Seiyuu Fun Fact - Tumblr Posts

Cuz I’m hyped for Persona 5.
The recording of Persona 5 apparently began in 2014, 2 years before the game’s release.
No Reposts please :)

From Tales of Festival 2015 and his interview from Tales of Memoria Artbook :)
Tales of series has a very large fanbase especially in Japan. It is one of the most popular RPG series in there, aside from Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. It is no wonder that several seiyuus also played the game.
No reposts please.

I got this from the screening event. Shion is a very... unique and mysterious character even compared to the other characters in the franchise xDD

I hope I got this one right :’) Trivia:
At that time, Shouta was responsible for singing UtaPri’s demo songs. While he had been active as a singer and seiyuu for a while, he was still new. The second season of the anime Uta no Prince-sama is his debut anime as Aoi Shouta. It was after that anime that he started to gain popularity as a voice actor. No reposts please, but reblog is fine :D

I was watching the live streaming of this, so I had to! xDD.
I’m so happy that Tsugutsugu likes Bryce’s acting as Kirito :’D
No reposts please, but reblogs are fine ><

Maybe this is already late, but I decided to create this anyway~
Yeah, apparently it is so. In case you asked, “Didn’t they record for the game?”
The answer: recording for games are usually done separately between casts and they usually don’t see each other since they are done in different days. So it makes sense why Junya said he met Ryohei for the first time in the anime version, not the original game.

Finally another seiyuu trivia post.
In case you haven't noticed, yes I'm into IDOLiSH7 now xDD. My favorite guy is Yamato Nikaido, the leader in my profile pic.
Yamato is one of Shiraimu's big roles, especially i7 is a big fandom in Japan
Sorry for the weird formatting, I was editing this on my phone ;;;

A new seiyuu funfact!
I really encourage people to play Project Sekai: Colorful Stage. The story is great, the songs are great too, and the characters are lovable.
Vivid BAD SQUAD is a singing group of four people with street style hip-hop music. They sing Vocaloid songs and songs made by many music producers specifically for Project Sekai. Their Vocaloid songs cover including: Fragile, Doctor=Funk Beat, Bring It On, Children Record, and even Ifuudoudou, etc. They did most Vocaloid covers with the Vocaloids themselves. For Doctor=Funk Beat, the singers are KAITO, Akito (Imai Fumiya) and Toya (Ito Kent).
Imai recorded Doctor=Funk Beat after Fragile, so the song’s difficulty increased immediately xD. Imai Fumiya is very precious 💞
Trivia: Project Sekai is actually Imai Fumiya’s first singing project as a seiyuu.

Another seiyuu trivia for Project Sekai! Since I’m still hyped with the fandom xD
Hirose Daisuke, the CV for Tenma Tsukasa once asked Toki whether he was able to play more in voicing Rui, and this is his answer.
Toki’s first ad-lib was purely on trial and error, and since the staff liked it, they used it, lol!
Source info from here:
You can watch some scenes that he ad-libbed here, notice the difference between the text and his pronounciation:

Back to IDOLiSH7, here I am!
Here’s what I get from the Fan Meeting Vol. 1. Apparently, Abe said that he received the role so suddenly from his manager lol xD. From what I know, seiyuu has voice samples for auditions and such.

I just listened to the Sekai Station and I just had to post this because Toya is my bias along with Akito lol.
For the rap reference, it is possibly referencing to Ito’s role in Hypnosis Mic as Kannonzaka Doppo. I can’t say for sure because he didn’t explicitly mention it. Kimura Subaru is also known as seiyuu rapper so... yeah lol.
Source here:
Listen to RAD DOGS here:

The reason why I did not mention Akito directly is because these two didn’t say his name, but simply “that antagonistic orange guy” xD.
Even though their characters are partners, Ito Kent and Imai Fumiya don’t record their lines together that often. Recordings for games are usually done separately and even in the mini anime Petit Sekai, they didn’t really record together. However, some cases are mostly because of the current pandemic.
I probably shouldn’t use BAD DOGS pic since I got this from Ito Kent’s personal radio... But it seemed I lost the file where I used their photos... I apologize in advance...

Ishiya Haruki: Oh, Imai-kun and Ito-san are in this > listen to Proseka songs > free fall to the hype. Imaito... 😡
Imai Fumiya: W E L C O M E
Look who's joining the hype 😂😂
In case you don't know who Ishiya Haruki is, he's the voice of Yamada Jiro in Hypnosis Mic.
I think I'll start a Seiyuu Tweet section.

Back to seiyuu funfact corner and Project Sekai!
Well, you know how hard Niccori Survey Theme to sing, right?
From Project Sekai Creators' Festa Source: