Savannaclaw - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I don’t talk about him a lot but here is one of my comfort characters

I Dont Talk About Him A Lot But Here Is One Of My Comfort Characters

Basically anime Scar lmao

Tagging @fantasticdatsu @cha0ticsoul @the-phony-king-of-england and anyone else who wants to do this

I have decided to start a chain. Reblog and put your comfort/relatable character (and a reasoning if you desire). And hope people have fun with this! I'll start,

I Have Decided To Start A Chain. Reblog And Put Your Comfort/relatable Character (and A Reasoning If

Friends who I am tagging because why not, they may be interested: @bylerr-swift @bumblebeezstuffz

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2 years ago

Happy Birthday to me! 🎉

Here are my favorite twst birthday messages!

Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me!

Pt. 1 (cause there's a 10 picture limit...)

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10 months ago


“Now, the Second Prince of the Sunset Savanna is said to be one of the grumpiest and most violent animals when woken up prematurely, capable of turning even the strongest people into sand within seconds if you’re not careful.

As you can see, he’s napping right now, so I’ve set up 4 speakers around him, each programed to play the Barbie Theme song in about 2 minutes.

I’m a trained professional in combat, but you probably aren’t, so don’t try this next part at home kids!”

TWST Incorrect Quotes #1


Lilia, breaking in to the house: “C’mon you old cunt we’re going on an adventure! : D “

Baul: “How bout’ get fucked mate.”

Lilia, dragging him out of the door by his collar: “How about you’re a wanker :) “


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10 months ago

Stupid Shit I’ve done/Gotten myself into by accident/been dragged into as Twisted Wonderland Characters:


Ace : Heard my sister screaming bloody murder downstairs and didn’t do shit because I assumed she was watching a horror movie. Turns out there was a fire in the oven.

Bonus: Sniped my friend in the eye from across the Cafeteria with a Ketchup Packet, Meant to hit his glasses, but he repositioned them at the last second.

Deuce: Answered Maine four times on a Historical Geography test and was wrong all four times.

Cater: Threw my phone out of the window in a panic after seeing one of my Idols followed me back.

Bonus : Accidentally convinced a transfer camper from Wales I was from London after I quoted something in the accent to myself in the showers and was too awkward to tell them I wasn’t when they struck up the conversation.

(I am from America, and the camp is in America.)

Trey: Accidentally created a puddle of Dark Red Icing and Stepped in it four times in a row while making a cake at 2 am.

Bonus : Befriended and helped out the owner of a French Bakery down the street when they started out, they ended up becoming really popular (rightfully so, her stuff is amazing) and now I either get free shit and/or Friends and Family Discounts.

Riddle : I have read the dictionary on multiple occasions out of sheer boredom.

Bonus: I once read the bible and marked down verses. Im not religious I just needed to win an argument.

Leona: Slept through an earthquake and 3 ambulances coming to my house bcs my sister was hurt.

Ruggie: Waited for families going inside to pass by and asked them to hold the door for me so I could sneak into a VIP rooms for free food. (Usually only at fancy hotels but luckily this strategy is flexible when your 5’2 with a baby face.)

Jack: Used to Smash open large rocks containing Crystals or Quartz at the beach as a kid, and now I have a large collection of them.

Bonus: I have extremely good hearing, to the point I hear into the negative decibels up to -15 - -20 (according to the audiologist this is rare but i literally don’t know shit about audio and decibels) so my old dormmates used to try and bribe me to tell them what I heard about certain things or themselves.

Bonus 2: Almost got shot by an illegal hunter while in the woods with my sister.

Floyd : Cracked my skull open at the pool, lost consciousness for a few seconds and woke up in the water calling for help, then got confused on why I was calling for help.

Bonus : A Sea lion once came up to me while I was scuba diving and did little circles, bumped its snout on my mask and just followed me the whole time in a very gleeful manner as a temporary homie.

Bonus 2: Apparently ate / took bites of my moms library books as a little kid (????) according to the librarian.

Jade: Taught myself to untie my hands with my hands behind my back, tie by hands behind my back with my hands behind my back, deciphered, translated and memorized a fictional hieroglyphic language, Read from Act 1 to Act 6 of Homestuck, and accidentally discovered how to disguise Chocolate Ice Cream as Pistachio; all within the span of 2 weeks. (I had covid and was A-Symptomatic)

Bonus : Lived in the Woods for 7 months (in total), had a large bag of mica and Almost Drowned in a tent when there was no moving water nor rain. (Basically, I was asleep, Woke up underwater, nearly went back to bed, then shot out of my tent screaming “My Tent Titanticed!” )

(It was like 3 am don’t judge me)

Azul: Somehow ended up with $2200 dollars in $100s in Monopoly at the end of the game. Also have been stuck between two identical twins while talking with both and boi that shits TRIPPY. (I also almost died with them later but it was fine)

Bonus: I lived on a middle of fuck knows where island during the spring and summer up until covid, yet I absolutely despise eating fish or Shellfish, and the smell often makes me nauseous.

(Bonus 2: I love shiny things, but very specifically fancy looking keys. I also had a weird obsession with signing a shiny contract after watching Ariel. Another tiny thing Is I own a Flotsam and Jetsam Scarf which I chuck around when Floyd or Jade pisses me off ingame.)

Kalim : Got distracted by a cool leaf while at a fancy resort in Xatapa, Mexico, and waddled off from my parents and explored around to try and find more, somehow managed to get extremely far and ended up lost in a whole different city for 6 hours while trying to find my way back.

Bonus 1: I had an obsession with Kiwis for awhile as a kid, and our neighbors house had a Pangium tree that reached over to our yard. (It was planted before either families moved in so we didn’t know) I thought it was some kind of strange Kiwi and ate one. I didn’t like it and was like “Oh maybe its not ripe” and waited 3-5 months then tried it again, same reaction, repeat process one more time.

I went to my parents out of curiosity and asked them what it was, and so after some process I am unaware of but I think my mom brought one of the fruits somewhere, we discovered what it was.

Pangium contains Fatal amounts of Cyanide if not properly prepared. I was fine but for the love of anything please don’t try eating it like little me did.

Bonus 2: I’ve Almost died more times than I can count on both hands and feet. Im not an heir or something fancy I just have wackass luck.

Jamil: Once had to talk my sister out of jumping off a tour boat because our cousin dared her to.

Bonus : Managed to make French Toast in the middle of the woods with Dehydrated Milk, Cinnamon, Three Eggs I stole, and a loaf of bread we got once a month. Also made 3 kinds marinated chicken in the middle of the woods.

(My Cooking Style is literally “just trust me bro.” I’m like Lilia except it actually works and is edible)

Epel : Whenever we went applepicking at my Grandfathers house, I’d climb into the trees and throw or pass the apples down. Sometimes I actually wish I could sit in trees more often shits comfy.

Bonus: My Mom was a Champion Horseback Rider as a kid, and sometimes took us to this Ranch I shall not name for my own privacy, but I’d run around with this group of kids and this one herding dog like a damn movie protagonist, sometimes go riding horses, or the one time we stole a tractor and near crashed it (THE REGRETS I STILL HAVE-) etc.

The WHIPLASH from that to going back to a whitewashed Northeast suburban town is insane.

Rook: My Cousins and I, and sometimes the kids at the priorly mentioned ranch, would play the most intense games of manhunt (basically really intense hide n seek at night) ,

I mean wearing camo if you had it, alliances, little dollar store walkie-talkies, code words, binoculars, climbing in trees or hiding in bushes/tall grasses/Hay to “scout”.

I hid in a large pot/vase more than once and another time on a roof, and (ONLY ONCE, DO NOT DO THIS IM STUPID) under a car.

I still remain the top in last man standing points. Mostly bcs I’m stingy with rescues but shhh

Vil - Accidentally poured a lot of liquid eyeliner into my eye, was literally crying out Eyeliner for 30 minutes. Also taught myself to run and jump in heels as a kid because I thought it looked cool in movies.

Ortho : Unknowingly was Hacking my Elementary School Databank for several years,

I genuinely thought it was normal to go on the school website, press a few buttons and be able to find a friends address if I had a playdate and needed to tell my mom where the house was, a parents phone number if needed communication with my friends parents , and mostly ignored the other general info.

I didn’t even know I did this until my dad told me a few months ago that I almost got suspended for it but by the time they found out it was the end of my last year there. ;—;

Edit: I feel I should elaborate that my dad had somewhat recently told me that I almost got suspended for that in elementary school, but all that happened 5 YEARS ago. Hence why I was so surprised because I was never told back then.

Idia: Accidentally acquired both a Nahida and Eula in Genshin and was genuinely annoyed at the time, they are now my most powerful DPS’s…

Bonus : I own a shit ton of original Japanese first edition Pokemon Cards my cousin gave me, (they are probably worth more than me which is neat), and I have a giant pile of Pokemon plushies I have infact fallen asleep on or in on multiple occasions.

Bonus 2: I was playing Breath of the Wild, and my very first thing I did after getting off the plateau was beeline for the castle. I actually got all the way up and took out 2 blights but the Wind one kicked my ass.

Bonus 3: Got confessed to and asked out by a guy I did not like nor knew very well, and I panicked, said “Maybe, Sorry no.” And ran into a wall. Also have crawled through a chute to avoid an awkward situation as a kid (do not recommend its dusty and definitely not safe)

Bonus 4: Once didn’t sleep for 5 days.

Malleus : Accidentally attended a Private Party and a Private Funeral in the same week. I was not invited nor knew anyone present. Stayed there for most of it because I was too nervous to say I wasn’t supposed to be there. Whoop.

Bonus: Got nicknamed the “Trip Curse.” By my Old Dormmates because everytime I went on a trip with them everything seemed to go to shit or get hella chaotic.

Bonus 2: Another camping one: Once woke up at night with a shit ton of fireflies just chilling in my tent. It was serene but also I genuinely thought I was hallucinating for a few minutes.

Lilia: Literally will hang upside down anywhere I can, its so fun bro.

Bonus : I know an extremely large amount of useless historical information, and once genuinely realized I know more about poison than what flour and eggs are used for in baking.

Silver : Once befriended a wild horse ( Im like 90% sure he was a Chestnut).

I called him Clover the Dog like horse because he was honestly just a golden retriever in the body of a horse.

This is great and theres alot of sweet moments, but then theres the times you have a giant horse galloping full speed at you for attention or trying to nudge you affectionately and nearly pushing you into a creek in the process.

Sebek: Got groundstruck by lightning once. Also I am often told I have a loud voice.

Che’nya : a good friend of mine and I have an inside joke at school where if we see eachother through a window (my school has alot of indoor windows for some reason?), we’ll text the other “Behind you.” Or “To your left.”


Theres more things I can think of but I have run out of characters and this is getting too long, so ye!

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5 months ago

So I just had this Idea

Malleus, Idia and Che’nya fighting all out.

Ok, before anyone starts glazing on Malleus and saying he’d win: Put who their twisted from into perspective:

Maleficent was the most powerful fae.

Hades is a god. One of the big 3, to be precise.

The Cheshire Cat is canonically the second most powerful being in wonderland, second to only the literal human form of time.

They are all God Tier in their respective lore.

Most people know the other two’s abilities, but incase you may not know :

Cheshire Cats Abilities, include:

Shapeshifting and Vocal/Visual/Physical Manipulation, Invisibility, Long Range Image Projection, Long Distance Teleportation, Flight, Gravity Manipulation on self, Minor Reality Manipulation, Portal creation, Walking through walls, Body and Limb controlled detachment, etc.

Hades abilities include:

General God Abilities, Raising the Dead, Smoke control, access to cursed objects, high heat tolerance, physical size manipulation, pretty much alot of shit, more then I can name since, y’know, god.

Maleficents abilities include:

Plant, Flame, Weather and Lightning manipulation, secondary form (Dragon), fatal long term curses, long distance teleportation, animal communication, long distance location monitoring, flight, eternally serving cunt, etc.

Now, obviously, their twisted versions are different, so what are the twisted versions KNOWN capabilities?

Mal’s strong suit seems to be mostly nature based abilities, Lightning, Fire, Briars, etc and Sleepy time shenanigans. However, he is also capable of turning into a Dragon, which gives him a huge physical buff, but makes him much easier to hit. All fae share the same fatal weakness of Anti-Magic, as Magic is canonically their life source. Thats Idias forte. Che’nya also has a mindset and skillset similar to Lilias, minus the experience and training. He also has rapid fire teleportation and invisibility, plus cat senses, making him extremely hard to strike with lightning.

Out of these 3 however, he definitely has the most durability and Defense.

Idias strong suit is tech, which Mal is most definitely unfamiliar with, but also has access to extremely high tier ANTI MAGIC. Che’nya stands at an advantage of being able to go invisible, teleport, and likely having more creative and efficient methods of blocking vital sensors or heat signatures, but I unfortunately doubt Mal would think of that. Briar Valley is EXTREMELY low tech. Mal does have the intimidation factor on Idia, but if this situation somehow involves Ortho’s safety, that goes straight out the window, as seen in Book 7. We also nearly never see Idia use magic, so we don’t exactly have a good handle of what he’s capable of in that regard.

Unfortunately, Idia is a glass cannon due to his low physical abilities and stamina, leaving him likely needed a heavy defense system to not get tossed.

Che’nya is truly the wild card in this scenario, since unlike the other two, unless they bothered Trey or Riddle for information, the other two don’t know much about his abilities. Like Malleus, considering what we know (I wrote it somewhere on tumblr), he has extreme magical stamina and produces jack shit in blot (no magestone can be seen on his design too) while doing crazy ass shit, and as shown in the manga, since he was a kid too. Comparing that to Roros brother, and the bullshit Che’nya was pulling as a kid while still being alive, he’s most definitely some flavor of overpowered.

Given what we’ve seen and heard about him across the manga and game, this is a portion of what we can assume is in his skillset:

Rapid fire (and long distance) teleportation, Long term Invisibility, flexibility, flight, Gravity Manipulation (making himself near weightless without floating off into oblivion) Cat like senses, Limb and Body part controlled detachment, the ability to slip past NRC’s barrier like its an average Tuesday. The barrier that took several high powered shots from STYX to break. With little to no repercussions from what we’ve seen.

He’s also (likely) a creative and unpredictable fighter. I think mentioned/said somewhere by Riddle or someone else that they doesn’t believe invisibility is Chens UM.

Riddle, I love you babes, you were my first fully spell maxed card, but NO FUCKING SHIT DUDE.

Idias advantage is deadass: Cat knowledge. Is using partially genetic traits a low blow? Yea, but again, this is an All out 1v1 fight. Obviously not laser pointers or basic shit, but things like Sound Pitches. Theres also Heat Sensors and things like that to combat invisibility, but those can also be thwarted.

Mals advantage is experience with Lilia in terms of matching high speeds, and combating against tricks and sneak attacks, Dragon senses + his Defensive capabilities. However, as a more straight forward person, Mal may not think of the more creative strategies Chen (or Idia) may come up with. Even if he traps Chens leg or something in Briar, he could just pop his leg off and keep moving.

Che’nya is more of a high speed self sufficient DPS but with the right weakness targeting he could be taken down.

I didn’t put Leona or Lilia on here because Lilia… Lets be real : Lilia would most definitely whoop all of their asses unless he gets hit with Anti Magic too many times.

The other is I’m sorry Leona, you’re a total badass and an amazing fighter, but you might be a tad out of league on alot of mostly circumstantial situations.

Starting off : Che’nya : He’s also a Cat, and nobody knows your genetic weaknesses like your own kind, plus Sand Blinding is great until bro disappears too.

Considering Leona is a pretty kickass fighter and strategist, plus can actually somewhat hold his own against Malleus, it’s going to be a decently tough fight, but in the end, I think Che’nya might secure the win sheerly due to being able to overcome Leonas UM in a few ways, even from a point blank standpoint.

A limb being turned to sand? Detach that shit, can’t spread further if it’s not attached anymore. He could also fly upwards out of the sandstorm but that ain’t as fun.

I’m just imagining Leona whipping up a sandstorm and going in to ambush Che’nya only for that mf to be GONE. (He’s right behind him bout to FNAF jumpscare this)

Theres a slim chance he may also lose to Idia sheerly because if its an all out scenario (i’m being nice and giving them all whatever requirements if they need it for atleast one use of their UM so its fair) , Idia can quite literally open the gates to hell and unlike the other two, Leona cannot fly without a broom, so uh, enjoy the drop?

Without that though, I do actually fully believe Leona might win, but with an Anti Magic nerf possibility on the field, its not exactly set in stone.

I don’t think I need to explain Malleus. So therefore I won’t.

Again, this is mostly just my thoughts, nothing is canon here, just me wondering about the possibilities! If theres any information that I missed let me know :D

(Leona fans please don’t hurt me I don’t hate him I promise I’m just going of logic from what I know.)

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4 months ago

Leona and Garfield are one in the same.

I will not be taking objections at this time.

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5 years ago


finally- the uniforms- 




randomikemendegen - Atlaisea Index
randomikemendegen - Atlaisea Index
randomikemendegen - Atlaisea Index
randomikemendegen - Atlaisea Index
randomikemendegen - Atlaisea Index
randomikemendegen - Atlaisea Index


Twisted Ad in their Class Uniforms. I wish they weren’t blurry!


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4 months ago

They can never make me hate u Savanaclaw. NEVER‼️‼️‼️

They Can Never Make Me Hate U Savanaclaw. NEVER

YAHOOO ZINE PIECE REVEALLL!!! I'm actually so glad I got to experience being in a zine and the fact that it's centered around Savanaclaw too??? HELL YEAH BEST FIRST EXPERIENCE (REAL!!!)

Go check out @princes-uprising !!! The zine will be out real soon so if u love Savanaclaw, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU‼️‼️‼️🫵🫵🫵

I'll jumpscare u guys with the second banger tomorrow ;)) lmk if u wanna be tagged! (Looking at the Leona enjoyers especially pspspsps hey come here I got something for u)

★ Reblogs appreciated <33

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1 year ago
Twst Characters Reacting To Ligma Jokes:

Twst characters reacting to ligma jokes:


CW: cursing, mention of the nasty sweat smell, theft lol

Don’t copy and post w/o permission 😭😭


So you were skipping class. Not because you really wanted to, but because Leona, ever the cuddler, wanted you to use you as a pillow for his naps that day. Sure whatever, you were fine with that. What you weren’t fine with was his obnoxious snoring.

And the fact you were going to be late for your favorite class..

“Leona you have to get up or else I’ll get ligma!! I have to goooo!!!”

He mumbled something and looked up at you from his resting place on your lap.

“What the hell is ligma?”

You snickered and pushed him off your lap.

“Ligma balls.”

For a few seconds you were silent.

You stared at Leona, and he stared back at you.

“What the hell is wrong with you herbivores.”

Then you sprinted away.

The thing was , he got up to chase you.


Jack woke up at the ass crack of dawn. You didn’t.

So let’s be honest, when he woke you up at 4:00AM, were you happy? No absolutely not.

That didn’t stop him though, so in the spirit of fulfilling a promise you didn’t remember making, you got up to go on his morning run with him.

When you finally got to savannaclaw you were shocked at how beautiful it was so early in the morning. But beautiful doesn’t cut it if he wanted you to forgive the rancid smell of sweaty teen men who don’t use deodorant.

“Jack it smells like ligma here…”

Jack’s ears perked up and he looked at you with a raised brow,” What’s that?”

“Ligma balls.”

“…Are you 5..?”


Recently you had been loosing a lot of jewelry, it wasn’t expensive jewelry per say,but you lived in ramshackle with an allowance from CROWLEY.. so to you it was very expensive.

You were so fed up with it you just stop buying jewelry.

Well guess what, your contractual pal ( you buy him donuts every Wednesday to pet his ears bc they’re just too fluffy to not pass up) , Ruggie, asks why you aren’t wearing any jewelry.

“Well I always take off my jewelry for alchemy and when I go back to get it it’s always gone.”

“That jewelry was yours?”

Ruggie laughed awkwardly , he should’ve paid more attention to what jewelry you actually wore instead of just taking note you wore jewelry in general. Oops.

The awkward laugh fixed nothing.

“Give me my jewelry back.” You smiled but it wasn’t much of a smile and more of a threat hidden by a fake happy voice.

“I can’t.. I sold it.. haha..”

“This is why you can’t make any money. You’re too absorbed in ligma you don’t even think about how you would get real actual money”

“Prefect.. what is ligma..???”

“Ligma balls”

Both of you bursted out laughing.

Your laughter was so loud it caused everyone within a 100 feet radius to turn and look at you.

“But no seriously you owe me new bracelets.”

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1 year ago

Imagine if you ask the magic mirror again and it gives you a dorm this time. How the dorm leaders + the poor unfortunate souls underneath them react

Magic Mirror: This soul now has a place within this world. Your dorm is..


*happy sobbing from some, unhappy from others* *COUGH, riddle*


*unhappy sobbing in, will never be sleeping again*


*unhappy sobbing, wiping away tears with money*




*Vil is throwing up* *Rook is about to faint*


*mute button is off* NO GOD PLEASE NO OH PLEASE GOD NO


*INHUMAN SCREECHES OF JOY* CHILD OF MAN------ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


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1 year ago

who's child is this?

what if the prefect was actually a child when they were ripped from their world? ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) fluff, platonic for everyone, child!gn reader, reader is mc/prefect!!!

Who's Child Is This?

THE STAFF would obviously be the most helpful. although crowley isn't very... educated in parenting, he tries his hardest. since (name) is no older than seven years old, crowley has nobody to push his responsibilities on so he's a tad busy. you always get handed off to one of the other staff members, or heck, even the dorm leaders. crewel is in charge of dressing you, you'll be the most fashionable child in twisted wonderland! you get to help him set up alchemy labs every so often and he'll begin teaching you everything you need to know. crewel is also the best there, he's an amazing shoulder to cry on. i mean, you are a little kid who was ripped from home and thrown into a scary, unfamiliar, twisted world. crewel will try his hardest to make you feel as at-home as possible. trein does have children of his own, so he's the best with knowing how to raise a child. he's a busy man so he'll simply help when he can and pass on useful advice to the others before he leaves. he understands you the most, even if he is kinda grumpy looking. vargas has an absolute BALL with you. taking you out during PE lessons to run around and burn off all that childish energy. he'd love to take you to a park and encourage you to climb the monkey bars. he also makes sure you know how important exercise and diet are! (of course, in a child-appropriate way. we dont need self image issues.) sam always sneaks free stuff your way. while you stock shelves, he's already picking out candy to give you. a new line of toys released and sam somehow got a few as soon as they were in stock!! know what that means? FREE TOYS!!! ∩(︶▽︶)∩

HEARTSLABYUL is a bit scary. all the twisty hallways and floating items overwhelm you, but trey can always calm you down. its the big brother in him. if you get lost in a maze, you bet he'll be there to save you. trey has a 6th sense just for you, so you feel very comfortable with him. riddle gets scary when he yells, but you can't hell but relax when he slides you another slice of tart with a smile on his face. unbirthday parties are fun! riddle also lets you hold the hedgehogs if you ask! (he wants to make you happy, he doesn't want a repeat of his childhood happening to someone else.) ace and deuce are terrible. always dragging you into their trouble and using you as a way out. when they almost blew up crewel's room, they said you accidentally added in an extra ingredient and they get off with a warning to look after you better and a suspicious look. though, ace is fun to play with and deuce is pretty fun also. playing cops and robbers has never been more intense!! cater doesn't want to expose you to social media too early on in life, but will create a second account just for you if you happen to be a kid who likes pictures and attention. cater LOVES matching outfits with you, they make for such cute pictures!!! cater is like an older brother as well; always there to listen to you if you need it.

SAVANACLAW is also scary. the big, beefy men constantly arguing and fighting scares you, and some of them don't even mind you're a literal baby compared to them?? jack saved you when a beastperson almost beat you up for tripping over their tail, and took you to the lounge. jack is your protection, he trails around behind you to make sure nobody messes with you. sees you in vargas's clas occasionally and asks if you want to run with him (even if you can't keep up). ruggie takes care of you like you're another one of the children back home. he makes sure you're happy and fed, which means he'll share his food with you. he does use you to pick dandelions though but it's totally okay because he teaches you how to cook with them! ruggie is also pretty cool, overall he teaches you a lot and makes it fun. leona thinks of you as another cheka, but jokes on him, he actually doesn't dislike cheka as much as he acts like he does. he'll let you braid his hair as long as you don't pull too hard. he forgets you're young sometimes and gets a little loud and aggressive if you accidentally step on his tail or something but he recovers quickly. also, nap times are cool because he'll show you all the nicest places to hide and nap.

OCTAVINELLE is relaxing enough. it's a calm, serene environment which is a nice break from the usual chaos of night raven. azul isn't too good with kids, but he feeds you well. you can sit in his office as he does paperwork, he'll listen to you ramble or if you really wanted him to, he could tell you a few of his own stories. azul, as much as he loves you, doesn't often babysit. he's a busy man and the tweels are ruthless. when his back is turned, floyd could literally scoop you up and run away! or jade could lure you out with candy! like a bunch of creeps with a white van! floyd likes to take you on chaotic adventures, he plays nicer with you but if you're a rowdy kid, he would love to roughhouse. he's your best friend, despite the crazy age gap. jade keeps an eye on you to make sure floyd doesn't squeeze you so hard you die. jade would love to teach you all about mushrooms and take you on a hike in the mountains, but the staff does not trust him alone in a secluded area with you. what if he feeds you whatever fungi he finds?! WHAT IF FLOYDS THERE?! their dangerous tendencies are too.. dangerous so you must be accompanied by someone else when with either of the twins.

SCARABIA is the most fun you've ever had! the super cool parties are so unique, definitely cooler than your world! kalim is your best friend 2.0, he's so nice and fun! he'll always invite you to his parties and he'll show you so much. jamil is growing gray hairs as we speak because you AND kalim!!!? kalim loves cooling off in the fountain with you, or doing really anything. you both could talk and play for hours, kalim knows exactly how to entertain kids! jamil doesn't really interact with you unless he has to, but when kalims away (sleeping or whatnot), you'll sit in silence with jamil and watch him cook or clean. he will look at you occasionally, but he won't say anything. though, jamil finds himself a little more protective over you a few months after meeting you.

POMFIORE is alright, it's fancy and reminds you of a fairy tale you've heard back in your world. vil takes it upon him to teach you manners and how to look your best. he makes sure your back in straight when you sit and you don't walk with your feet dragging. vil is surprisingly good with kids, and he absolutely loves babying you. let him wash your hair to get the dirt out, please, AND HE'LL MAKE EPEL FETCH YOU SOME APPLE SLICES. speaking of epel, he's your homie. he loves to make mud pies with you, it's often you both go play outside and get all roughed up. epel is good with keeping you entertained! when you're out with the first years, he's the one watching you carefully. rook talks your ear off. he'll find you sitting alone on campus somewhere drinking apple juice and then he'll sit next to you before talking to you all about whatever he sees fit. he teaches you basic wilderness survival skills, for whatever reason, as well as some new vocabulary. he also always knws where you are, so it's very unlikely you'll ever get lost.

IGNIHYDE is scary at first until you're greeted by a robot. with a beaming smile, he quickly takes an interest in you and becomes your best friend! ortho hasn't gotten any friends his age for a while, and although you're way younger, his childish antics fit hand in hand with yours. ortho plays all the fun, childish games you want to play like tag or hide & seek! he's also very helpful, he's constantly giving you full body scans to make sure you're in top shape and he knows how to nurse you back to health if you ever need it. idia is way too awkward around you, but it's more in a "how do i not scare this kid off" way. he doesn't really show his teeth around you to keep you from getting scared... unless you gush over his cool teeth enough. you ask to touch his hair often and he's panicking, aftaid to hurt you; you settle for ortho's hair. though, idia is actually slightly happy to watch over a kid as young as you. you remind him of ortho at that age. he definitely shows you his childhood video games.

DIASOMNIA is SO COOL!! you feel like a dark prince/ss walking through the hallways, and soon you get to meet the coolest "people" ever! malleus is enthralled to have a new friend! he knows you don't understand what hes talking about but he'll just keep talking anyways. he teaches you all about history and HIS LITTLE TOMOGACHI DRAGON!!! he asks lilia to get you one too!!! lilia is happy to have another child once again. he treats you he did to baby silver and sebek, so you can guarantee you're in... okay.. hands. it'll take some time for everyone to realize you can't spar because you're so little and inexperienced. LILIA TRIES TO COOK FOR YOU BUT LUCKILY MALLEUS IS QUICK ENOUGH TO GET YOU OUT OF THERE. sebek is always yelling at you. don't put your feet up on the chair! elbows off the table! stop crying! he doesn't stop yelling until malleus gets onto him for it, then sebek is literally kneeling down at you and malleus's feet, begging for forgiveness. sebek is terrible with kids, don't let him near you or you will cry. silver is calm, luckily. he'll love to have nap time with you, but if not, that's okay too! you know how little kids will make you sit and watch them do really bad cartwheels and stuff? yeah, he'll watch you. he might fall asleep but it's okay because he'll make it up to you by saving you once again from lilia's cooking.

GRIM gets his own category. somehow grim gets into the school as one whole student and is tasked with being your closest confidant. he follows you around and you both have the silliest playful banter ever!! grim lets you pet him when you're scared or stressed too!! he's not as cheeky and demanding because you're a little kid and he isn't stupid enough to mess with you like that. live laugh grim.

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1 year ago

Random student: Ew, poor taste in fashion.

MC: Have you ever been poor?

Random student: No?

MC: Then shut the fuck up.

Ruggie and Leona: *who hears them* *laughs*

Tags :
1 year ago

♡ 🐰 wait, you’re a girl?! ✩ೃ°

 Wait, Youre A Girl?!

synopsis ───◌  where the twst guys find out the ramshackle perfects secret

characters ┈┈◌ jack howl ♡ leona kingscholar ♡ ruggie bucchi

cw ──♡⃝ cursing, leona’s overblot, ruggie basically black mailing reader 😭, questionable bonus,

 Wait, Youre A Girl?!

𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

You smelt sweet. Yeah, that’s a weird thing to say but it’s true. When you walked past him in the hallways, he noticed this… sweet, almost refreshing scent that softly entered his nose.  

Now he isn’t saying he doesn't like it, but he is saying that it’s odd for a guy to have such a dainty smell, and Jack's a smart guy. So he has 2 possible hypotheses of why you smell like that.  

You're from another world and things might be different there

You're a weirdo and he should avoid you at all costs

So if you see Jack eyeing you, or just tensing up around you, just know you made his radar. 


⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

He reluctantly became your friend, let's get that clear. After the spell-drive incident, he couldn't seem to shake you, tweedle dee, and tweedle dum off his back. So there you three stayed like leeches. 

It was only when Ace and Deuce got those anemone things on their heads that Jack truly joined your band of misfits. But that's not the point. 

The moment when he found out about your little secret was when you were both hiding under Azul’s desk after trying to get to the contracts. You were squished up against either side of the dark oak deck when Jack couldn’t stop thinking about how unnaturally short you were. I mean, hey he doesn't judge, Heartslabyul’s dorm leader is short and Jack respects him. But he never noticed it until now, with his thigh completely overwhelming yours in both size and mass.

Or maybe he’s never noticed how small your hands are? Must come with the size he guessed. But the one thing that truly bothered him was your face, it was soft and delicate, so much chubbier and fuller than any guy he’s seen… and your smell… it almost reminds him of…

His eyes shot open as the door to Azul’s office opened. 

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

It’s been weird lately. Besides the fact that Ace and Deuce are busy working slaving away at the Monstro, Jack has also started to act more… like Jack around you. Always hovering, carrying things, and nagging. Nag nag nag nag! ‘Y/n don't do this, y/n don't do that, y/n you'll get hurt, don't go in there it's dangerous!’ He was treating you like a damsel in distress when Ace and Deuce were the real ones. 

Yet here he is babying you while treating them like normal! It’s gotten so bad that those two plus Grim started raising eyebrows whenever Jack did something for you. 

So you decided to do what all smart people do; confront him. 

So you do. 

You pull him from his track practice and bring him under one of the trees that acts as shade for the runners whenever they're about to pass out from heat exhaustion. 

Of course, you were trying to think about the correct way to go about this, because being in a school full of boys, especially teenage boys in mid-puberty, you had to learn to pick your words carefully. 

“Why have you been acting weird lately?”

Great start. 

Jack denies it, claiming this is how he treats all his friends, yet when you peek behind him to his low swinging tail, and back up to his cherry-sprinkled face, you know you’ve caught him in the act. 

You sighed, running a hand through your hair to try and claim even a little of your nerves. “You know, don't you?”

He was silent before he spoke. “I do”

You bit your lip, the two of you unable to keep eye contact any longer due to the embarrassment of the whole situation. There was a pause, yet none of you said something. You both just let the cool autumn breeze cool your nerves before you spoke. Yet Jack beat you to it. 

“I know you're wondering when I found out…” You nodded hesitantly. “Well, I’ve had my suspicions the first time I met you-“

“Was it my height?” You asked, but Jack quickly dismissed your guess which sidetracked him to commemorate Riddle and a kid named Epel. 

“They’re both short but respectable, hard-working guys. So I thought the same about you. Being a magicless human in a school full of aspiring magicians can be hard, especially with no family or friends to back you up. Though I'll admit, at first I pegged you as a fool looking for trouble more than respectable- until the spell-drive tournament that is.” He added on quickly, not wanting to increase the raise in your brow. 

“But I found out when we were in Azul’s office… I never noticed how soft you were. How… squishy you were”

You snorted “Squishy?” You repeated, causing the light flush on his cheeks to worsen. “Hey, this is embarrassing enough as it is! Just- let me finish talking alright!” He growled. Though that didn’t scare you as you kept silently laughing at his unusual choice of wording. 

“Only then did it click for me that you were a girl.”

You nodded thoughtfully, looking up at the half-naked tree, a leaf fell and fluttered to the ground, before another leaf followed, and another, and another. 

Yet kept your eyes on the tree, on the leaves as you kept thinking about everything he just told you. 

“I’ll keep your secret you would like me to, and I apologize for how I’ve been treating you…”

Your eyes were still on the tree “But?”

“But.” He completed staring at you despite the far-away look you had. “I won't change how I’ve been treating you these past couple of weeks.”

Your eyes waivered to his as a cautious tone of curiosity laced your tone. “And why is that?”

“Because” He breathed in, searching for the right words to say, searching for the proper way to say the undeniable fact in a way that won't drive you away, or make you laugh. 

“You’re not from here, you have no family or background, no nothing. You're not a beastman, let alone have magic. So there’s no way for you to protect yourself in an all-boys school. It isn't safe for you. If I know you're a girl the others will figure it out too, and where will that leave you? What will happen if the wrong people; Azul, find out? If we weren't friends” He made a face while saying it, like the word was foreign to him “I wouldn’t be doing this. But you are, so you can't stop me.”

“Jack for crying out loud! I’ve dealt with two house warden’s overblots! I can handle a few horny guys!”

He sighed, and his ears twitched. “You can’t change my mind.” That was all he said before he walked away. 

Achievement unlocked! You just gained a wolf bodyguard!

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happened after? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

You’ve gained a shadow is what happens next. Jack is practically all over you to the point where Grim and the Aduece combo felt a wee bit threatened. Claiming that he better not be trying to steal you away. But it’s fine, you’re actually kind of grateful (though you’d never admit it out loud)

People aren’t giving you scrutinizing looks or curious gazes anymore, instead, they're trying to avoid your gaze in fear of the brooding cc 6-foot buff freshman that follows you. 

He has calmed down a bit, having someone consider your opinion was nice for a change. You carry your own stuff and take care of your own problems, unless it’s on a top shelf he can easily reach. 

Sometimes you both brainstorm ways to mask your scent so you don't attract any eyes and noses. And the solution was scent blockers, usually reserved for female beastmen's heat. You were deemed the acceptance  (Those things are like fucking horse tranquilizers)

 Wait, Youre A Girl?!


𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

Who? All he knew was that you were probably gonna mess up his peaceful school life. If being from another world didn't make that evident, then you and your pussycat almost burning down the joint did. 

He was already getting a headache from all the new scents and loud chatter, so he just wanted to go back to his dorm where his Egypt cotton-laced mistress was waiting. 

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out  ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

He would make it seem like he found out all on his own, but in reality, he overheard you say it yourself. Well, not outright yourself, but it was in an awkward- oh sevens that doesn't even cover the severity of how embarrassing the conversation was. 

Jack’s mom somehow found out about your little secret (looks at Jack) 

note, he slipped up when going on break, how might you ask? He forgot to shower and wash his clothes so when his mom confronted him about the new smell 👀 all he could do was curse silently under his breath.

yes there are scent blockers but c'mon, how effective can those things be all the time  

Anyways! His mother created a feminine hygiene care package for you! Packed full of feminine hygienic products, deodorants, and razors, albeit a bit cheap but you couldn't complain. 

Back to Leona, Ruggie had begged (bribed) him to at least do some of his house warden duties, like for example; making sure everyone got back safely from break, and that they were situated in their dorms. And after a hard day's work, he was on his way back to his dorm for some shut-eye when he heard a high-pitched squeal, one that made his ears twitch angrily.


He had already checked in with the freshman and assumed he just had a girlish scream despite his masculine appearance. 

“Oh my god Jack I love you so much!”

Leona’s head snapped towards the freshman’s door because what the fuck was that??

Girls weren’t allowed on campus, let alone in dorm rooms. 

Leona groaned, a gloved hand sliding down his face as he groaned again, deeper. Great. More work for him. It was too much work to get Crowley involved so he’ll just warn Jack, sternly. 

He did have to give kudos to the young freshman, because the last time someone tried bringing their girlfriend in, they were caught at the magic mirror and given detention. Of course, Jack could be given the same treatment, but he was feeling oddly generous… He stopped thinking as a slimy feeling crept up his back. 

As previously stated, Leona has amazing hearing, if not the best hearing in the school- and he takes pride in that, he really, truly does. 

Another thing Leona took pride in; he was hard to surprise. His aloof personality cracks for no one. Sure, there may be a quick eye raise, or maybe even a slight pause if he's talking. Other than that, nothing. Zip, zilch, nada, nothing. 

So when Leona was surprised to the point where he whipped his head back towards the freshman’s door again, he was glad no one was there. Especially Ruggie.  

“Y/N please be a little quieter, someone could be outside!”

All else was unimportant as Leona stood outside the door, frozen, hand just about to land on the door before it fell limply to his side. 

There was a few seconds' pause before he backed away and slowly slinked back to his room to process what he just found out. 

(He was conflicted because a girl helped stop 3 overblots. 

But then again, Faerina’s wife could get him out of his room…)

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

You were in the botanical gardens helping Crewel pick rare plants for next class. It was a nice arrangement if you do say so yourself; help Crewel prepare for class, grade papers and get alone time to study for your worst subject. 

So the chance to explore the gardens after staying in stuffy classrooms all day was a Hail Mary for you. 

Until you stepped on a snake. 

Shrieking like a banshee, you heard the snake protest as it darted into the bush. Scrambling a few feet away, you kept your eyes locked onto the bush, waiting for the snake to fly out and exact its revenge. 

That would have been the better scenario anyways. Instead, you were met with a towering lion beastman, tail in hand and his ears in flight mode. 

Shit. It was Jack’s house warden. Leona. 

After hearing horror stories, you knew no matter how low you bowed or how profusely you apologized, you were royally screwed. 

“Oi, I’d watch where you're going if I were you” He stepped closer. “Cause you don't know what someone could do to a herbivore like you” He stepped closer as you took a step backward. 

“So small and soft… not an ounce of muscle on ya. Makes one think if you're even a guy at all” He forced you to look up like he was challenging you not to. 

“I’m not a girl!” your eyes widened in horror as his smirk deepened. 

Uh oh. Voice crack. 

Yeah puberty, and all, but you were well past the age of voice cracks. 

“You should really keep your voice down” he whispered, leaning in on you. His breath rustled your hair which tickled your ear sending a sharp shiver up your spine and to your brain, sending it into a red alert. It was a whole chain reaction just from his breath. You haven't felt this pathetic in a while. 

“As you never know who could be listening”

And with that, he walked away. 

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happened after? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

Nothing. Literally nothing. 

You were skittish around him, anxious about the thought of him spilling your secret to the whole school. But little did you know, Leona did not care. Not in the slightest. At most, he's probably impressed. 

I mean with 3 overblots under your belt, you were fine. So there’s no need for him to keep an eye out on you. Nope, none at all. 

It’s all the same, as you and Leona barely interacted before so why would that change now? You already got a bodyguard, and who was he to impose his morals on you? 

…yet that doesn't stop his sharp gaze from following you whenever you crossed paths. 

Where he was from, girls were fierce, dominant, and controlling, a perfect example of that was his sister-in-law. And of course, he knew not every girl was like that, as not everywhere has the same traditions as the sunset savanna. But you were a magicless girl in an all-boys school. And that didn't sit right with him. (No matter how much he tried to ignore it)

He’s basically your convenient savior, popping up if Jack isn't around and claiming he was napping there and you were disturbing him. 

Don’t be surprised when there's an unmarked package on your steps filled with a few months supply of premium scent blockers. And don't bother confronting Leona cause he’ll deny it. 

 Wait, Youre A Girl?!

𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

Yawn, just another extra. 

He met you during the spell drive arc when you stopped him from pushing Trey down the stairs. You smelt nice, was all he remembered before scampering away. But as nice as you smelt you made him nervous and he couldn’t understand why. 

I mean, he injured heartsbyul's vice house warden, he’s stolen from men thrice his size, and he’s friends with Leona for crying out loud! All of this would make one think he had balls of steel and answered to no one.

Except for Leona.... and his grandma of course… Well I mean, sometimes his sisters too but that's it! Really!

Women in the Savannah scare the shit out of him, all strong, dominant and all that junk made him shiver.

Ruggie is observant. So the fact that you could inflict the same kind of caution women give him... Strange. He’ll have to keep an eye on you. 

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹


Unfortunately for Ruggie, he's going to be a victim to a trope, sorry not sorry.  During Leona’s overblot your legs were shackled in the sand, unable to move, and unable to flee from the stalking lion. 

It was just the 3 of you, the rest of your friends outside the swirling sand tornado, standing there helplessly. 

Foolish herbivore was all Ruggie could think as you clawed up your ankles, feverishly looking between the house warden and your trapped feet. 

Your eyes were wide with fear. 


An epiphany. 

You reminded him of him, that's why he felt uncomfortable with you. You reminded him of a younger, scrawnier self. One that did anything and everything to survive, one that had to conserve food and the little money he had so he could've able to live. One that had nobody but his grandma and a few siblings.

Just a boy from the slums living off of stolen leftovers. Covered in rags, dirt, and bruises. A boy who hoped, dreamed, and prayed for a way out. 

A boy whom you shared those same hopeless shimmering eyes with.  


Ruggie didn’t know what he should do. Well, he lied, he did but he didn't know if he should do it. But as Leona hit the 10-meter mark Ruggie made a break for it 

His legs carried him as fast as the sand would let him, and endless curses spilled from his lips as he saw Leona’s head turn in his direction. Shouting something, he threw a scalding hot gust of sand his way. Gritting his teeth as the searing grains of sand were pelted at him He kept repeating to himself: It was better than someone dying. 

He didn't know why he chose to voluntarily go back into the jaws of death; he barely escaped thanks to Riddle.

Maybe it was those damned eyes of yours. 

Tackling you onto the sand dome, you both just missed death's door as you both grunted at the sagging impact. 

As much as you're both grateful for skating by the sandstorm, that couldn't bring attention away from the uh… obvious cushion. 

“ Y-you're a girl!?”

“Not the time Ruggie!”

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

Basically a cat and mouse game. You spot Ruggie in the cafeteria, and Ruggie creates a clever way to lose you, may it be a crowd of people, laugh with me, or a ‘happy little accident’. He wants nothing to do with you so if you would just leave him alone that’d be great. 

But of course you keep persisting, and eventually you catch up with him and corner him in the hallway. 

“Why are you avoiding me?”

“Good morning to you, too perfect. If you would excuse me, I have to get Leona's homework from Trein, then do my own. So I really don't have a lot of time-“

“Then I’ll join you “ You smiled, grabbing his jacket sleeve before walking towards Trein’s room. It was foolish of you to assume it would be that easy, he’s a sneaky hyena after all. 

Retracting his arms from his jacket, he expertly shimmied out of it like an octopus from a jar. He smiled as you turned around glaring at him, his jacket dangling from your clenched fist. 

“Sorry, perfect, but I’d rather not have this talk” He shrugged before walking away. He was free, the sunlight spilled through the dirtied glass windows and onto the walkway of the hallway, highlighting his path to freedom. 

“Not so fast Ruggie Bucchi! You get back here!” 

And just like that the gates to heaven closed and he was dragged back down to earth. “Shit” He whispered, already starting into a sprint as he heard you thundering footsteps behind him. He felt like Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, only he was Jack running away from the giant (you) who's ready to eat him alive for stealing his golden goose. (Over exaggeration, you just wanted to talk)

With lingering people in the hallways, he was able to disappear a few times, or purposely put them in your way. Yet each and every time you found him. No matter how hard he tried to lose you, you caught up. What was this a horror movie?

Finally, the hallway ended and he was trapped with no escape. You were stalking towards him, like a predator who had just found its prey. 

“Ruggie I just want to talk” You put your hands up in surrender. “That’s it. I want to talk about what happened during Leona’s over blot”

Ruggie wanted to smack himself. God was he stupid. Not even once had he considered using ‘laugh with me on you’. Why? He wasnt sure himself. There were a few theories that popped through his head, but he had no time to entertain them as you were less than 2 meters away. 

“Oh, real mature ruggie”

He let out the breath he was holding, the clatter of the lockers was heard as he straightened himself up. Rubbing the ‘dust’ from his knees he just looked at you. As he started to make his way towards you. 

You couldn't read him. Did he have a face of relief, conflict, worry? You weren't sure. But when he passed you in your frozen state, all he said was:

“You really think I’d tell people? Really think that low of me huh” It was rhetorical.

By the time he was far away into the hallway, you were unfrozen. Stumbling a bit as you turned to him still walking. “Though my silence comes with a price!”

Ugh great. At this point you’d rather have him tell people

⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happens next? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 

I wanna say he’d tease you but I mean… woman…  No, he isn’t afraid of you! He knows you’re not going to be as rough or intense as the ladies back home, as you’re no beast-man, especially not a hyena beastman. 

So there’s going to be a bit of distance between you 2. I mean, there already was to begin with, cause he never met you or talked to you before the spell drive tournament situation.

But after that, he’ll probably mess with you a bit. Not a lot like how he would with others, but a good enough amount to where you interact weekly. Like he’ll cut you in line with a cheeky smile, or he’ll pluck a particular sandwich out of your hand and hide among the masses as you (grim) yell out curses. 

He will use your situation against you ngl. He would shamelessly dangle it over your face in exchange for something, mainly food. 

But I know he wouldn't do anything too callous or too mean.

Though he does keep the promise of ‘silence coming with a price’ and usually that price is an extra pair of hands or food. So now you've got 3 mouths to feed. Great. 

 Wait, Youre A Girl?!

𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔! I originally wrote this for Jack but I thought it was too ooc. Then I thought about Leona but then realized he would only do this in fanon.

Your back was slammed against a tree, Jack hovering over you as you struggled in his grip. His hand encased both of yours while his other gripped your hip, keeping you flat against the tree. His leg was bent awkwardly, pinning you against the tree at an angle that should make him fall, but he didn't. No matter how hard you tried, the leg that kept him braced didn’t budge. Not even an inch. 

“Try to escape” Was all he said through your struggling and wiggling. Yet no matter how hard you tried pushing, shoving, kicking, or flailing away from him- nothing worked. You were stuck. Never once did he stop looking at you; through you as you grew more and more desperate to prove yourself. 

But he was a wolf beastman, and you were a teenage girl. 

And soon, as expected, your struggling slowly stopped, eyes downcast as you laid there, still, in his arms before he set you down. 

Your hands rushed up over your chest as you struggled to understand the situation, to understand why he did that. 

“I’m only a freshman” he spoke quietly “I don’t even have control of my magic yet, just think about what other guys would do if they found out. So please” You looked up at him, lashes heavy with locked in tears. His face was soft, gentle even which only confused your heart more.

Tags :
1 year ago
No Doubt An Obvious And Low Hanging Fruit Joke To Do, But, It Wouldnt Leave Me Until It Was Visualized

no doubt an obvious and low hanging fruit joke to do, but, it wouldn’t leave me until it was visualized


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11 months ago

Shrek in twisted wonderland


(Please go follow the creator on TikTok and leave a like 🙏)

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