Dr. Jack Bright - Tumblr Posts
How to act sober when at a Walmart while the floor tile pattern is freaking you out.
((Because some have mentioned having issues with the new formate of the introduction post and I want my stuff to be easy to take in for everyone and not overwhelming because I know it is a lot of info. So here's a poll for that. To those that have tried the card not all of the buttons work because some files are still being worked on. It will be updated though when they are finished. So to those that don't like the card for that reason it will be fixed when there is a finished file.
If you have any other ideas for this please comment ))
To anyone wondering why I'm playing the rocky horror soundtrack it's my site and you people and creatures are lucky I let you in it!

A lot has changed...
cant believe the demon's from Cornwall
The reality I am being forced to endure is cruel for this reason... I need to use this against it more.
Drunk at Walmart and the floor tiles are freaking you out? Tell them you saw a bug. -Another Immortal
You are starting to read as someone who is writing a book about how to successfully be immortal. I like that.
uhhh science/magic/weed anon Clef has been cat'd
I'm going put him in one of those little cat sweaters! And then I'm going to get a purse to put him in! He's going to be so cute!
If you are reading this, uhh I figured out how cell phones work -🦋
How long did that take? Hopefully longer than it took me so I don't have to be embarrassed.
Bright, what is an 'anon'? -🦋
It's short for anonymous. Because you're anonymous.

Mind the mild blood.
*appears in a cloud of smoke dressed in full wizard garb and hands you a freshly cooked belgian waffle drizzeld with caramel sauce*
for your troubles, good ma’am/sir
- The Waffle Man
My first thought is to assume you are a reality bender but since you have gifted me food I will let you run free and get away with whatever it is you do in your free time.
Only as thanks for the food and not because I have a soft spot for reality benders and other whimsical and magical being.
Thanks, Waffle Man
Since it is April fools day I would like to remind people that I as a site director have access to emergency contacts. And for $20 I will send anyone's mother or spouse anything as long as it isn't vaguely threatening.
And to those that are keeping an eye on me because of the date, fuck you. I cannot be prevented nor can I be soothed. And if anyone prevents any plans I have for today just know those plans will be saved for when you expect it the least and when it will effect you the most. So with that said, I know where all of you sleep and have a lovely April fools 😇.
tips-from-the-immortal, never, ever, *ever* tell a highschool kid that asked if you're queer the truth. They will bring their clique and laugh at you.
I thought it wasn't cool to make fun of queer people anymore? 🤔😟
Scientifically speaking, if i put the pendant on a small fish and then the fish gets eaten by an larger fish and that fish gets eaten by another larger fish
where would your consciousness be? in the first fish untill it gets disolved by acid? and if it does will you be just waiting for another body? or because ur inside of the larger fish you now are the larger fish?
and do you want to visit the aquarium with me?…non-testing purposes i swear…
My consciousness would be in the first fish then the first and second once eaten because 963 would be in contact with both unless it was fed to the first fish. My consciousness would be transferred to the even larger fish until the second fish was completely dissolved in the stomach acid... I think you just made me want to avoid the aquarium...
have you ever been a ant or is there a size limit?
I have never been in an ant. I have been in a fly though. Wouldn't recommend.
Bright Introject here, how're you?
I didn't know what day it was for longer than I should've but other than that I'm good. How are you?
Ok so update on the tips-from-the-immortal, I uh- we're a fucking system with a Bright Introject. He says Hi.
Are you alive????
Depends on what you consider alive..