Segments Being Crafty Little Pieces Of Work - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Genshin Scenarios

Well hello again tumblr~ I haven't updated in quite a while, sorry about that. My writing mostly happens when I have the motivation or when I have a big amount of time on my hands. I do love it though so I'll always come back to it! Anyways enough about me, you came here for a story so it's up to me to deliver!

~The scenario this time is none other than...what if you were Dottore's child? I finished the Sumeru archon quest recently and oh boy does Dottore make my blood boil, but his character is just written so good I couldn't resist the idea~enjoy!

II Dottore and his unexpected experiment turned weakness.Feelings can be tortuous can’t they? Pt.1

What if you were Dottore’s child? Crazy I know or is it?

Obviously you wouldn’t be some normal run of the mill kid, but this isn’t a Frankenstein story either your birthing is…unique

So it all came down to a rebellious stage from Dottores segments or at least one of them. They took some of his DNA and while they were out in Teyvat they found what they were looking for, the abyss.

They left Dottores dna with the abyss and with that the abyss herald two months later handed you to Dottores segment and he returned to Zapolyarny palace.

Dottore was…not in a particularly good mood that day, he threatened to eliminate his segment if they didn’t “for Tsaritsas sake tell me what you did?!”

The segments apparently weren’t phased at all and all they told him was that you were human and you were his, not his segments, not anyone's but his.

Dottore didn’t see any usefulness in you and he clearly didn’t want you, but when he had ordered his segments to get you away from him and to someone who would take you( he hadn’t been completely heartless when he was sure you were his) the segments ran into the other harbingers.

Oh and what a mess this was now. They had run into Columbina, Tartaglia, and Arlecchino.

The three harbingers seeing the baby were shocked, even Arlechinno who was usually cold, expressionless, and collected was stunned.

However they came to a very different conclusion to why Dottores segments had you. They were convinced Dottore had been planning to experiment on you.

Dottore who had been planning to keep you a secret no longer had the choice when they forced him before Pierro and the Tsaritsa herself and what a messy meeting that was.

The segments hadn’t had any reservations in telling them what they’d done, however they left out the abyss and claimed “mysterious circumstances.”

And with that the Tsaritsa declared that you would be raised here in Zapolyarny palace and that the segments would teach you with help from Columbina and Tartaglia.

Arlechinno had tried to take you into her orphanage and Dottore would have accepted if his clones hadn’t fervently disagreed and outright thrown a tantrum about how “she’ll ruin a perfectly good little specimen!”

So with that your care taking was primarily given to Columbina and Tartaglia. Columbina was mostly stationed in snezhnaya and as number three the Tsaritsa and Dottores clones trusted her to watch over you.

Tartaglia on the other hand had been in the abyss and would be able to help you understand everything that came with coming from the abyss, such as time going quicker but never truly aging. Or at least aging slowly.

As a big brother he took to the role of teaching you and caring for you quicker than anyone even himself would have thought.

Later on you would become attached to a certain harbinger someone who you would relate to greatly what with being in the abyss and being considered an “experiment” but that’s another story.

You didn’t know that Dottore was technically your father and you’d never questioned at least out loud who your parents were if anything you just considered Tartaglia your parental figure as your “big brother.”

Dottores segments had taught you as well in your childhood though rarely. Things finally got interesting with their specimen though when you had shown a large interest in inventing.

You however weren’t a scholar and didn’t have an interest in going to “some huge fancy school for pompous fools.” You were interested in learning but only in what interested you and on your terms on your time.

You are extremely smart, just because you take learning in different ways than what would be expected of you doesn’t make you dumb at all, after all everyone’s learning habits are different and can’t be considered the same.

Even though you came about by mysterious abyss circumstances you looked extremely similar to Dottore obviously because of his dna. You never questioned it although you noticed.

Your hair was different shades of blue though the most noticeable were the dark streaks of midnight blue that seemed to swirl in and out like stars.

Your eyes were a deeper red than Dottores, though a dark wine red that when you were angry turned almost black illuminating the bright red star pupils you had…the sign of the abyss or better known as Khanri'ah

You had a deep interest in inventing with the skill and genius to back it up. Even with Ajax’s urging to focus more on fighting which you also loved you were more curious in all the chaotic and destructive devices you could invent.

After all, how else are you going to become a harbinger…oh yeah probably should’ve mentioned you were of course interested in the currently open 8th seat.

So of course you begged Pierro and Ajax to let you go to Dottores lab to beg him to teach you...this will be interesting.

Alright that’s the end of pt.1 courtesy of tumblr’s word limit. I will be making a pt.2 of course, after all the most interesting parts haven’t even begun ;) ~ Lightning 24680~ see you soon!

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