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Can i get a SCP-682,106,173 with a safe classed s/o
Ofc you can ! It depends on your danger , how you look and powers . Let's say that you can hurt people , but only if they angered you . It's the first time you meet keter/euclid class anomaly . Firstly scientists said their abilities and what you should and shouldn't do . Let's introduce you to each other . And after that romantic headcanons . SCP 106

106 just tilted his head as he looked at you with curiosity . He never met safe classed SCP . He met euclid and keter ones . You ofc kept distance from him . He can take you to his pocket dimension , where he's a god . And when he made one step to you . You made the same , but you took a step away from him . You walked like that around 15 minutes. Until guards came there to take you away from Lawrence . Second meeting was ... awkward . I mean really awkward ... You just stood there . And ... look at each other . In silent . After few meeting , you started to talk to each other . And hang out then breach happen . Romantic headcannon It won't matter if your a SCP . You don't mind and it's normal relationship ... Well he torture people and kill them . And you have powers . For him it's normal OKAY ? He'll always try to hug you and cuddle with you . Hope you like it . He'll catch you and go to his pocket dimension and cuddle with you there . Mostly on his throne . He can't normally kiss sooooo ... he'll just Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ... place his forehead on yours . If you have ears , tail , wings , horns or something like that . He will pet them and play with them . He won't ask you , he'll just come to you and pet them . Hope you like that . He will do that whenever he wants . If you'll bite/scratch him , Lawrence will just chuckle . He doesn't really feel it . If you have beans on your hands(Like cats , dogs . rabbits and etc. ) he'll like to trace his fingers on them and massage them . What ? Don't look at him like that ! They are so soft . He just can't do that . If you have another powers . He's like : " ...? Okay ? What's next . Cause ... I can rot anything I touch ." . You won't surprise him . He's not stupid he knows that there is more anomalies . You have your own dimension(s) . He want to see it . No really . He won't stop asking you to see your dimension(s) , he'll stop after he will see and be in them . Teleportation ? He can teleport anywhere where he want and his dimension ... Well not really teleport ... You know . If you can't control it he'll try to find you faster . And he hopes you don't teleport near any dangerous SCP . If you can control it . He's calmer . But still ...
SCP 173

Uhhh . Is here a safe classed SCP . In my chamber ? You test safe SCP with me ? Okay . I don't mind it . Oh well it's time to snap their neck ! Ahem , he didn't kill you don't worry . You just backed up from him . He tried and tried , but he gave up after few tries ... Second meeting he was just looking at you ... And all he didn't move . You tried to talk to 173 . Firstly he didn't respond , but he started enjoying your company . Romantic headcannon Cuddles . Just cuddles ... or hugs . He likes to hug you . He can't kiss . You know why . Well he can't really do anything else . If you have ears , tail , wings , horns or something like that . He can touch them . It's not a questions . He will do it . Especially if they are fluffy . It's okay if they are not . It's okay . He still loves it . Oh you have beans ? Cool ! Can he touch them ? Yes , it's a questions . What ? So can I touch them or not ? You have your own dimension(s) . He hopes that they are not dangerous . Please don't take him there . Please . If they are cool/unusual he may be want to see it . He's not sure . Teleportation ? Cool ! Some people think that I can do it too . Because , I move quickly and some of them think of it . Hey , can you control your teleportation ? It's dangerous here . I don't want you to get hurt or killed . I care about you . Really much . If you can control them . It's pretty cool . And how far can you teleport ? And please don't tease him . You'll scare him few times . But , after a while he'll won't react to it . If you have another powers . Cool ! Can you regenerate ? Oh . You'll have to say about it . He want to know your power . It's really interesting for him . And want to know a little more about you . He'll talk about his past if you want . SCP 682

If you're like 999 . Then f*ck you . He don't like 999 . For him his annoying . He'll be annoyed of you too . And try to kill you . Who expected that ? Almost everyone . After some time he lost interest in you . And just ... started sleeping . You're not powerful for him . If you see each other again . He'll ignore you . (Rude) . After few meetings (6 meetings)he start to become friends . Finally ! But he won't like being friends with you at first ...
Romantic headcannon He can't kiss . But he can lick you or boop his nose on your face gently . Don't worry he care about you . He'll try to be gentle with you . And cuddles ... uhhhhhhh he'll gently curl near you . Or you hug his face (Just like Abbie do ) If you have ears , tail , wings , horns or something like that . Cool . I have tail too . Don't you dare to touch it . Hey , you have pretty wings/horns . I'll touch them . You can't stop me . I can feel your soft beans . If I'll try to touch them . I can rip them easily with my claw . Don't try to bite him or scratch . He can bite you back . Or scratch you ... Hope you have regeneration or you're unkillable . So you can do it . You have your own dimension(s) . Don't you dare to take me there ... But he'll like them if Foundation won't be there and try to make two of you leave and go to real world . And if they won't touch him and his s/o ... Can he take 079 there ? He didn't see them for long time . Teleportation . And you can control it .Hey can we escape by your power ... Oh yes , those bitches will try to attack us . I don't want you to get hurt . Oh you can't control it . Don't worry he'll breach containment to find you . Nothing will stop him from doing it . He'll just carry you back like cat mom . If you have another powers . Can you show them . They can be pretty cool . And unusual too .
049-j x SCP reader with sensitive hearing.
Requested by : mengy007 in Wattpad
What about 049-j x Sensitive listener? Like the listener is another Scp who has very sensitive ears and I’ve learned he tends to shout a lot so maybe he could learn to be a bit more quiet? Idk just a suggestion
I had no imagination . My brain just melted from school . And it's 12:04 am (when I started writing) 19 September , my birthday . And idk how it's a conscience , but I made my account after month(Wattpad) of my bday . Idk why I write it here . MY BRAIN MELTED . AND MY INSIDE DEMONS ARE SO FRICKING LAZY . WRITTER DEMON IN ME CAN'T WAKE UP . Okay enjoy what I wrote .
Ahem . He can be loud . It's really hard for him to control it . He can not see the differences if he's talking loud or normal volume .
When you first met him . He just wanted a friend . But he obliviously made you(r) scared/head hurt , he fricked out from your reaction . Just know that he is very sorry .
Foundation know that you have really sensitive hearing . So they took you away from his cell . Jay was sad . Really sad :(
Second meeting was . Well you had ear plugs ... just incase . He was trying to keep himself from talking toooooooo loud , he tried to whisper a little . Thanks for that 049-J ! You talked a little bit . And that's a start of your friendship .
After like month or two he started to control his voice volume . Thanks to you Y/n !
Platonic relationship :
He really appreciate your friendship . You're a really fricking close friend of his . More closer than his brother . Well he didn't see him in a really long time . So then a containment breach happen . And you were with him and he saw Estienne . He just took you arm and hurried to introduce you to him . And he was shocked . He had a friend . And you're lucky that Doc is calm and don't talk loudly .
And about breaches . The alarm is literally scare you so much . But researchers and some guards were kind and convince the 05 to make your room not to much sound proofed , so you can not frick the f- out of loud noises , but still to hear it .
If Jay find something cool he will give it to you if he sees you . It can be like origami to jewelry from dead reaserche-
Romance relationship :
Well ... HE WANTS TO CUDDLE WITH YOU REALLY MUCH . He's fricking touch starved . He will give you gifts too ! Jewelry , cool looking pens , oh you like to draw ? He will collect many papers/notebooks and such things like that . You want to listen music . He will give you random phones that he found . If Foundation take them from you ...*Whisper* Don't worry he have another one for you- .
He will introduce you to his brother . And Doc is literally like :
WHEN DID MY BROTHER FOUND A SIGNIFICANT OTHER . AND IN FOUNDATION ? WHAT THE HELL . And really amazed by that Jay's talking not to loud as he used to . 'Cause now he don't scream about him being the best cure . He's now talking about you all the time with him . And Doc is like : "Ummm can I ... go now ? No ? But I need to cur-"
(P)SCP 049-j x SCP reader x SCP 173-j
It was requested by @AngelLinscott in Wattpad : Can you do a family type of story? 049-j x SCP reader x 173-j.
I'm really sorry for a really really long wait . Hope you're not mad :_) It might be not so family type of story so , sorry . And btw how should I call 173-j ?
... It is short . Sorry .
Headcanons : Your first encounter was just - Jay trying to say that he's the best cure in the world and 173-j is trying to get your attention . And your reaction is just : (Say how would you react )
They just wanted to get more attention . So they wanted to see you again .
After few meetings later you became friends and more of a siblings later .
They are more friendly with you than any other person/anomaly . Gonna skip to where you already know each other .
Your relationship is like - siblings .
You guys did some weird shit(Mostly them if you're not troublesome) .Really weird .
Those 2 are really energetic and positive so they'll play games with you , like tags , hide & seek and etc.
Jay did in fact introduce you to his older brother , 049 . Doc was lil shocked that Jay started to consider you as his sibling . But if his brother is happy then he's okay .
173-j tried to introduce you to his 'friend' ... well it didn't end so nicely , his friend tried to break your neck .(Yes 173-j thinks that 173 is his friend , but the truth is that he's not .)
They will support you . No matter what . Did you see what 049-j did ? 173-j won't care about some gore .
Jay is a protective sibling . He will most of a time protect you . And from 'sick' people too .
If you try to teach any of them some activities/hobbies you have , then they do same for you .
"Oh . SCP (Redacted) it's uh- . You woke up earlier than normal ."
"Because , one of you said that I will see my friends again! ."
"Wh- ... Oh my god . It's Dr.(Redacted)... Well yeah you could see them . But , a bit later ." - He said and looked at his co-worker that looked nervous now .
"I just didn't know what to say to them !" - the said co-worker whispered to him .
"Oh I bet that if you worked with 049-j you would've said this to him too ?"
"...Yeah . Sorry . "
"You need to go to 05 and ask permission now . We can't just let them see each other without saying a word to 05 . They will be so mad!"
"Fine . Just don't scream . I already have a headache . "
"Go on then ."
*They are really weird . Hope I'll see guys soon .*
Time Skip .
You heard a door open and looked-
"Y/n! We missed you !" - You were now trapped in a hug from Jay . And soon 173-j has hugging you too .
"Same ! How are you feeling guys ?" - You asked both of them . 049-j said that he's feeling really great and started ranting about how he cure new patients , while 173-j set a sombrero on your head . - "Oh right . A fiesta . Thanks for sombrero , buddy !" - You also noticed that Jay had a sombrero on top of his hat .
"Isn't it a great hat ? It looks so cool !"
"Of course it is ."
————— x immortal! reader oneshot (hurt/comfort)
ahh.. immortal lovers. what would I do without this trope.
Tw: Suicidal thoughts/actions, crying, angst in general but fluff at the end
He sat alone in his office, shaking and muttering curses under his breath.
“Why won’t I just fucking die.”
He muttered to himself, eyes filled with tears. He clutched his amulet in disdain. Why was this the way his life went?
All he was back then was an unheard of scientist, trying to make a name for himself. And he can’t tell if he achieved his goal or if he completely lost sight of it. After everything that happened, was he even himself anymore? Was he known for his hard work, or just because of his immortality? Was it really going to be this way for the rest of his life, seeing everyone die time and time again?
He tried not to think of it, squeezing the pendant in his hand and smashing it to the ground. He was practically sobbing at this point, as he continued to smash his fist into the cold, hard floor. His other hand clutching his mouth, as he let out muffled screams. He watched the scarlet liquid begin to pour down from his fingers, the pain red hot. Why was this happening to him of all people? What was so different about him?
He sat there in pure shock, trying to numb out his cold reality. If only I never came to this dammed foundation. It hurt to think, but it was the truth. He was so passionate about it, his loyalty belonging to it completely. Yet, he can’t deny the fact that it ruined him. He couldn’t help but loathe his past self, so exited yet so oblivious.
But then, he was taken out of his mind-numbing daze when he heard the door creak.
“Hon?.. You alright?” you chirped.
Your voice chimed innocently, simply just checking up on your lover.
You opened the door to a horrifying sight. Jack was sitting on the floor, pulling at his hair. His face was buried in his knees, but you could see the reflection of his tears. Something was clearly wrong.
The room was filled with dread, yet you ran straight to him, kneeling down to his level. You cup his face,
“————? What happened?..” you whispered.
He looks back at you, eyes full of regret.
“I’m sorry, I just-“ he choked.
How was he meant to describe how he felt? He loved you, but you were just born immortal. Would you even get it? He swallowed, looking up at you. You gasp, seeing his shattered state.
His hair was disheveled, his hand covered in blood. But the most shocking, was his face. Your once energetic and chaotic boyfriend’s eyes were full of sorrow. Bloodshot, face covered him in dried tears.
You held his face, gently wiping away his tears. You fixed his hair a bit, trying to relax him.
“Darling.. what happened?” you murmured.
He was tired of holding it in. He melted into your touch, starting to let it all out. He hung onto you like a lifeline, sobbing into your chest. You held him close, pressing a gentle kiss on his head as you pet his back. He began to ramble about everything he was feeling, and you began to catch on.
“Why do I have to be this way. Why was I cursed like this? It isn’t fair. None of it is..”
You put your hand under his chin, bringing his head up to look at you.
“Darling..” you said, before pressing a gentle kiss onto his lips.
“I don’t have all the answers, but I can promise you that for as long as we’re together, I’ll make sure you feel loved. I’ll always be by your side to ground you, no matter what happens. I’ll always be here to protect you..”
You pulled him closer, bringing him into your lap for a hug.
“I promise.”
Maybe joining the foundation wasn’t the worst decision he ever made.