Anarchy-flagz-simping - Tumblr Posts
can you specify which ones you coined and which ones you reposted? ty!
i think i may be a robot.. beep boop boop beep boop boop bop everything i post is just reposts i think
Excuse me! could you make a pastel version of the recovering antishipper flag? its a bit eyestrainy but I do want to use it :D!!

The Recovering Antishipper Pride Flag but with a pastel and darker color version for better accessibility. Note: I did not make the original term or flag. This is a recolor for accessibility sake.
I'm not sure what to say to persuade you to talk to me but let me say first you’ve got a fantastic blog. I'd like to get to know you better and talk an offer of cashing out $5k weekly and fully paid vacation. Please leave a msg back if you're interested in this offer.
persuade deez nuts
What's m35h1c0r3
he is an artist, small business, and "plush maker." i do not support them for many reasons.
If you don’t mind me asking what did M35h1c0r3 do? I tried searching but I couldn’t find anything ^^;
its easy to find if you google their username. anyway i got most of my information from these two videos. i will say i am one of their victims and i dont want to talk in dept about what him and his friends did to me.
first video: second video:
most things that happened are not public online from what i can tell but this is the best i could find.
if u hate m35h1c0r3 that much, then why are u so focused on making all these xenogenders of them? Doesn’t seem all that healthy to me tbh.
personal coping mechanism. i know its not healthy. i dont know how to handle my trauma so i do this.
Hey isn't it kind of harassment to say you don't like somebody but then repeatedly make genders of them, saying you don't support them again, but then continue to talk about them anyways? /genq
(As people may go and harass them based on your posts, your censoring of their name isn't going to deter those types /nm)
no it is not harassment. do you understand what harassment is? i have been harassed a lot because of those people. they sent harassment to me. so me saying i dont support them wont do anything to hurt them. im not sending harassment or anything like that to them. im just saying i do not support them. im allowed to handle my trauma how i want to. if you dont like it then dont look at my profile. also i am not censoring their name. i never have before and i never will in the future.
As a small follow-up to my last post too, by doing this won't you just be bringing even more attention to them, causing the opposite of what you want? I'd suggest at the least censoring their name in the future to reduce this /gen
not all attention is good attention. i dont care what happens, im just trying to express myself and my trauma. again, i will not censor their name. i will not censor my pain. if you dont like it then block tags relating to it.
Hey! Can I request an Isekaigenic pride flag? The meaning is a system with isekai origins, i.e. you die in your source and end up with roommates lol… any colors you feel are appropriate are fine! But I’d love if you incorporated a brown-ish-green in there!! Reminds me of home :)

Isekaigenic Pride Flag "Isekaigenic: a system origin, akin to dying in a source and ending up with headmates. (btw anon, can you private message me about more information about the term? i would like to make a page for it)
Hey, I hope it's alright to ask, but what exactly did Itschiakie and m35h1c0re do?
hi, someone already asked this question. watch the video, it doesnt have everything but it has most stuff.
hihi!! can i request a cesar torres sexual and romantic term for attraction to cesar torres from mandela catalogue? :>

CesarTorresGender Pride Flags
CesarTorresGender: a xenogender relating/connected to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.

CesarTorressexual Pride Flags
CesarTorressexual: sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.

CesarTorresmantic Pride Flags
CesarTorresmantic: romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Cesar Torres from The Mandela Catalogue.

CesarTorresGender Pride Symbols
Can you make a gender for Luz's palisman from for the future? Idc if anyone thinks I'm "wrong" for watching the leaked episode
another anon wanting a xenogender, cool! ive seen the episode with my friend to so here you go-

Stringbeangender/Luzpalismanic Pride Flags + Symbols
“Stringbeangender/Luzpalismanic is a xenogender connected to Luz's palisman named String Bean from the show "The Owl House."”
gay demiboy pride flag? based off the rainbow flag not the blue/green one. thanks :)
hello anon, i am out of spoons so i did some outsourcing and got my bff Lime/Comb to do your request! everyone say thank you to kit for his kindness.

Gay/Queer DemiBoy Pride Flag

Gay/Queer DemiGirl Pride Flag

Gay/Queer Demigender Pride Flag
I really liked that one you made for me! can you make more xenos relating to for the future? i want them for my hoard ^^
im gonna call you for the future anon,, lol. i made a bunch of xenos for this, come back in my asks within two days for the rest or ill just put them in my queue. ty to my account manager (aka my bfffl) for helping me with these!

"theowlhouseforthefuturegender/tohftfgender: a xenogender relating to the episode "For The Future" from the show "The Owl House.""

"Theowlhouseleakedepisodegender/tohleakedepisodegender: a xenogender relating to when the episode "For The Future" was leaked."

"puppethootycharic: a xenogender connected to hooty becoming a puppet."

"puppetlilithcharic: a xenogender connected to lilith becoming a puppet."

"puppetrainecharic: a xenogender relating to raine whispers becoming a puppet."

"possessedrainecharic: a xenogender connected to raine whispers being possessed by belos."
heyyo! --for the future anon
sorry this is pretty late, my account manager has been sick, anyways here you go! and btw long post warning-

edasnewhaircutgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the new hair cut Eda gets in The Owl House For The Future.

lilithsnewhaircutgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the new hair cut Lilith gets in The Owl House For The Future.

edaANDlilithsnewhaircutsgender: a xenogender, combogender and, TOHftfgender relating to both Eda AND Liliths new haircuts in The Owl House For The Future.

ithinkiwanttoplayanewgamegender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to the ending scene in The Owl House For The Future where The Collector says, “I think I want to play a new game.”

thecollectershoodic: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to The Collectors hood/hat and/or to how it is used.

ohnoedaranoutofapplebloodgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the scene and fact in The Owl House For The Future where Eda pulls out a bottle of apple blood from her hair, but the bottle is empty.

rainesgoogooeyesgender: is a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to the scene in The Owl House For The Future where Eda transforms into a harpy and Raine gives Eda bedroom eyes.

lilithsapplebloodrecipegender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to when lilith clawthron made appleblood with liliths own recipe.
saw transitems and this is my first time coming across the word "kokoro"! what's it mean? /gq
this is something i learnt from my bfffl, basically 心 (kokoro) is japanese for “heart, mind, spirit.” cool huh!
what does "kokoro" mean in the context of the transitem post ? (should be linked if i did it right)
basically your heart, mind, or spirit owning something
Wicca and witchcraft are not the same thing btw
oh i didnt know, the only thing i know about either is from my friends so
A gender related having Teruya Otori from SDRA2 as a comfort character?

TeruyaOtoriSDRA2comfortic Pride Flag + Symbol "TeruyaOtoriSDRA2comfortic is a gender related having Teruya Otori from SDRA2 as a comfort character."
Todd rundgren-sexual please?

"Todd-Rundgren-Gender is a xenogender relating/connected to Todd Rungren in some way."

"Todd-Rundgren-Mantic is the romantic attraction primarily or entirely to Todd Rundgren."

"Todd-Rundgren-Sexual is the sexual attraction primarily or entirely to Todd Rundgren."