Seinfeld - Tumblr Posts

i couldn't find the original version of this meme so i made my own 😎
elaine is editing the code of hammurabi. she sneaks in a law preventing people from taking the last scoop of lentil pottage without asking if anyone else wants it. george always does this and tries to convince people that elaine added this law without divine consent but fails and ends up being flogged in the town square. jerry struggles to write material that appeals to southern mesopotamians because they're really sensitive about gilgamesh.
i can't find it for the life of me but i can't get that one seinfeld post that's like "woah, elaine, you've got terf bangs!" out of my head
dear god 😰
elaine does have terf energy unfortunately but its cancelled out by my selina meyer transfem schemes
she doesnt actually have transfem energy but she does in the context of danxselina dan and selina r trans and t4t but only when theyre fucking each other because its MY SHIP and i get to project me and my girlfriend onto it
no unfortunately elaine probably is a terf and so is selina meyer but i ignore that
if you watched seinfeld and your conclusion was not that george costanza is marriage material you might just have bad taste (i have clinically poor taste in men)

i'm only attracted to early seasons george but i'm also hopelessly attracted to all of the main characters but early seasons hes just 🥺🥺 he's endearing okay

frank costanza would go into a fit of rage if he discovered this many people know about stopping short
You are a passenger in a car and you are wearing a seatbelt. The driver comes to a very sudden, lurching stop, and they swing their arm out against your chest in a protective act.
I've viscerally hated it every time someone did this to me and wonder whether I'm just odd. It turns a small event into something that feels momentarily traumatizing. My brain usually split-second processes the gesture as assault. I understand people do this on instinct with good intentions but I wish they wouldn't and it seems unnecessary. How does everyone else feel?
obsessed with the implication that kramer and jerry's personalities (souls?) are inherently tied to the apartments they reside in
when will they come out with the episode of curb where larry david comes to terms with george costanza's repressed bisexuality and the implications given that george costanza is based on him

i think if you're going to love a young boy character who's filled with an inescapable sadness and overperforms masculinity you're really just going to have to accept that some people are going to see those issues and decide estradiol and she/it pronouns are the fix she needs
selina: i'm meeting with a russian diplomat tomorrow
mike: ugh... what do you talk to a russian about?
selina: i dunno. i guess i like tolstoy.
mike: y'know, the original title of war and peace was "war, what is it good for". his mistress suggested he should change it.
selina: really? huh.
*later, with russian diplomat*
selina: you know, the original title of war and peace was war what is it good for.
dan: ma'am-
selina: it was his mistress who suggested he change it.
dan: ma'am-
russian diplomat:
*international relations ruined*
if there was a letterboxd equivalent but for shows, reblog and put in the tags what you top 4 shows on your profile would be
jerry: I've just been thinking, once there's nothing left that's been spared my blade, wouldn't I be god?
george: no life?
jerry, gesticulating: nothing under heaven or above earth. all things equal.
[jerry turns to face the palace but freezes in his step]
jerry: hey uh... you're in my way.
kramer, slowly walking down the palace stairs: oh no, I can't let you do that, jerry. if this would truly be your way...
[kramer draws his sword]
kramer: then know that your way ends here.
If Star Trek was Seinfeld, ep 1
If Star Trek was Seinfeld, ep 1
If Star Trek was Seinfeld, ep 2
// ep 1 here

Jason Alexander as George Costanza in Seinfeld (1989—1998)