prepared.

“I...” He cleared his throat before continuing. “I want to tell you something. It’s... something very important.” He took one last deep breath before finally saying what he had wanted to tell you from the start.

“If... if anything happens to me; if I ever become the same murderous son of a bitch I was when I had the Mark... I... want you to do something for me,” he said, fixing you with a steady gaze. “In the line of work we’re in, you know that it’s entirely possible for the same thing to happen to me again. I don’t want that. I don’t want you and Sam and Cas to see me go through all that again. It’s not fair for you; it’s not fair for me; and most of all it’s not fair for the people I would mercilessly kill and their families.” Here, he paused to regain his bearings, and he tiredly rubbed his eyes with his free hand, the one you weren’t holding.

You were almost unable to breathe. You had the slightest idea of what he wanted you to do for him, and you were hoping he’d say something else, something less serious.

“I want you to kill me,” he stated, and that six-word sentence seemed to be your whole world in that moment. Like a mantra, it played again and again in your head. You were clutching Dean’s hand so tightly that you felt the hunter tense.

“I... I can’t... I could never do what you’re asking of me... Ask Sam...” you whispered, and he shook his head.

“You’re the only one I trust to do this. I know Sam. He’d never kill me, not if I begged him. You... you have to. For your own good. Please.” Dean was desperate now. He had been expecting a negative reaction, but he was determined to get his way.

When you expressed your disagreement again, he sighed, but didn’t give up.

“Please,” he repeated. “It has to happen that way. Not only for you and Sam and Cas, but for myself too. I won’t ever be a normal person again; I can’t take it anymore. So... if it ever comes to that... Kill me,” he said.

This time, you nodded. “Okay.” Your voice was small, hesitant, but it was all Dean had at the moment. And it was enough

“Thank you,” he said, and you nodded.

“Yeah... you’re welcome,” you whispered, smiling softly. You didn’t really want to smile, but it was either that or bursting into tears, so you decided that the first option was better.

“This means so friggin’ much to me, thanks,” he said, and you could only nod in reply.

You bit hard on your lower lip, and you felt a tear escape your eyes. Dean leaned forward and wiped it away with his thumb.

“Hey... hey, I’m sorry... but I had to say it. I needed to make sure that the world would be safe from me if anything happened again,” he said, and you leaned into his touch.

“Yes... I know. But that won’t stop me from being upset over it,” you murmured.

“But you will do it. If it’s the only option left, you will,” he said, almost as if trying to reassure himself.

“Yes,” you whispered, feeling another tear trickle down your cheek.

Instead of replying, Dean leaned forward to press his lips against yours. At first, it wasn’t much of a kiss; it was more of two pairs of lips touching each other. But then he opened his mouth, and you opened yours, and it was a heated tangle of tongues and limbs as you tried to come impossibly close to one another. When you pulled away, you were both breathing heavily and you had somehow straddled him in the passionate haze of the kiss.

“I said I will do it, but Dean, I don’t want to. I never want to get the chance to.”

Again, he didn’t reply. He just pulled you into another whirlwind of a kiss.

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9 years ago

Weapons down

Pairing: Sam x reader or Dean x reader

Word Count: Sam: 972 Dean: 1092

Warnings: Feels and cursing for the Sam one.

A/N: This story has five lines of common beginning, and then it branches off depending on whether you prefer Sam or Dean. Just thought I’d try it out. Enjoy!

 “Weapons down, or I’m gonna shoot you to oblivion!” you yelled at the two men whose silhouettes were outlined in the doorway of the warehouse.

They put their weapons down only because of sheer surprise, and while they looked around to pinpoint the source of the voice that startled them, you had the time to study them.



You made your way to them, frowning. “Who are you?” you asked, making sure that your gun was trained on the taller one of the two.

“We’re FBI agents and-” started the shorter and apparently older one, but he was cut off by the other.

“We’re not FBI agents,” he stated and, perplexed, you frowned.

“I’m confused. Are you with the FBI or not?” you asked.

“We aren’t,” said the taller one at the same time the shorter one said “We are.”

“Wow, that’s a really enlightening thing to say,” you commented. “Care to explain?”

“We aren’t with the FBI,” said the taller one and, this time, the other agreed with a nod.

“Then who are you? And what are you doing here?” you asked.

“I’m Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean, and we’re here because we’ve been informed that some very dangerous people live in this warehouse. We’re here to prevent them from causing any harm,” he explained, and immediately you felt like you were a five-year-old being patronised by an annoying adult.

“The name’s Y/n. And what do you think I’ve been doing here? A party? I’ve been dealing with the vampires,” you said, and you smiled proudly at them.

“Are you sure you’ve dealt with them properly?” asked Dean.

You rolled your eyes. “Of course. I’ve beheaded them and then buried them so that nobody will ever come across the bodies. I’ve been here since yesterday, and I need some rest,” you said, walking past them and into the sunlight.

“You don’t have a car,” Sam called out from behind you. “There was no car outside the warehouse when we got here. So how did you make it here?” he asked.

“I walked. I crashed my car a week or so ago and I haven’t had the time to replace it. It’s waiting for me in a yard somewhere in Colorado,” you explained with a shrug. To tell the truth, your opinion on that matter was anything but nonchalant, as your car had been the only place you had ever called home, but being pessimistic just wouldn’t do. Instead, you had decided to use the public transport to make your way to Wyoming to deal with the vampire nest, because hunting would always be your priority.

“That’s unfortunate. Well, you can come with us. We’re heading to the nearest town,” Sam offered, completely missing his brother’s glare.

“Really? Thank you. I’ve got a motel room there, so I can rest before heading to Colorado to retrieve my car and all my hunting stuff,” you said with a grin, only then realising that this was the first mention of anything hunting-related between you and the Winchesters. You had just both automatically assumed that the other was a hunter.

That was certainly not the last time though. Over the years, you started hunting together. At first it was just a call here and there or a chance meeting when you accidentally took on the same cases, but as the months went by you grew closer. You even started living in the bunker with them when you weren’t joining them on cases.

Hunting with them had been the best time you had ever had in your whole life.

But all good things must end, and your time with the Winchesters was no different.

It was on a sunny but chilly day in mid-March that was entirely inconspicuous and normal that this good thing in your life ended.

“We’re back!” you heard Sam and Dean announce when they entered the bunker. They both seemed rather excited for the hunt to be over, and it pained your heart to see the smile wiped off their faces when they saw you.

You were standing near the entrance, clutching a suitcase in one hand and your car keys in the other. There was a vacant, sad, look in your eyes as you nodded at them.

“Hey,” you muttered sadly.

“What’s wrong?” Dean was the one to ask but Sam was the one to rush up to you and pull you into a hug. You let the suitcase drop and hugged him back tightly, fighting to keep back tears.

“I’m leaving,” you announced in a small voice.

“Leaving... what?” Sam asked.

“Leaving the bunker. Leaving the hunter life. I can’t do this anymore. I’m physically and mentally exhausted. I just want to see the world,” you muttered, casting your gaze down on the ground.

“No. You can’t leave,” Sam said, voice almost shrill in a note of panic.

“It’s... it’s not temporary. It’s just a break. For a couple of years, I’ve decided I want to travel and see everything the planet has to offer before returning,” you said, leaving the probably out of the conversation. You weren’t sure you ever would return. Part of you hoped so, while another just wanted to leave and never come back.

Sam, probably realising that no matter what he said he could never stop you from leaving, only hugged you tighter.

“Do you promise you’ll come back?” he asked.

“I do,” you said, and now that you had given your word you probably would.

“I love you,” Sam whispered in a broken voice. “Don’t leave,” he murmured hopelessly.

Unable to listen to him anymore, you pulled away slightly from his hug and pulled him into a kiss. You touched your lips to his hesitantly at first but with increasingly more passion until you both had to pull away for need of air.

“I love you too. But I have to go. I’ll be back,” without further ado, you nodded at Dean, reached down to grab your suitcase and left, paying no heed to the tears rolling down your cheeks.

You turned to look at the bunker one last time.

“Goodbye, Sam Winchester. And may we meet again.”



One was tall, with long hair, but it was the other who caught your attention. Shorter than the other man but still tall, something about his posture and the way he carried himself drew you in. So when you stepped out into the meagre light the rays of the sun peeking in through the door offered, you addressed him.

“Who are you and what do you want here?” you asked him, and he frowned as his eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness of the room.

“I’m Agent Bickler and this is my partner Agent Sullivan. We’re with the FBI,” he said, making eye contact with you. Never tearing his gaze away from yours, he took a badge out of his pocket and let it drop to the ground. He kicked it towards you and you kneeled to pick it up, eyes and gun firmly fixed on the man who had told you was an FBI agent.

“I don’t think so. These badges aren’t real, and even if they were, what would an FBI agent be doing out here, in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere?” you asked, raising a challenging eyebrow at the light-brown-haired man.

He rolled his eyes and was about to reply when the other man talked, drawing your attention.

“You’re right. We’re not FBI agents. We’re here because some very dangerous people are in this warehouse and we want to make sure nobody innocent will get hurt. So could you please leave? It’d be much better for all of us if you didn’t get killed in the process,” he said, and for a second you contemplated pretending not to understand, pretending to be a civilian.

You decided against that though, as it would only offer confusion and maybe these two hunters -they were obviously hunters, you thought- would be so desperate as to use force to extract you from the warehouse that had been a vampire nest before you had dealt with it.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you two are hunters. That is quite obvious from you pretending to be FBI. And you must be here for the vampires,” you said, and saw realisation dawn in both their faces as they figured out the fact that you were a hunter too.

“Well... I’ve taken care of that problem; don’t worry. All the vampires are dead and buried,” you told them with a bright smile, finally lowering and holstering your gun.

“You’re a hunter?” asked the one you had been talking to in the beginning. His question was more of a statement, you realised as your gazes met again, though he obviously doubted your abilities.

“Yes, I am. I’ve been a hunter for the biggest part of my life, so there’s no need for you to check to see if the vampires are truly dead and gone. But if you want to waste precious minutes of your time, go ahead and be my guest,” you said.

“That won’t be necessary. We believe you,” said the taller one.

“I’m Sam and this is my brother Dean,” he introduced.

“Wait... Sam and Dean Winchester?” you asked with a frown. “I’m Y/n L/n. I’m, as I said, a hunter. My grandfather taught me everything I know about hunting, and he was the strictest of teachers. He never said the same thing more than once. The only thing he had ever repeated was this ‘Don’t trust the Winchesters.’ Why should I trust you?” you crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at the two men standing in front of you.

“Because we’re hunters. And hunters stick together. We’re each other’s best chance of staying alive,” Dean said, and you had to admit he had a point. Hunting on your own was an extremely lonely thing to do, and you craved some real interaction despite your better judgment.

“Let’s go then. I have a room at the motel just outside town,” you informed them, walking past them and into the glare of the sun outside the warehouse.

“Our room is there too,” Sam told you as they followed you.

“Great. See you there,” you said, climbing into your car and setting off towards the motel.

Little did you know then, that encounter with the Winchester brothers meant the end of your lonely hunting years and the beginning of a new phase in your life, which you loved more than anything else that had ever happened to you. Soon, you became very familiar with the brothers, but you had always felt more comfortable around Dean. You loved them both, but Sam was just a friend, while Dean... well it was different with Dean. It had always been different with Dean, but it took you some time to understand just how different things were.

“Where’s the pie, Y/n?” you heard Dean call out as soon as you entered the bunker’s kitchen.

“Right here, Dean. How could I ever forget the pie?” you asked, handing him his pie. He looked pointedly at Sam after what you said and accepted the pie.

“Thank you,” he said with a grin before grabbing a fork from a drawer and starting to eat.

“You’re welcome,” you said with a chuckle. “I don’t get why you like pie that much though,” you commented, and Dean sent a murderous glare your way. “Don’t listen to her, you’re precious to me,” he muttered to his pie while glaring at you.

Both you and Sam laughed and shared an exasperated look.

“At least Y/n never forgets the pie,” Dean said, again looking at his brother.  “And for that I thank her very much,” he said, turning to face you. Already, he was done with the pie, and he set the foil plate and the fork down on the table, walking up to you. He leaned down and in one swift, sudden, moment, had his lips pressed against yours; soft and warm as he pulled you into a roller coaster of a kiss that made your heart beat fast and heat to rise to your cheeks. Dean tasted of pie and in that moment you understood why he liked it so much.

You broke apart after Sam cleared his throat. Dean glared at him. “What?” he asked.

“Get a room,” Sam said.

“We have one, but you’re in it,” Dean said moodily and Sam, obviously not in the mood for a fight, sighed and walked out of the room.

“What was that for?” you asked once Sam was gone.

“It was for the pie. And I’ve wanted to do it for a long, long time.”

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9 years ago

Ready Aim Fire

Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader

Word Count: 1020

Summary: Dean shows Y/n how to shoot a gun.

A/N: Happy birthday to Dean Winchester! May he have all the pies he wants.

gif not mine, credit to whoever owns it.

Ready Aim Fire

“You say you want to be a hunter, princess, but do you even know how to shoot a gun?” Dean asked, making eye contact with you. You, stubborn as ever, rolled your eyes and crossed your arms on your chest. “No, I don’t. But nobody was born knowing how. Somebody had to teach them. Somebody even had to teach you. So, why can’t you show me how to shoot a gun? I might surprise you,” you said, voice challenging.

He held your gaze for a long minute, apparently trying to decide whether to try to teach you how to shoot or not. In the end, you won, and he nodded.

“Very well. I’ll show you,” he said begrudgingly, pushing himself off the doorframe, which he had been leaning against.

“The shooting range is this way, follow me,” he muttered, walking out of the kitchen and heading to the shooting range.

“Here we are,” he announced, pushing the door open. He turned the lights on and they flickered into life, illuminating the distant targets on paper and the grey concrete walls.

“Our goal for today is to make sure your stance is proper and that you can hit the target. Proper stance will soon be forgotten in an actual fight, but we want you to improve on your aim right now,” he explained irritably, trying not to lose his patience.

“And I ought to warn you now, before it’s too late; being a hunter isn’t a field trip. It’s dangerous. It could cost you your life, the life of the people you care about. The reward is only emotional, and the recognition is nonexistent. You have the chance to turn away now. You have the chance to live a normal life, free of worry about ghosts and demons and angels. If you walk away right now, this whole thing will be just a distant memory,” here, Dean turned to face you. His expression was grave and serious. “If you walk away right now, you can have a family and friends.”

You looked up at him defiantly. “I’ve been living a normal life all my life, and I’m bored out of my wits. That’s not what I want for myself. Now, teach me how to shoot a damn gun,” you said and, with a sigh, Dean took his gun out of its holster.

“Watch closely,” he instructed, “You’ll have to copy my movements when it’s your turn, so pay attention. Your feet have to be shoulder width apart and slightly bent, and your arms have to be fully extended,” he said, reciting the information from memory. He himself adopted the stance and squared his shoulders. He cocked the gun, pressed the trigger and a bullet flew straight through the head of one of the silhouettes on the targets.

Dean then turned to look at you, carefully handing you the gun.

You nervously walked up to where he had been standing and tried your best to replicate his picture-perfect stance. You took aim as best as you could and squeezed the trigger. The bullet barely managed to hit the very edge of the paper target. To your surprise, Dean had a look on his face that said ‘not bad’.

You turned back towards the target to examine your shot, which really wasn’t all that bad. “Quite good,” Dean’s voice said from directly behind you, his breath tickling the back of your neck, and you gave a tiny squeak in surprise. You hadn’t realised he had walked up to be standing where he was now. You heard him give a low chuckle at your reaction, and that small sound sent shivers down your spine. Admittedly, Dean Winchester was a very attractive man, and standing as you were at that moment, with his toned chest almost pressing against your back, awoke a fire deep in your belly.

“You still need to work on your stance a little bit,” he said, his hands ghosting touches on your arms and lower back and waist as he gently guided you into the proper position. When he was satisfied, he instructed you to extend your arms in front of you, and you did as asked. From behind you, he mirrored your movements and extended his arms as well, to correct your grip on the gun.

“Now, shoot,” he muttered in his deep voice, and you aimed carefully before pressing the trigger. This time, you managed to hit the outer rim of the target’s body, and you grinned in success, turning to face Dean. Having forgotten about your proximity, you uttered a small ‘oh’ when you found yourself chest-to-chest with the hunter. He grinned down at you and carefully took the gun from your grip, putting the safety back on and tucking it back into its holster.

“You could be a good hunter,” he commented casually, before leaning down closer to you to cover some of the distance between you. “Providing you’d stick to hunting with us, I can make you into one of the best hunters ever,” he said, but you weren’t paying attention to his words; only his lips. Your eyes were locked on them and you felt as if you were in a trance. Apparently, he’d noticed, because he brought his hand up to your chin, softly nudging it up so that your gaze met his.

Dean leaned down, you stretched up, and your lips met in a wonderful, mesmerising kiss that set your nerve edges on fire. He deepened the kiss by tilting his head and opening his mouth just wide enough so that his tongue could lick your lips and enter your own mouth. At that, you gave a small moan and snaked your arms around his neck for stability. The kiss went on like that for quite some time until you both pulled apart, panting, but very happy.

“So, what do you say? D’you really wanna become a hunter?” Dean murmured in a voice that was huskier than normal. You nodded.

“Oh hell yes,” you whispered in reply, and leaned up to kiss him again; the second time just as magical as the first.

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8 years ago

My Bad Taste, Really? - Dean Winchester

Dean x fem!reader

Warnings: Dean starting something he shouldn't have

Word count:  716

Summary: Dean makes fun of read, but it backfires

Author's note: Just kinda thought of something i wanted to write a supernatural imagine and well i´m a dean girl. P.S. i know it's really short but i just wanted to do something with Dean really quick.




Readers p.o.v.

“Dean I swear if you say one more thing I will take that gun out of the back of your pants and I will shove it where you don't want, capiche?!” I said well I yelled,  as we entered  Bobby's  house.  We were coming back from a hunt, and on the way back Dean decided to of course Start an  argument.  I love him but  sometimes I want to strangle him.

“And I promise if you just agree you have bad taste in everything  and well everything, I will stop, I promise”  he said leaning down to my height since I’m shorter to him.

I Could hear Sam and  Bobby talking, “What happened during  that hunt that caused this  argument?”  Bobby ask Sam. “ Bobby I can honestly say, that you want no part in it. trust me.” Sam replied back.

“May I ask what exactly is this argument about?”  Bobby asked me and Dean.

“ Dean says I have bad taste in everything that I choose”  I said with condescending smirk.

“What?!” Dean said when Bobby and Sam looked at him, “It's true. I just want her to admit it”  he said with a smirk.

after I listed everything that he said I had bad taste in to Bobby and Sam and Dean just kept having a reason for everything that he said not a very good reason but a reason. He finally said something that just made me snap.

“ okay so if I have such bad taste  in everything I choose, what does that make you. I chose you Dean, I chose to be with you Dean. So if i have such bad taste. What.Does.That.Make.You.hmm?” I snapped at him, then I stormed off outside.  Leaving Dean standing there pissed at himself, and Bobby and Sam shaking their heads at him.


I was sitting outside on one of the old cars for about 4 and half hours now. Its dark, I'm betting probably around 8pm. I didn’t feel bad about snapping to Dean after everything said after everything we’ve been through and he… I just don’t feel bad.

“Y/n ?” I heard Dean say, walking up behind me. I could hear the clinking of 2 beers.

“What do you want Winchester,” I asked not in the nicest tone. He sat down next to me on the hood of the car, with his head down.

“I’m sorry, I didn't really mean ‘everything’ and I didn’t mean me,” he said, I could tell he was beating himself up about it early by the way his voice sounded.

“Dean, I’m not sorry for saying what I said. After how long it took for you to convince me it would be ok for us to be together, and that being a ‘big’ decision I made in my life. And then you say I have bad taste yet my taste chose you? That hurt.” I said while taking a beer from his hand and opening it.

He shifted so he was facing me, he lifted his hand stroking the back of my head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart I love you sooo much. Thought it would be just another silly argument, but I took it to far and I hurt you and I’m sorry.” his voice sounded so broken.

“Look, Dean, I forgive you, it just hurt a lot.”

“I know, I know baby. I’m so sorry.” he said then kissed my forehead. He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned into him.

“So Winchester, what shall we do tonight?” I asked him while taking a sip of my beer.

“You know soon you’ll have to say Mr.Winchester, cause I’ll be able to call you Mrs.Winchester.” he said with a big happy smirk on his face.

“Ah yes, my soon to be husband” I said smiling up at him.

He smiled back and we kissed. I’m so happy to have him around even though he’s a pain in the ass sometimes, I do love him.

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6 years ago

Bad Day - Dean Winchester

Dean Winchester  x daughter reader

Warnings: Angst-ish

Word count: 737

Summary: Dean is feeling like giving up Reader talks to him trying to cheer him up a little and make him feel less like he’s alone

Authors Note: based off of “sometimes I feel like giving up. Then I remember I’ve got a lot of people to pissoff.” 




“Where’s Dean?” I walked into the kitchen to get lunch. Even though it’s like 2 in the afternoon, but it’s hard to tell time in the bunker.

“Your dad is moping in his room.” Sam answered looking over to me

“Do you know why?” I asked my uncle. Who of course was making rabbit food for lunch.

“No, just that he grabbed a case of beer and a sandwich, he hasn’t left his room since.” he gave a tight lipped smile

“Ok” I replied as I let out a deep breath and headed down the hall towards my dad’s room.

After of course getting food.

Once I got to Deans room I knocked on the door. I heard a silent ‘come in’ and opened the door.

He has his back kind of turned so he doesn’t see the doorway, where I’m standing.

“Sam how many times do I have to tell you I don’t want your idea of a meal.” he said putting his face in his hands, leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees.

“Well I agree with you there, But I’m not Sam.” I responded biting my lip to contain my smile. Funny he thought I was Sam and gonna force him rabbit food.

“Hey kiddo” Dean said looking over shocked to see it was me

“Hey, Why you hold up in your room?” I asked him as I entered the threshold

“Felt like it” he shrugged

“Oh come on! You forget, I’m your kid, and we” I pointed between us “are exactly alike, so I know that's not it.”

He smiled slightly, nodding a little.

“Yeah, yeah we are just a like” he agreed

“So, tell me what’s up” i sat down next to him. As he moved to sit on the floor. I nudged him with my shoulder.

“Just - just not a good day”

“Bad day?” I asked looking at him. When he nodded. So I continued. Hoping I wasn’t pressing him to hard.But if he isn’t going to talk to Sam I hope he will maybe talk to me “What happened?”

“Sometimes this life, it’s just a lot. All the losing people and all the dying. It takes a toll… Never wanting to let people in because just by knowing you they could get killed. Then living with that. Its just a lot.” he let out trying to hold back most of his tears. Looking anywhere but me. Probably to not seem weak.

“I get that, I really do actually. And I’m not just saying that to try and relate.” I started. His head snapped to me, looking confused.

“I’ve uh lost a lot of friends, to the point were I don’t even try making any anymore. I’ve lost people to monsters that I considered family. . . before I met you and Sam. Yeah you guys lose people to - I still lose people being with you guys. But you’ve always had Sam. That makes things a little more bearable, right?” I told him. He hasn't been in my life for more than 5 months. So I knew that all this new information probably shocked him. Hell were still getting to know each other.

“Your right. Having Sam has made things better.” he admitted

“Through all the shit?” I giggled

“Yes, through all the shit.” he smiled but looked at me seriously “I’m sorry kid, about all you went through before you found us, and before we found you.”

“Its alright. I have you guys now. And I’ve met some awesome people through you guys.” I smiled at him before looking forward again.

“Plus I’ll always he here for you. You know that right?” he asked me, nudging me with his leg to get my attention.

“Yeah” I smiled turning to look at him. “I know”

Sam and Dean take care of family. An family don’t end with blood. I could tell he was still a little down so I nudged him back. And he turned to look at me.

“Hey, sometimes I feel like giving up. Then I remember I’ve got a lot of people to pissoff.” After I said that we both started laughing uncontrollably.

“Come on.” he stood up, reaching out to help me up

“Where we goin?” I asked him

“For pie and burgers. We need real food.” he raised his eyebrows with a goofy smile on his face. Grabbing his keys and we headed to the garage.

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6 years ago

Why Are You With Me? - Dean Winchester

Dean Winchester x fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 659

Summary: Dean finds out why exactly your with him when its so life-threatening




As I walked into the bunkers library I looked around and noticed that my boyfriend wasn’t there.

“Hey Sam” I said once I saw him sitting at the long table

“Hey Y/n” he said back as he looked up

“Uh, do you  know where Dean is?” I asked scratching the back of my head

“Uh-did you check kitchen?” he questioned quirking an eyebrow

“Yeah, I just got back from a grocery run and he isn’t in there.” I turned back for a second pointing to the direction of the kitchen and turned back

“Try you guyses room. I think I saw him head that way from the garage earlier.”I  nodded and headed down the hallway to Dean and I’s room.

“Ok, thanks” I yelled back at him already halfway down the first hall. 

Once I got to the room I noticed that the t.v. could be heard from outside of the room. Which is a clear sign of Dean being in there. Just the thought brings a smirk to my face.

 As I open the door I see him looking through photos. There are some of him and Sam. Some of him, Sam, and Bobby. An some of me and him. I walked into the room and sat down on the floor next to him.

“What you doing baby?” I asked him moving my hand to his head and caressing his hair for comfort.

“Just. . .thinking” he mumbled under his breath

“Dangerous pastime” I joked hoping to cheer him up a bit

“I have a question” he spoke softly as if afraid to ask what he wants to ask.

“Shoot” I told him hoping he will open up to me. He usually does but he could not at any time.

“Why are you with me?” he asked in a low voice. The question asked almost so quietly it could barely he heard.

“Uh, Dean your gonna have to explain why your asking that because it’s a very stupid question otherwise” I scoffed. If he wanted a complete answer it could take a couple of hours.

“Why are you with me? People that know us die, all of them. Hell you’ve almost died more times than I can count on one hand, all because you know us. An another amount of almosts because your in a relationship with me.” he explained more“Oh, baby. Look at me. . .I love you and your brother. I don’t care that I have almost died. . .A lot. I would do anything for both of you. Especially for you. I don’t care that I am put in life or death situations because I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant being exactly the way things are.”

 I explained. Moving my arm’s to wrap around his neck and shoulders. Cuddling into his neck I could tell he felt a lot better after hearing what I said.

“You shouldn't have to-” he began but I cut him off before he could dig himself a deeper hole

“Do you listen to anything I say? Like ever?!” I laughed out removing my arms from around him raising my eyebrows in a questioning manner

“I’m sorry.” Dean apologized looking up at me

“I know” smiling at him and nodding

“I do listen to you, ya know.” he snarked back at me

“Yeah, yeah” I scoffed knowing he doesn’t always listen

“Truth! I listen to every- almost everything you say.” Dean laughed realizing well more like knowing he can’t lie to me. So, of course, he had to correct himself.

“What do you say I cheer you up in the best way possible, huh?” I smirked wiggling my eyebrows at him so he would catch my gist of an idea

“Awesome” he said while smiling so big I’m shocked the smile could fit on his face. He got up off the floor and leaned over picking me up and dropping me on the bed.

Well, you know the rest ;)

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5 years ago

I Would’ve Left The Hunting Life - Dean Winchester

Dean Winchester x daughter reader

Warnings: mention of blood

Word count: 2,535

Summary: Dean and Sam being undercover EMTs or FBI and when a teenage girl gets hurt they find out her last name in Winchester

Author’s Note: just pretend paramedics do have that kinda machine. Also I was rewatching Pretty Little Liars when writing this so Jason I picture as Jason from the show




“Dude are you sure that there's a case here?” Dean asked his brother as they stood outside the hospital where they have been posing as paramedics for the cases.

“It seems like our kinda thing.” Sam replied taking a bite out of his lunch.

“But the attacks stopped a day ago how do we know it didn’t leave town?” Dean questioned not wanting to have to stay in the town much longer than needed.

“Well we have to make sure” Sam told him knowing that they have to make sure the towns gonna be safe before they just up and go. Meaning they have to make sure the monster is dead or gone.

“Woah what's going on?” Sam asked one of the paramedics as they rushed out.

“Climb in boys some guy called in saying he found his girlfriend beat up and its bad. Looks like you two are gonna get your hands bloody.” the paramedic told the brothers.

With that, they hopped into the ambulance.

Once they arrived the boys jumped out and followed the other 2 paramedics.

Once they arrived at the scene they all got out of the ambulance they split up. Sam headed over towards the boy and Dean headed over to the girl laying on the floor.

“Sir? Sir talk to us what happened?” Sam tried asking the boy that is by the bloody girl. Moving him away from her.

“We were walking I went to the car to get something when I came back she was like this” the boy explained to Sam, pointing at his girlfriend's bloody body. Dean came over and nodded at Sam to the girl. Silently telling him to change places.

“Ok kid, just take a step back and let us get her to the hospital.” Dean told the teenage boy he assumes is the boyfriend that called 911.

“Shouldn’t we try and fix her up here?” Sam asked

“She’s into bad of a condition we can’t help her here.” the lady paramedic Taylor said as they strapped the girl onto the gurney.

“Hey kid, it’ll be ok. She’ll be ok.” Dean said to the teen boy who seemed very distraught. So Dean put a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

“I hope so. I can't lose her” the boy said to Dean, watching the paramedics take his girlfriend into the ambulance.

“You two over here” Taylor said pointing to Sam and Dean. The two brothers walked over to the ambulance and hopped in, closing the doors so they could race to the hospital. ”Ok keep pressure on her stomach and you, her shoulder. I’m gonna run a DNA test to find out all her medical history.”

Sam and Dean did as they were told. Sam keeping pressure on her shoulder while Dean on her stomach to stop the bleeding.

Taylor then took some blood and put it in this medium handheld machine and after a while, it stopped searching and let out a ding.

“There we go, Y/n Winchester. Ok, she's only allergic to medical sulfer. Ok start the-” Taylor said as she started getting the right type of blood out since she’s lost so much of it. But the boys tunned her out after that and looked at eachother, shocked.

“Winchester?” Dean questioned looking over at his brother

“Well, she does look a little like us. A lot like you Dean-” Sam started looking down at the girl then back at him.

“I never had a kid” Dean interrupted

“Dean you’ve slept with a lot of women you don’t know-” Sam whispered calmly hoping to not upset his brother.

“NO, I would’ve known. I would-would have known if I had a kid out there Sam.” Dean stuttered, scared that what if Sam’s right?

“When we get to the hospital we’ll check all her records see if you recognize her mother's name. See is she put the name of the father on the birth certificate. Ok?” Sam told his brother hoping that would ease him till they know for sure.

Once they got to the hospital the girl was taken into surgery. After making sure she got there safely the boy found a vacant computer and printed off her file. After picking up the papers Sam took them over to Dean waving them a little before the two walked into an empty room. They started looking through all the papers.

“Oh my god Sam” Dean let out reading over the birth certificate.

“You recognize her mother's name?” Sam asked before gulping

“Yeah. she is or at least was a hunter. I spent 5 months with her. I was ready to leave Sam. I was ready to leave the life and marry her. I truly loved her, Sam.” Dean told Sam slowly having recalled something that he hasn’t wanted to think about in years.

“Oh wow, Dean I didn’t know” Sam didn’t know exactly what to say, yeah he has questions but should he ask right now?

“No one did Sam. I never told anyone.” Dean handed him the birth certificate

“But Dean why? Why keep her a secret especially when you loved her that much?” Sam had to ask that at least.

“Dad, he realized I was hunting anything around the same area and finding reasons to stay so he came to town. Threatened her life, said some extremely choice words to both of us and we said our goodbyes. Dad crushed my phone so I couldn’t contact her and she couldn’t contact me.” Dean explained looking anywhere but at Sam. He’s always felt ashamed like he should have gone back or fought back harder.

“Dean, man I’m sorry. Dad could be a real ass” Sam sympathized.

“Yeah, yeah he could. Even more, now that I found out he stole me away from my daughter. I don’t know her Sam. She doesn’t know me. We don’t know if she knows about the supernatural. If her mom told her about me-” Dean ran his hand over his face.

“Dean we’ll figure it out ok? We’ll find out. But your gonna be in her life from now on. Whether it’s as her father or an old friend of her moms. Your gonna be there.” Sam told his older brother. He’s not gonna let Dean lose his daughter, and he’s not gonna lose his niece.

“Yeah. . .Sam her wounds weren’t from being beaten up.” he said after some thought as they exited the room

“Yeah, I noticed to and the boy had some wounds. It looked like the both have been through the wringer.” Sam agreed

“Hey, you guys did a good job with the girl.” Taylor came over and told the brothers after spotting them from afar.

“Thanks, uh is she gonna be ok?” Sam asked her

“Yeah, the doctor said she’ll make a full recovery she didn’t end up being in to bad of shape but she’s got a dislocated shoulder, spranged wrist, and ankle plus those deep gashes. She's coming out of surgery.” Taylor told them

“Thanks” Dean mumbled

“No problem, the boy that was with her he’s in the room that their gonna put her in waiting.” she said before leaving the two brothers alone again.

The brothers headed over to where the hospital rooms are, looking through the windows from afar till they saw the teen boy in one.

“Hey, kid. How are you doing?” Dean asked as they came into the room

“Yeah-uh I’ll be better when she wakes up.” he said obviously stressed from the situation. But he also seemed nervous about them being around again.

“I take it you two are together” Sam pointed out

“Yeah, have been for years.” he answered, shifting in his chair next to her bed.

“At you guyses age that's impressive” Sam said impressed

“We’ve been through a lot” he concluded

“What?” Sam asked once they left the room.

“He has the tattoo.” Dean whispered his shirt over a bit so you can see

“Wait the-”


“That explains her injurys and his. That would also explain why the killings stopped. They have happened every night and morning if they got the vamp’s that would explain everything.” Sam put together

^       ^       ^

“Here” Sam handed him a cup

“Oh-ah, you guys didn’t have to” he spluttered out

“Its ok. We wanted to.” Sam told him.

“Um, I’m Jason by the way.” the teen boy stated

“I’m Sam and this is my brother Dean.”

“Why are you out here?” Dean asked

“The doctors checking her wounds” he rubbed his face most likely from tiredness

“Is she-” the boy quickly asked the doctor standing up in a rush as soon as he saw him exit the room.

“She’s gonna make a full recovery. The stitches need to come out in a week just walk into a hospital and tell them. She can leave tomorrow.” the doctor told the teen

“Thank you” the boy replied nodding with a smile

“She’s asking for you” the doctor said before leaving smiling at the teenage couple.

^      ^     ^

“Hey, so how you feeling after everything?” Sam asked as the brothers entered the room after giving the two teen’s some time.

“Uh, I’ve been better. Who are you?” she asked looking at the two tall men

“Their two of the EMT’s that helped save you” her boyfriend explained.

“Oh, thanks for that. I’m Y/n and it seems you already know Jason.” Y/n introduced herself after thanking the two strangers in her hospital room.

“No problem. But um we aren’t really EMT’s.” Sam said looking sheepishly at the couple

“Then who are you?” Jason stood up ready to defend Y/n in a heartbeat

“Wow, cooldown kid. Judging by your tattoo and most likely one you have to sweetheart. You know exactly what we are.” Dean stepped up putting a hand out to show that him and Sam aren’t a threat.

“Hunters. Explains the plaid.” Y/n joked and laughed before long the injuries hurt because of the laughing movement. Jason rushes over to her. Y/n smiles pulling Jason into a kiss. Judging by the way he relaxed into the kiss it seems to calm him.

“I’m Sam and this is Dean” Sam introduced after Y/n and Jason pulled away

“Nice to meet you” Y/n giggled

“Hey, Jason lets go get some food and let these two talk.” Sam suggested nodding to the door behind him.

“Yeah as long as you tell me why they need to talk alone.” Jason told Sam as he followed him out of the room.

“Yeah” Sam replied to him patting his back. Leaving the two alone in the room in a kinda awkward silence.

“So um why do we need to talk? And privately at that.” Y/n asked the man left in the room that she apparently needed to have a talk with. Not minding the silence. Was it awkward? Yes. But she feels safe with the man. Even though they just met and he’s a stranger.

“Y/n. What do you know about your father?” Dean asked her as he sat down in the chair previously sat in by her boyfriend.

“Mom said that he’s a fellow hunter. That she believes that they were in love. But his dad came to town looking for him, a lot went down and they split. A week later she found out about me. She tried to reach him but the phone was disconnected. He doesn’t know about me, probably never will. Why?” Y/n told him. Now she was curious about this strange man. She feels comfortable around him. But they just met. Why is he asking about that of all things?

“Well, sweetheart I can confirm me and your mom were really in love. And I would have left the hunting life to be with her and if I would’ve known about you-you would’ve grown up with me around. With your dad around.” Dean said looking at her in the eyes, noticing that she has his eyes.

“How did you know who I was?” Y/n asked not understanding how he would know.

“When they tested your DNA to find out your medical history, they said your last name is Winchester and Sam said you look like me. And you look a lot like your mom to. I can see that clearly.” Dean’s voice cracked a stray tear falling down his cheek. Looking at his babygirl who’s pretty much all grown up.

“Yeah. She hyphenated my name, gave me hers and I guess yours.”

Y/n let a couple of tear’s come out her eye’s to. She doesn’t know what’s suppose to happen next but she knows what she would like to happen.

“So-uh, um what now? I mean, you now know about me, now so what happens?” Y/n asked what she believes to be the most terrifying question of her life. At first, he just didn’t know but now he does. Now that he does what's gonna happen? If he rejects her now that would hurt more.

“If you let me I wanna be in your life, for the rest of it.” Dean stated grabbing her hand and holding it between both of his.

“I would like that.” she smiled. Which Dean returned, both wearing general smiles. That both haven’t done in a while.

“Awesome” Dean let out with a small laugh

“Awesome” Y/n did the same

“Oh god he says that to”

“Oh god she says that to”

Sam and Jason said at the same time, looking at eachother in a little bit of shock. All four hunters ended up laughing.

“So I’m gonna guess and say you're my uncle now?” Y/n asked looking between her father and Sam. Sam nodded with a smile she could tell he was trying to contain.

Jason walked over to her bedside opposite of the one before “Sam told me an I put the pieces together. Fate brought you together.” he smiled down at her

Y/n grabbed his hand in her one not occupied by Dean “fate also brought us together.”

Dean let go of her hand to give them a little space. He walked over to Sam by the door, but they didn’t leave this time.

“How’d it go?” Sam asked his brother with a hopeful look

“Good, great. She wants me in her life Sam.” Dean smiled at Sam. Sam hadn’t seen Dean this happy in a long, long time.

“Dean that’s amazing.I’m happy for you man. But, uh now you have to deal with that.” Sam tried not laughing but couldn’t help it. Dean looked confused before looking in the direction of his daughter making out with Jason.

Jason and y/n pulled apart to look at her father and uncle. “Don't worry, we’ll keep the PDA on low so you can get use to it at first.” Jason smiled at him as Y/n giggled at what her boyfriend said thinking ‘we kiss all the time so good luck with that’.

“Oh, I don’t know if he ever will” Sam laughed loving the look on Deans face. Also loving the idea of his brother having to deal with teenagers in love and one being his own daughter.

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5 years ago

Shouldn’t What? - Dean Winchester

Dean x fem!reader

Warnings: none (Angsty maybe?)

Word count: 365

Summary: reader put her self in danger and Deans not happy about it

Authors Note: I don’t mean IT as in the clown




“Why would you do that!” Dean yelled slamming the motel door, entering after you.

“I saved your ass! A thank you would be nice.” Y/n turned her head back a bit yelling over her shoulder but not as serious as him.

“You could have killed yourself!” he yelled again stretching his arms out in the air.

“Actually IT would’ve killed me. I wouldn’t have killed myself.” Y/n turned back to face the wall taking off her jacket.

“You put yourself in front of me knowing that you could’ve been killed for doing so.” Dean stated, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her around to face him.

“I did it to save you!” she stressed looking him in the eyes

“Don’t risk your life for mine. Ever.” Dean stressed

Y/n scoffed shaking her head in disbelief “I’m always gonna risk my life for you.”

“I don’t want you to.” he let out in one breath looking down shaking his head and dropping his arms to his side.

“I don’t care if you don’t want me to. I’m gonna do it because I love you, and I don’t want you dead.” Y/n stood her ground. Stating firmly how she feels about the subject.

“You shouldn’t” he snapped his attention at her

“Shouldn’t what?” she asked watching him drop his head looking down again and avoiding looking at her. 

“Shouldn’t what Dean?” Y/n asked again with a shake in her voice. Even though her voice shook slightly, Y/n kept her dominance in her statement.

“You shouldn’t love me. And you shouldn’t want to save me. I’m not worth it. I’m not worth your life.” Dean spoke finally looking up at her. Dean looked her in the eyes.

Y/n rushed in her movements, pushing herself up against him and cupped his cheeks. She couldn’t believe what he was saying. “Your worth everything to me. I do love you. And I would die a thousand times for you. And you Dean Winchester are not gonna tell me I can’t do any of those things.”

All Dean could do was nod before the two met at the lips and shared a passionate kiss.

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5 years ago

Uncle Bobby? - Dean Winchester

Dean x Fem!reader

Uncle Bobby x niece reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 691

Summary: Dean fall for Bobby’s niece

Authors Note: I love the longer I can make a story but I hate typing them when they’re  lol




“Your trucks fixed.” Y/n yelled entering through the back door. Grabbing a couple of beer’s and heading over to her uncle.

“Thanks, sweetheart” Bobby nodded in thanks to his niece and accepting the beer

Y/n smiled “No problem uncle Bobby”

“Wait-” Sam cut in from the couch holding his hand up

“Uncle Bobby?” Dean finished with wide confused eyes

“Yeah?” Y/n stretched out looking to her uncle confused

“Y/ns my niece.” Boby just shrugged at Y/n and looked to the two brothers.

Sam looked to Bobby, stating “we didn’t know you had a niece.”

Dean looked from Bobby to Y/n and then back to Bobby, clearing his throat “how’d we not know you had a niece?”

“Because normally when you guys are here I’m on a case.” Y/n cut in answering his question. Bugged a little that they seemed to talk like she wasn’t right there in front of them.

“Y/n takes a lot of hunts that involve weird, rare monsters.”Bobby explained gesturing to his niece

Sam sat up instantly “wait. So your thea Y/n. Y/n Singer.”

Y/n ducked her head embarrassed but till answered in a strong voice “yeah”

“You don’t seem shocked.” Dean pointed out tilting his head

“I guess I just already know hunters talk about me.” she shrugged her shoulders not surprised that the Winchesters know her reputation. “I take weird cases. I hunt things that are so rare nobody really knows what it is. People talk about it.”

“Hmm” Dean hummed

Sam smiled in a friendly way at Y/n, clearing the tension. “Well, it’s great to meet the hunter behind the name and to meet Bobbys niece.”

“It’s nice to meet the famous Winchester brothers. I’ve heard a lot about you boys. Mostly from Bobby here.” Y/n smiled back at Sam before getting up to leave. “Excuse me but I’m covered in grease and need a shower.” she said before heading upstairs but not without sparing a glance at Dean.

^        ^         ^

“How come it’s every time?” Dean asked startling Y/n. She looked behind her to where Dean was standing.

“Excuse me? What are you talking about?” Y/n asked back from where she’s sat on the porch stairs.

“How come it’s every time we’re here that your not?” Dean elaborated, trying to figure out how he’s never met her before.

Y/n shrugged “I don’t know. Just worked out that way.”

Dean nodded frustrated with her answer being so vague but he took it anyway. He pushed off the door frame to move down the steps a bit and sit’s down next to her. “What are you doing?” Dean asked looking over her shoulder.

“Drawing” she replied erasing a couple of lines she had drawn on the paper

“What is it?” Dean questioned curiously, moving closer.

“A rare Scottish monster that seems to keep popping up a lot in the U.S. Figured if I draw it and write about it then it might help other hunters.” Y/n explained looking at him with a spark in her eyes that Dean could only explain as excitement.

“It’s really good.” Dean complimented, brushing some of Y/ns fallen hair out of her eyes.

“Thanks” she whispered becoming slightly nervous at how close they have gotten. Especially how close their faces have gotten. Both their cheeks had turned red and the two looked down embarrassed.

^         ^          ^

“Dean” Bobby yelled from the kitchen

“Yeah” Dean walked into the room ready to know what he could do to help.

“Go with Y/n to the store will ya” he stated more than asked

“Sure” Dean nodded walking over to the couch grabbing his jacket.

“Well, then you coming or not Winchester?” Y/n asked smirking at the eldest Winchester brother from by the front door, ready to leave.

“Hell yeah” Dean mumbled gulping, rushing over to her so they could leave.

^           ^            ^

“You do realize that when Bobby find out your dead right?” she sighed, resting her head on Dean’s shoulder nudging him.

“I know but it’ll be worth it.” Dean stated kissing the top of her head.

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5 years ago

Roadtrip Supplies - Dean Winchester

Dean x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 418

Summary: Dean has a surprise for the reader that’s shes wanted to do for awhile




“What’s all this?” Y/n pointed to all the grocery bags scattered all over the bunker’s kitchen floor.

“Supplies” he answered taking stuff out of the bags

“Supplies for what?” Y/n asked still standing in the doorway confused. Dean hates shopping, especially grocery shopping.

“You and me” Dean smiled at his girl before continuing to pack food into one of his duffle bags

Y/n laughed “supplies for you and me, for what?”

Dean smirked “suprise”

Y/n’s shoulders slumped “Well when do I get to find out what this suprise is?”

“Tomorrow” Dean stood up and walked threw the bags on the floor to Y/n. He smiled at her kissing the top of her head. “Go pack a bag” he said before going back to his original activity.

“Pack a bag of what?” she asked to his retreating form.

“Clothes!” Dean stated over his shoulder

^      ^     ^

“Wake up!” Dean shouted waking her up as he entered their room.

Y/n groaned sleepily, squinting at him “mmmph, what time is it?”

“6 am” Dean smiled widely sitting on the bed next to her

“Why, the hell are you waking me up at 6 am? Better question why are you even up at 6 am?” Y/n sat up in bed rubbing her eyes.

Dean pulled the blanket back in hopes to get her up faster “surprise time and we need to go soon for it to start. So up an atom.”

“Mmmmph.” Y/n fell back against her pillow in hopes of going back to sleep.

^      ^       ^

“Ready?” Dean asked leaning against the wall

“Yeah” Y/n smiled tiredly at him

“Great” Dean answered grabbing her bag for her

“You seem very happy” Y/n stated following him to the garage

Dean smiled at Y/n giving her a quick kiss “I am, because of what I have planned I know your gonna love.” He moved around the car to get in after putting her bag in the trunk next to his. “Get in” he nodded toward the car.

“So…” Y/n got in looking at him once seated. “You gonna tell me what this is yet?”

“Roadtrip” Dean smiled at her.

Y/n looked shocked at him “wait, seriously?! Like not for hunting just a plain fun Roadtrip?”

Dean nodded “absolutely. I know you’ve wanted to take one for awhile.”

“Your the best.” she stated scooting closer to him

“Love you sweetheart” he stated grabbing her hand and holding as he pulled out of the bunker’s garage.

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7 months ago

That's My Girl - Dean Winchester

Dean x Daughter Fem!Reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 175

Summary: After being attacked by a vampire, and finding where his next is Y/n wants revenge.

Authors Note: short but sweet


Supernatural Masterlist


That's My Girl - Dean Winchester

“How are you feeling kiddo??” Dean asked as he walked over to sit next to his daughter, kissing the top of her head.

They had just got back from doing some more research. More determined than ever to find the nest of vamps that hurt Dean’s daughter.

“Better.” Y/n smiled at him before asking. “Did you guys find the nest?”

Sam shook his head taking a seat at one of the table chairs in the tiny motel kitchen. “Not yet. What are we going to do when we find him?”

Sam was still on this not all monsters are bad kick, and it was pissing Dean and Y/n off. Especially now, did he not want to kill the monsters that tried to kill his niece and injured her?”

“We kill the sons of bitches.” Y/n stated with a determined look in her eye’s. That vamp was going to suffer for hurting her.

“That's my girl!” Dean stated proudly with a smirk. No one hurt his daughter and would get away with it.

taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

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6 months ago

Dean x OC | The Ultimate Gift.

Imagine: Dean comes back for late from a hunt around your birthday with a gift he's for certain, will be one you never forget. TW: death, angst.

OR - the first time you say the words "I love you" to a Winchester brother.

// Men of Letters Bunker //

Two sharp raps at the door followed by Dean's secret jingle has you smiling faintly when you look up at the door of your little private space in the huge bunker.

"Come in!" You call out and he opens the door, left hand behind his back.

"Hey there, lonely girl." He sang as he danced his shoulders toward you and you couldn't have the faint giggle that escaped you.

"How was the hunt? Must've been a rager for you if you've been gone all this time.. and is that." She sniffed the air. "Victory beer?"

"Well you know, I wouldn't have missed your birthday." He scratched his neck with his free hand. "Sammy said you went back home? How was that?"

"Oh you know... the usual." She chuckled. "Got together with a few old hunting buddies and had an existential crisis."

"Dean!" Sam raced in. "OH. I thought I was gonna miss it."

"Miss what?" You asked.

"Hey." Dean said sharply, eyes darting over his shoulder but not really turning to look at his younger brother. "So, anyway. What'd Sam get you? Just curious."

"He bought me an AirTag. Well bought all of us one."

"Sure did. And taught her how to set it up on her phone. She's got eyes on both of us at all times and vice versa."

"Both... Did you put a tracker on me?" Dean turned his head and Sam scoffed.

"Would you rather me or she put a tracking spell on you...?" Sam gestured you with a pointed eyebrow.

"Anyway." you sighed before the boys got into a signature argument over just the dullest things. "It was nice."

"Well. My gift is arguably the best one of all time."

"Why?" Sam was nearly belligerent and beside himself. "A better gift than a way to completely kill off the anxiety of 'when/where/why?"

Dean pulled a sloppily wrapped gift out from his back and held it to you with genuine thrill in his eyes as he sat on the edge of your bed. You frowned at the peculiar shape of it. Slowly but surely you began to peel the wrapping paper off and was genuinely surprised to find a bloody blade sitting in a ziplock bag in your hands.

"Dean..." You frowned. "I don't..."

"That's the sword I used to kill the demon that..." He grabbed your hand. "That killed him." The statement was so definitive. The blade that killed the man you loved... The reason hunting became your vice...

You tried to speak, but no words came out of you as you looked at the visceral remains practically caramelized between the weapon and the plastic.

"That's where I've been. Killing the evil son of a bitch that--" His big eyes were red rimmed so fast it nearly broke your heart. He blinked away tears and bit his lip. "Went down there and summoned the bastard myself."

"Dean, you've been gone for days..." Sam shook his head.

"Well, yeah. What was I just supposed to kill it? No... I made it bleed... I made it suffer...." You let the bag turn over in your hands. "And now Princess has got her very own trophy."

"Dean.." You fought to find words. "I love you."

His face faltered for a second. You'd never said those three words out loud. Not even when you were the most grief stricken talking about your late partner..

"Love you too. We both do. Happy late birthday. Now let's make with the belated birthday cake and pie before Sammy starts crying like a bitch."

"Hey, fuck you! Jerk." The boys began poking jabs at each other as you took the weapon in which slain the beast that slain your heart into the drawer of your bedside table.

You jumped up and didn't for a second miss the gesture Dean made behind his back, opening and closing his fingers in the palm of his hand... signaling you to come take his hand behind his back.

You grabbed it and he squeezed twice before practically tugging you into the hall, all the while still making jokes at Sam as if his warm hand wasn't all the affirmation that the love of the Winchesters was always the ultimate gift.

Tags :
6 months ago

Mornings With The Winchesters | Rating T

Summary: Piggybacking off of Dean's Gift , you're probably wondering how we got here? Imagine: Dean Winchester's feelings for you are a result of a special love spell your late hunter boyfriend placed on you both. But you know who can't stand it?? SAM.

Author's Note: It's not as cheesy as it sounds.

Sam hated mornings like this. His eyes darted from you to Dean warily as you flew past each other. It would always start the same, you'd wake up first... It'd been happening three months now. You were actually doing it before then. Three months is the first time Sam noticed it actively.. this shared.. thing you and Dean have.

"Wendigo in Santa Barbara." Dean spat out of one side of his face as the plates and beer clatter to the table.

"Last week, dumbass. It was a rougarou." You snatched the post it note rolled up from behind his ear and launched it toward the trash.

"Okay." Dean collapsed unceremoniously beside his brother. "So, what.. you're telling me there's no damn demon for MILES."

"Sorry, did you want someone to die just so we can go on a hunt right now?" The dry retort actually made Sam chuckle before he could think about it.

"Fuck." Sam's body went cold. Oh you two were going all the way today. "FUCK!" Dean roared and the entire house shook as he slammed his fist on the table.

Nothing but the sound of two beers cracking as Sam methodologically pushed his eyes to the table the same way he always did with John and John's temper.

"You got a problem boy?" The sentence comes out in John's tone, but with your airy vocals behind it.

Dean's lip quivered as he glared at you.

Sam's eyes darted toward you quickly.

Flashback >>

"You got a problem, dude?" The emphasis on the d was what made you laugh out loud before you heard his truck door slam. Yet, there was no laugh.. hell, you couldn't even feel his smile. Quickly you whirled around, hearing the pump of his shotgun.

"Take it easy tough guy." Dean Winchester's voice sounded and your shoulders slumped and tensed at the same time.

"I can smell the hunter on you.." Flashback End >>

"No problem." Dean muttered through gritted teeth.

"Good. Eat your goddamn bacon." You didn't miss a beat and Sam watched your eyes chase something on the wall.

"What... happened."

"The rougarou ate through an entire fucking family. I found the nest and took it out."

"By yourself?" Sam demanded and looked to his brother for some sort of confirmation.

"Tell him what else."

"Why because you were there?" the icy response shot across the table.

"Because I told you." Dean gripped your wrist in ten seconds flat, and you gasped as he practically tugged you across the table. "Ever since. Every time." His eyes didn't leave yours but your eyes landed on his wrist. The burn. Identical to your own.

"Every time what?" Sam stuck in the middle of this twisted love spell, demanded.

"She almost died."

"I didn't."


The room was still as he released your hand and you practically tumbled in your chair, still weak from using every strength in your body to mutter out your emergency protection incantation before you were finally eaten alive.

"So what if I did?" You sputtered to the table and Sam squeezed his eyes shut as another slam hit the table. Again and again. Until.. God he hoped Dean wasn't bleeding.

He slowly chanced an opportunity to open his eyes, and something that never happens before was taking place right in front of him.

"I got back. Didn't I?" You were gazing directly into Dean's eyes. Your palm was flat over his shaking fist and Sam was honestly petrified you were about to get punched square in the face. "Not possessed. Not dead. I got back."

"Not without that gash in your back."

"Holy shit, will you just admit you're BONING?" It was Sam's turn to finally lose it-- to leave the main room of the bunker and you sighed.

"I told you.. not to talk about that. Begged you, even."

"What, about the fact that your little fucking boyfriend hexed ûs before he died?"

"I have no idea WHY!"

"Because..." Dean's eyes looked anywhere but yours.

"Because what, Dean????" You demanded.


"Darling." He muttered into your hair. "Wanna grab me and your friend here another round?"

"You've had--"

"Darling..." There was a cock of your own eyebrow and you sighed dejectedly as you rushed off. He slowly turned his back to the bar, a tradition he avoided with you in the vicinity, but not anymore.

"You got her wrapped around your finger, huh?" Dean Winchester scoffed at his beer. "Fucking witches." He was regarded with the roll of an eye. "Sorry, warlocks."

"I'm gonna put a spell on you two." He spoke to his glass.

"I'll put a bullet through your eyes."

"No you won't." He laughed at the myriad of bottles before them. "Because when it happens, she's going to fucking need you."

"When what happens, tough guy?"

The smile Dean watched unfold on the man before him's face was so haunting, he'd never forget. "OUCH." He yelled out, feeling a scalding pain on his hand. He glared down at it, the bare, completely normal hand.

"What the--"

"Babe. My fucking GLASS EXPLODED!" The pain radiated through Dean's hand as you raced toward them, hand practically gushing Dean's brain matter straight from your veins.

"Darling." Dean. Dean looked over his shoulder quickly when he heard his dad's voice. "You have got to be more careful."

Dean chanced a glance at the man before him who was staring down at your hand, but somehow giving him a knowing gaze at the same time.

Flashback End.

"I wish Sam was the fucking one he trusted with all this shit." You were pacing when Dean had remembered where he was, seated across from you in the bunker..

"Hey." He said softly. You didn't stop and he could feel his heart hammering with violent anger. "HEY!" He yelled and you paused all step then. "Sit down. You know I... don't like..." You slowly fell down into your chair. "Doing.. well.. that."

You wouldn't even look at him. He knew why.

"I'll talk to Sam." He promised. "I'll--"

"Why is it that I had to have had sex with you??? Why isn't it just--" You scoffed.

"Magic. Supernatural? A pain in the ass? I don't know. All I know is that's what he wanted and that's what he's got."

"I didn't need an emergency contact, Dean."

"Clearly." He yanked his sleeve up. "YOU DO."

"Because I got pushed into a fucking radiator?"

"Because he didn't want you to go alone." He spoke firmly. "So you wanna go.. down.. guns blazing. Fists... Pushing." He pushed his lips together as he stared at you "You call me. Because.. we would have nothing to live for."


"Sorry..." They both looked over when Sam scratched his the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to freak out."

"He thinks he freaked out." You smiled dotingly at him, and Sam melted into the gaze.

"He thinks you're the closest thing we've ever had to Dad." Dean said in that firm tone again that caused you to turn back to him slowly. You were moved, almost nearly broken by the statement. John who had taught you and your partner to hunt, John who jumped through you every single time there was a dangerous situation. John, the man who had left behind your lifelines... John Winchester was your hero.

"Dean." Sam shook his head slowly. "I didn't- I didn't say that."

"I love you." You blurted out.

"I know." Dean laughed. He nodded and shrugged as if to simply say 'I'm awesome, right?'

"Sit." You rushed up to grab Sam's hands and he slowly followed you to replace you in her chair. "Lemme top you up on the beer."

"Y/N--, really--"

"Seriously. Lemme make breakfast." You rush out of the room and Sam sighed at his brother. "Why do you do that?"


"Make her crazy. So she went on a hunt. So she got hurt. So she.. maybe wasn't in the mood last night--"

"Sam. She.." He bit his lip as you flew back into the room setting down plates. You smiled at him and every trace of the anger you both felt for the wounds you both hid faded when he realized, your peace was taking John's place. The most he's been able to make with the loss of his father since.

"She what?"

"Who?" You looked over, adorably confused.

"You. Pain in the ass." Dean smirked as you stuck your tongue out.

"God. The migraines. You two..." Sam warned as you sat down next to him, cracking him open a beer and setting down an aspirin. "you just.. carry that around?"

"Let's just say.. I had a hunch when I woke up this morning..." You rolled your eyes as Sam shook his head with absolutely frustration, threw the pill into his mouth and took a swig of his beer.

Sam hated mornings like this.

Tags :
8 years ago
The Cure - Dean Winchester Imagine
The Cure - Dean Winchester Imagine
The Cure - Dean Winchester Imagine
The Cure - Dean Winchester Imagine
The Cure - Dean Winchester Imagine

The Cure - Dean Winchester Imagine

New Me Part 2

Part 1

Warning: Gore, blood, maybe some angst......maybe

Summary: Knowing what you’ve turned into Dean beats himself up and tries to right his wrong

You felt the tug indicating someone was summoning you. You groaned, the only person who normally dared to summon you was either Crowley or Abaddon. You laid down the knife you were using. You wiped the blood from your hands on the grey shirt you were wearing. You smiled at the soul lying on the rack. ‘Don’t you worry sweetheart’ Her eyes widened as you leaned over her. ‘I’ll be back once I figure out what these idiots want’ You reached out and ran your finger across her cheek collecting the blood that ran there. ‘Don’t go anywhere’ You giggled and put your finger in your mouth sucking the liquid from it. You smirked as her eyes widened. ‘Wait for me my dear?’ You giggled and zapped yourself up top.

You threw you hand out and the door flew off its hinges. ‘I thought I told you boys to leave it alone? Well, where’s little Sammy?’ Dean spun around as the door hit the far wall. ‘And did you really think I was going to pop up inside this dodgy motel room. Ever inch of it is covered in devil traps’ You twisted your wrist and a crack appeared along the ceiling. breaking all the traps they had put on the ceiling. ‘Except for the corner Your Majesty is standing in over there’ You chuckled and waved at Crowley.

He gave you a tight smile and waved slightly. ‘You’re fighting for Hell and you’re trying to trap me?’ You raised your eyebrows and leaned against the door frame. ‘And working with the Winchesters’ You spat the name giving the elder hunter a glare. ‘To do it, well the Demon’s aren’t going to be too happy are they?’ You giggled. ‘They’ll all back Abaddon when they hear you’ve got rid of their favourite torturer’ Crowley just crossed his arms. ‘Not like there isn’t a new big shot down there already’ You looked down at your heels. ‘Abaddon’s got her laws into hell’ Crowley growled.

You giggled looking up at him. ‘No, that would be me’ You twiddled your fingers at him. ‘But myself and Abaddon have a mutual agreement’ Crowley pushed himself up with a glare. ‘You would bow down to Abaddon?’ You rolled your eyes. ‘Better than some egotistical salesman’ You laughed. ‘So don’t try manipulate my alliance’  You looked at Dean who was just gaping at you.

You pushed yourself from the frame and stood straight. ‘I won’t be siding with someone who is so tolerant of them’ You glared at Dean Winchester. ‘Of any hunters’ You spat the word. The thing that you once were now disgusted you. Crowley disappeared and you rolled your eyes. ‘Now Winchester, unless you want to make a deal I got a soul to crack open downstairs’ You smirked checking your nails. ‘I’m sorry’ The words were faint but you heard them

You rolled your eyes. ‘You can be as sorry as you want but it still doesn’t matter to me’ You smiled and raised you hand waving your fingers at him. ‘Now buh bye’ Before you could disappear there was a sound of wings behind you. Something clamped down on your wrist.

Your head snapped to the side. ‘Sorry’ Sam reached around and grabbed your other hand clamping the other cuff on it. ‘Really?’ You look between the younger Winchester and the Angel before clicking. But they didn’t disappear. ‘What is this?’ You growled. ‘Us getting you back Babe’ Dean gave you an apologetic smile as he walked towards you.

You glared and reached out. You wrapped the chain around the taller man’s neck. And kicked his leg out from under him. Dean reached out but you tighten your grip. Sam choked and gripped at the chain. ‘Let me out’ You snarled dragging the much larger man with you down the hallway. ‘Or I’ll snap his neck’ Both the other men tried to calm you. ‘I’ll kill him’ Then Castiel disappeared.

You turned your body slightly as he appeared again. You kicked out breaking the bone in his knee and he fell. You leaned back dragging the almost unconscious hunter with you and swung your elbow making it collide into the side of his face and he fell to the ground. ‘Don’t Dean’ He stopped about a foot from you.

A sharp pain in your leg made you grunt. ‘Crowley, No’ Dean shouted rushing forwards. You seen the angel blade heading for your neck before you could do anything. But you still raised your hands to intercept. Then you were knocked to the ground. You grunted when someone landed on top of you. Your eyes met the striking green you had loved years ago. You raised your head your forehead hitting his face. He grunted and you threw him off you.

You scrambled to your feet but your way was blocked by a trenchcoated Angel. He raised his hand pressing it to your forehead and then everything went black

Groaning you opened your eyes. You felt different. Like something was wrong with you, and it made you scream. Pain coursed through your veins. ‘Dean’ You heard a shout. Your eyes fell on Sam Winchester. You sat strapped to a chair. The chair was inside a Devils trap. Sam sat on a desk his nose in a book, the usual. Five syringes were beside him, all filled with blood. ‘Sam let me go’ You growled. He shook his head. ‘I’ll cut you a deal’ You smirked. ‘You let me out I’ll give you a taste of some of that Demon blood you love so much’ Your head snapped to the doorway as his older brother walked in . ‘She’s awake’ You seen the sorrow in his eyes and for some reason it made you feel bad.

Wait what?

You shouldn’t feel bad. Dean picked up a syringe and began walking over to you. ‘What the hell did you freaks do to me?’ You snarled. Dean sighed. ‘I’m sorry’ He stuck the needle into your arm and pumped the blood into your system. You grunted as it mingled with your own stinging. ‘W-what are you doing to me?’ You looked up at him through your lashes. ‘Dean?’ You whimpered. ‘We’re curing you sweetheart’ He placed his hand on your cheek a soft look on his face.

Curing you? But that was impossible. You turned you head sinking your teeth into his hand. He shouted and jerked away. He raised his hand. ‘Go on, hit me’ You taunted a sadistic smile on your face. Dean lowered his hand and turned walking from the devil’s trap to his brother. You made a show of licking the blood from your lips. ‘You can’t cure demon’s Dean, we can’t be cured’ Sam patted his brother’s shoulder as he walked by him. ‘We are what we are, its how we live with what we’ve done’ You smirked when you seen the flash of hurt in his eyes. ‘I really am sorry about what I did to you’ Your smirk fell and you scoffed. The pang of empathy you felt was foreign and unwelcome.

Two hours later and two injections later you were starting to feel worse for wear. Your body was tired and sore and you wanted to cry. Of course you couldn’t give them that satisfaction and you just sat watching them read. ‘Shouldn’t it be working by now?’ Dean whispered to his brother who just looked up at you. You sent them a smirk. ‘She’s shut up’ Sam sighed. ‘I’ve said everything I need to, plus you two don’t exactly hold riveting conversations’ You shrugged and leaned back closing your eyes.

You heard Dean sigh. ‘Unless you want to talk about Hell’ You opened your eyes looking at them. Dean’s eyes widened and Sam gulped. ‘I mean, we’ve all been there’ You leaned forwards smiling at Dean. ‘Me and you have something in common Dean, we both enjoy torturing souls’ You seen him tense. ‘I mean, I like it a lot more than you ever did but it’s the only way I can feel anything anymore’ you paused. ‘Not after they broke me’ You watched the look they shared and you cursed yourself.

Feeling, feelings that’s what was happening. You growled. ‘They broke me and built me up stronger’ Then you seen the hope disappear from their eyes. ‘Time for another shot’ Dean muttered standing. You smirked and beamed at him. ‘Oh do, I quiet enjoy the pain. Really gets me going’ You grunted as he shoved the injection into you again.

You eyes the injection on the table. It was the last one. Dean reached for it and you felt your wall break. ‘Don’t’ You cried. ‘Please, please don’t’ You felt the tears fill your eyes. ‘I can’t survive as a human, my soul. It-it’s in pieces. I won’t survive as a human. Don’t do this to me’ Dean’s hand froze over the injection. ‘Please Dean. Please’ You blinked and the tears ran down your cheeks. ‘You’ll kill me’ You whimpered.

Dean ignored the injection and made his way towards you. ‘Please, I’ve suffered so much since I died, please just let this be’ You began to sob. ‘Sweetheart, I can’t let you live as a demon’ You felt Dean’s hand on your cheek. ‘I live as a demon or I die’ You looked up at him. He had tears in his eyes too. ‘Do this for me, do this one thing for me Dean’ Sam nudged Dean and handed him the syringe giving you an apologetic look. ‘No’ You screamed lurching forwards and Dean stumbled back.

You glared at them both. ‘You can’t fix this’ You screamed. ‘You’re killing me. Just like you did before, and you moved on’ You spat. ‘And don’t you think I don’t know what you did, I heard all about it’ Tears flowed freely from your eyes. ‘You moved on with skank after skank while I was being tortured’ You slumped down in the chair. ‘I screamed for you’ Your voice small. ‘Every time they cut me, I screamed for you, every time they put me back on that rack I cried your name. Every second of every day it was your name I screamed but you never came. I always held onto the hope that you would come find me, and drag me out’ You looked up at him to see a tear running down his perfect face. ‘Don’t you dare cry’ You snarled. ‘This is your fault, all because you’d let the world burn for him’ You sent Sam a glare. ‘I was just another person in the world’ Sobs shook you body.

You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t be a human. As a demon you didn’t feel anything, none of it. All you felt was hunger for and anger. And even the anger was only a mild tickle. ’It was when I finally gave up on you coming to find me that my soul turned. It was when I let go of all hope and faith I had in you Dean Winchester that turned me into the very thing I hated’ Dean’s jaw clenched and you seen the broken look on his face. ‘And now, now that I’m finally okay again you want to rip everything away from me again. I haven’t forgiven you for the first time and I won’t forgive you for this. Never’ You spat pulling on your restraints. 

You wanted to hurt him, just like he had hurt you. You wanted to cause him as much pain as he had caused you. You wanted to make him suffer.

You hissed as Sam stuck the needle into your arm. Then he began to speak. You felt pain erupting inside of you. A scream ripped through your lips and you felt your body begin to convulse. The pain began to spread through your body and tears dropped from your face onto your arms. You felt every emotion you had avoided for years bubble up inside of you. The scream died in your throat as you began to choke. You spat the blood from your lips. ‘Sam Stop’ Dean shouted as he rushed forwards taking your face in his hands.

Blood coated your lips staining them red. You felt it begin to trickle from your right nostal. Then it wasn’t tears falling from your eyes, the red liquid stained your face and Dean’s hands. ‘You’re killing her, stop’ Dean began to sob but Sam stayed going. The strength you had left began to leave your body. You slumped forwards onto Dean’s shoulder. ‘At least it wasn’t you that pulled the trigger this time’ You whispered. ‘But I can’t bring myself to hate you’ Your eyes met his. ‘I’m sorry I blamed you. I love you Dean, always have’ You breathed out. Then the room went silent. 

And the last thing you heard was Dean’s crying, just like the first time.

Then everything disappeared and the world went dark.

Oh wow...this is a little short.....sorry


Tags :
8 years ago
Gone - Dean Winchester Imagine
Gone - Dean Winchester Imagine
Gone - Dean Winchester Imagine

Gone - Dean Winchester Imagine

Dean x reader

Summary: You call an old hunting friend for help but end up in an awkward situation

You sighed as it went straight to voicemail. ‘God damn it Winchester’ You growled into your phone. ‘Call me back let me know you’re alright will you? You bloody idjit’ You ran your hand over your face. ‘I know you’re moving, I’ve traced your GPS this morning. I’m an hour south of you John, I was coming to see you but ran into a real big vmp nest, could use your help. I’m in the sunrise Motel room 15. Just, just call me back, let me know you’re okay. Or better yet, pick up the bloody phone. Please’ You sighed when your heard the beep.

You held your hand to your neck. Night had fallen about an hour ago and you had just killed them in time. You leaned heavily against the door as you fumbled with the keys to the motel room. The door clicked open and you shouldered it open. ‘You rang’ You screamed and stumbled backwards breathing heavily. Your heart hammered against your chest, and this time in shock, not like the last time you seen him.

He sat on your bed. You slammed the door shut behind you. ‘What not happy to see me?’ He said with a smile. He raised his arms turning his body towards you. ‘You know I’m not, no need to be such as ass about it Winchester’ You growled as you walked over to the table. 

He hadn’t changed a bit. He still had the bright green eyes that sparkled when he smiled. He still had the large hard hands you loved to feel all over you. Still had those muscular thighs, those bow legs. His strong broad shoulders you had loved to wrap your arms around. And those full lips you knew he was pouting behind your back.

You laid your weapons on the table. ‘I wonder why I’m being such an ass Y/n’ He snapped and you knew he was angry, of course he was angry. He had every right to be angry. ‘Dean’ The other man snapped at him. It was probably Sam you concluded. The only other person Dean would ever hunt with apart from his father. Plus, he looked like the photo’s Dean shower you when you two had taken those cases together. Can’t you see she’s hurt’ He made his way over to you. ‘Can I help?’ He asked you kindly and you looked up at him. Damn, he was tall. Even taller than Dean, you never really thought that was possible. 

You shook your head. ‘No, just need a few stitches, just a nibble. Sam isn’t it?’ You wiped your hand on your jeans and held you hand out to him. He nodded. ‘Y/n’ He grabbed your hand nodding at your neck. ‘You’re a little cold and look like you lost a lot of blood’ Sam fussed and you smiled up at him. He was sweet. ‘Just a vamp bite’ You dropped his hand walking your bag to get the medkit. ‘Did they get much?’ Dean’s concerned voice asked beside you. ‘You had dinner? Food is always helpful after losing blood’ He asked as you crouched. Why couldn’t he stay the ass? Why did he have to turn back into the nice Dean. That Dean just made you want to throw your arms around him and apologise.

You shook your head your hand still pressed to your neck. It hadn’t been a simple bit, more like a munch and rip. ‘I’ll run out and grab us some, what do you want?’ You looked over your shoulder to see Sam grabbing the Impala keys. ‘No’ Your eyes widened. You didn’t want him to leave you alone with Dean. ‘No, it-it’s fine, I’ll order take away’ You looked back as you seen him nod leaving down the keys.

You rummaged through the bag looking for the med kit. ‘Where’s your Dad? I left him a message. I guess he sent you two?’ You were met with silence. ‘Y/n’ You turned to see Dean holding up John’s phone. You froze at the downcast look on his face. ‘No’ You breathed. ‘He can’t be’ Dean sighed and nodded. Your hand flew to your mouth. ‘Damn it’ You closed your eyes dropping to your knees. ‘I can’t believe I didn’t go with him’ You felt someone beside you. ‘I’m so sorry, I told him where that damn Demon was’ You felt Dean wrap his arm around you.

You leaned into him sighing. ‘I could have ditched my sister, I knew he was a mean son of a bitch. I should have helped’ Dean tightened his grasp on you. ‘It wouldn’t have helped, it wasn’t the Demon, he made a deal’ Dean explained. ‘You would have only gotten hurt’ You shoved him away from you. ‘Don’t start being nice Dean, I don’t deserve it’ You grabbed the green box and stood.

The world spun around you and went black for a second. ‘Damn, that is one nasty bite’ You felt arms around you. Arms you missed. ‘You said it was just a nibble’ He snapped. You sighed leaning into him as hsat you on the bed keeping your eyes closed knowing if you opened them the world would spin. ‘Samm’ He called over his shoulder. ‘Go get that dinner, she’ll have extra fries and a double cheeseburger extra tomatoes, no pickles’ He paused. ‘And get some donuts, something full of sugar’ You heard the rattle of keys and then the door slammed.

Dean slipped out from under you. ‘Sorry I ripped into you when you came in’ You opened your eyes, the world spun for a second but then stayed still. ‘You had every right to’ You sighed.He came back from the bathroom with a clothe. Now you were alone with him, something you didn’t want to happen. He knelt before you putting the kit on the bed and opening it. He pulled out the needle and thread. ‘I shou-’ You grunted cutting him off. ‘Please don’t, can we just not?’ You breathed out.

Dean nodded but you could see the hurt shining behind his eyes. But of course he kept his mouth shut, typical Dean always so damn perfect. He put his hands on your knees pushing them open. You tense as he crept between them your thighs on either side of his body. He began to clean the excess blood from your neck and you started to relax.

Dean patted your upper thigh and you opened your eyes. His face was close to your hip as he took in the last of the stitches in your skin. ‘Thanks’ You breathed as he sat back. He looked up at you. His green eyes meeting yours. Your breath hitched in your throat. Man those eyes could turn your insides to mush. ‘Y/n’ His hand slid up your thighs and around your back. Your breathing sped up as his fingers danced along the bare skin of your back. ‘I should go get a shower’ You whispered.

Dean nodded but didn’t move. His body moved closer to you. ‘Y/n, talk to me’ He breathed. You wiggled and adjusted your leg to it was on the other side of him. ‘I need to shower, I’m covered in blood’ You stood leaving his knees by the bed. ‘Why do you always do this?’ He snapped standing whirling around to you. ‘You did this the last time I seen you’ He shouted at you

You crossed your arms cover your chest. You felt slightly exposed only standing there in your bra and jeans. ‘Why do you push me away?’ You scoffed and threw your hands up into the air. ‘You’re one to talk Winchester. When we met you made it your mission to make sure I didn’t even want to talk to you’ Dean groaned. ‘We were 18′ He snapped. ‘And we got over that’ You sighed rubbing your forehead. ‘Why did you leave?’ He screamed. ‘We were good together’ You dropped your hand.

You looked at him with wide eyes. ‘Because I couldn’t stay, that’s why I left’ You screamed back at him. ‘Because you ran whenever your Dad called, because we were never really together Dean’ He froze. ‘There was never an us, you were never mine you were always his, always did as he said. I was always your second’ You screamed. ‘You could have told me that, you didn’t have to just pack your bags and leave. You didn’t even leave a note. You didn’t talk to me for 2 whole years’ Your sighed. you knew how long it had been without him.

It had been some of the trickiest years of your life. You had gotten so used to hunting with Dean and then going to solo had taken a hit out of things. You had almost gotten yourself killed a few times.

And that was only the hunting side of things. It had taken you a long time to really realise Dean wasn’t there, you wouldn’t roll over and he would be there to pull you into his arms. When some douche got too handsy, he would step in telling him to ‘go to hell’ and ‘get his damn hands off you’. Then take you back to the motel and make you forget all about any other man. Most of all you just missed his company. You missed riding shotgun as you two rode to a hunt. How he would scream along to his classic rock. Or how he would smile at you, it lighting up his face. How he would hover close to you whenever you were out.

You just missed his presence.

You watched as his shoulders rose and dropped under his harsh breathing. ‘We were hunting partners’ You shrugged. ‘We hunted together and fucked to blow off some steam, get rid of that adrenaline. Didn’t think it would be such a big deal’ You could feel the tears begin to prick at your eyes. ‘To blow off steam?’ He screamed. His voice louder than you had ever heard it before. It made you shrink back a little. ‘That’s all we were to you? Some left over adrenaline?’ You could tell you had hurt him.

But it was better than the alternative. You two had gotten too close. Things had started to happen between you. And if you had learned anything after a life in hunting is that partnerships ended in disaster. If you and Dean had continued one of you would have died, and the other would be left devastate, thinking they could have done more, that it was their fault. The way you were heading, the hunting life wasn’t the place for that. And neither of you were giving it up.

A little hurt now, was better than a whole heap down the line. ‘It’s how it was for both of us’ You snapped back but your voice broke a little. You closed your eyes willing the tears to stay away. You had cried as many tears as you were going to cry over losing this man. ‘No, no it wasn’t’ You eyes snapped open. ‘Do you know what it did to me?’ You looked down at your boots unable to meet his eyes. ‘What waking up that morning did to me?’ You heard his footsteps as he stalked over to you.

You seen his feet but refused to look up at him. ‘I woke up and you were gone Y/n, Gone’ He wasn’t shouting anymore. But this was almost worse, you deserved his anger. Dean being angry you could deal with but this, not this. You couldn’t deal with the shake in his voice, the crack, almost as if he was about to cry. ‘You left me, you were gone’ His voice to dropped to more than a whisper.

You shrugged not looking at him. You felt his anger flare again. ‘Gone’ He shouted. ‘Why? Why did you leave?’ His hand wrapped around your arms. And you finally looked up. You didn’t like what you seen. Dean’s lips were parted. His eyes were wet with tears. ‘I couldn’t stay’ You felt your own voice crack and tears you had willed away started to come back. ‘Why? We were good? Why couldn’t you stay? What was wrong?’ God Dean never knew when to give up. ‘God damn it Dean Winchester, I’d fell in love with you’  You screamed pulling away from him.

You froze when you had realised what you had said, your eyes almost going as wide as his. Tears streamed from them down your cheeks. Dean’s jaw was almost on the floor. His arms still raised where he had held you. ‘Eh’ Both your heads snapped to the side.

Sam stood in the doorway a large brown bag in his hands. His eyes were wide and moved between you and his brother. You seen Dean reach up wipe a tear from his face. Why had neither of you heard him come in? ‘I got food, and a room for me and Dean’ You nodded looking down at your hands. ‘I should shower’ You turned running to the bathroom.

The rest of the night had been slightly awkward. You had all eaten dinner, you were happy Dean had remembered what you liked. Then you three had shared a few beers. The boys had made sure you were recovered before retiring to their own room.

You jumped when there was a knock on your door. You slowly opened it. Dean looked up at you with a soft smile. You sighed. ‘Dean li-’ But he cut you off. His hand wrapped around the back of your neck and pulled you to him. His other hand cupped your cheek and he pressed his lips to your. You tensed against him.

But then relaxed your hands grabbing his jacket pulling him closer to you. You could never say no to Dean, never. You loved him. Always had. Dean pulled away slightly his forehead resting on yours. ‘I love you Y/n’ Dean breathed his eyes opening and meeting yours. You felt your chest tighten. Those word you had wanted to hear for years. Words you had dreamt about hearing, it was true most nights you had dreamt of him lying beside you muttering those exact words. ‘I did back then and I love you now’ You felt your eyes tear up, he loved you. He loved you back. You could see the fear in his eyes. Fear you were going to tell him to leave, fear you wouldn’t love him back. Dean had never really felt as if he deserved those things, and part of you blamed John, the rest the Life. But also hope, he was hoping you felt the same about him, hoping you could say it back.

You pressed your lips to the side of his full pink lips. ‘I love you too’ You breathed. Dean smiled his eyes lighting up and pressed his lips against yours again. You took a step back into the room pulling him with you. He closed the door behind him with his foot as his hands pulled off your clothes and yours did the same with his.

You let out a breath as you watched the man sleep beside you. He looked peaceful in his sleep. A sleeping Dean was always something you loved watching. It was like all the weight of everything was taken off his shoulders. How you wanted it to be, how you wanted a happy life for him, for him to leave this behind and settle. You reached over brushing your finger along the freckles on his cheeks. 

You smiled remembering the night before. All the times he had told you he loved you, all the times you had said it back to him. How he had held you in his arms as you both lay panting. Then how you had leaned over and kissed him with everything you had. And how he had rolled you underneath him saying he wanted to show you exactly how much he loved you, again.

You jumped as a hand came down on your shoulder drawing you from your thoughts. ‘Oh hey Sam’ You smiled up at the smaller Winchester. ‘How you feeling today Y/n?’ He asked. He must have been for a jog, he was covered in sweat and wearing a tracksuit. ‘A lot less sore thank you’ You smiled. Sam nodded. ‘Well, I’m going to get breakfast’ He smiled down at you before turning. ‘Hey Sam?’ You called after him He stopped looking at you. You looked down at your hands and sighed. 

You slipped the silver ring from it holding it out him. He took it with furrowed eyebrows looking confused. ‘Will you do me a favour?’ You whispered. He nodded as he cradled the small band in his large hand. ‘I’m so sorry, and I love you more than anything’ You breathed. ‘Will you pass that onto your brother for me’ His eyes snapped up to you and widened. ‘Please?’ You felt your throat tighten and Sam nodded again. ‘Thank you’ You gave him a tight smile. 

You turned climbing into your old car and pulled out from the motel parking lot tears cascading town your cheeks with Sam watching you go.

Leaving Dean Winchester asleep and naked in your motel room.

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8 years ago
Sleepyhead - Dean Imagine
Sleepyhead - Dean Imagine
Sleepyhead - Dean Imagine

Sleepyhead - Dean Imagine

Dean x Reader

Summary: You love to cuddle.

No plotline whatsoever......just cuddly, cute Dean time.

You opened the door to your old house. You weren’t surprised when you seen the younger Winchester sitting on the couch his feet up on the stool in front of him and the TV on. You recognised the car out front, plus you had given them spare keys to the safe house a few months ago. ‘Hey’ Sam waved at you. ‘Winchester’ You closed the door behind you and walked over to the couch. You bent over the back.

You laid your hands on Sam’s shoulders leaning around him to plant a kiss on his cheek. The stubble there was about a day old telling you how long they had been here. ‘How’s things? Taking a few days off?’ You asked wrapping your arms around him. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to your chin. ‘Yeah, you?’ He leaned your chin on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around your forearms. ‘Salt and burn a few states over’ You turned your face into his shirt when you yawned.

Sam chuckled and you smiled lazily at him. ‘Is Dean with you?’ You asked him, you knew the answer already. ‘Yeah, he’s upstairs asleep’ You nodded. ‘You should probably sleep, you look tired’ Sam smiled at you. You rolled your eyes. ‘You need to stop being such a worrier’ You laughed at him but stood up pressing a kiss to his head. ‘I’m going shopping later. You want anything? How long are you boys staying?’ Sam shrugged. ‘Few days, and I’ll make a list and come with you’ You nodded grabbing the bag you had dropped. ‘I’m not letting you two out of here for at least a week, you boys need a break’ You turned walking up the stairs.

You giggled when you heard Sam shouting ‘Of course Mom’ After you. You opened the door to you bedroom and stopped short. Dean was lying on his stomach across your bed. He was wearing just a boxers. Your eyes ran over his wide shoulders and muscled back. The blankets was down around his thighs and his arms buried under his pillow. You smiled as the peaceful look on his face.

You quietly put your bag on the floor and began towards the chair. You sat pulling off your boots your eyes on Dean’s body. You stood wiggling out of your jeans. ‘Y/n?’ Dean’s groggy voice cut through the silence. You smiled pulling off your top and bra. ‘Hello Sleepyhead’ You breathed and grabbed his t shirt pulling it onto your body. Dean grunted a greeting as you climbed onto the bed.

You threw your leg over his body straddling his hips. You leaned forwards and began to massage the muscles in his shoulder. He let out a long moan settling into the bed. ‘Any reason why Sam looks like he’s been through the wars?’ You asked and Dean smiled softly and you kept kneading the knots from his shoulders. ‘We have’ You nodded beginning to make your way down his back. ‘Anything you want to talk about?’ You asked.

Dean hummed and shook his head. ‘Dean’ You leaned forwards and pressed a kiss between his shoulders. He sighed. ‘Leviathans’ Dean muttered. ‘Old things that Cas let out of Purgatory’ You leaned back and began to work on his lower back. ‘Yes, about everyone in the world knows about them babe’ He groaned when you hit a particularly hard knot.

You leaned into him more as he groaned. ‘We just came from a fight with one, nasty things can’t die’ You nodded. ‘Last one I got, cut it’s head off and shipped it to a friend of mine in Japan’ Den chuckled and opened one eye looking up at you. ‘You have friends in Japan?’ You nodded and he closed his eyes again. ‘Didn’t know’ You leaned forwards again pressing butterfly kisses to his shoulders.

Dean wiggled snuggling back into the sheets. ‘Where were you?’ Your fingers danced along the hard muscle of his back. ‘Salt and burn’ You leaned down lying on Dean’s back resting your head on his shoulder. ‘Why don’t you go back to sleep. I’m going shopping in a few hours when the stores open you want anything?’ Dean shook his head. ‘You know what I like’ You kissed his jaw, damn it that jaw. He should use it as a weapon.

You sat back up. ‘You know, you still You seen him smile before he turned slightly. He wrapped his hand around your arm and pulled you down. You giggled when you lended on the bed. Dean opened his eyes and you smiled at him. He reached down pulling the covers up and you wiggled beneath them.

Dean rolled onto his side and opened his arms. You moved closer to him and turned your back to him. You laid your head on his bicep and he curled it brushing his fingers through the hair on the top of your head. Dean dropped his arm over your waist and pulled you back so that your back was pressed to his front. He leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to the back of your neck.

You let a breath fall from your lips. Since Bobby had sent the boys your way when they were hiding a few years ago you had loved them with all your heart. Dean in a completely different manner to Sam. Yu loved Sam as if he was your brother, your best friend. Dean you loved to the bottom of your heart. It had broken your heart when he had disappeared with Lisa, but you knew it was for the best. He had gotten out, and that was something most Hunters dreamt of.

But you had been selfish and gotten your wish to see him again. When Sam had told him he was back and brought Dean back into this whole mess you had scolded him to no end wondering why he didn’t exactly care, then Cas had the answer. No Soul. But a small part of you was happy that you had Den back. And it was then you had told him you loved him. 

And here he was, still with you. You felt Dean shift behind you trying to get comfortable. you rolled your eyes knowing how he liked to sleep. You threaded your hand with his and rolled forwards a little. You threw one leg up and lay half on your side half on your tummy. Dean smiled against your neck. He pressed himself into your back lying on top of you. 

He threw his own leg over you pressing it against your own. You wiggled back into him now covered by heat and muscle. This was definitely one of your favourite positions to cuddle with Dean. You guessed it was his too seeing as this was how you mostly ended up when you slept together. 

In all the years you were a hunter you had never felt safe, it was always something. But with Dean it was different. When he held you it wasn’t that you felt safe, you felt like you could take on the world. But when you were like this, you felt protected, like nothing could touch you.And Dean felt like he was protecting you. Dean always wanted to protect everything.

You felt his breathing even out and you smiled knowing he was asleep. You smiled and closed your eyes burying your face in the pillow letting all the tension leave your body. You smiled as Dean snuggled further into your neck his legs tangling his bare legs with yours.

You woke up a few hours later with a shiver. You groaned at the cold air on your back. Turning over you opened your eyes. Dean was curled up on the other side of your double bed his back to you. You shuffled across the bed. ‘Any reason you’re over here?’ You muttered and you heard him groan. ‘I was hoping you’d think I was still asleep’ You reached out running your hand over his back. ‘Something on your mind?’ You wrapped your arm around his waist. 

You pressed your front to his back and tangled your legs with his. You pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades. ‘We don’t know how to kill these things’ He sighed. ‘What if they hurt someone? You?’ Dean took your hand in his bending slightly to press a kiss to your knuckles. ‘Then they get me, that’s how this works Dean. Sometimes these things just happen’ Dean chuckled as you settled into his back. You sighed finally warming up. ‘Always a happy one you’ He muttered sleepily. You smiled

You inhaled deeply taking in the smell of Dean. He smelt a little like the bodywash and shampoo you had in your shower. But there was also that musky smell that was all Dean. ‘Realistic’ You closed your eyes. ‘That’s why I love ye’ Your eyes shot open. In all the years Dean had known you he never said he loved you. ‘Dean?’ You whispered.

But got no response. You snuggled back into his back, you’d talk to him after about it. Now he probably just needed to sleep.

You groaned as you heard someone talking. ‘I’ll come with you Sam’ You muttered and felt someone tense under you. Wait? Under you? ‘I got it Y/n, you two should sleep’ You heard the door close and arms tightened around you. ‘Don’t you even think about moving’ Dean whispered. He planted a kiss on your head. 

You both must have moved during the night. You were currently on your side your head lying on Dean’s chest as he lay on his back. You smiled snuggling closer to him. Both your legs were tangled together and you could feel his skin pressed against yours.  Your shirt had ridden up to your ribs. One of Dean’s arms was wrapped around your shoulders, the fingers on his other hand were intertwined with yours as your arm was thrown across his body.

You sighed listening to him as you heard the Impala roar to life outside. ‘How did we end up like this?’ You opened your eyes and tilted your head back. You found him looking down at you already with a slight smile. ‘You rolled away’ He shrugged with one arm. ‘Right’ You nodded closing your eyes and nuzzled back into his shoulder pressing a few kisses to his skin.

You both lay in silence for a while. ‘I was thinking we should spend the day I bed, Sammy’s going to the library in town’ You heard the smile in his voice. You nodded pulling the covers up over you. You untangled your legs from Deans and threw them over his hips pushing yourself up. You looked down at Dean as you straddled him. ‘I meant cuddling’ He smirked but his hands began massaging your thighs.

You laid your hands on his chest a finger tracing over the anti possession tattoo on his collar. ‘I like cuddling you Y/n’ You shrugged and leaned down pressing your lips to his. You felt Dean smile into the kiss. ‘I meant it’ He mumbled against your lips. You pulled away. ‘What?’ He smiled his hand leaving your thigh and he placed his hand on your cheek.

You leaned into him. ‘I love you, never told you but I do’ You sighed and leaned down curling into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. ‘I love you too Dean’ You smiled into his bare chest. ‘How about when Sam gets home you show me how much you love me but making me one of those delicious burgers’ Dean laughed. ‘Of course sweetheart’ You smiled cuddling into him again just wanting to be in his arms.

Dean tightened his grasp on you muttering sweet nothings in your ear. Cuddling with Dean definitely had to be your favourite pastime.

I know it’s short and not amazing but I was feeling DEAN CUDDLES and needed to get it down


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