Setesh - Tumblr Posts
"You can hear my voice in the Storm.
You can feel my touch in the Wind.
You can taste my lust for life in the Waves.
Desert is not the barren land you think it is. It's alive and pulsing, something not many can see. Just as the Sea, you have to dive under the surface to find its true essence.
But are you willing to?
Are you willing to look me in the eyes and stay still, as I barren my teeth and stare through your soul, ready to devour you?
Or would you rather run away once again, frightened and unchanged?
You chose to stay. Wise choice.
I will offer you shelter in my Oasis.
I will guard you against all that is evil.
I will teach you unprecedented defiance.
I will show you unbearable horrors.
I will tell you unfathomable truths.
And know this: if your Path is meant to be a path of service, you'll serve us, somehow."

Dua Sutekh 🌩️

I am the designer of my own catastrophy
Hello! Today’s drawing is made for @witchy-queer , I hope you like it!

Amulet of the God Seth, Ancient Egyptian, -1295, Art Institute of Chicago: Ancient and Byzantine Art
The Art Institute of Chicago Size: 4.5 × 1 × 0.5 cm (1 ¾ × 3/8 × 3/16 in.) Medium: Faience
Dua Sutekh!

A prayer to Set, Egyptian god of the desert, the Red Lands.
I Love This ! Dua Sutekh indeed, these days he's very much there!

Stormy Sutekh requested by @mrspocksbeard
~please do not repost or remove caption thanks~
I think I just lost my ability to speak about him at this point. From what I understand this is based on a comic rather than on myhtology and that's all very well, but it still resonates very much with me and my experience of him, so...
Dua Sutekh! 🌩️

He didn't change into a sha ever since "that" fateful day. It reminded him too much of better days, calm afternoons and his son, who loved to cuddle into his warm red fur.
Reblogging because @brownlupine 's comment made my day 🥹 Art with soul made by artist with soul 🖤

He didn't change into a sha ever since "that" fateful day. It reminded him too much of better days, calm afternoons and his son, who loved to cuddle into his warm red fur.
So powerful! Great of Strength indeed 🌩️

Inktober Day 31- Slice
With guest appearances by Set and A/pep. What better way to end the month than with the incarnate of Isfet being sliced and diced?
Dua Sutekh 🌩️

good afternoon. a sutekh for your consideration.

Happy Pride Month, folks! And remember to eat your salad 🥬🥬🥬
This is so true, based on my personal experience with Seth. And being a Daughter of Loki, I must say it perfectly describes him as well (solar barque aside of course, but you know).
Set As a Champion of Mental Wellness
One of Set’s most prominent domains is that of a Storm God. Ancient Egypt was the most far-reaching civilization known to history, to the point that less time has passed between the life of Cleopatra and the present day than the construction of the Great Pyramid. Ancient Egyptians had archaeologists and engineers to study and repair structures that were already millennia old. For much of its history, life along the Nile was homeostatic and predictable, so much so that Set came to embody all that was disorderly and unexpected.
Think about the scene in the Book of Coming Forth by Day where Set plunges His spear into the throat of Apep. Set is fighting for Ra when He is incapable of defending Himself. During a time of mental crisis, we are not unlike the linen-bound Sokar, our greatest nature suppressed during the nadir of drastic, catalytic transformation. And Who is there for us in our darkest hour but the very Eye of the Storm?

I recently drew a connection between storms and the release of stress hormones during traumatic moments. When we are in a dangerous or intense situation our adrenal glands release a chemical called cortisol which is essentially the “fight-or-flight” hormone. The release of cortisol is meant to ensure our survival until such time that the danger we’re facing passes, much like the role performed by Set on the Solar Barque.
Here’s the funny thing about that: danger always passes and, in that moment, a new kind of self-care is required. There comes a time when our bodies no longer need those stress hormones. Even though they once helped us survive during hardship they inevitably become armor that is otherwise detrimental and must be set aside. Consider that maybe the parts of you that are making life so hard are the remnants of those survival habits and that, even now, they are doing everything they can to keep you safe. They have no awareness that they’re making things worse. The key to healing, then, is loving the parts of you that are trying to kill you.
Set is a many-faced Netjer. The aspect of His nature I’m proposing is but one of many both within and beyond us. Set is simultaneously the tempest, the ship, and the very heart of the sailor. Were He much less than that He would not have been worshiped since before the dawn of the written word. That’s the funny thing about the perception of value: it is most prone to change depending on where we’re standing.
Mental illness is a multifaceted battle fought every single day. Some days offer ceasefires. On others, a violent storm can bring a reprieve. Many days can simply blend into one long continuum. Imagine this as a mountain, if you will, or the long hours of night mentioned in Ancient Egyptian papyri. Regardless of the imagery you choose, the implication remains the same.
This too shall pass.
I write this as I struggle with my own hours of night, from a place where it is easy to feel my prayers go unheard. Set is a bastion of the greatest form of strength – that which is self-begotten. Set is the one Netjer I do not have to pray to during hardship or crisis for one very simple reason: He is already and always there. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in the existence of Set or the Netjeru. What I offer you to take away from this is that no matter who you are or where you find yourself, you possess exactly what you require to take just one more step. That is what recovery and healing are, essentially, just taking one step at a time.
I offer you this lesson much as I offer my experience of it to Set. May it serve you well, my friends.
Dua Set!
Image is credited to Joan Lansberry.
Dua Sutekh! 🌩️

egyptian mythology: seth
seth is the god of the desert, foreign lands, thunderstorms, eclipses, and earthquakes.
Dua Sutekh 🌩️

wasteland myths | SET
egyptian god of the desert, evil, chaos, and war.

Dua to Sutekh on his day!
Dua to you great lord of storms!
I sing the praises of he who protects Ra in his barque!

Thinking about the desert (Image description: An image of the Sahara desert with a silhouette of the Egyptian God Sutekh, he has a glitched effect around his body with a lush green tree masked inside his silhouette. He appears to be holding a glowing orb depicting the sun. There is text from top to bottom which reads, "long ago my storms fed generations, who lay beside one another looking upon my endless night. but you must understand, you must understand, the world will tilt, the crops will wither, and the sun will swallow you all. many will not understand the purpose of a desert, they will reap what it sows while they curse it for its effort. You are not the first. You are not the last. You just are. Description end.)

Seeing Red.
Digital sketch.
Dua Sutekh! 🌩️
Oh I really enjoy your poetry, is it alright if you could write something for Set?
Of course, he's one of my favorite Netjer!
O' Great of Strength,
You raise air to my nostrils,
strengthening my ka with your might.
Fists bared,
arms raised,
you guide me to grapple my foes,
fighting the enemies of my heart,
and your strength is mine.
As I cry out your praise,
I am one with you,
O' Great Set.
Dua Set!
Dua Sutekh 🌩️
Poem to Sutekh
As the storm rages loudly
And the sky trembles above
The darkness envelops the land
The wind howls past my window
I know you are here, beloved
You who are great of strength
You whisper softly in my ear
“Let it go and feel the storm”
I let the past go and embrace my freedom
Riding the wave of change in my life
Slowly I notice that the storm has settled
And my heart feels great sadness
Out of the corner of my eye a flash of red
And I smile as I know you are with me still.

a lot of people say that seth is the zeus of the ennead and all i can say to that is atleast he pulles out on time.