Share The Love - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

1. talking to anyone

2. making new friends/ hanging out with old friends

3. the color yellow

4. baking/ cooking

5. working on sanders sides AUs

Pass the happy! List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications.

1. Talking to galaxy



5.helping people and animals

@galaxytalesans20982 @freshwerewolf-pizzaroll @white-red-panda @trolldw101 @vic-human-dragon @bluewolf1020 sorry to lazy to put the rest

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4 years ago

I wasn’t tagged by anyone but I want to give my own friendship nugget to someone: @pyralis-pixie you are super kind and watch out for others, and you help me by giving feedback.

This is the Nugget of Friendship.

This Is The Nugget Of Friendship.

It is not given lightly. Yet I give it to you.

Yes. I mean YOU.

Now shoo.

Pass on the Nugget of Friendship.

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If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! (⁠•⁠ө⁠•⁠)⁠♡ (Or don't send it to anyone, "please reblog" chains are stupid. whatever you prefer.)

Aww thank you!!! This made my day! Hope everyone who follows me a wonderful day, but I hope that you are having a particularly brilliant one!!!!

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10 years ago

Pass it on.

Leelahs Parents Are Trying To Get This Taken Off Of Tumblr. Screenshot And Repost This As Much As Possible.
Leelahs Parents Are Trying To Get This Taken Off Of Tumblr. Screenshot And Repost This As Much As Possible.
Leelahs Parents Are Trying To Get This Taken Off Of Tumblr. Screenshot And Repost This As Much As Possible.
Leelahs Parents Are Trying To Get This Taken Off Of Tumblr. Screenshot And Repost This As Much As Possible.
Leelahs Parents Are Trying To Get This Taken Off Of Tumblr. Screenshot And Repost This As Much As Possible.
Leelahs Parents Are Trying To Get This Taken Off Of Tumblr. Screenshot And Repost This As Much As Possible.
Leelahs Parents Are Trying To Get This Taken Off Of Tumblr. Screenshot And Repost This As Much As Possible.

Leelah’s parents are trying to get this taken off of tumblr. Screenshot and repost this as much as possible.

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3 years ago

We may not be paid, but we're still willing to make the effort.

reblog to give fic writers a gentle kiss on the forehead

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2 years ago

reblog to give somebody a fucking hug because we are all struggling to get through it. solidarity in this tough ass world.

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4 years ago

Celebrate Bisexuality Day

Celebrate Bisexuality Day

September 23rd is for Bi Visibility! We’re here, and we’re queer! Y’all means all when it comes to who we love. I’m out and proud, and today I just want to spread the love for all the bi folks out there. Even if you’re not out yet, you and your feelings are valid. Happy Bi Pride, y’all!

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First Of All - Happy New Year To All 4 Of My Lovely Followers.

First of all - Happy New Year to all 4 of my lovely followers.

Second - I am starting fresh and making it my new year’s resolution to not only like posts on tumblr, but also to reblog them so others might have the pleasure of enjoying them as well. 

Last night I read a post and the comments asking readers and people who browse and enjoy original and fan art to try and take the time to not only click the like button but to reblog them as well. While I did find the tone of the post to be quite confrontational, after a night of rest and some thinking - plus looking back and realising that I have only commented on maybe 50 fics on A03 in the entire time I have been using the site that maybe a little effort on my part wouldn’t go astray. 

So my resolution is to interact more with writers and artists when I enjoy their work. I cannot guarantee that I will be successful, but I am willing to try.

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3 years ago

Witchy Weekly Challenge:

This is the first week of my new idea of the witchy weekly challenge!

The challenge is based around a theme and this week's theme is "sharing the love". If you like these challenges, then I can continue doing them, with new themes each week!

So this weeks weekly challenge is:

Day 1 (today): do something nice for you

Day 2: do something nice for a family member

Day 3: do something nice for a friend

Day 4: random act of kindness for a stranger

Day 5: random act of kindness for your pet

Day 6: do something kind for your local wild animals

Day 7: nourish your environment

You're welcome to share what you do to complete the challenge each day, but don't feel like you have to share x

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3 years ago

I wanna start a thread!

What's your favourite sabbat and why?:

Mine is Lughnasadh because it was the first one I celebrated and it's getting closer to autumn/winter seasons!

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3 years ago

Duck asks:

If you would like to ask me any of these questions, leave an ask in my inbox. They can be anonymous if you want!

1) what made you decide to start your witchcraft journey

2) Favourite witchy books so far?

3) Best piece of advice you have so far?

4) Where do you see yourself progressing in your craft?

5) What is a misconception of witchcraft that you want to get rid of?

6) Favourite crystal at the moment?

7) What divination tools do you use?

8) Any witchy blogs you recommend following?

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3 years ago

Witchy Weekly Challenge (Week 2): Learning and Progressing

Day 1: carry 1 crystal with you today that calls to you, write down your experiences

Day 2: practice one form of divination today

Day 3: spend at least a few minutes today focused on meditation/grounding and centering

Day 4: choose an affirmation to focus on reciting this morning, to bring that energy in

Day 5: Do some reading into a topic of your interest and write down 5 things you've learnt

Day 6: ask another witch about a topic they have interest in/knowledge in

Day 7: end the week with some gratitude, write a list of things you are grateful for this week, they can be big or small!

As always you're not expected to share what you do, but you're welcome to if you would like.

Hope you all enjoy!

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3 years ago

So flipping true! Be kind to yourself

Recovery is possible but it's a lot less possible when you beat yourself up for what you can't do, or force yourself beyond your limits, or ignore or refuse to accept that you're struggling or you're unwell, or constantly blame yourself for your perfectly reasonable reactions to horrible life circumstances.

I know that none of those things are easy to stop doing, but you can learn to in time. It's going to be a lot harder to recover if you're not kind to yourself and understanding and accepting of your limitations.

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5 years ago

🥺🥺💜💕🧡💞💛 @knamjooned

Also, @guksthighs @dumbmuffinbear @gguksgalaxy @rkivenamu @yoon-kooks @seakay05 @gukwluv @fanfuckingfic @best-space-boy @koala-wonderland @yeontanismypresident @mochimaw @ign-is and all of my lovely followers, I love and appreciate you all, doing gods work, keep being you💜

👀👀 not gonna name names but SOME of u are sweet and kind and deserve the world and i am rooting for u

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