Scp Alto Clef - Tumblr Posts

Happy late Valentines Day yall

Goober ✨

tired to my bones...

Our friend made another one.....
Third installation of The Clorax
Dragon Clef........
Deer dragon Clef, even

Deeragon Clef........
Thinking about the email at the end of incident 239-b again. So many people completly ignore it it even tho it completely flips the context on its head

Sighs dramatically
I need people to stop miscontextualizing incident 239 b when this is RIGHT THERE
Say what you want about how you interpret the events within 239 b happening and which parts you intepret in your canon, but this email is like the crux point, guys please
Can yall even imagine what itd be like for a reality bender as powerful as Clef (in some canons at least) to be influenced by another type green? And then when you look at Clef in his n Kondrakis fight near the end, Clef SPECIFICALLY SAYS 'I dont want to hurt/kill anyone-' like that is in there
Guys please. Rattling the bars of my enclosure. Stop watering Clef down there is layers upon layer of depth here that has been being built upon since early scp. Guys please. BEGGING you to dig into some of Clefs lore more there is so much good stuff

Hair thoughts
If anyone wants to draw their own hairstyke over the first image go ahead, just drop it in my askbox or tag me so I see it lol. Same if you wanna try your hand at drawing/designing a hawaiian shirt cause I couldnt be bothered for this

Realized I havent done just a normal Clef drawing in a while, so here yall go lmao

Director 𝄡 of Site-113
Yet ANOTHER Clef design, but this time its for an scp rp server Im making with some friends (which I will be promoing here on my tumblr when its done). Anomalous tattoos beloved........
Click for better quality yada yada you know the drill

The Director
Kiss Me Again
Little animation meme thing for Site 113, @stellyfins helped us edit it together 8⁰] (yes I know its a little janky and the drawings are sketchy, thats on purpose and also its our first animation meme that weve made in literally forever)

Gift for @apocalypticbird , its such a unique Clef design I just had to draw it
Alt version

Decided to make a scrapbook-y folder to store them in my sketchbook

The Foundation’s Most Reckless Trio

Based on scp-7408 and Clef being a reality anchor rather than a reality bender.