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Zodiac signs for Jean-Baptiste and Nicolas-Gabriel
Early April for Jean-Baptiste, making him Aries
May for Nicolas-Gabriel, making him either Taurus or Gemini
I literally don't even know why, maybe it's just the art style but all the Sansons are so gorgeous for executioners. Like, your whole life being surrounded by such a grim and rotting environment while also killing people for a living...
THAT all must put a person in such great stress where they're constantly suffering from insomnia, trauma, depression AND the smell of corpses yet despite it all for some reason- they're still so perfect?? It's the 18th century, NO ONE'S GONNA BE SQUEAKY CLEAN OR HAVE PROPER HYGIENE PRACTICES especially for third estate France.
All that mental and physical exhaustion will reflect on a person's appearance sooner or later but NO! I mean one has her hair basically defying gravity and physics, and one is basically 50+ and still hasn't aged besides growing a bit of white hair, and there you have paralyzed muscle man, Jean Baptiste. Not a wrinkle in sight! Their hair is so luscious smooth, perfect bodies and perfect faces (Maybe some of them apply makeup...)
What do you think each of the Sanson's self-care is like?
I mean, we all know that ONE disturbing thing Jean Baptiste likes to do in his free time... but we don't talk about that. I feel like Charles wouldn't prioritize hygiene or mental health care on top of his list much unless his wife won't stop fussing about it. And Marie might enjoy her tobacco, skillfully stealing it from the Sanson storage cabinets even back during her younger days and possibly have Andre as her CONSTANT hairstylist.
I dunno, any hcs on how they groom themselves in terms of appearances or have any guilty pleasures they like to indulge in?
Lemme knoww <3
Now, I think part of that is artistic stylization.
Historically, Charles-Henry was known for a more rigorous hygiene than his contemporaries.
Innocent Charles, I headcanon he has hyperpigmentation around his calves. Jean-Baptiste, as a kid and teenager, probably had cadaverous buttocks, same for Nicolas-Gabriel. In the Mémoirs, he is described as having snow-white hair due to premature aging.
The being surrounded by corpses thing can be interpreted as a form of hygiene, a crude and rudimentary form of vaccine. Some social classes had the practice of using rotting rib cages, human or bovine, as baby cribs. Many viruses and bacteria don't survive decomposition. That said, it would likely be washed out afterwards. Charles as baby probably found the experience somewhat traumatic and rebelled as soon as he could (not much he could protest as 5 month old wrapped baby), resulting in necrophobia from 2 to 11. Suffice to say Jean-Baptiste had a field day introducing him to dissection.
Charles would be a rigorous washer in cold water.
Jean-Baptiste was subject to similar treatment at around the same age, but him as a baby mostly enjoyed it, and would only cry after the rotting blood started irritating his skin.
Jean-Baptiste would probably enjoy cold-water baths. He tried a warm one once, after being as a 10 year old beaten particularly brutally by a rival. It made him quite sick. He claims to prefer cold water because austerity, but in fact the experience traumatized him enough that he gets violently sick if warm water touches his back, buttocks, belly or legs.
They probably have an ashy complexion. André has the most realistic haircut.

La muerte de Sansón Los principales de los filisteos se juntaron para ofrecer sacrificio a Dagón su dios y para alegrarse; y dijeron: Nuestro dios entregó en nuestras manos a Sansón nuestro enemigo.Y viéndolo el pueblo, alabaron a su dios, diciendo:
Nuestro dios entregó en nuestras manos a nuestro enemigo, y al destruidor de nuestra tierra, el cual había dado muerte a muchos de nosotros.Y aconteció que cuando sintieron alegría en su corazón, dijeron: Llamad a Sansón, para que nos divierta.
Y llamaron a Sansón de la cárcel, y sirvió de juguete delante de ellos; y lo pusieron entre las columnas. Entonces Sansón dijo al joven que le guiaba de la mano: Acércame, y hazme palpar las columnas sobre las que descansa la casa, para que me apoye sobre ellas.
Y la casa estaba llena de hombres y mujeres, y todos los principales de los filisteos estaban allí; y en el piso alto había como tres mil hombres y mujeres, que estaban mirando el escarnio de Sansón. Entonces clamó Sansón a Jehová, y dijo: Señor Jehová, acuérdate ahora de mí, y fortaléceme, te ruego, solamente esta vez, oh Dios, para que de una vez tome venganza de los filisteos por mis dos ojos.
Asió luego Sansón las dos columnas de en medio, sobre las que descansaba la casa, y echó todo su peso sobre ellas, su mano derecha sobre una y su mano izquierda sobre la otra.Y dijo Sansón: Muera yo con los filisteos.
Entonces se inclinó con toda su fuerza, y cayó la casa sobre los principales, y sobre todo el pueblo que estaba en ella. Y los que mató al morir fueron muchos más que los que había matado durante su vida. Técnica: Acrílico y Guash sobre opalina
Medidas: 8x10"
Artista: Ebduy Ramos Muñoz

Experimentando con técnicas diferentes, el dibujo, la pintura tradicional y la pintura digital na formado parte importante de mi portafolio de trabajo entre los cuales se encuentran: Acrílico, óleo, Guash, Pastel, lápiz y acuarela, y wacom
Espero que lo disfruten...