Sam Whinchester - Tumblr Posts

Secrets Suck, Man
Sam Winchester x fem!reader
With Dean being heavily against the idea of dating while on the job, Sam and you figure out secret ways to be together without Dean knowing. Except, here’s the thing, he already knows.
Angst, fluff, cute stuff with Sam. Takes place during Season 12.
Third Person Pov
"Sam, how many times do I need to tell ya that it's a bad idea. Hunters don't get a normal life and if they did, they ain't hunters no more." Dean lectured Sam who sat in the passenger seat of their 1967 Chevrolet Impala.
"Dean, all I'm saying is maybe it's not a bad idea to be with a hunter. At least you both understand the life and the risks." Sam pleated with Dean trying to get him to see his point of view on the situation.
"Dude, you really want to watch the person you love die because you were busy saving someone else?" Dean asks seriously.
"No, I wouldn't want that even if I wasn't a hunter, Dean. But at some point, I think it's okay as long as both parties understand the risk." Sam spoke with coming off harsher than before.
"Drop it, you know my thoughts on it Sam. It's not a good idea." Dean jabbed back as he turned up the radio to some 80's rock song.
"Fine." Sam sighed in defeat knowing that his plan to try to tell Dean that he already had a girlfriend and that person happened to be you.
Two hours later...
Sam and Dean made their way into the bunker where you were. Sam saw you and gave you a quick, but loving smile. While you waited on them to return, you read the same lore books hoping to find something new in them only to be disappointed again. You smiled back at him making sure that Dean didn't notice you looking at Sam. Speaking of Dean he said a quick hello and sat down on the chair in front of you kicking his muddy boots up on the table.
"Hey, I'm glad your back and everything Dean, but take your shoes off the table please." You asked him rolling your eyes.
"Whatever, did you find anything in the lore about Nephilim" He questioned doing what you asked.
"Same as before, I still only know what I've read for the millionth time and Cas's knowledge." you sighed rubbing your hand around your sore neck. This caught Sam's attention and he made a mental note to himself to help you out later.
"Don't worry we'll figure it out, we've just got to keep looking." Sam reassured putting his hand on your shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Yeah, don't worry about it Y/n, we've delt with worse and won." Dean butted in.
"Yeah, I think the apocalypse and the darkness are a lot worse than this by far. I'd still rather deal with a nest of vamps than this though." You half joked.
"You and me both." Dean sighed getting up out of his seat and walking towards the hallway. "I'm gonna take a much-needed shower see you guys at dinner." Dean spoke walking away to the showers.
As soon as he was gone you rushed towards Sam and gave him a hug. Breathing him in and feeling his body against yours invited instant comfort and happiness to your stressed-out body and mind. And to Sam, he found the same comfort as his arms immediately wrapped around you as he placed his left check on the top of your head. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes allowing himself to be in the moment with you and forget all of the shit that is piled on them once again. He loved you and even having a little time alone was worth the world to him. After some time of just being there with him, your curiosity became too much and the elephant in the room needed to be addressed.
"Baby, what did Dean say?" You asked him raising your head while still holding Sam in your arms. He looked at you with a sad but loving gaze as you waited on his response.
"Same thing as before, he's against it." Sam sighed sadly. "But I don't care he can just deal with it. Secrets suck and I'm tired of keeping our feelings for one another away from Dean. I mean even Cass knows." Sam spoke trying to convince you.
"Yeah, I get that, I just really don't want an angry Dean top of the shit pile that we already have. I really want to tell him, don't get me wrong, I'm just scared to see how he'll react. Hell, I'd rather face Amara again than tell Dean, but I think it's important that we do." You pleaded with him trying to get him to see your point of view.
"Baby, if Dean gets mad that's on him. We are both adults and I think it'll be okay. I know your nervous, but trust me Dean at his core is a really big softie." He reassured rubbing your arms up and down.
"I still feel weird about it, but I think I'm just scared of his reaction, mostly." You whispered putting your forehead on the center of his chest.
"We don't need to tell him right now, we can wait as long as you need." Sam
“Thank you Sammy, that means a lot.” You say smiling at his sweetness.
Just as you two were about to break your hugs out comes Dean wearing his grey robe with an annoyed expression on his face. You were nervous and could tell that had whenever was wrong was serious.
“Dammit, If you two are gonna be together be fucking careful because this life ain’t pretty for us. I’ll support it if you guys do that. I guess some of us should have something good in this shit show.” Dean quickly said before a leaking away. As he did he did a double take. “And you two need to get better at whispering because I could hear everything.” He said annoyed as he walked away.
You both stood there dumbfounded at what just happened. You looked at each other and laughed at the situation. Sam then leaned down and captured your lips into a soft and sweet kiss. He broke the kiss giving you another big smile as he chuckled.
“Well I guess the secrets out.” Sam joked
“Yeah, and by what he said I guess he’s known for awhile now.” You say letting out a deep breath hugging Sam closer relieved that you don’t need to hide out of fear.
“Yeah, I’m just glad that with all of the shit that’s been happening that I still have you by my side. And no matter what I’ll be there for you.” He reassured
“Aww Sammy me too, I love you. And Dean’s right we should be careful about all of this.” You told Sammy nearly sounding like Dean.
“You’re right about that. And Deans right about another thing too. That it’s good that we’ve found happiness in this shit show.” Sam smiled.
“Yeah, we really did. I love you Sammy Winchester.” You proclaimed
“I love you too Y/n L/n.” Sam responded hugging you tighter.

Thank you so much for reading 💜
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
Harder to Breathe - Supernatural - Part 2
I saw Sam flick his hair off his face and Dean place his gun on the table. “Before we… start, Alex,” Sam said. “We have to… you know,” he pointed to some holy water and a silver blade.
“Yeah, I know, go ahead,” I held my arm out and they poured holy water of it. Next, Dean took a blade out and hovered it over my arm, thinking about cutting me. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to do it. I watched him as he contemplated it. He didn’t do anything after about thirty seconds, so I took the blade from him, touching his hand in the process. He looked up at me, with teary eyes, and I softly smiled at him.
I pressed the blade to my forearm and slide it across my skin, cutting it open. Blood came to the surface and Dean quickly took a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it around the cut, stopping the bleeding. “So,” I cleared my throat. “Why are you here?”
They explained the situation to me. I listened intently and had to hold back my cries when I realised how much shit they had gone through. They both had literally gone to hell and back. I didn’t know how much pain and suffering they had to go through. It just made me feel worse that they had to go through it without me. I cleared my throat when they had finished. “Now, we understand that you’re angry with us, and it’s okay if you don’t want anything to do with us. We’ve hurt you, we know,” Sam said.
“It’s okay,” I nodded, my head falling to look at the ground.
“No,” Dean said abruptly. “It’s not okay,” he walked closer to us. “But we will do everything we can to make it okay between us,” he said, his voice firm and clear.
I nodded, smiling, not letting my tears fall from my eyes. “So, you need a safe place yeah?” I asked. They nodded. “I know just the place.”
I directed Dean as he drove the impala to the bunker. I was at the library one day, and I was searching through all these old books and I found an address and key to this bunker. From as far as I can tell, this place is warded and secluded enough for no one to know it.
I smiled as I unlocked the door and led them in. “H-How did you find this place?” Sam asked, having a field day already. I shrugged with a smile on my face. I winked at him and he just laughed, looking around. I showed them around, Dean and I laughing at Sam’s excited comments about everything.
“How’s this then? Good enough?”
“Yeah, this is – this is great, Alex,” Sam said, a massive smile on his face.
“Cool,” I sighed, flopping down into a chair. “Stay here for as long as you want.”
Sam and Dean decided that I should go back home. They said they didn’t want anything to happen to me because of them. I thought it was a stupid idea, because I was obviously safer with them than I was at home, by myself. Sure, I had a brief knowledge of monsters and stuff like that, but not as much as I would like to.
I sighed, feeling my anger starting to peak again at them. “Well, I better get going then,” I said, shaking my head and standing up. Sam walked me out to the car, Dean specifically said that I could take it for extra protection. I rolled my eyes at him then.
“I’ll see you later, Alex,” Sam smiled, pulling me into a hug. “It’s been good seeing you.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you, Sammy,” I sighed into his chest. Dean came up a couple of seconds later, and Sam went inside. Dean gave me the keys, telling me to be careful with his baby.
“Dean, I promise I will not hurt your car,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“She’s not the only thing I’m worried about,” he said, looking directly into my eyes. He pulled me close to his chest. I breathed in his scent, savouring it. “I’m sorry we’re doing this, Lex, but I need to know that you’re safe, and safe is away from me – I mean, away from us.”
“No, Dean, safe would be with you guys. You know, the ones that know stuff about monsters and how to kill them,” I said, pulling back from his hug, angrily.
“We’ve taught you how to kill most stuff, okay? You’ll be okay, I promise you.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Dean,” I said, stepping into the drivers’ seat. “Bye, Dean,” I said, after rolling down my window. I paused, hesitant, “I love you guys.”
“We love you, too,” as I drove away the song that was playing was Harder to Breathe, by Maroon 5.
It had been a couple of days since I left Sam and Dean at the bunker. I had been watching Netflix for approximately 30 of those hours while eating nothing but frozen dinners. Sam would absolutely have a fit. I was watching PS I Love You, and crying all the way through it.
I quickly wiped my face with tissues when I heard someone knocking on my door. I gulped some water and opened the door, clutching my phone in my hand. I didn’t recognise the person who was standing in front of me though. He was about Dean’s height, had light brown hair with blue eyes. He was wearing a white collared t-shirt with a low hanging tie and a trench coat. I noticed his white shirt had a big blood stain on it.
“Uh, can I help you?” I asked him, a worried look on my face.
“Y-you know Dean?” he gritted through his teeth. I nodded. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and I rushed forward, ready to catch him before he fell. I got him so his arm was around my shoulders and I dragged him into my apartment. I dropped him on the couch and pulled my phone out, calling Dean and putting him on speaker phone.
“Alex?” he asked, his voice thick with sleep.
“Dean,” I gasped out, hearing my voice crack with worry and confusion.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, knowing that something was wrong.
“T-there’s a man here, he showed up, um, he was looking for you. He’s bleeding, he passed out,” I stuttered, starting to cry.
“Who is he? Did he give you a name? What does he look like?”
“N-no, he didn’t give me his name. Um, h-he has blue eyes, he’s wearing a trench coat,” I paused, thinking.
“Okay, listen to me. His name is Castiel, and if he’s hurt, something bad is happening. Sam and I are on our way, okay? Just make sure he’s okay, Alex,” Dean said. I nodded, but I knew he could hear me. “Alex?” he repeated, his voice firm.
“Y-yeah, right, I got it,” and we hung up. I threw my phone on the table behind us and I worked on turning Castiel over. When I managed that, I loosened his tie so it wasn’t in the way and I unbuttoned his shirt. I found the spot that was bleeding and cleaned all around it with my first aid kit I kept under my coffee table.
The actual wound was round and deep. I took a deep breath and held a cloth over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. I thought back to my time at school when we did first aid one year, but my mind was blank. I heard my door burst open and Sam came rushing to me. Dean picked me up off the ground where I was kneeling in front of Castiel.
I stood away from Sam and Castiel, latching onto Dean with my arms wrapped around his neck. My face was buried into his chest, trying to hold back my tears, but failing. I could hear Dean whispering in my ear, trying to soothe me. I took a deep breath after a couple of minutes, but I could still feel tears falling down my cheeks.
“Is he gonna be okay? Is he gonna die?” I asked, looking up at Dean. I was still latched onto him.
His eyes looked teary. “He’s tough, he should be fine,” he cleared his throat, and I let go of him. He walked over to where Sam was crouching in front of Castiel. I watched their interactions. They were both worried. I walked closer, so I was leaning against the back of the couch.
I watched as Dean looked over him, tears in his eyes. I wondered who he was, exactly, and how he knew who I was. “I think we just need to let him rest now. We’ve done all we can do,” Sam said, standing up from him couching position. I sighed, nodding. I announced to them that I thought that we should all go to bed. “One of you can stay in my room with me, if you want,” I said, and walked to my bedroom. I took my pants off, and I realised that I was wearing an old shirt of Sam’s. I smiled and buried myself under the blankets, letting all my tears fall.
Soon, I heard my door creak open and light pour in. I looked over and saw Sam walking towards me. He had his boxers on, but no shirt. I smiled as he climbed into the bed with me. “Hey, Alex,” he whispered, making me smile.
“Sammy,” I said as a greeting. He looked at my face in the dark, squinting so he could make it out. He noticed that I had been crying.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, worried.
“It’s stupid, don’t worry about it,” I shook my head. He grabbed my hand.
“It’s not stupid if you’re crying over it, tell me,” he said, and in this moment, it felt like they had never left me. Sam and I were still telling each other everything that happened in our lives, Dean and I jokingly made fun of Sam for wanting to read his books rather than come for a walk run along the beach with us. I smiled, remembering what it was like to have these boys as a constant in my life.
“I-I just, I feel this is my fault. Like Dean blames me, kinda, for what’s happening to Castiel,” I said, shyly. “I can tell that they’re pretty close, you know.”
“Listen, Alex, that isn’t what’s happening. None of this is your fault – I mean, you don’t even know what’s happening – what Cas is!” he shook his head. “You don’t need to feel like that. Dean – or I – doesn’t blame you for what happened to Cas,” he whispered the last part, kissing my forehead.
“Thanks, Sammy,” I whispered, cuddling into his bare chest and falling asleep.
When I woke up, Sam wasn’t in bed anymore. I checked my phone quickly before I got up. I walked out of my room, a smile on my face, but it was soon taken over by a frown. There was no Castiel lying on the couch anymore. I checked the bathroom, the spare bedroom, the kitchen and anywhere else he – or Sam and Dean – could have been. All three of them were gone. I started to feel panic rising up my stomach. I got my phone and called Dean – there was no answer. I called Sam next, there also, was no answer. “Shit,” I whispered, calling Dean again, this time, leaving a message. “Listen, Dean, I just woke up and you guys aren’t here. Where are you all? I – I um, don’t care if you’re at the bunker or whatever, but just, call me back, yeah? I worry about you.”
I sighed, putting the phone down and flopping onto the couch. I can’t believe they’re gone again.
AU where in why Dean is taking so long
Sam: Hey Dean, can you go check on Jack and tell him were gonna bake?
Dean: Sure thing
Dean: *sees jack in the living room with some sort of bright thing
Dean: Hey kid, what you up to? We're gonna be baking some pies and cookies and-
Jack: Oh, hey Dean!
Dean: is that...
Jack: a ligh-
Dean: Did you make that?
Jack: Yeah! I got bored and just taught of a lightsaber and it just came out of nowhere..
Dean: That is so COOL...
meanwhile in the kitchen..
Castiel: Hello, Sam
Sam: Hey, Cas
Castiel: *looks around the kitchen
Castiel: Where is Dean and Jack? I thought we were gonna have some family time and bake?
Sam: I got Dean to call Jack. Although, I don't know what's taking him so long to call Jack.
Cas: By the way, here are the ingredients we didn't have.
Sam: Thanks Cas..
Cas: I believe we should go check on Dean and Jack.
Sam: We probably should, it's been 18 minutes..
*Sam and Cas walks to the living room..
Dean: JACK!
*Sam and Cas looks at each other and hurry's to the living room
Sam: What happened!
Cas: What's going on!
Sam: What happened to Jack, Dean?!
Cas: Jack! What happened!
Dean: Whoah you guys, what's with all the questions?
Jack: Sam, Cas, calm down..
*Sam and Cas looks at the lightsabers Dean and Jack are holding
Sam: Is that a lightsaber?
Cas: Where did you get those?
Jack: I made them!
Dean: Yeah he made them! AND IT'S A REAL LIGHTSABER!!
- and so they all kept bickering end ended up trashing the kitchen -
let me know if y'all want part 2!

source: @dean35-111
I would give anything for my study buddy to be Sam Winchester in his Standford era, but our study spot is in the bunker's library room.
I need his motivation rn, 'like yeah my life is complete shit, but I got into Standford despite my childhood trauma'
Sam, patting Dean and Cas on the back: Good job, gays
Dean: uh I- I think you meant gu-
Sam: did I fucking stutter
The Samwena stuff in 15x03 about killed me, and I think it was one of those things where Sam didn't realize how deep his feelings were for her til he had to kill her. And, Rowena can talk all she wants about how she wasn't doing this for Sam, or anyone else, but her eyes were telling a very different story.

Samwena Playlist
Burn the Witch by Shawn James/ Where do you go by Flor/ Voodoo by Bryce Fox/ Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz/ Genius by Sia and Diplo/ If the World was Ending by JP Saxe/ Let Her Go by Passenger
Let’s try this again third time trying to do this message.
 Thursday, November, 19, 2020
This is the last episode of one of the greatest TV shows EVER.  Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for the cries. Thanks for the jaw dropping moments. Thanks for all the lip biting moments ( that includes the shirtless scenes). Thank you for the 15 wonderful seasons . Thank you for this wonderful fandom and family.
Thank you to all the actors and actresses , producers, authors , screen writers,etc.
Thank you Mesha Colins,Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles.
The best of luck on y’all’s future endeavors.
Carry on WAYWARD SONS !!!
Please leave a favorite memory from the show or a convention or press that you remember OR something from the show that you’re gonna miss. 
Don't give me shit for just doing this, but I finally started to watch Supernatural and oh my gosh??? Dean Winchester, sir??? I finally am understanding the Jensen Ackles hype 🤭🤭 also Sam is adorable like you poor sweet traumatized baby. I love this show already and I'm utterly addicted. Gonna try my best to finish season one tonight
I don't know if anybody else has realized this but there was a little bit of unintentional foreshadowing I think, about the Winchester boys in season 1 when they're still hunting the yellow eyed demon, and dean wants to stop to get prepared before continuing but sam doesn't near the end of season 1. Dean tells Sam that he wants to stop because he's gonna end up burying his dad and his brother but by the end of the show Sam is the one that ends up burying his dad and his brother.