Shadow The Hedgehog X Reader - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Imagine: Shadow saving you from a suicide attempt…

Imagine: Shadow Saving You From A Suicide Attempt

(Shadow the Hedgehog X Fem reader!)


Rating: PG-13 for…Angst, attempted suicide but very fluffy towards the end!

(Don’t read if you have/had trauma like this before!)

(Not sure why I wanted to create this…for awareness??? I guess???)

Normally you would be at home, wanting to rest of course and maybe have some time with Shadow. But no. You were stuck here in your corner office, busying yourself with mundane work of filing papers. It was getting tiresome as you were hoping for Shadow to come rescue you. But no. He was busy, forced to be fighting alongside with G.U.N soldiers somewhere. You sigh to yourself as you see the clock, the hand almost hitting 9. You were tired. But that could also be your depression. Your boss comes out of nowhere and notices your mood. “Hey…what’s wrong?”, You look to your boss as you shake your head. “I’m needing to go home…”, Your boss nods in understanding. “We’ll have Karl take it from here…go home and rest…you look like you need it…”, You could only nod in response as you watch your boss walk back to his office.

Your mind was screaming for rest. You log off on everything as you start getting ready to leave. But as you left the office building, you can’t help but feel your depression worsening, with all these kinds of thought rushing in your mind: “Am I enough? Am I enough for Shadow? Does he even CARE about me? Does he still want me?”. These thoughts had grown louder, making their presence known. You continue walking down this sidewalk you were on, seeing all the cars zooming back and forth on the street beside you. You can’t help also but have this sense that nobody wants you around…not even Shadow. This voice in your head was screaming for you to jump off a platform somewhere as you make your way to this abandoned building that was across the street. You make your way to the top, seeing there was nobody around. You step on the edge of the roof, seeing it was good distance down to the ground of concrete that lays just below you.

You could feel your heart racing as you sigh a shaky breath, still hearing those thoughts rushing in your mind. Out of nowhere, you hear a sound behind you as if someone had teleported. You crane your head over to see it was Shadow himself. Shadow had a feeling he knew what was going on as he stands there, his arms folded as he stares at you. “What are you doing?”, He asks you, his brows furrowing a little. You can’t help but feel your tears forming as you turn around to fully face him. “I need to know…do you still care?”, Shadow of course doesn’t answer as he continues staring. Shadow does care, he just doesn’t show it. You take notice of his silence as your feet shuffle closer to the edge. Shadow sees this as he too steps closer to you. He extends his hand for you to take.

“Take my hand…”, He tells you, but all you could do was stare at it. That voice was nagging you to jump. It was growing louder as you shuffled even more to edge, before losing your footing and falling off the roof. Shadow, with his quick reflexes, uses his teleportation power to teleport from the roof to you, quickly teleporting you safely to the ground. During the time, memories of Maria flash through his mind. He didn’t want you to end up like her…dead. And his instincts had kicked in. Shadow kneels in front of you, making sure you weren’t injured. He wipes some of your tears that were streaming down your cheeks. “Don’t ever do that again…”, He whispers to you, his voice stern but gentle, hoping you would understand his words. You could only nod as he nods back to you. He picks you up bridal-style, your weight being nothing to him as he teleports you to your apartment.

He sets you down on the couch, making sure you were comfortable and not shaken up still. He usually doesn’t display affection towards you, especially around people, but he gives you a very light kiss on the forehead, his gloved hand running through your hair before disappearing. You could feel the exhaustion start to slowly creep onto you as your eyes droop close. When morning came, you stir up to find Shadow standing by, seeing he had watched you sleep for some time. You sit up as you smile at him, in which he returns it faintly. “Do you feel alright?”, he asks you, walking over to you. You sit up fully as you nod to him. “Yeah…”, Shadow nods back, taking your hand in his. “I promise I’ll be there for you more…I may not be around, but I’m still here…if you’re needing anything, just ask…”, You smile more at Shadow’s words as you kneel in front of him to embrace him. He was stiff for a moment, but he was able to hug you back.

After you released him, you could see his faint smile grow wider. He places a light kiss to your forehead again, his gloved hand resting on your cheek as he nods to you, acknowledging that you have fully recovered. He gives you one last look, letting you know that he’s off to do other things before teleporting away. You can’t help but feel satisfied as you make your way to your room to gather your thoughts, refreshing yourself before proceeding to go out, hoping to get your mind straighter, willing to see another day, willing to be with Shadow until the end of time!

The End! ❤️

Hope you liked it! I tried!

Leave a like if you did!

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11 months ago

bro i haven’t seen some shadow x reader content in a while could you make something about it ? i dont care if its angst or fluff yk just whatever comes to mind

Oh ho ho hoaghafsdaqwhsv!! >:3

I have two Shadow x reader one-shots I'm workin on rn. one of them should be finished and done by next week. But my post schedule is shit so yea.

Anyways, Baiiiiiii. 💖

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9 months ago


hiii could you do something abt shadow x reader where they go in a fight with a villian or something but the reader sacrifices their self to save shadow ? (the reader lives but its badly hurt tho)

Warnings: Extreme angst, Mention of death, Extreme angst, like, gut-wrenching amounts of it.


You sluggishly fluttered your your eyes open, an incandescent glow seeping through your eyelids as consciousness neared you. You felt dizzy —weak— as if you had been spun around in circles for hours on end; you wished someone was there with you to comfort you, to fend off the dizzying haze that consumed you wholly.

Staring at the dull white of ceiling tiles, —for what felt adjacent to an eternity— You paid no attention to your surroundings. Although, you did notice a tv tray filled with flowers and "Get well soon!" Cards, a woven basket of baked goods with Amys swooping cursive handwriting on the card, and a heavy weight that laid over your legs with tranquility; It was Shadow, his eyes pink and puffy, as if he had been crying. You gently placed your hand on the side of his head, making him jolt upright and stiff.

As he realized who had awoken him, however, his face changed from his regular brooding facade into a relieved simper; his shoulders relaxing with ease— or exhaustion, rather—.

"I get the feeling you've been here a while." You joked. You had ment for your voice to come out clear and jovial, but instead, it came out tired and weak.

"I've been here just as long as you have." He stated gruffly.

"Which is...?" You trailed off, hoping for him to finish the sentence, but to no avail. Silence hung thickly in the air.

"You know damn well that I'm Immortal, yet you put your life on the line— for what?" He spat. His eyes welled up with tears, but he tried to keep his cool as best he could. Pressing his lips together in a line.

You furrowed your brows. You knew outbursts like this were completely unlike him. The thought that your reckless actions— your idiotic conduct— caused him this pain put a lump in your throat.

"For you...!" You trailed off, fiddling with the edge of your hospital gown as your shoulders slumped.

"Besides, it was barely a flesh wound..!" You continued.

"Barely a flesh wound you needed 42 stitches for." He spat with venom in his tone. Another long pause drawing out in between you and him.

"I'm sorry." You breathed, barely audible as the harsh weight of shame — of guilt — settled over you like a thick veil.

"I don't want you to be sorry." He reached out to you, holding your shaking hands in his. Finally holding eye contact, his eyes glistening with warmth and tendresse.

"I want you to be safe.."

"But I failed to make you so." He looked away, shutting his eyes tightly.

"I failed you.." he choked out, berating himself, fists clenched with a white knuckle grip.

"No. You didn't fail me," you insisted; sitting up more tall and confident then before. "This was my fault, Shadow. It was my choice to save you; my choice to put my life on the line— Not yours—." You stated firmly.

"I could have escaped easily." He said, his quills stiffening in annoyance.

"And if you hadn't?" You quaked.

"Your death would have been better than my short absence?" He shouted sternly.

You thought for a beat, unsure of what to say next.

"Maybe..." You admitted, eyes glistening with tears. "But I still chose this." You finished, a cold tear finally trickling down your cheek; a fraction of the shame you felt that made you ache to your very bones.

He took a deep breath, his nerves briefly relaxing.


"You need to rest. They should be able to release you by tomorrow afternoon." He stated, walking toward the door without a single word more.

You looked down at your shaking hands, the world soon growing blurry as a pang of sorrow shoots through you; bereft without Shadows presense next to you.

Sorry for the wack ending lol. I've been working on this for months now, and I felt horrible not posting it as soon as possible. So thank you for your patience!

Baiiiiiii 💖💖💖


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7 months ago

If you’re taking requests… How does Shadow react when his SO is sick? It’s been plaguing my mind. I imagine not super well considering him having to take care of Maria and her sickness. Can be head canons or fic. Super protective mode activate!!!!


Warnings: Unbearable amounts of fluff.


Shadow sat in your dimly lit bedroom, the sun just barely dipping below the horizon, casting stunning rays of golden light throughout the room. He perched on the edge of your bed as he stared down at you. His usual stoic expression was tinged with a hint of unease as he watched you struggle with a fever, a bullet of sweat trickling down your forehead and across your cheek. His gaze unwavering as it remained fixated on you, silently calculating the severity of your condition. Every time you would cough or shiver, Shadow would tense up, unconsciously clenching his fists into your sheets.

He knew he should say something, offer some comfort or reassurance, but the words stuck in his throat. Instead, he continued to watch you intently, and he found himself reaching out to gently brush the sweat-dampened hair away from your forehead. The gesture was awkward, almost forced, and he quickly retracted his hand as if the contact burned.

"I can feel you staring at me..." you spoke wearily, fluttering your eyes open, for the first time in hours; warm and tired gaze meeting his.

He didn't respond, only reaching out to grasp your hand, stroking his thumb over your knuckles; his grip firm and caring.

You let out a drained chuckle, closing your eyes again.

"How are you feeling?" he finally asked, the words coming out concerned and soft.

You vaguely waved your hand, scowling a bit as to simply say: "Meh".

Shadow cocked his head to the side, giving a small hum as he sighed drearily; finally pulling his gaze away from you.

There was a long silence that hung in the air, occasionally broken by the sound of you tossing and turning in your bed, or the quiet sound of yours and his shallow breathing.

"Do... you think she would be proud of me?" Shadow asked, now staring at the ground; an unreadable look painted onto his features.

Your feverish mind took a moment to puzzle together who he spoke of, before it clicked; Maria.

You simpered, raising your intertwined hands up to your lips, kissing the back of his hand.

"Of course she would..." you reassured him. You knew he was a rather troubled man— a new worry plaguing his mind each day— but you didn't mind; reassure and love him, you would always do. He was sensitive, caring and sweet at heart, though he would never admit it.

He leaned his head against your shoulder, now fully laying down as he finally let himself relax after a days worth of care taking and stress.

"I think she would be stoked to see you this happy now." You stated, kissing the shell of his ear, before returning to his chest. He let out a small hum of satisfaction as you did.

"Thank you for taking care of me.."

"Of course, my dear..." he mumbled into your hair, pulling you closer.

"But you didn't have to spend an hour looking for my favorite brand of chocolate." You mused, recalling how he had vigorously searched for the chocolate you wanted, even after you had profusely told him it was okay if he got the store brand.

He gave a chuckle, his snout still buried into your hair.

"Oh? Are you complaining?"

You chuckled.

"Of course not, dummy." He chuckled at your strange choice of endearment.

You buried your face into his chest fur. You loved doing this: hearing his heart beating, his deep voice reverberating in your head every time he spoke, and the way his silky fur tickled your nose. It was all perfect. You felt like you were loved and he was loved; you knew where you belonged, and it was in this fond, feverish, golden moment. In his arms.


I'll prob add some headcanons to this later, but for now, Baiiiiiiiii!!💖💖💖💖


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Rules for requests!

If you want to request a oneshot, these characters will be strictly platonic:

- Tails/Tails.EXE

- Cream/Cream.EXE

- Charmy/Charmy.EXE

- Nine/Nine.EXE

- Kitsunami

- Eggman/Eggman.EXE

- Hershey (Child Sonic OC)

- Exekid (EXE OC)

- Buddy (Sonic Fankid)

Characters I will NOT do oneshots for:

- Anyone from the comics (Sally, Surge, and Kit excluded), this is simply because I don't know enough about them

- That includes Eclipse, Whisper, and Tangle, sorry guys

- Any of the Deadly Six

- Some of the Shatterspace Variants

- Chris Thorndyke and co.

I will, however, do:

- LGBTQ+ ships

- Character x Reader

- Poly ships

- Character x Character

- Character x Reader x Character (though it will be poly and not a love triangle)

I have a "few" OCs, and will do OC x OC or OC x Reader if anyone wants me to

Some of those OCs include:

- Zetior

- Exemper

- Exerver

- Exever

- Exebright

- Exefar

- Exehost

- Dimi

- Xemerius

- Oxyren (though he's Aro/Ace)

- Frostbite

- Forgo

- Candy

- Foen

- Exeater

- Pozit ("Tanner")

- Xaro

- Marsha

- Exekid

- Xemepheus

- Exeshift

- Hallowexe

- Exeray

- Exeveler

- Exegold

- Exefalse

Ships I will not do:

- Any romantic ones involving Tails, Cream, Charmy, Nine, or Eggman

- Crossover ships (Sonic and Sonic.EXE will be considered to be in the same universe/dimension)

With all of that being said, request away!

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Something I forgot to put in the previous post:

- Zetior and Exemper are siblings

- Exebright, Exeray, and Exefar are all siblings (though Exefar is adopted, that doesn't matter much though)

- Exeater and Exeveler are cousins

- Exebright and Exeater are ex-partners

- Exehost and Exebright are dating

- Exerver, Exever, and Exemper are all in a poly relationship

- Foen is Forgo's adopted brother

- Candy and Foen will not be accepted for romantic requests

- Once you ask about a character I can say their species, how they look, and a bit of their backstory

- I will only do angst and fluff in these oneshots

- Let me know if you want it to be romantic or platonic, and say the gender of the reader, otherwise it will be gender-neutral

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