Sasori X Izumi - Tumblr Posts
@sasori-anon All of your smiles~☺️
Types of Sasori smiles. 😊💭 Headcanons below 👇

Confident- Most likely to show up. If it’s a battle he believes he can win, this smug smile comes out. Or if he's talking down to others. Can potentially be very aggravating for people on the other end of it.
Unhinged- Uncommon, but when he does display this grin it's for the briefest of moments or when he goes all out. Sometimes if he's been pissed off enough (or having too much fun) then he might get here.
Gentle- Once every millennium. So rare. Especially as a puppet, it comes along as like a little twitch. Might occur when he's amused. Or when someone isn't looking directly at him. If someone does get a good look at it, beware, he will deny it.
All of these vary in occurrence when he's human of course. (More thoughts on that one day.) 🙃
Purrr~ Hehe~ You’re so adorable, Sori~!
*gives, looking to the side*

*gasps* Purple roses?! Oh, Sasori! They’re beautiful! Thank you so much! *happily accepts the flowers and smells them* Mmm~ I love the smell of fresh flowers! I’m going to get a vase with water and put them on my nightstand~!
@mackzsblog @sasori-anon Hm? What’s going on? I thought I heard my name?
Oh! You’re Sasori’s new assistant, right? I’m Izumi Uchiha, Sasori’s girlfriend! It’s nice to officially meet you~
Can I use your poison, Sensei?
You're not ready yet.
Aww~ It’s so sweet, my love~ I hope you continue to make little pieces like this in the future… For our future~ 💜💜
Mod// @ask-miyako-oc Queen! Thank you for always tagging me in the Izumi posts you see!🥰💜💜
@sasori-rp Isn’t this a cute outfit for Izumi to wear in Suna?😏😍💜❤️

Neji and Izumi
Still as handsome as ever! I’m the luckiest girl in the world~
Is this what you would look like now if you didn’t become a puppet, my love~?

Hm...with less abs for show perhaps~

@sasori-rp Awww look at you! So adorable! Already an artist at such a young age~

ep 27 · He is so cute🙁
Forever and always, my love~!
i was not made for hookup culture. love me for an eternity or do not touch me at all