lightning24680 - Lightning24680

Mysteries are meant to keep u wondering, curiosity is a blessing, excitement is invigorating, adrenaline keeps me on my feet, and fear can be conquered, never stop daring to dream because regret haunts you, determination is a choice, freedom is something you have to fight for, change is inevitable and unending, choices can define you, personality is what you make it to be, never give up  ~Lightning 24680

9 posts

Genshin Scenarios

Genshin Scenarios

Well hello again tumblr~ I haven't updated in quite a while, sorry about that. My writing mostly happens when I have the motivation or when I have a big amount of time on my hands. I do love it though so I'll always come back to it! Anyways enough about me, you came here for a story so it's up to me to deliver!

~The scenario this time is none other than...what if you were Dottore's child? I finished the Sumeru archon quest recently and oh boy does Dottore make my blood boil, but his character is just written so good I couldn't resist the idea~enjoy!

II Dottore and his unexpected experiment turned weakness.Feelings can be tortuous can’t they? Pt.1

What if you were Dottore’s child? Crazy I know or is it?

Obviously you wouldn’t be some normal run of the mill kid, but this isn’t a Frankenstein story either your birthing is…unique

So it all came down to a rebellious stage from Dottores segments or at least one of them. They took some of his DNA and while they were out in Teyvat they found what they were looking for, the abyss.

They left Dottores dna with the abyss and with that the abyss herald two months later handed you to Dottores segment and he returned to Zapolyarny palace.

Dottore was…not in a particularly good mood that day, he threatened to eliminate his segment if they didn’t “for Tsaritsas sake tell me what you did?!”

The segments apparently weren’t phased at all and all they told him was that you were human and you were his, not his segments, not anyone's but his.

Dottore didn’t see any usefulness in you and he clearly didn’t want you, but when he had ordered his segments to get you away from him and to someone who would take you( he hadn’t been completely heartless when he was sure you were his) the segments ran into the other harbingers.

Oh and what a mess this was now. They had run into Columbina, Tartaglia, and Arlecchino.

The three harbingers seeing the baby were shocked, even Arlechinno who was usually cold, expressionless, and collected was stunned.

However they came to a very different conclusion to why Dottores segments had you. They were convinced Dottore had been planning to experiment on you.

Dottore who had been planning to keep you a secret no longer had the choice when they forced him before Pierro and the Tsaritsa herself and what a messy meeting that was.

The segments hadn’t had any reservations in telling them what they’d done, however they left out the abyss and claimed “mysterious circumstances.”

And with that the Tsaritsa declared that you would be raised here in Zapolyarny palace and that the segments would teach you with help from Columbina and Tartaglia.

Arlechinno had tried to take you into her orphanage and Dottore would have accepted if his clones hadn’t fervently disagreed and outright thrown a tantrum about how “she’ll ruin a perfectly good little specimen!”

So with that your care taking was primarily given to Columbina and Tartaglia. Columbina was mostly stationed in snezhnaya and as number three the Tsaritsa and Dottores clones trusted her to watch over you.

Tartaglia on the other hand had been in the abyss and would be able to help you understand everything that came with coming from the abyss, such as time going quicker but never truly aging. Or at least aging slowly.

As a big brother he took to the role of teaching you and caring for you quicker than anyone even himself would have thought.

Later on you would become attached to a certain harbinger someone who you would relate to greatly what with being in the abyss and being considered an “experiment” but that’s another story.

You didn’t know that Dottore was technically your father and you’d never questioned at least out loud who your parents were if anything you just considered Tartaglia your parental figure as your “big brother.”

Dottores segments had taught you as well in your childhood though rarely. Things finally got interesting with their specimen though when you had shown a large interest in inventing.

You however weren’t a scholar and didn’t have an interest in going to “some huge fancy school for pompous fools.” You were interested in learning but only in what interested you and on your terms on your time.

You are extremely smart, just because you take learning in different ways than what would be expected of you doesn’t make you dumb at all, after all everyone’s learning habits are different and can’t be considered the same.

Even though you came about by mysterious abyss circumstances you looked extremely similar to Dottore obviously because of his dna. You never questioned it although you noticed.

Your hair was different shades of blue though the most noticeable were the dark streaks of midnight blue that seemed to swirl in and out like stars.

Your eyes were a deeper red than Dottores, though a dark wine red that when you were angry turned almost black illuminating the bright red star pupils you had…the sign of the abyss or better known as Khanri'ah

You had a deep interest in inventing with the skill and genius to back it up. Even with Ajax’s urging to focus more on fighting which you also loved you were more curious in all the chaotic and destructive devices you could invent.

After all, how else are you going to become a harbinger…oh yeah probably should’ve mentioned you were of course interested in the currently open 8th seat.

So of course you begged Pierro and Ajax to let you go to Dottores lab to beg him to teach you...this will be interesting.

Alright that’s the end of pt.1 courtesy of tumblr’s word limit. I will be making a pt.2 of course, after all the most interesting parts haven’t even begun ;) ~ Lightning 24680~ see you soon!

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More Posts from Lightning24680

1 year ago

Childe x depressed gn!reader

Hi guys, another WIP of mine that I was struck by motivation to create. I really need to work on my already started pieces of writing but I can’t so here I am with random fics. Hope you enjoy! Also Happy New Years! Lightning24680~

Everything starts with an idea, an emotion. He was your emotion. He was like the ocean rough and cold a never ending deep of mystery and darkness, and yet he was calm too, he could be comforting like the small laps of the water at your heels as you walk across the beach. You never quite understood how you and him clicked. You were unextraordinary and you quite honestly felt as if you contributed nothing to this earth constantly wondering why you bothered. He was the opposite and yet the same. He was always in the rush of battle, a never ending wave of determination and strength, but his dull blue eyes mirrored the self loathing of your own.

When you two first met it wasn’t true love or anything special, hell it wasn’t even unique, but it was still a moment that was yours.

You were a Fontaine citizen, you loved your books and writing more than you’d ever cared for the drama of a trial, and still you were dragged to his. Seeking inspiration and maybe just a tad bit of real excitement instead of the fantasies created in your mind you took a seat in the plush red seats of the Opera Epiclese. At first nothing struck you as interesting it was merely another debate.

And then the murmurs started and your gaze was drawn up to the shock in the Chief Justice’s eyes as he read aloud a sentence that should have been impossible…guilty. Your gaze was immediately taken to him, with his vibrant ginger hair and the expression of an impatient man on his face. Then the flash of purple and the crimson of his mask, his light grey’s and browns traded for pitch black and, stunning purple with the eye catching blood red.

In that moment intrigue spiked in your heart, motivation in your mind, something you thought had been extinguished long ago rising in your brain. You shifted in your seat practically hanging off the edge, as everyone else watched in horror as the Garde Meks were taken down with the electro currents he’d thrown so carelessly yet precisely, you watched with interest.

And when he was taken down and away defeated you watched in awe at the small and tired grin on his lips, he wants more you realized, and so did you.

You were up and on your feet lightly shoving through the crowds and following the guards before you even realized what you were doing, writers instinct, which you’d long supposed to have left you taking over once again. As you finally caught up with the Garde’s you could only stare as they propped him, the fascination of your interest on a chair before walking a few feet away assuming him harmless, you knew he wasn’t.

As you walked towards him curiosity in your eyes and courage in your steps you noticed how he tensed up as if he sensed your footsteps no matter how quiet. His gaze darted up to yours his dull blue eyes making your breath catch in your throat, untold horrors lied behind those eyes you knew. And then his voice, sounding so very dangerously guarded this close, asked those 3 damning words.

Who are you?

I’m Y/n and you are Tartaglia, you had stated calmly a hint of excitement in your voice, he sensed it of course.

It’s Childe, he replied smoothly his tired body poising itself in a seemingly open way, you could see his walls though. He was a good actor, someone who’d learned to put on the masks of a thousand characters never appreciating his own.

Maybe neither are you if we’re being honest you had replied without thinking. His gaze studied you carefully like he wasn’t sure what mask to put on to appease you, so he brushed you off instead.

Maybe…or maybe your reading into it too deep his low voice tumbled out in a sigh of someone still processing the fact they’re no longer free, but a prisoner of a crime uncommitted, and with an audience of people unable to care.

The Garde’s came back too soon leading him away and with a tilt of your head you noticed the familiar gleam of his vision gone. Curious, you muttered to yourself before turning around to grab your book and head back to your home, the motivation to write had struck you like one of his electro bolts. You hadn’t noticed how dull blue eyes glimpsed back at you a lingering feeling of curiosity showing on his small turn of the lips.

Maybe he’d meet you again, the curious sun peeking through the clouded depths of that murky blue. Yes he would see you again he decided, there was something of an urge to know more, and he wasn’t one to ignore.

Curiosity you decided was the emotion he was. He led to excitement and to something new, and you thought to yourself maybe that’s what you want, and instead of waiting for adventure to find you, you should follow him just to see if the wild call of the ocean is enough to satisfy the sun.

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1 year ago

BSD Fanfic idea/Scenario?

Hi everyone! I've finally finished my finals and now that I've gotten all that studying done and the actual tests as well out of the way I'm free to unleash all the ideas I've been dying to write.

I've been thinking of this particular idea for a while and since I quite literally have not at all been able to find a story with this idea I've been left with no choice but to write it myself!

What if Chuuya traveled back in time to stop Dazai from leaving the Port Mafia? No this is not a beast au idea, but the idea is kinda half-baked in my mind though and as usual I have no plot plan but I really want to write this so you can expect me to post this story in a few days!

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1 year ago

Arlecchino Head-canons!

Hi everyone! So Arlecchino....I love her, she's so well designed and I love her character story so far and dialogue. I'm super excited to see more of her honestly! So of course I came up with some personal head-canons of mine for her. I'd love to hear other people's head-canons about her too if anyone would like to add theirs!! Well have a good night/day/whatever time-zone you’re in and enjoy! Lightning24680~

I see her as asexual and celibate for a lot of reasons

1) She’s a Fatui Harbinger who is running an orphanage and is dedicated to preventing Fontaine’s prophecy from coming to fruition, when is she gonna have the time to be fucking someone?

2) Her attitude is so focused on her goals and sex honestly seems like something I could see her viewing as beneath her or not worth her time, why would she indulge in “pleasure” with someone else when she could be furthering her plans to keep her homeland from drowning

As cold as she seems at first glance I’m honestly super intrigued by her character because besides Childe (debatable point yk since he’s mentioned world domination but I can go on abt that for hours) she’s the only Fatui Harbinger we’ve seen who seems to care about a goal larger than themselves that ACTUALLY benefits people they either care about or their nation

Her goal isn’t self-centered or from what we’ve seen so far I wouldn’t say it is

I personally think her character has SO MANY possibilities, I’m super excited by her and can’t wait for more of her lore

By her design and how we saw her interact with Furina, she seems like she takes very good care of herself and puts effort into looking presentable and intimidating, I’d guess that she’s practiced a long time in keeping a calm yet passive aggressive attitude and facade 

Almost like Lyney and Lynette she’s a good actor, she has a good poker face

She only engages in small talk when she feels like it could gain her either an advantage or it helps her in a strategic way, otherwise I see her as someone who’s very straight to the point and a “don’t waste my time with insignificant things” kinda person

I find her as a put together person she plans out what she’s gonna say like I pointed out earlier she’s strategic. Arlecchino knows that words can get you places just as much as action, she’s careful because she wants to efficiently get her way and nothing less will do

I can totally see her as a perfectionist but strangely also as an improviser. Yes, she’d LOVE if everything went according to plan and she expects her agents and “children” to carry out her plans accordingly. However she also accepts that sometimes things will not always go your way plan and she’s perfectly prepared to deal with any situation that doesn’t turn out how she’s planned

I haven’t decided yet whether I could see her being a fan of theatrics and operas, because on one hand I can see her appreciating the dramatics that go into a planned performance and personality, I could see her respecting actors and magicians doing their stunts and tricking/ manipulating the audience into believing what the actor/ magician wants them to see or believe

Yet at the same time I can see her being very against the dramatics and theatrics not only because of Furina’s attitude but because she would consider it “too over the top” or silly and that the people involved in such things might not take anything seriously, excluding Lyney and Lynette

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1 year ago

Just wanted to mention, in your Arlecchino headcanons, you said you saw her as asexual, but then described her as refusing to indulge in pleasure/sex. That's actually being celibate (choosing not to have sex/relationships) which is different from being asexual (not experiencing feelings of sexual attraction).

Thank you Anon for informing me about this! This was a mistake on my part for not being more concise about how I viewed her. I really appreciate you letting me know this, I’ll be sure to edit this to make it clear and correct!

2 years ago

Genshin Impact Scenarios

Hi, this is my first post and I write fanfiction and scenarios, really just anything that comes to my mind. Requests are always welcome! I'll set up rules later and what I'm okay with writing, as well as what fandoms I'll write for. Love ya'll and hope you enjoy!

P.S. since tumblr has a word limit I'm making this into a mini series!

They're your protective older brother and they meet your s/o gn!reader


Oh boy I feel sorry for your s/o

Older Brother Ajax cares about you a lot and only wants the best for you. So seeing someone else taking care of you, well he takes it as them taking his place as your protector

Ever since you were young he's always been taking you with him on adventures and showing you how to fight to protect yourself, but even so he's always been with you to make sure your safe

He sure doesn't trust anyone else to make sure your safe

Even though he's taught you how to fight, he doesn't let you know about his affiliation with the fatui, he never wants you to lose your light or your child-hood wonder

You love your brother but sometimes he can be a little too overprotective, so of course you choose to hide it from him that you have an s/o because knowing Ajax he's not going to give them a chance

However as much as you might try to hide it (and you try your hardest trust me) Ajax knows you too well. He's your older brother after all he can tell when you're hiding something from him

He doesn't make it obvious at first, he just writes it off as you just acting a little weird, but eventually he decides that after you've been disappearing for long amounts of time and canceling on him when you would usually jump at the chance to spend time with him, especially since he's been off in Liyue for quite awhile, he gets suspicious

He follows you one day when you leave the house all dressed up and seem happier than a clam

Ajax has no problem with that, he wants you to have everything this world can offer and seeing you happy brings back that spark he lost to the abyss, but why were you so happy for seemingly no reason?

Today wasn't any special occasion that he can remember

So he carefully follows behind you making sure that you don't notice him trailing you

Eventually you stop at some restaurant

He is SO confused poor boy doesn't understand why you would want to go get food from a restaurant all alone (you hadn't mentioned going out with friends?) especially when he made a point to tell you he was cooking this morning (no one can change my opinion his cooking is literally the best)

So when he sees you sit down at a table and seem to be waiting for someone, he decides to get a table close to you, not close enough for you to see him, but close enough for him to hear you

Anyways it had been about five minutes and you had ordered your drink and he was getting worried and had just about had enough of sitting watching you, but just as he was about to get up and go over to you and ask if you were okay and if you were upset, instead of at home

This boy honestly thinks he did something wrong for you to have not been spending as much time with him, it never occurs to him that you could be seeing someone, your his wonderful younger sibling who looks up to and adores him, and all his stories and skills that he teaches you

Honestly he basically raised you and your siblings with how much he loves you all, he always makes you feel safe and happy

Anyways back to your s/o, they they showed up just before Ajax could go over to you, and low and behold before he could even think who they were and why they were showing up with you for breakfast, they go and kiss you!🤯

Ajax exe. has stopped working. Who in the HELL has the nerve to kiss his sibling! Well he's about to find out. He starts stomping over ready to give this person a piece of his mind when something even MORE shocking happened you kissed them BACK, now he really stops in place for a second before he almost seems to teleport in front of you and pushes you two apart

To say you were shocked was an understatement, you were so startled you almost choked!

AJAX?! What are you doing here?!

Your shock quickly turned to panic when you saw your brothers steel gaze that looked downright murderous towards your s/o

Ajax decided to ignore you for the moment his attention was on your s/o who to their credit was calm and didn't look scared at all...yet at least Ajax thought

Your s/o as calm as they were, they were visibly confused and they made their confusion known as they asked "who are you?"

Oh boy I feel sorry for your s/o

Older Brother Ajax cares about you a lot and only wants the best for you. So seeing someone else taking care of you, well he takes it as them taking his place as your protector

Ever since you were young he's always been taking you with him on adventures and showing you how to fight to protect yourself, but even so he's always been with you to make sure your safe

He sure doesn't trust anyone else to make sure your safe

Even though he's taught you how to fight, he doesn't let you know about his affiliation with the fatui, he never wants you to lose your light or your child-hood wonder

You love your brother but sometimes he can be a little too overprotective, so of course you choose to hide it from him that you have an s/o because knowing Ajax he's not going to give them a chance

However as much as you might try to hide it (and you try your hardest trust me) Ajax knows you too well. He's your older brother after all he can tell when you're hiding something from him

He doesn't make it obvious at first, he just writes it off as you just acting a little weird, but eventually he decides that after you've been disappearing for long amounts of time and canceling on him when you would usually jump at the chance to spend time with him, especially since he's been off in Liyue for quite awhile, he gets suspicious

He follows you one day when you leave the house all dressed up and seem happier than a clam

Ajax has no problem with that, he wants you to have everything this world can offer and seeing you happy brings back that spark he lost to the abyss, but why were you so happy for seemingly no reason?

Today wasn't any special occasion that he can remember

So he carefully follows behind you making sure that you don't notice him trailing you

Eventually you stop at some restaurant

He is SO confused poor boy doesn't understand why you would want to go get food from a restaurant all alone (you hadn't mentioned going out with friends?) especially when he made a point to tell you he was cooking this morning (no one can change my opinion his cooking is literally the best)

So when he sees you sit down at a table and seem to be waiting for someone, he decides to get a table close to you, not close enough for you to see him, but close enough for him to hear you

Anyways it had been about five minutes and you had ordered your drink and he was getting worried and had just about had enough of sitting watching you, but just as he was about to get up and go over to you and ask if you were okay and if you were upset, instead of at home

This boy honestly thinks he did something wrong for you to have not been spending as much time with him, it never occurs to him that you could be seeing someone, your his wonderful younger sibling who looks up to and adores him, and all his stories and skills that he teaches you

Honestly he basically raised you and your siblings with how much he loves you all, he always makes you feel safe and happy

Anyways back to your s/o, they they showed up just before Ajax could go over to you, and low and behold before he could even think who they were and why they were showing up with you for breakfast, they go and kiss you!🤯

The continuation will be posted shortly because tumblr just haaad to have a word limit 😅

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