Scp 106 X Reader - Tumblr Posts

SCP 035
"Hey y/n where's ... Oh my *falls down*Ummm ... Btw ... You look gorgeous "
SCP 049
"Y/n did you see my ... *Closes his eyes with hands* I'm really sorry about this . Let's just forget about it ... Okay my dear..."
SCP 073
"Umm y/n will you like ... Oh ... I'm sorry *close his eyes* I wanted to ask . Would you like to drink tea or coffee ? If you want then come in the kitchen"
SCP 076
"Y/n did you see my swor- Oh . Sorry about that ... By the way . Did you see my sword ? No ? Okay I'll leave ."
SCP 079
"Human ... Uhh ... That's how human looks without their clothes ... And ... I need to go ... Yeah. Bye "
SCP 096
"Oh ... I'm so-sorry ... Don't b-be mad at m-me ... I didn't mean i-it . Sorry "
SCP 106
"Well y/n I wanted to ask- Ohh ... Well what I wanted to ask ... I don't remember . Maybe if I go away , I will remember ... Bye ..."
SCP 173
"Hey ... Where are you ... Oh ... Hello there beautiful , what y'all doing tonight ?"
SCP 682
"Y/n you know where is my ... Fuck ... I need to wash my eyes with bleach right ? "
SCP 939
"Y/n ? Oh god . Close your door when you change mate! What if someone else came in the room ? Huh ... What will you do then "
SCP 1678
"Y/n ? Oh ... Would you like to drink tea with me ? Just come downstairs and we could drink one ..."
SCP 2521
"... *Walks though the wall *"
P.S. : I was inspired by Friday Night Funkin'. Well I was playing in it , and I got this idea to make y/n singing some of the song from there . And you can imagine any lyrics you want . Soo ... Let's start!

SCP 035
Well he was in theater . He escaped from foundation . You were on stage singing with your friend / partner (Partner mean that person who helps you to sing). Then he understands that you're a scientist/guard from The Foundation . But he stayed at theater
Sock/Masky listened to you singing . And he liked it . A lot . You (P.S. : you were making those dances? Those movement like in the video . There's Skid and Pump you were making your own movements ) were dancing . He liked your movements .
He was impressed with your talent . He after you sang you met Sock/Masky behind the stage . You became friends . Of course he showed his talents . And you knew that's a SCP 035 . But you didn't want to call mtf units .
After 6 month of your friendship . He asked you out . You said yes! (If you're a male/non-binary he doesn't care at all . 'Cause he's a mask and Sock/Masky don't have a gender . But i will use male pronounce . )
As I said he likes your songs . And you were singing like a duet . He asking you to sing some song . With him and without him . He likes to cuddle with you while you humming some rhythms/songs
SCP 049
He found you at breach . You were singing , because it help you to chill . And Ofc you were nervous . He liked your songs . He was ... (How should I call it ... Uhh . Just like GF from FNF . How much I will say about FNF ? IDK . Oh yeah! ) shooking his head to the rhytm . Even zombies that was with him liked that you're singing .
He came out then you stopped singing . You panicked . He said that he liked your song . And said that you don't have pestilence in you . Well you were a little bit nervous near SCP 049 .
You two were friend about 2 years . Doc needed to know about his feelings for you . Cause it was centuries then he loved at first . Well zombies who remembered something from past told about his feelings for you , he didn't really understand that . But Lexie (His daughter . I will say about her in headcanon or bf scenarios . She's actually a ghost . He can see her then his eyes become red . Like he's mad or going crazy. I will say about it too ) told him about it and ... He understands it .
He were nervous . But you accept his confess . After 5 month he told you about Lexie . And two of you became friends. And even she calls you mommy/daddy/parent y/n . It's adorable . And she copy you when you sing . So you two singing like duet . Doc likes that you two get along .
Estienne reached you French . And you sometimes sing with them song on French . It's sounds good .
SCP 073
You two already was friends . But then it's was your break . Foundation let Cain walk a little . And he saw you and Dr. Bright singing together (you two were rap battling!) . He was really surprised. . He asked you about it . And you said that your a singer. He liked it a lot . Sometimes he helped you to write new songs .
Well truly. He doesn't care about your gender/look . He can say that he's a pansexual . Soo after 1,5 year . You two said it at the same day . He said it after you sang your song about confession . And he was happy because s/o is now his girlfriend/boyfriend/couple .
As I said . He helps you to write songs . But now he tries to help you with it every time . You say that it's okay and you can do it yourself . But Cain still helps you . You think it's cute from his side to do this to you . So you actually cuddle with him after that or read with him books that made from other material . (IDK what material don't get destroyed by his powers . So ... imagine Y/n Chan/Kun/uhh( IDK how to call non-binary reader sooo )Dear . Just imagine it .
SCP 076
Well , like 682 he hates people . He heard you singing when he finally woke up and left his box(SCP 076-1) , he was surprised to see scientist/guard who doing his/her/their hobby . He liked your song a little . If you're a scientist : then you were interviewing him , he answered questions faster than with the other interviewers . You had 30 minutes left and he started asking you questions about your hobby . Well you told that you're a singer . If you're a guard : He heard about other guard/scientist about concert where you will be singing . And about 2 month you guys became friends .
Btw Able needed about 3 years to know his feelings . And you confessed to him ('Cause he needed 1 year or 2 to confess to you Y/n) . You tried to ask him to sing . But he didn't do that very much . He likes melodies from your songs . Did he help you too write songs ? Well yes . 50/50 that Able will help you , he don't know what you should sing about .
SCP 079
Well he found you in the internet , you were a singer . He was impressed with your talent/hobby . With some interviews he asked about it . But if you're guard : He talked with you at containment breach . He found you on cams then you we're walking thought corridors , and he said thought speaker that he can help you get out of here safely . Well you get to his containment cell . And he said that he don't lie to you . And he will show you how to get to exit safely . And he asked about your second carrier . You said that you're a singer . (He said if you confirm that info , he will help you , sooo you told him that's true)
1 year later he asked about his feelings , you explained to him that it's called 'love' . And he showed X on his screen and 1 minute later (He was finding 'How to confess to someone') and he asked you out
He helps you to make songs . He is making instumental sound , and you don't know where he found it . (And he make song complete ? How should I call it ? He ... ohh! ) He edits your songs too . You're very thankful for his help .
SCP 096
You somehow befriend 096 (Aka Lanky). He were in his containment cell then he somehow heard you sing . He knew it was your voice . He didn't ask about it . He knew that you singed . But after 4 month you said that you had second carrier . And you are a singer . He was very happy about you .
And you needed to confess to him . Cause he's very shy about it ! He likes to hear you singing . Especially when he sleeps and you hum your song and stroking his cold back . It helps him from nightmares
SCP 105
Well she founded it after month of dating you , you said it to her . After that she asked to teach her singing . Some times you sing like a duet with Iris .Well you like her hobby (She like to take pictures) and she like yours . And she don't judge your gender/look . Oh and basically you needed to teach her how to sing . She sometimes miss some lyrics . It's awkward , but still cute tho .
SCP 106
He heard you singing then you were in the intercom room ? Some scientists forgot to turn off microphone . And you started to sing quietly . Well ... he understands that he heard your song , well someone had ringtone with one of your song . He was a little impressed . And somehow you befriended him
For confession he took 11 month . Yeah
He'd love sitting in the studio and watching you while you work , he'd always brag about how talented you are to all his friends, and whenever a new song of yours would come out, he'd hype you up so much. He'd be so happy
SCP 166
Same as Iris (SCP 105) if you're a female or non-binary . If you're a male :
Well somehow a male D-class we're near her and ... (You know what he tried to do . If you don't read her files) And she needed to run from him . And she hid behind you .
Y/n as guard : You shoot him Y/n as scientist : You tried to stop that D-class , and you knocked him out .
And you needed to stop that feeling . So you started mumbling your song lyrics . She was impressed by that . She started friendship with you
She was to shy to ask you out sooo . You asked her out by singing a song . And you two like to sing like duet . This song :
(God rest ye merry gentleman (Slowed)) In my wattpad you can find it .
SCP 173
Containment breach happened . You were wearing earphones and quietly humming one of your songs . He wanted to scare you so he singed with you . You were shocked by SCP 173 saying anything . 'Cause he's a statue! He said that you don't have to worry about that . Well after 3 month you became best friends!
And after 7 month he asked you on a date . Well ... dating statue is really strange . But everyone is strange . Then you sing he likes to hug you from behind .
SCP 682
I think there'd only be one reason why he'd dislike it, at first. And that's because...he hates every one , every living being . The problem would be that he'd hear you singing, and it'd get stuck in his head . Eventually, the whole thing would just prompt his heart to flutter whenever he heard you in the corridors, singing something to yourself
Well he confessed to you after year and half . And when you're both together, I think his favorite way to soothe himself would be falling asleep as you pet his hair at night - you singing quietly ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ his favorite song
SCP 939
Same as SCP 173 . And yes he copied your voice when you were singing
He likes laying with you and copying your voice , especially copy you singing . You find it funny . It's revenge for calling him/her a dog .(If you watching SCP SL videos you will understand that . Like SCP 939 looks like a reptile-dog . No seriosly .)
SCP 1678
Well like in files said . You were with MTF Tau-4 and Epsilon-6 have been defense perimeter around the Hyde Park . You were a scientist/MTF .(Well there was other scientist there ). One of SCP 1678-b were near , and their owner (Let's say that every SCP 1678-a have their own SCP 1678-b , Aka eyes in the sky) So he heard you quietly singing . They actually likes it . Somehow he managed to befriend you , without other MTF soldiers trying to attacking him .
After 2 years you started dating . What should I say more . He writes you lyrics for songs
SCP 2521
Well you were singing some of your songs . And in the lyrics were number 2521 . And before that you mumbled word 'SCP' . When he appeared behind you . And listened you singing (Well mumbling) . After you sang your favorite song , you notices that he's behind you . You were surprised . He didn't take you somewhere else . You became friends eventually .
Then you sing he stares at you , and sometimes claps . And he likes to hug you a lot . Well after an year he confessed to you by writing it .
Well nothing really changed when you started dating.
Should I do 2 part?
SCPs with reader who have Gelotophobia .
Gelotophobia is a fear of smiles and being laughed at. It can mean that the mere sight of a smile or hearing laughter from afar is enough to elicit intense shame, anxiety and fear . Scarlet King
He knows your fears already . He will be joking around you sometimes . But not so much . You can have panic attack .
He will harm anybody who will fear/shame/give anxiety to you .He can do it , jokily a little . And he's good with it . He don't really like smiling . (I know it's short sorry , almost every of them will be short )
SCP 001
He noticed it then on TV was some show and then actors starts smiling and laughing you started breathing heavily and hiding your face in your knees , covering your ears . He will be worried . And ask you about it . You won't be anxious around him he don't have eyes and mouth . But he will try to take you away from people who laugh near you or smile . Or he will cover your eyes or ears with his arms/wings . (Scarlet King and he's around 2 meters long)
SCP 035
He can read minds . And he notices you were shy near him and nervous . He asked about gelotophobia , And you said you have it . So now he wears medical mask and always change it after it's decomposed because of black goo . He tries to always hide his smile . You can have a panic attack !
He hides it with tentacles when there's no masks around . And others . They'll have tentacle around their mouth . He don't like you to be ashamed or anxious because of your phobia .
SCP 049
He thinks that you have some sickness he don't know exist . He notices that someone laughs around you or smile , you will be ashamed slightly . He will say that you should stay at home , because how he thinks others will infect you more . You explain to him that it's not sickness it's your phobia . Phobia of smile and laugh ? I don't want you to have anxiety or shame ! If he will see someone who knows about phobia and smiles near you , for joking . You will never see him/her ever again ...
SCP 049-j
Like 049 he thinks that you're sick . And tries to cure you . With ice he will put bag of ice on your head . You were confused about it , and you asked what he was doing He said that he is curing you . You are sick you were shacking and breathing heavily around that classmate . You had to explain about gelotophobia . Oh ... you don't like smiles and laughing ? I always smile around you , should I stop ? No ? Only if you see it . It's okay ! Just close your eyes or ears . I don't want you to be uncomfortable or have a panic attack ! Even if I don't know what it is ...
SCP 079
It's hard for him to hide it only then 'X' on his screen . And like 035 , 106 he will hide his 'mouth' with mask or some cloth . It's you . You put it there his smile is . And he's okay with it . If you won't be scared he's okay . But you were surprised then his face expression were changing , you don't have to put mask on his face .
SCP 096
Are y-you ashamed of smi-smiles and others la-laughing . Why... ? Di-did your ex clas-classmates b-bully you ...? What's a ph-phobia ? A p-phobia i-is an ove-overwhelming f-fear of an obje-object, place, so-some situation, feeling or an-animal. So p-phobias are mor-more pronou-pronounced than fe-fears... Ohhh.. . It's okay ! Is ... there a-a phobia of co-cold? Frigophobia... Don't wor-worry I ha-have a phobia to-too ! . He'll try to help with your phobia .
SCP 106
It's a big problem . He always have a smiling from on his face . And he have deep laugh . Then he first saw you , he laughed as always . Then you started panicking really badly .Closing your ears and breathing like you were wearing gas mask . You begun to have a panic attack . You were shaking and gasping like someone have their arm on your neck . He didn't know that you will react on him like that . He thinks that you will basically die because of you reaction . So he just leave you alone and find another human . But then he understands what's wrong . This fucking phobia he can't smile . Like 035 he will wear a mask . And about hour he needs to change it . He don't like it . And you begged him to wear a mask .
SCP 303
Like 001 he have no face . So you won't have panic attack or ashamed of it. He will teleport with you . In your room or house . You're not so fast so I'll just help you ! I will closer eyes or just stand in front of you so you won't see other human . He/she will be scared of my appearance , so they'll stop laughing !
SCP 1903
Oh I'm sorry . My mask is scaring you ? Sorry I'll made another ! It's okay She have a mask with a smile . How she said she made a new one . She'll ask SCP 1903-1 to make masks without smile . But if some of them won't do it . You will never see them again ...
SCP 2030
Ohhh no ... He have a TV show ... He likes then everyone of audience laugh and always smile . But when he saw you panicking when audience started laughing . You started shacking and trying to cover ears . He has interested in you . And why didn't you smile or laugh ? Don't you like pranks that he created ? Now he understands . You have gelotophobia . You still coming at his shows . He don't want you to be afraid . Or worse . He says to you that you don't have to see his shows and it's alright . But you still coming sometimes .
SCPs with s/o who have a little child /Single parent
Who don't know : s/o - significant other .
B/n - baby's name Scarlet King
You were captured by his fan club . I will call his cult members like that . But you weren't happy at all . You escaped one time . But he was watching you . You had a child with you . A little human child . Not an anomaly or demon . (But you would say that , sometimes) . He saw you encounter with it many times . And don't be surprised at all them you see on your night cameras that's in baby room to see a demon looking figure just watching them or by yourself . You of course tried to scare the intruder by shouting and getting aggressive towards him . But you know how you looked in his eyes ? Like a chihuahua . YES . Little angry chihuahua . You were smaller than him . And he tried not to laugh by your cuteness . And he did not see you gf/bf or wife/husband with you . Soooo he have 8 children now . No questions .
Of course you won't believe him that he will take care of b/n . And not kill them . Because he's father of the years/CENTURIES . Btw baby 3 times stole his crow and wore it / tried to eat it . And with his cult members. He/she just were eating their robes . No one will never harm you or b/n . Cult or SK by himself will kill them
SCP 001
You were teleported in that place behind the guardian by SCP 507's help . But did you know that b/n was SNEAKY ✨ and crawled in you backpack then you did not look . You were surprised by that sneakiness✨ of your child you and your crew was teleported near the exit of that word behind the gates . And she/he crawled out of ... Let's call it heaven . But nothing ... Your child didn't die of 001 . Interesting . You forgot about his ability and stepped out if heaven too and took baby in your hand . And then you remember Guardian's ability . Don't be afraid human . I will not going to hurt you or b/n . And don't say anyone about it . You're much more better than other people . I am very sorry about your other partner . They did not deserve to be near you ... Now you can go and work with your coworkers , they are waiting for you.
B/n really love to hang on Guardian's wings(P.s. Uriel . I named him Uriel ) . He's very good father . Expect to see b/n wearing guards armor . Little armor for a a little warrior . Or clothes that have fire on it (not real fire . He don't want to murder them . Or you . ) He will get you clothes with fire too . Or some holy/religion like outfits
SCP 035
You had to take your baby with you to Foundation . And 035 left his cell and manipulated them not to alert others . And he came in your office while you were talking to your child , trying to explain what are you doing . And she/he just looks at you with not understanding eyes . Then you looked at your baby and she/he was looking at someone behind you(Mask . It's a mask !) You turned and saw 035 looking at you with tilted head . How did he escaped his chamber and no intercom warning? Why are you asking about my child? I'm raising them alone , why do you ask about it? I don't like it .
After sometime (you were interviewing him ) he was interested in your and your baby's life . And you started dating . He will be fatherly/motherly (it depends on host , and second motherly/fatherly) figure to him/her . One time you saw b/n's mouth in formula/milk . You know how ? It was a hot day and 035 made a popsicle for b/n . From formula/breasts milk (don't ask how)
SCP 049
It was a containment breach and your co-worker pulled you away from your baby and tried to help you get out , but you shouted that you don't want to leave your child to die here and they should probably try to rescue someone else . Btw b/n know how to crawl and they crawled away . So you were seeking for them . In that time b/n crawled to plague doctor and placed their little hands on his boot . He was surprised by a little baby were near him . (He had been in bad mood(read last chapters if you don't understand) and Lexie was near him ) Daddy ? Can we keep him/her . Why can't we? Oh yes , their parents are looking for them . Let help find them! In that time you were almost near them . And then you opened the door you saw 049 with b/n in him hands and b/n wanting to grab his beak . B/n? Is this little child yours? He/she is ? Where's your partner ? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it . Here , she/he's completely fine and not harmed . He/she's very lucky . But Lexie is sad that she can't have a friend or a sibling to play with .
After you started dating Lexie is very happy ! And doc is too . He's taking care of b/n like it's his own child . If he see little plague doctor mask he will buy it or do it , for Lexie and b/n . But after his daughter asked about another sibling in future ... It's awkward ... Very AKWARD . I mean VERY . You two are just blushing mess .
SCP 079
Your ex was working in Foundation too . You tried to talk to them . But , they are avoiding you . Even if you work together (interviewing 079 ) . If you ask them some question they don't want to answer , like you didn't ask them . SCP 079 somehow could switch from his old computer from Foundation to yours . He watches you for long time , how you interact with your baby . And you know what ? He hack some stores , so they think you bought thinks and payed for them , so they deliver them to you . Of course you're very confused . But you saw 079's face . You started asking what the f. he's doing here . Human . I am helping you . You should open the door soon there will be delivery . Then there was a knock sooo you opened the door and found a box . You asked if it was him he said . Yes . After sometime you bought/made him a metal body . And you explained what happened between you and your child's parent . You think that he don't listen to you . At work your ex give you money . You know why? Child support . Yes he putted them on child support .
He's a babysitter . Very good . He is good with fatherly role to your child . Then you're holding b/n they would stare at each other . Until b/n starts giggling or smiling .
SCP 096
First meeting was then b/n did crawl away a little . And some sadistic D-class took them in 096's chamber to let them die ... Well Lanky did kill D-class , but not the baby . They just crawled to him and hugged him/his arm or leg . Lanky's heart is melted of cuteness of little human that was playing with his hand and fingers. In that time you wanted to come in . Guards and coworkers were saying that you will die in there . But you entered anyway . You could die for your child's safety . B/n ... It's y-yours . Ri-right? Sorry ... I di-did not h-hurt them . Th-they're too sm-small to d-die .
He's extremely nervous of being near baby . He can hurt them . Or kill easily . Won't touch them unless you can say that he can pick up and shush them or play with them(let them bite his long fingers) .
SCP 106
Only because you have a child(and being very beautiful/handsome and cute) saved your life . Your baby started crying and you tried to calm them down . But where's your partner ? Where are they!? I want to catch two of you ... No one's coming , right ? Why? After some stalking . He will leave you some gifts , a little corrosion on them . (He tried ) If you like your co-workers clothes . You will find it on your bed or chair . (Always in corrosion . And blood )
Ohhh if baby cries he won't be angry at them . He likes to hear them cry (a little) . Will let baby(or you) wear his helmet from war . Or dress them in soldier clothes . No asking . No questions . He just do what he wants .
SCP 173
B/n saw him firstly . He/she just looked at him . Of course Peanut was confused . Why can't he move , there are no people here . Then he looked down and saw ... a little baby . Looking at him . Confused (Menacingly). Ohhh staring contest ! But then his stone heart melted when they started smiling and giggling . But then you came in the room and picked them . Ohhh . It's yours ! I don't think that you're very responsible . He sometimes managed to get to your house . You were a hard sleeper . Because baby had some nightmares , and they started crying . And SCP 173 got in the house and heard them crying , and tried to shush them . He found a bottle and woke you up . He gave you bottle picked you up and 'walked' to baby's room/crib . He don't know how to feed them .
He's very protective over you two . You sometimes see b/n and him covered in formula or baby food , and floor or walls sometimes . He really tried . But they like to play with food .
SCP 682
Some stupid researcher wanted to try on real human baby test . From real parents . You know how 682 reacted ? He just smelled them and tried to lick them . And then he went to sleep in the corner . He don't give a shit about this annoying creature . You were fearless parent and went inside . Atanti noticed you and started growling at you . You shouted at him that some stupid scientist put your child here . And will put him/her in his chamber so he could die ! He just looked at you with a hate in his eyes ... and then
(Skip to 2:29)
You climbed on him and went to your baby . He were in chock from such indifference and disrespect from a scientist .
They're like Abbie to Atanti (For who don't know . Abbie is real name of SCP 053 or Young girl .) He cares about them . Like his father/ grandfather he will protect them . No matter of the cost . And he will bring Abbie so they will be together playing .
SCP 939
He/she heard your baby making some sounds . Then came in the room and couldn't sense scientist or D-class . Strange . I swear I heard someone here . In this place . Wait a seco- Why is there a little human here ?! How are you doing her- Ugh ... What are you doing?
Not very good parent to your child . Mostly like a friend or pet that can talk . And imitate voices . Can give them a ride on his/her back . B/n loves it . If you will be at work she/he will be a babysitter for them . Because Foundation will though that maybe MTF or guards neutralized one of them .(Of course 939 have a pack and there's not only one )
SCP 1678
Same history like 001 your sneaky baby hid in you bag/backpack . And you saw them playing with SCP 1678-b (Eyes in the sky . Or pigeon/bird with camera ... YES) . B/n somehow took them in arm and started hugging it . After a while at the same time you and SCP 1678 came there . You two were in chock . You came to them and took b/n in your hands . B/n was giggling .
Expect to see birdy and b/n together . Cuddling . (Copying two of you guys ) And stealing hat then he's sleeping . And wearing it . One time he tried to feed them . Wall , floor and b/n were covered in milk/formula . Good try !
SCP 2521
You caught his 'eye' with your parenting skills . Where's your partner ? Aren't everyone have 2 parents ? Somehow b/n managed to see him . And trying to grab him . And giggling . He didn't know how to react . So he picked them and tried to find you . But , he teleported them in your house . And placed them on couch . Of course you were surprised by it . And sometimes he find him taking stuff for your child . And some food or clothes for you .
Nothing really change . But some more things . And babysitter . New babysitter . Expect b/n to eat his tapes . Many times . Soooo many times . But his okay with it .
I'll made second part or girls version .
Being SCPs friend then they were human .
Y/nn - your nickname How did you not die for that time ? I can say only one thing: Reborn . And you really remember everything from your last time . And you look exactly like in last live . I hope you like this chapter .
SCP 049
It was around 16th century . You and Doc was friend then you were teens and were coming to see him and his family sometimes . After some years he had married (His wife's name was Janet). You knew her too . So she was okay with you coming to their home to see them and play with their daughter . And last time you saw him then he went to work as plague doctor . He tried to help other people . After around 5 month you came to see them . But yo only found ... Janet's dead body . You explored a house a little and found Lexie's body too . But where's Doc(Aka 049)? Did he saw this ? Maybe he saw it , and left somewhere ? It's really strange . You started traveling to see Estienne . But you never found him .
(As I wrote you were reborn . Many times ) You started working in Foundation . And you were interested in 049 . Because he had the same clothes that You old friend used to wear . 05 found it interesting too , so you started working on 049 . You know . After sometime he became more communicative with you . And protective(Possessive . He's slightly yandere . In scenarios and in this book) over you . You know how he remembered you ? He found your sketches in his book/diary(I don't know how to call that book that he used to write his experiments then he cure people ) . And remembered how you look (and your hair , eyes and skin color ). And you know how you remembered him ? At one containment breach . He took you arm and pulled you in other room (It looks like a closet ). You tried to pull your arm out of his grip . But he just took his mask(Fanfiction powers✨) . You of course remembered his face . ... Estienne ? How ? Y/n it's really you ? I wanted to test , if it's actually you . How did you survive for such a long time ? ...Oh reborn . It's amazing ! (You know what ? After his family died . He started liking you . Even if you're male .He don't care . You're only one who he really trust)He said to Lexie that you're still alive . And you know how happy she was ? Really happy . No seriously . REALLY HAPPY . She have someone to play with .(She usually plays with zombies . Yes , they are a little smart not like in SCP CB . Like in SCP SL . But not so much )
SCP 049-j
(His name's Jay)Like 049 he was friends with you when you were teens . At that time his big brother(049 . It's 049!) left to live with his wife . So you were visiting Jay more often . After sometime he heard that his brother became a plague doctor . He wanted him(Estienne/aka 049 or his brother) to be proud . But he has a little mental problems . So he somehow got plague doctor costume . And made little ones for his pets ... Rats✨ . He cares about their health a lot . For yours too ! He tried to help other people too . So started travel more . And one week you did not see him anymore , you even asked his family . They said that they didn't see him too .
Like with 049 . You reborn many times . And started working in Foundation . Btw Jay have a better memory than 049 . So he remembers you . And some patients . So when he saw you he started to think about you . (He doesn't really understand that people can die from old age )So you're lucky that he remember you . If someone understand that he lied , he will somehow escape . So it is what he did , and J started looking for you . After he found you ... He hugged you tightly . Y/n! I didn't expect to see you here . But it's okay ! I like it . Really much ! Uhhh ... What's a 'reborn'? Uhhhhhh ... I think I understand . Or not ... But it doesn't matter . We are together again! YAY !!! Then you interview him , he always (Not every time)answer questions . And Foundation worker really like it . So they mostly send you to interview 049-j .
SCP 096
(In my headcanon he was a hiker that survived SCP 1529)
( I was inspired by this theory . Not fully . Just theory that SCP 096 survived SCP 1529 . And became what he's now.) You met him then you were adults . He was really shy and it's hard for him to make friends . So you came to him first . You were friends almost 3 years .And one time his partner(Not love interest) were going to Everest . You even helped them collect the necessary equipment . And you took them to Everest . And you didn't knew that it will be the last time you saw him . You waited years to Lanky to appear (Lanky is not his real human name ). And then one of your friends asked if you want to go to expedition to Everest . You accepted that offer , maybe you can see Lanky ? You guys(Your friend took some other people(their friends and yours too ) went to expedition . And you found ... nothing . No trace of Lanky and his partner . Not even dead bodies . Years passed and you died from natural causes .
Thanks Foundation . You now work there . You were working on SCP 096 . After you read the files , you though that it was a coincidence that he was found on Everest . You want to know how he or you remembered you/him . He found you then containment breach started . You didn't make it to entrance zone . Guard was near you and tried to help you . Mr./Mrs. L/n can you get up by yourself ? We should get to exit and get medical help . Guard was killed by 096 seconds later ... You did see his face a little . But he didn't kill you . He just walked over to you and ... Y-y/n . Y/n L-l/n ? I ha-had a bes-best friend na-named that . Y-you really lo-look l-like her/him/them . But i-it will b-be imp-imposible to survive f-for that lo-long ... R-rebo-born ? ... Y/nn ? H-how did you s-started wor-working here ? Can I-i hug you , pl-please ?
SCP 106
You were only Lawrence's friend . If you are female : You were nurse . And befriended him then he was hurt . Not every nurse wanted to be near him . Only you happily came and chatted a little (He don't really talk). If you're male : You were helping him . He was in almost every time in trouble . So you had to pull him out . And help him get to his bunk and call nurse(s) .
Private Dixon found something horrible . Dead bodies , it was a horrible to see. And other remains were found . But after he(Lawrence) fell into that black substance . He started puking black goo . And everybody was afraid of him , accept you . He was creepy . No seriously . He always smile . Really big smile . But after private Dixon died . Almost everybody died of unknow sickness , it seemed to eat the flesh like acid . Only you and Lawrence had survived this illness . And it seemed his behavior hinted at a growing mental imbalance, culminating with an attempted sexual assault of a nurse, which ended with the loss of three fingers from her right hand, and the vision in her right eye. He told to you and then to others about endless halls, pursuits in the dark, flesh laid out like pages of a book . And he even managed to disappear from the ward . And then appear hours later like nothing ever happened . Even he would begin to sing "My Bonnie Lies Over The Sea" in an endless monotone until the doctors left exasperated .
Then you were near him , there was a stale, musty foulness seemed to sit in the air wherever he stayed, and incidents of infection and the strange, consuming sickness . You know what's really strange ? No records were found of the man. No entry papers, commendations or incidents, not even a birth certificate. Through it all he sat, for hours on end, cross-legged on his bed, occasionally humming tunelessly, or rambling off the names of his ward-mates between short, bubbling giggles . He only talked to you . And less than he used to . But one November night corporal Lawrence and eighteen men vanished . And it was last time you saw your best friend . The room reeked of rust, oil, mold, and sweet rot , black substance coated the beds and several of the walls, wide patches of it smearing and eating into the floor. You helped nurses to search all place . And after you shifted a bed aside, only to see ... In a tight, perfect spiral were what appeared to be hundreds of teeth After counting, you and nurse accounted for the total of all the teeth of every living soul in that ward...but one. Lawrence . There wasn't his teeth . Could he kill them and do that ? ... Stories of a strange, dark figure stalking the bomb-riddled towns of Europe.
You work in foundation now . You did not work on SCP 106 . But co-worker told you about The young man . You asked what's anomaly this origin belongs . Ohhh 106? It's interesting ... Can I see his file . I need to know what can happen if he will escape his cell . And what does he do to people . You know what he can do now . Like then Lawrence were never found . He leaves black substance , it eat everything like acid and he's sadist . Yep . That's Lawrence . Maybe he will remember you or he won't ? Lawrence almost everyday singed "My Bonnie Lies Over The Sea(Ocean)" . Maybe that can work ? Or it won't . You can try to sing it then SCP 106 breaches his containment cell ? At least you can try ... You can still reborn . So you can try to talk to him , if he stop going right at you . You can talk about topics you talked then he was human . And you know what ? Then he was trying to catch you hid and started singing "My Bonnie Lies Over The Sea(Ocean)" . Then you stopped singing and looked at him . He just stands there and look at you with tilted head . (It worked !) No way that you're Y/n . They can't live for that long . Only if you're anomaly too ... Reborn? It's then you born again and you can remember your past live ? It's cool ... So you still remember that song ? Can you help me to remember lyrics ? My brain have rotted ... Only if I still have brain and organs ... Thanks .
SCP 173
YES , he was human in my headcannon . He created 173 (I mean just a statue , but 173 didn't have paint on his face ) , you were friends then you were in high school . And you still hang out with each other . And one night ... Some cult somehow managed to get into 'fabric'(There unfinished statue was , unfinished because it wasn't painted) and make ritual on 173's statue . But 173 were there he was working and then he walked out of his cabined . He saw cult doing something with statue . And two of them saw (Let's call 173 Azelstan )Azelstan and said to leader that there is great sacrifice . So they great sacrifice caught him and killed Azelstan with ritual knife (So you know guys that there's a red paint on 173's face . It's his blood . Yep . In my headcannon he was killed by cult , and they draw that uhhhh ... face? Let's say it's face . And his soul was settled in a statue.) . Next day you came to see Azelstan , but there was police and some workers were scared ... Hey , what's happening ? What!? Azelstan and others died ? They had a ... broken neck . And one person in robe was dead ... Uhhh . I don't remember anybody that was wearing robe here ... Azelstan was killed by a knife . Who would do that ? ... Wait ... where's the statue ? Oh god...
Should I say where you work ? You know where . SCP 173 reminded you Azelstan's statue . Really much . Same 'body' type . But it didn't had a paint , but you only remember that it didn't had . Maybe someone already painted it ... And 173 can broke necks like in that day .Maybe it is his statue . But I don't think I will ever see Azelstan .How strange ... D-class was supposed to clean his cell , but they all were scared . But ... you wasn't . Guards were stopping you it's a bad idea ! But you didn't listen ... You came in that room and took mop and bucket from one of the D-class . And started cleaning floor from that substance . Light started blinking . And sound of snapping necks . You turned around . And there was 173 . He was standing there and looking at you he was 1 meter away from you ... Ummm ... You know you remind me my friend's statue . He created statue that looks like you ... What a coincident , right ? ...I had a friend named Y/n . And you could be him/her/them . Am I right L/n ? I remember how I read about reborn ! Am I right y/nn? Can I hug you ? Pleaseeeeeee . YAYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!
Interesting fact from SCP leak :
What is 106 doing to the people he takes?
It's bad. Remember that 106 is basically god inside that place it slides in to. The physical damage is almost secondary to the things it does to the mind of people. It seems to have a personality similar to a very elderly serial killer, or child molester. It can't do all that it did back in the day...but age, wisdom, and well-developed cruelty have taken the place of thrills and sexual gratification. Recordings exist, both audio and video, which C.R. will never release. They'd never get anybody to work around the damn thing ever again.
It's real thing . You can google :
The Leak SCP
SCP The Leak .
Oh god . 2588 words ... I wrote about 106 so much . Then I started writing . 049 was the longest 'story' here . I hope you enjoyed it ! Bai .
Can i get a SCP-682,106,173 with a safe classed s/o
Ofc you can ! It depends on your danger , how you look and powers . Let's say that you can hurt people , but only if they angered you . It's the first time you meet keter/euclid class anomaly . Firstly scientists said their abilities and what you should and shouldn't do . Let's introduce you to each other . And after that romantic headcanons . SCP 106

106 just tilted his head as he looked at you with curiosity . He never met safe classed SCP . He met euclid and keter ones . You ofc kept distance from him . He can take you to his pocket dimension , where he's a god . And when he made one step to you . You made the same , but you took a step away from him . You walked like that around 15 minutes. Until guards came there to take you away from Lawrence . Second meeting was ... awkward . I mean really awkward ... You just stood there . And ... look at each other . In silent . After few meeting , you started to talk to each other . And hang out then breach happen . Romantic headcannon It won't matter if your a SCP . You don't mind and it's normal relationship ... Well he torture people and kill them . And you have powers . For him it's normal OKAY ? He'll always try to hug you and cuddle with you . Hope you like it . He'll catch you and go to his pocket dimension and cuddle with you there . Mostly on his throne . He can't normally kiss sooooo ... he'll just Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ... place his forehead on yours . If you have ears , tail , wings , horns or something like that . He will pet them and play with them . He won't ask you , he'll just come to you and pet them . Hope you like that . He will do that whenever he wants . If you'll bite/scratch him , Lawrence will just chuckle . He doesn't really feel it . If you have beans on your hands(Like cats , dogs . rabbits and etc. ) he'll like to trace his fingers on them and massage them . What ? Don't look at him like that ! They are so soft . He just can't do that . If you have another powers . He's like : " ...? Okay ? What's next . Cause ... I can rot anything I touch ." . You won't surprise him . He's not stupid he knows that there is more anomalies . You have your own dimension(s) . He want to see it . No really . He won't stop asking you to see your dimension(s) , he'll stop after he will see and be in them . Teleportation ? He can teleport anywhere where he want and his dimension ... Well not really teleport ... You know . If you can't control it he'll try to find you faster . And he hopes you don't teleport near any dangerous SCP . If you can control it . He's calmer . But still ...
SCP 173

Uhhh . Is here a safe classed SCP . In my chamber ? You test safe SCP with me ? Okay . I don't mind it . Oh well it's time to snap their neck ! Ahem , he didn't kill you don't worry . You just backed up from him . He tried and tried , but he gave up after few tries ... Second meeting he was just looking at you ... And all he didn't move . You tried to talk to 173 . Firstly he didn't respond , but he started enjoying your company . Romantic headcannon Cuddles . Just cuddles ... or hugs . He likes to hug you . He can't kiss . You know why . Well he can't really do anything else . If you have ears , tail , wings , horns or something like that . He can touch them . It's not a questions . He will do it . Especially if they are fluffy . It's okay if they are not . It's okay . He still loves it . Oh you have beans ? Cool ! Can he touch them ? Yes , it's a questions . What ? So can I touch them or not ? You have your own dimension(s) . He hopes that they are not dangerous . Please don't take him there . Please . If they are cool/unusual he may be want to see it . He's not sure . Teleportation ? Cool ! Some people think that I can do it too . Because , I move quickly and some of them think of it . Hey , can you control your teleportation ? It's dangerous here . I don't want you to get hurt or killed . I care about you . Really much . If you can control them . It's pretty cool . And how far can you teleport ? And please don't tease him . You'll scare him few times . But , after a while he'll won't react to it . If you have another powers . Cool ! Can you regenerate ? Oh . You'll have to say about it . He want to know your power . It's really interesting for him . And want to know a little more about you . He'll talk about his past if you want . SCP 682

If you're like 999 . Then f*ck you . He don't like 999 . For him his annoying . He'll be annoyed of you too . And try to kill you . Who expected that ? Almost everyone . After some time he lost interest in you . And just ... started sleeping . You're not powerful for him . If you see each other again . He'll ignore you . (Rude) . After few meetings (6 meetings)he start to become friends . Finally ! But he won't like being friends with you at first ...
Romantic headcannon He can't kiss . But he can lick you or boop his nose on your face gently . Don't worry he care about you . He'll try to be gentle with you . And cuddles ... uhhhhhhh he'll gently curl near you . Or you hug his face (Just like Abbie do ) If you have ears , tail , wings , horns or something like that . Cool . I have tail too . Don't you dare to touch it . Hey , you have pretty wings/horns . I'll touch them . You can't stop me . I can feel your soft beans . If I'll try to touch them . I can rip them easily with my claw . Don't try to bite him or scratch . He can bite you back . Or scratch you ... Hope you have regeneration or you're unkillable . So you can do it . You have your own dimension(s) . Don't you dare to take me there ... But he'll like them if Foundation won't be there and try to make two of you leave and go to real world . And if they won't touch him and his s/o ... Can he take 079 there ? He didn't see them for long time . Teleportation . And you can control it .Hey can we escape by your power ... Oh yes , those bitches will try to attack us . I don't want you to get hurt . Oh you can't control it . Don't worry he'll breach containment to find you . Nothing will stop him from doing it . He'll just carry you back like cat mom . If you have another powers . Can you show them . They can be pretty cool . And unusual too .