Mogai Safespace - Tumblr Posts
Onlinedollmakergender Pride Flag “Onlinedollmakergender: a xenogender for when your gender feels like an online doll maker.”
Himikogender Pride Flag “Himikogender is a gender relating to Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa V3.”
HimikoStrawberryNutellaGender Pride Flag + Symbol “Himikostrawberrynutellagender is a xenogender connected to a combination of himiko yumeno, strawberries, and nutella.”
Metallicagender Pride Flags “Metallicagender is a gender connected to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.”
Metallicamantic + Metallicasexual Pride Flags
Metallicamantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.
Metallicaplatonic + Metallicasensual + Metallicaalterous + Metallicaqueerplatonic Pride Flags
Metallicaplatonic: platonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicasensual: sensual attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaalterous: alterous attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica. Metallicaqueerplatonic: queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to the 1981 heavy metal band, Metallica.
JennasHajimePlushieGender Pride Flag + Symbol
“JennasHajimePlushieGender is a xenogender relating to the "hajime hinata” plushies that Jenna has manufactured.”
🍧emojic Pride Flag
“🍧emojic is an emojigender relating to the "🍧" emoji somehow.”
Can you make a gender for Luz's palisman from for the future? Idc if anyone thinks I'm "wrong" for watching the leaked episode
another anon wanting a xenogender, cool! ive seen the episode with my friend to so here you go-
Stringbeangender/Luzpalismanic Pride Flags + Symbols
“Stringbeangender/Luzpalismanic is a xenogender connected to Luz's palisman named String Bean from the show "The Owl House."”
Hearsegender Pride Flag
“Hearsegender is a xenogender connected to hearses and the feeling of seeing one or being in one."
Hearsemantic + Hearsesexual Pride Flags
Hearsemantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearse. It could literally be attraction to hearses or attraction that feels like a hearse. Hearsesexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Hearse. It could literally be attraction to hearses or attraction that feels like a hearse.
Hearseplatonic + Hearsesensual + Hearsealterous + Hearsequeerplatonic Pride Flags
Hearseplatonic: platonic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsesensual: sensual attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsealterous: alterous attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsequeerplatonic: queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. These could literally be attraction to hearses or attraction that feels like a hearse.
Unorganzinggender Pride Flag + Symbol
“Unorganzinggender is a xenogender that is unorganized or is unorganizing. It can also apply to whole or parts of gender hoards that are unorganized.”
Canceledgender Pride Flag
“Canceledgender is a xenogender connected to being "canceled."”
Ficlusionergender Pride Flag "Ficlusionergender is a xenogender that has something to do with being/the term fictlusioner. [fictlusioner is acting as/pretend to be an identity and wanting to be treated as though one is that identity.]"
I really liked that one you made for me! can you make more xenos relating to for the future? i want them for my hoard ^^
im gonna call you for the future anon,, lol. i made a bunch of xenos for this, come back in my asks within two days for the rest or ill just put them in my queue. ty to my account manager (aka my bfffl) for helping me with these!
"theowlhouseforthefuturegender/tohftfgender: a xenogender relating to the episode "For The Future" from the show "The Owl House.""
"Theowlhouseleakedepisodegender/tohleakedepisodegender: a xenogender relating to when the episode "For The Future" was leaked."
"puppethootycharic: a xenogender connected to hooty becoming a puppet."
"puppetlilithcharic: a xenogender connected to lilith becoming a puppet."
"puppetrainecharic: a xenogender relating to raine whispers becoming a puppet."
"possessedrainecharic: a xenogender connected to raine whispers being possessed by belos."
McdonaldsHappyMealgender/Mcdonalds🙂gender Pride Flag + Symbol
“McdonaldsHappyMealgender/Mcdonalds🙂gender is a gastrogender connected to mcdonalds happy meals and/or the feeling of eating one.”
McdonaldsFriesgender/Mcdonalds🍟gender Pride Flag + Symbol
“McdonaldsFriesgender/Mcdonalds🍟gender a gastrogender connected to mcdonalds fries and/or the feeling of eating them.”
McdonaldsOrdergender/Mcdonalds〽️🟫gender Pride Flag + Symbol
“McdonaldsOrdergender/Mcdonalds〽️🟫gender is a gastrogender connected to mcdonalds orders and/or the feeling of getting an order.”
Lyxgender Pride Flag + Symbol “lyxgender is sadly a xenogender related to lyx/sp4rkl3z3rr0r in some way or form.”