Destruction - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Ice breaking by asmrcrak (anxiety warning: it doesn’t break until the very end where he pushes down on top of the tower)

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4 years ago

Creation and destruction are one, to the eyes who can see beauty.

Savitri Devi (via sa-gildr-fljuga-ormr)

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4 years ago

I can’t decide if I want to make something or break something.

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4 years ago

I see you blind and one-handed, flashing in the dark, trees breaking under your feet, you demand, you demand

Margaret Atwood, from Power Politics (via howifeltabouthim)

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10 years ago
Booklet Picture ByJohnny Abbatefor "A N G S T", The New Album FromKlonavenusout In 2015 - Check Out Their

Booklet picture by Johnny Abbate for "A N G S T", the new album from Klonavenusout in 2015 - Check out their page and become fan <3

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2 years ago
BEHOLD THE NEW AND IMPROVED FLUORINE!!! After Several Months Of Development And A Week Of The Robot Just

BEHOLD THE NEW AND IMPROVED FLUORINE!!! After several months of development and a week of the robot just refusing to work, I would like to proudly introduce the newest version of Fluorine's kinetic variant. Features: -Better weapon placement for increased stability and more optimal strikes against opponents -More powerful weapon motor for better hots in general -Longer and shorter chassis both for ease of putting the electronics in and so that it can still be effective while upside down -More vibrant color scheme Overall this is a lot better than the... previous iteration of Fluorine's spinner variant. I hope that it along with the wedge config will bring me great success in the antweight division. #robot #robotcombat #halogen #fluorine #spinner #destruction #custom #battlebots (at Gainesville, Florida)

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2 years ago
Every Road Leads In One Of Two Directions, And It All Depends On Whether You Are COMING Or GOING.

Every road leads in one of two directions, and it all depends on whether you are COMING or GOING.

As the graphic in today’s message reminds us ” just as Jesus said — “I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE” [ John 14:6 ] and this is the ONE WAY to eternal life. Sadly, while the opposite sign clearly says Do Not Enter Jesus also warns us that “Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.” [ Matthew 7:13 ]

The decision in which direction to go is clear. The signs are there for all to read.

Which direction on this road have you chosen to go?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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5 months ago
From My Sketchbook. Drew This Today In Honor Of The Lives Lost, Missing, Destroyed And Rescued In Americas

From my sketchbook. Drew this today in honor of the lives lost, missing, destroyed and rescued in America’s Appalachian mountains.

America has never seen anything quite like this. Reverence Life.

~ ~ Christy

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12 years ago

It's astonishing how much trouble one can get oneself into, if one works at it. And astonishing how much trouble one can get oneself out of, if one simply assumes that everything will, somehow or other, work out for the best.

Destruction, The Sandman: The Wake Neil Gaiman

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13 years ago
SmallComic # 51: The New Age New Year Part I #comic #webcomic

SmallComic # 51: The New Age New Year Part I #comic #webcomic

Oh ho ho! What a funny gal! These new age ladies, they a little silly. I've encountered them many times in my travels as a wandering Bodhisattva. Sure, I appreciate their interest in the occult arts and all, but it seems like they're off the mark a little bit. Usually they smell like home-baked tater tots, which I guess is appealing, but I really can't get over all the funky clothes and jewelry, and crystal skulls filled with dandelions and frankincense. That's just too much. With all those superficial ornaments and accessories, don't they know they're not going to find what they're looking for? Too sad, too sad. But we can, laugh, eh? ; )

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11 years ago
So Now That Reports Have Surfaced That Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Going To Direct And Star In An Adaptation
So Now That Reports Have Surfaced That Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Going To Direct And Star In An Adaptation
So Now That Reports Have Surfaced That Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Going To Direct And Star In An Adaptation
So Now That Reports Have Surfaced That Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Going To Direct And Star In An Adaptation
So Now That Reports Have Surfaced That Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Going To Direct And Star In An Adaptation
So Now That Reports Have Surfaced That Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Going To Direct And Star In An Adaptation
So Now That Reports Have Surfaced That Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Going To Direct And Star In An Adaptation

So now that reports have surfaced that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is going to direct and star in an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" series, I couldn't help but picture these actors and actresses as the ideal representation of who would portray the Endless for me. Joseph Gordon-Levitt as DESTINY "The oldest of the Endless, Destiny appears as a blind man dressed in grey or brown robes, carrying a large book, the Cosmic Log. The book is chained to him, or he is chained to the book, and within the book is written the entire sum of existence, past, present and future. Destiny seems the most possessed by his function and responsibilities of any of the Endless. He rarely demonstrates much personality. His sigil is his book." Jennifer Lawrence as DEATH "Death appears as a spunky, attractive, level-headed young Goth woman. She wears a silver ankh (representing the afterlife) and has a marking similar to an Eye of Horus around her right eye. She prefers to dress and act casually, and is on better terms with Dream than any of the other Endless. Her sigil is the ankh." Tom Hiddleston as DREAM "Dream's usual appearance is as a tall, pale man with wild dark blue-black hair. He dresses in a shapeless cloak of 'night' with 'flames dancing in its folds'. His eyes are pools of shadows with glimmers of light within. He is known by many names, most commonly 'Morpheus'. He has a long history of insensitivity towards others, and throughout The Sandman, he must come to deal with his past cruelties. He is very concerned with fulfilling his responsibilities. His sigil is his dream-helm, made from the spine and skull of a long-dead god." Michael Fassbender as DESTRUCTION "Destruction is a very large, robust man with red hair, who sometimes appears bearded and sometimes shaven. He abandoned his responsibilities as one of the Endless three hundred years ago, causing much conflict between him and his siblings. Since abandoning his realm, the other Endless usually refer to him as 'the Prodigal" or 'Brother' rather than 'Destruction'. He has a passion for creative and constructive endeavors, but little talent. His sigil is a sword." Tilda Swinton as DESIRE "Desire is beautiful, slim, and truly androgynous, capable of appearing as a man, a woman, neither, or possibly both. Desire has a cruel streak and a long-standing rivalry with Dream. Although Desire is Despair's twin, in a sense he/she is older than Despair. The current incarnation of Desire is the original one, while Despair is currently in her second incarnation. His/her sigil is a silver-tinted glass heart shape." Rebel Wilson as DESPAIR "Despair originally had the same physical attributes as her twin, Desire, but in her current incarnation, she appears as a short, obese woman with greyish skin and irregularly-shaped teeth. She is always naked. Despair has a cold, quietly intelligent manner. She has a habit of carving her flesh with a hooked ring that she wears. This hooked ring is also her sigil." Elle Fanning as DELIRIUM "The youngest of the Endless, Delirium appears as a young girl whose form changes the most frequently of any of the Endless, based on the random fluctuations of her temperament. She has wild multicolored hair and eccentric, mismatched clothes. Her only permanent physical characteristic is that one of her eyes is emerald green (usually the right side) and the other pale blue with silver flecks (usually the left side), but even those sometimes switch between left and right. She was once known as 'Delight', but some traumatic event caused her to change into her current role. Her sigil is an abstract, shapeless blob of colors."

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