Seiyuu Event - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Cuz Im Hyped For Persona 5.

Cuz I’m hyped for Persona 5.

The recording of Persona 5 apparently began in 2014, 2 years before the game’s release.

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8 years ago
From Tales Of Festival 2015 And His Interview From Tales Of Memoria Artbook :)

From Tales of Festival 2015 and his interview from Tales of Memoria Artbook :)

Tales of series has a very large fanbase especially in Japan. It is one of the most popular RPG series in there, aside from Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. It is no wonder that several seiyuus also played the game.

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5 years ago
New Seiyuu Trivia, This Time For Tales Of Xillia 2!

New seiyuu trivia, this time for Tales of Xillia 2!

Trivia: Yonaga Tsubasa, the voice of Jude Mathis also played Tales of Xillia 2. He was also impressed by how Kondo differentiate different emotions and reactions for Ludger simply by one word.

Personal opinions:

Probably because of different variations of vocabularies in the West and Japan, Ludger is seen with more lines in the English Version, such as “You’re right”, “Agreed”, or “I’m sorry”.

As usual, do not repost but reblogs are fine!

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