Shazam Movie - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Billy pulled a Jason at the newest Shazam movie...

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1 year ago



Pairings: Freddy Freeman x Male! Reader.

Summary: Freddy spots you in your Backyard, you were reading a comic book under a tree and ever since then he's been in love with you.

Warnings: None.



Freddy walked down the road, he tuned out whatever Billy was saying, he couldn't focus, he was to busy staring at the mysterious boy across the street. The sunset had made it even more glorious as the sun had perfectly covered his face, he noticed a batman comic book in his hand. He was kicking his feet in the air, which made his converse more visible. They had a superman symbol on one and batman on the other.

The mystery boy was wearing a black t-shirt with a red and black flannel, he wore black cargo pants and a red beanie.

"Freddy? You there dude?" Billy asks his younger brother. Freddy turns around to look at him, nodding quickly before walking towards their porch. He runs up the stairs, looking out the window to find the mystery boy, talking to Darla.

Backyard boy, the name he had given him, was smiling at the girl and had given her the ball she had kicked in his garden, he waves at her before walking towards his house.

Freddy couldn't help but sigh, he wanted to talk to Backyard boy but didn't have the guts. He couldn't believe it, a man that was so majestic, lived right in-front of him.

Everyday, after school he would watch Backyard boy, feeling to scared to talk to him. He didn't know why, but he was frightened, he learned that the window in-front of his house was the room of Backyard boy.

"Just talk to him, or you'll creep him out dude." Billy said, he was watching a movie, clearly done with Freddy. Freddy rolled his eyes before turning around to his mother. She had her usual welcoming smile, he smiled back at her.

"Someone's here to see you honey." Rosa said before smiling at the boy, letting the mystery guest in.

Letting Backyard boy in.

In Freddy's room.


"Hey." Backyard boy greeted the clearly flustered boy, he smiles at him, taking out a comic book from his backpack.

"You left this at school, we sit next to eachother in English." Backyard boy explained, handing him the comic book.

"Oh, thanks." Freddy took the comic book from his hand. For a moment, he had touched Backyard boys hand, and he wouldn't dare to trade it for anything. "Thanks uh."

"Y/n." Mystery boy answered, he smiled at the boy before walking away.

"Freddy!" Freddy yelled, gaining Y/n's attention, he looks at him confused. "My name, is Freddy."

"Okay, see you later Freddy." Y/n waved at the boy before walking out of the room. Freddy looks at the comic book, finding a note stuck to it.

You've got some taste if you actually like this comic, maybe we should hang out someday?

Freddy's eyes widened at the numbers scribbled down. He has backyard boy's well, Y/N's number. He mumbled groups of 'oh my god'. Billy looked at him in confusion, Freddy screamed in happiness, showing him the paper. Billy smiled at his brother

"I'm glad he made the first move, if he waited for you, it was never gonna happen." Billy joked causing Freddy to groan.


Freddy smiled as he played with Y/n's hair, weeks passed since that day, the day that got them together. A week later, and they had gone on their first date. A day at the park, Freddy had planned it to perfection, picnic, comic shopping, matching necklaces.

"Whatcha looking at?" Y/n asked Freddy who just smiled.

"My gorgeous boyfriend." Freddy answered causing Y/n to blush, he turns his face around, looking at the birds flying. Freddy couldn't believe himself, there he sat, in the garden where he first saw him.

Where he first saw Backyard boy.

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1 year ago

If you're willing to take freddy requests could you do some headcannons/blurbs on what its like to travel with him? Like plane, subway, car rides etc. Also preferably from the first movie if thats alright :)





If You're Willing To Take Freddy Requests Could You Do Some Headcannons/blurbs On What Its Like To Travel


bros terrified of planes, and i mean terrified, like would rather kill himself then ride a plane.

He read a blog about the dangers of planes and has been terrified of them ever since.

He read it when he was 8.

You once had a Europe trip and the destination was at France, so obviously you were excited to go to France with Freddy. He was so anxious and nervous my god.

He kept shaking and hyperventilating. You had to hug and comfort him just so he would get on the plane, and the whole ride, oh my god, he was sooooo anxious.

"Hey! Excuse me miss! But we're are the nearest exits?" "Hey! Excuse me sir! But if the plane crashes, are there enough parachutes for everyone here?"

"Babe, the seatbelt won't close." "Babe, it isn't tight enough!"

"AH!" "It's just some turbulence Fredbear." "OH MY GOD WE'RE GONNA DIE!"

After a while he just passes out. It's literally impossible to wake him up, and he was so nervous so he's deep asleep. He's so cute tho. He's snoring and mumbling he whole time.

After a while, he wakes up, only to find you reading a book, or drawing or watching a movie on the built in Tv. He then starts to panic again then stops when you hold his hand. You had one of these headphone adapters and decided to watch a comedy movie to pass the time.

Once the plane lands, he does not, i repeat, does not leave your side as an apology, since your first stop is Paris, he takes you to the Effiel Tower, and you have a picnic under the stars. He also managed to convince his roommate to sleepover at someone else's room for the night. (for cuddles and movies obvi, bros 15 what were u expecting 🀨)


bros a huge germaphobe, he never takes the subway since its too dirty and digusting.

Once you took the subway since you had missed the bus to the mall, and you wanted to go on a shopping spree with him. He refused to sit, or let you sit, on the subway benches as you wait for the subway. You started complaining so he literally CLEANED the bench THEN placed his jacket on their so you would sit on the 'bench of grossness.'

Once the subway appeared, he hated it. So many people in a little space, and he was pretty sure he say a drunk man hurl over the seat he was in. He stood up, but refused the hold the pole and handles, but got too scared and just held it with his sleave.

"Yeah, I'm gonna sit down." "YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO SOCIETY!" "MY LEGS HURT!" "I won't let you sit on the bringer of sicknesses, I shall sacrifice my Jacket once more." "I RIDE THE SUBWAY HOME EVERYDAY?!" "YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!"


Bro surprisingly LOVES roadtrips. He brings a bag full of Comics, has his laptop, phone and tablet fully charged, with a powerbank and so many snacks, 2 bags full. He has all his favorite, and your favorite movies downloaded, he also has movies hes been wanting to watch and movies you've been wanting to watch. He watches horror movies and superhero movies the whole time, all of it.

If you ever get bored or want to sleep, he volunteers to be your pillow, matress or blanket. He. Does. Not. Care. What you want, you get.

Will literally yell at anyone who wakes you up if your asleep, or bothers you. He. Does. Not. Care. He could be yelling at his own mother. He simply doesn't give a damn.

If you just wanted to talk or listen to music while reading, he was okay with it, in fact, bro would take one of your headphones and read along with you. Like i said. He. Does. Not. Care.



"Hey babe? Do you think a shark can jump up this high and bite my head off?" "Y/N NO! WE DO NOT GO BESIDE THE LEDGES LOVE!"

He can not sleep at all. He gets to sea sick and throws up 24/7.

HE HATES SEAFOOD ASWELL. He complains about the food everytime you go to eat something.

"Hey babe? Do you think we're gonna be the Jack and rose of this ship. I'd glady take rose because i'm not swimming in freezing water to get frostbite, like if it happens I do not care, I'm not drowning, you are."

(He's lying he would gladly sacrifice himself without thought just for you)

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1 year ago

Hi! I'm not sure if you do crossovers but can I pls req some headcanons about Billy Batson (2nd movie) dating Donna Troy's sibling? If you don't do crossovers then maybe some general Billy Batson dating hcs instead πŸ‘€. Ty in advance!



Hi! I'm Not Sure If You Do Crossovers But Can I Pls Req Some Headcanons About Billy Batson (2nd Movie)


You often had dinner with Wonder women and thing of her as a mother, so most holidays were spent with her, and you would invite Billy. Every. Damn. Time.


You often have patrol or fight crime with him since you love spending time with him. Sometimes you'd help Wonder woman and he'd join only to get too nervous of flustered to actually talk to her.

Bro buys you followers all the time. He knows your favorite flower, your least favorite flower and why you don't like them.

Bro obvi has abandonment issues so if you ever go on a mission WITHOUT him he would full on cry and breakdown thinking that you don't want to go on missions with him anymore.

You go out on mission dates, cmon now. You would just patrol around the city, find some dumbass robbing a bank, kicking his ass, then go get smoothies.

Bros inlove with the lasso of truth. WW had given it to you and you use it to fight crime. But instead, he uses it to make sure you love him.


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1 year ago

Helloo πŸ’ž

I really like the way you potray freddy (freeman) and i was wondering if you could do some music taste headcannons for him in the first movie?? I rewatched it the other night and noticed theres a cd rack and some expensive looking headphones in his and Billy's room so that just made me curious :)

Take your time and theres no rush on this! ❀️

requested by: anon




You might think of freddy as the guy who listens to pop and if you are you have never been more INCORRECT.

Yes bro would listen to some certain pop songs like taylor swift, the Weeknd, the neighbourhood, chase atlantic but he would prefer either Indie pop/rock or alternative rock.

Bro definitely listens to Lana del rey, Melanie Martinez, Arctic monkeys, Mac demarco, TV GIRL HE ADORES TV!! He also likes beach bunny, girl in red, surf curse.

For alternative rock, he'd listen to; nirvana, foo fighters, boa, deftones, pixies, radiohead, the smiths, hole (He adores 'petals'), the cure (Especially 'boys don't cry'). He memorised every single song of nirvana and hole. His top song would be everlong.

I think it's obvious I don't think he only likes 1 genre and sticks to it and that he has a really wide variety, yes he would prefer some over some but he still listens to everything at the end. EXCEPT COUNTRY.

He also listens to synthpop and darkwave. He loves, mareux, M83, grimes, PASTEL GHOST AND CRYSTAL CASTLES ARE HIS FAV PERIOD!!!! He also loves Pathetic, sidewalk and the skeleton, mr kitty, tame impala, crim3s.



I feel like he would be organized with music, listening to everything at a certain time.

For instance, he would listen to pop in the halls or in the car with his family.

But, he would listen to indie pop when he was at home, either doing some homework, or when he goes on a walk or when he wants to be in a 'im single but in love' era. (Girl in red), he listens to tv girl at school in the cafeteria or all the time at home.

ALTERNATIVE ROCK!!! He would listen to it at any time of the day, mostly reading comics or studying.

He would listen to hypercore, to relax. I'm not pulling a jk jk on u rn, he would straight up when he's so stressed pull up his hypercore playlist. I. Am. NOT. Shitting. you. (I do the same #LOL)

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1 year ago



SUMMARY: Your boyfriend, Freddy, decided to take you out to the mall for a date, regretting the decision instantly.

WARNINGS: Swearing, kissing, buying stuff from claires.

freddy freeman shazam 2

You stood in your room, adjusting your makeup for the millionth time, you didn't know why you were anxious, all you knew, Freddy was almost-.

The door bell rings.

Scratch that, he's here. You quickly took your bag, making sure your hair is perfect. You had dyed it your favorite color before your date. Why? Why not, that's the question. You ran down your stairs, luckily your parents were asleep on the couch, meaning they couldn't embarrass you. It was a habit of them.

You open the door to be welcomed by Freddy's warm smile. He was wearing a white vest with red linings and a white undershirt. He had red classical pants and a red jacket. He stared at you for a second, placing his hand on your waist before giving you a kiss.

"So what do you have planned lover boy?" You ask your boyfriend, he smiled before giving you another kiss, you smiled as you remembered where you recognized the vest. You were out once and saw it in a shop, telling Freddy you loved it and that he should buy it since it would make him look very attractive.

"Maybe the mall, I know you wanted to buy some new clothes and stuff." He shrugged, you smiled at him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. You walked towards the subway station, causing him to groan. "THE SUBWAY?!"

"WE MISSED THE BUS!" You yelled back, he groaned one more time before walking down the steps, you help him walk down, using your card to let both of you in. "I take the Subway home everyday anyways."

"Not anymore, I'm walking you home because this is fucking disgusting, he's actually not wearing any shoes now." He said pointing at a man sitting on the bench, he wasn't wearing any shoes, you groan at your boyfriend, rolling your eyes.

"I'll give you a kiss if you shut up and entered the subway." You said as the subway approached, he stares at you for a second.

"Wait, for real?" He asked you, you nod, him instantly walking towards the Subway. You giggled as you entered the subway behind him, luckily it wasn't that packed as usual and you found seats. "NO!" Freddy yelled, he quickly walked towards you, placing his jacket down. "Now you can sit."

"Really?" You scoffed as you removed the jacket, sitting down. He gasped, sitting down beside you, placing his jacket around you. "I'm not cold."

"Well the creeps here don't know that!" Freddy yelled, you laughed at him, giving him a kiss on his cheek. You took out your headphones, giving one to Freddy, you played your favorite playlist. "I like your hair by the way, it's really uh, hot."

"Thanks Freddy." You smiled at him, resting your head on his shoulder, you hummed out the rhythm of Lovers Rock by Tv Girl, one of yours and Freddy's favorite songs.

You smiled as you arrived at the mall, it was. five minute walk between the subway and mall and Freddy was complaining about everything.

The subway was disgusting Y/n.

I'm hungry babe. NO I CAN NOT WAIT.

God, my legs are DYING!

The first thing you did as you arrived to the mall was walk over to the food court, buying Freddy some McNuggets and some fries. He ate them quickly smiling again once he finished. He fed you some of his nuggets and fries, you decided to eat sone Chinese food instead, forcing Freddy to try it.

"He can't be your favorite hero! Red hood is an anti-hero." Freddy argued.

"A hot one." You added, he stared you deep in the eyes, you took out your phone, showing him a photo of Jason todd.

"Okay maybe a hot one, but Nightwing will always be better, I mean did you see his ass in titans?" Freddy joked, you laughed, giving him some noodles to shut him up. You ate the rest of you lunch, talking about some of your favorite movies.

Once your food was done, you entered a few shops, the gap, H&M, Zara, Bershka, then you found a claires. You instantly smiled, dragging Freddy into it.

"Babe, I love you, but no." He instantly said as you showed him a matching necklace. It was pink descending into purple, having the letter 'B' on a half and 'FF' on the other. You pouted, making his eyes widen. "No, you can't guilt trip me into buying it, you still didn't give me a ki-."

You kissed him to shut him up, he lagged for a second, you laughed at his facial expression. He grabbed the necklaces, walked up to the cashier and bought it. You smiled, instantly wearing it and helping Freddy wear his. You both walked down to Jennifer, since it had a 50% off sale.

"Babe, we've been trying clothes for hours!" Freddy whined, sitting outside the changing room. He was on the ground, reading another comic book. He looked up to find you wearing a batman shirt. He smiled at it, smiled at you. It was Similar to the one he had at home.

"What do you think?" You asked him. He just smiled at you, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I love it." He said, smiling, you nodded your head at the boy, you walked back into the changing room, changing back to your clothes. You walk over to the cashier, placing down 3 shirts, the batman shirt included, and two jeans with a jacket. Just as you were taking out your card, Freddy had already given the cashier his card.

"Fred." You rolled your eyes at him, he took the bags and carried them for you. You tried to take the bags from him, to make it easier for him but he refused. You spotted a bakery at the mall, quickly dragging Freddy to it.

"Does that mean we get to sit down?" He asked you, you rolled your eyes at him, he placed the bags on a table, ordering you two some desserts. He then came back, and sat down in front of you. He held onto your hand, looking up at you. "I love you."

"I love you too." You answered, the waitress soon passes by to give you the desserts Freddy ordered. A brownie, with cookies and your favorite flavored cake. "I'm in love with you."

Freddy laughed, the waitress came back, with two chocolate milkshakes. Your smile widened, causing Freddy to smile more.

This will by far be one if your favorite dates.

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1 year ago

Hello I was wondering if you can do billy batson having a crush on batsis superhero reader. Can you write about how they meet

If you can't that's okay but I love ur posts❀️



Warnings: SWEARING.

Requested by: ANON

Hello I Was Wondering If You Can Do Billy Batson Having A Crush On Batsis Superhero Reader. Can You Write
Hello I Was Wondering If You Can Do Billy Batson Having A Crush On Batsis Superhero Reader. Can You Write
Hello I Was Wondering If You Can Do Billy Batson Having A Crush On Batsis Superhero Reader. Can You Write

THE FIRST TIME YOU MET - would be on patrol, an armored car heist, with batwoman attempting to stop it, only for it to be stopped by the Philadelphia fiasco. You first saw Freddy and he freaked out when he saw you.

"OH MY GOD BATWOMAN IS IN PHILADELPHIA?!" He yelled, you rolled your eyes at the boy, yet the yelling caught the attention of the others.

"Why hello there!" A man in a red suit yelled, he walked towards you, raising his hand for you to shake it. "I'm Captain Marvel."

"Batwoman." You answered, shaking his hand. He smiled at you, you had a feeling that he wasn't exactly an adult, no adult, especially a superhero, would act like he way he acted.

"So, is batman here too?" The blue one asked you, you shook your head, laughing at him.

"I'm here on official business without him." You explained, batman believed that the joker had been hiding here after Jason had been resurrected, fearing what Jason might do to him. "Keep you eyes out for me kay?"

You grappled yourself out of there, leaving the group in shock.

"SHES SO COOL!" Captain marvel yelled, the group laughed at him, deciding to fly home. You spotted them, and smiled once they dispeared.

THE SECOND TIME WAS AT SCHOOL, you had just walked into his class, and spotted a boy in the back, your teacher had assigned your seat next to him. You looked into your bag to realize that you had forgot a pen.

"Oh, fuck." You whispered, grabbing the attention of the boy beside you. He turned around looking at you.

"You alright?" He asked you.

"I forgot my pen." You answered, he chuckled at you before giving him his pen, you smiled at him as you took it. "Thank you, um."

"Batson, Billy Batson." He said, raising his hand for you to shake it, you accepted it, deja vu struck through you, it was exactly the same as the old man yesterday.

"Wayne, Y/n Wayne." You said causing his eyes to widen.

"You're a Wayne?" He stuttered, he started blushing, you nodded your head at him, he sighed before turning back to the lecture, you doing the same.

Billy Batson.

THE THIRD TIME WAS IN THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA, You still had Billy Batson's pen, you twirled it in your hands as you ate the food Alfred packed you, your dad didn't trust you that much alone, and he couldn't go as he was dealing with the Jason Todd crime boss issues.

"Hey there Wayne." A voice said causing you to look up, it was Billy. You smiled at him, giving him his pen back. "Keep it, I have others."

"Really?" You asked the boy, he just nodded, you smiled at him, his brother, Freddy, soon joined him, sitting with you as well with his girlfriend, Anne, who were arguing.

"Billy, who's hotter, Batwoman or Wonder Woman." Freddy asks his brother.

"That's a hard one, Wonder Woman is a total Milf, but Batwoman is just Batwoman you know." Billy explained.

"I think Batwoman's pretty hot." You chimed in, causing Anne too look at you.

"Thank you Y/n!" She yelled. Freddy looked at you too crazily.

"Hotter then Wonder Woman though?" Freddy reminded, you shrugged, looking at Billy.

"I'm gonna agree with Wayne."

EVER SINCE, Billy had met you, he fell in love, with both sides of you.

As Captain Marvel, he would spend all his time with you.

And as Billy, he would hang out with you everyday.

Obviously, Freddy had eventually figured out that you were the infamous batwoman, instantly confronting you about it, you obviously did NOT threaten him and scaring him enough to keep it a secret, but since Freddy already knew, you decided to come clean with Billy as well.

And boy was he shocked, he had instantly started asking you questions, and asked if he could meet batman, he never did, but that's okay to him, because he had you.

He had, his superhero.

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1 year ago

Hi! I saw you write about Batsis! reader x Billy batson and I wanted to req smth about Dick and Jason finding out and asking to meet him- I just wanna see some Protective Dick and Jason with Billy lowkey being intimidated πŸ˜­πŸ’€ feel free to change anything tho! tysm in advance!


Warnings: slightly suggestive in the end.

Requested by: ANON

Hi! I Saw You Write About Batsis! Reader X Billy Batson And I Wanted To Req Smth About Dick And Jason
Hi! I Saw You Write About Batsis! Reader X Billy Batson And I Wanted To Req Smth About Dick And Jason
Hi! I Saw You Write About Batsis! Reader X Billy Batson And I Wanted To Req Smth About Dick And Jason

β€” ONCE YOU SETTLED INTO PHILADELPHIA, BATMAN HAD CAUGHT THE JOKER ATTEMPTING TO FLEE. Obviously you refused to move since you and Billy had finally become official and you liked the peaceful life here, not in Gotham where you could die by just getting a drink from the supermarket.

Dick vouched for you and persuaded Batman to allow you to stay at Philadelphia, him and Jason often visited you and Alfred stayed with you since well, you were a minor, even though you were 17, and needed someone to take care of you. You didn't mind at all since you were close with Alfred, him basically raising you.

"Alfred told me some boy has been visiting a lot recently." Dick said on the phone causing you to sigh. Your brothers, especially Jason, have always been over protective with you, especially with boys. You knew you couldn't keep this a secret anymore and had to come clean.

"Yeah, my boyfriend." You smiled at the thought of Billy, you could hear rapid footsteps and someone grabbing Dick's phone.

"I'm sorry, BOYFRIEND?" Jason yelled, you winced. You knew that now, Billy would have to meet your brothers. Now, Jason always attempted to make boys run away or just intimidate them too much, I mean, could you blame him, you grew up in Gotham. Gotham.

"Jay, boys here are different." You muttered. You could hear Jason and Dick arguing on the phone. You rolled your eyes at them, deciding to continue the homework you were doing.

"We're visiting tomorrow, we better meet this boy." Jason said before he ended the call, you sighed, opening Billy's contact on your phone, he replied on the second ding, it was as if he was waiting for you to call.

"Hey love?" He said as soon as he answered the call. You smiled to yourself, you stood up, walking towards the window, looking outside.

"Hey babe," You started, you were getting nervous, you didn't know how to put this exactly, but you went with your gut. "So uh, my brothers are visiting tomorrow and they want to, uh, see you."

"Brothers that uh, scared one of your crushes by threatening to kill them or other brothers?" Billy asked as you sighed.

"The first one." You muttered, you could hear his sighing. "Look sexy as hell, but not too sexy tomorrow, you know, lunch don't forget."

"Yeah, yeah, I won't, wanna play some Call of Duty?" He asked on the phone, you smiled turning on the Tv in your room.

"I'll hop into the game right now." You said, he smiled, ending the call and joining your match.

"Try not to get too competitive alright?" Billy said, smirking, you knew he was smirking, he always gloated whenever he wins or whenever you disconnect so he, by default, wins.

"No promises." You smiled. You could hear his scoff, them him yelling at Freddy and Anthea to take they're 'horny sex not sex' somewhere else. Then you heard arguing, then Victor laughing. You couldn't help but smile, you could get used to this, forever with Billy, that sounds nice.

β€” THE DAY YOUR BROTHERS VISITED was a living hell, Billy was freaking out on call with you since he couldn't find his blazer, you told him to dress nicely, not formally but he wanted to make a good impression, you laughed at his antics, he just huffed, wearing his classical pants with a buttoned up shirt and a red sweater on the top.

"You'll do great babe, don't worry okay?" You said, attempting to comfort him, he nodded as he left his house, getting into a car he bought. He had received his license a few months ago and you helped him earn money for his car. Tip him 100 dollars every time you visited the bakery he worked at. You sighed as you adjusted your black dress, it was a backless dress with straps in the front, making a zig zag shape, causing your stomach to show.

You adjusted your make up, smiling once you looked at the clock. 4:00 PM. Then a knock was heard from the door. You ran downstairs, pushing Alfred side to open the door. You smiled as you saw both your brothers were standing on your porch. You hugged Jason, attempting to butter him up, but he just pushes you aside.

"So, where's this boy? He's late, I don't like him." Jason muttered causing Dick to groan as he closed the door. As soon as he did, the doorbell rang. You open the door to find Billy outside, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

"Babe, you shouldn't have." You smiled at him as you took the flowers, you gave him a kiss on the cheek, you noticed his eyes scan your body, sadly, Jason noticed it too.

"So he's using her for sex, makes sense." Jason muttered causing you to turn around, you gave him a 'behave' look, he scoffed before walking off to the kitchen, you kissed Billy's lips, smiling at him.

"He'll come around, I mean, do you blame him? I am from Gotham." You reminded him, he sighed, walking in and placing the flowers in a vase, that was in the kitchen.

Billy jumped when someone grabbed his shoulder, pushing him towards the wall.

"What are your intentions with our sister?" Jason asked, Dick stood behind him, his arms were crossed as he just stared at the boy.

"I intent to love Y/n unconditionally for as long s she'll let me." Billy stuttered, he squirmed and attempted to move but both boys were blocking his way. "I get it, I have 5 siblings and i'd do anything for them, I do the same for Y/n. She's funny, she's smart she's everything I ever dreamed of in a girl."

"How long have you been seeing our sister?" Dick asked the boy who was starting to sweat, he hadn't been this nervous since asking you out on your first date, or you first time together.

"A year." Billy answered, fidgeting with his hands, Jason looks at Dick who nodded, he turned around to face Billy, staring into his soul.

"How many times have you slept with her?" Jason asked Billy, his eyes widened, he didn't know if he should lie or if saying the truth was better.

"Too many times to count." You responded, peeling your brother off Billy, you grabbed his hand, walking upstairs to your room, you slammed the door, locking it. "Sorry about them."

"It's fine, worth it to see you all dolled up." Billy joked, you laughed, placing a kiss on his cheek, he grabs your waist, bringing you closer to him, kissing your lips.

"We should probably go downstairs."

"When you can barley mutter a word I'd love to."

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1 year ago

Hellooooo :>

Just saw your writing for freddy freeman from the first shazam movie aswell?

I was wondering if you could do some general affection hcs for him like hugs, kisses etc.

No rush on this and thankyou! :))


Warnings: None


β€” FREDDY FREEMN has always been an affectionate person, he could never accept the fact that someone like you would date someone like him. He needs reassurance and affection to survive the day.

β€” He adores hugs! You happy? Here's a hug! You upset? Here's a hug! You just wanna cuddle. HE. IS. DOWN. TO. CUDDLE. He will hug you at any chance he is given, he just loves affection, that's just him.

β€” KISSES! HE LOVES KISSES! He loves receiving and giving, mostly receiving kisses. He loves being kissed on the cheek and nose, but nothing will beat a kiss on the lips. Those rare moments, under the stars where you two kissed on the lips were everything to him.

β€”Β He loves holding your hand, he holds it at any chance he gets, you two had developed some signals to send to each other since you do it too much.

β€” FREDDY LOVES BRUSHING HIS HAND THROUGH YOUR HAIR. It helps sooth him after a bad or rough day. Just cuddling on his bed, brushing his hand through your hair. Whispering things into your ears.

β€” He gives the BEST massages. Whenever you get stressed, he offers to massage your shoulders or back, why pay for a spa experience when you can get it for free.

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10 months ago

I saw your post about Freddy Freeman requests and omg I'm So glad I'm not alone!!!! I have a headcanon about him and I was wondering if you could write it (completely understand if you don't want to) So after Freddy becomes a super hero he starts having nightmares about some of the bad things he's seen. He tries to hide it from the reader but she knows he has them. Freddy tells her that they're not a big problem, which is a complete lie, and the reader wants to help. Freddie has told her that it helps when he has something to focus on to calm him down so one day she brings string lights so late at night when she's not there he can focus on them. When reader learns that her idea worked she gets all happy and the story its just fluffy and cute. Sorry this ended up being a really long request


Omg hi!! I'm gonna call u sharky from now on that's them rules babes!! Also. You're a literal genius Also I made it x wayne!reader because this is so Canon. So. ALSO I'm accepting another emoji anons if anyone's intrested!!

I Saw Your Post About Freddy Freeman Requests And Omg I'm So Glad I'm Not Alone!!!! I Have A Headcanon
I Saw Your Post About Freddy Freeman Requests And Omg I'm So Glad I'm Not Alone!!!! I Have A Headcanon
I Saw Your Post About Freddy Freeman Requests And Omg I'm So Glad I'm Not Alone!!!! I Have A Headcanon

You always spent the night at Freddys. You were the bat to man. He has matching stickers printed with that phrases plastered onto your English books. Since you both share that period.

You were always around Freddy, sometimes it felt wrong to be away from him, he was always a clingy guy, and you didn't mind that.

Coming from Gotham you preferred guys like Freddy, it was hard obviously, considering the fact that many of your exes turned out to be psychopaths who just wanted to get a check from your father Bruce Wayne.

It was why you moved here in the first place, so here you are, I'm Freddys arms for another night. You knew about the nightmares, hell, you got them sometimes.

"Can you stay, please?" Freddy whispered into your head as you groaned, looking up to him in tired eyes as he chuckled. "Can you stay. It helps batsy."

"I wore that shirt once!" You giggled as Freddy kissed your head. You shuffled closer to his head, placing a soft kiss to his lips as he kissed back. "I'll stay, so tell me Captain everypower. How does my presence help you huh."

You switched positions, from him hugging your waist to your head on top of his chest, a hand around his torso as the other intertwined his hand as he smiled at you.

"It helps focusing on other things my love." Freddy muttered as he stared at the ceiling, you hummed before kissing his hand, humming a song he instantly recognised as 'Lonely Dancers' by conan gray.

"You can tell me." You muttered as you played with his hand.

"Tell you what?" Freddy asked as he looked down to look at you're face.

"About the nightmares." You muttered as you looked up at him who looked away, trying to find an object to focus on.

"I don't get nightmares." He was always a stubborn person. Freddy always feered that if he was too much of a pain, you'd leave, you wouldn't be the first to leave.

Freddy has had many friends come and go, hell, even his own parents left at some point, but you knew deep down he was hurting, and you loved him, you wanted to help him.

"Freddy." You said sternly as he groaned. You sighed before sitting up in his lap, looking down at him. "I. I just want to help you baby."

"It's fine. Really, you're here yeah?" Freddy smiled as you bite the inside of your cheek.

Your phone rang causing you to look at it, you sighed as you read the contact name. "How is he everywhere-. AH!" Freddy screamed as his own phone rang. Alfred was always impatient with you, especially because you'd always keep him out for longer than he should.

"I should get going. I'll see you at school yeah baby? I would stay the night but-." You started only for Freddy to kiss your lips once more. You smiled as you opened your eyes, finding Freddy's heartwarming smile.

"You stayed last night. I know the rules baby. You want me to fly you home?" Freddy asked you as you shook your head. You kissed his lips once more before jumping out the window.

His parents knew you where at his house, hell, you've never used the front door.

Your father always said you were a hyper girl, so here you are, putting it to use.

Yet you couldn't help but feel bad for leaving Freddy alone, if you could you'd stay with him everynight, but that wasn't an option.

But when you passed a store and the string lights caught your eyes. Thats when you knew you didn't have to be a helpless case.

I Saw Your Post About Freddy Freeman Requests And Omg I'm So Glad I'm Not Alone!!!! I Have A Headcanon

The next day, you waited for Freddy to return from some mission, while you waited, you and Rose hung up the fairy lights you had bought for Freddy.

You sat down onto the bed, smiling at your achievement before sitting up as you heard the front door, multiple footsteps entering the house.

Freddy and Billy soon entered the room, glancing at the fairy lights hung up on the wall. He looked down to find you sitting on his bed, his eyes switching to you and the light. "Oh god what did you do?"

"Well, you said it helps to focus on something. So i bought you something to focus on when I'm not here. Plus, they're really cute!" You reasoned as he chuckled, Billy raised his eyebrows at his younger brother before walking off to spend some time with Eugene before bed.

Freddy stumbled towards you as you helped him, placing his crutches onto the side of the bed before tucking him in.

"I'm going away for a while to visit my father, so. I thought this would help." You kissed his cheek before taking your backpack. "I just wanted to see you since I'll be gone all week, I'll call you everynight tho, yeah?"

"I'll miss you." Freddy muttered as you kissed his cheek. You sighed before handing him a few letters. You knew that to Freddy, acts were everything. So you wrote him a few letters to read when you were gone. "What's this?"

"Seven letters for seven days." You shrugged before walking towards the bedroom door. You sighed, turning back to face him. "Bye Freddy."

"Bye batsy."

And now here you were.

It's had been two days since you've seen Freddy. You wanted to call him the first night when you got back but you fell asleep with his contact name open and Freddy knew. He always knew with you.

So here you are now. Nails clacking on the desk as you waited for Freddy to say he could face time, yet you still jolted when Freddys contact called you.

You propped up your phone answering and smiling as you saw his face. He waved, clearly happy to see you and you just felt so glad that you'll finally hear his voice.

"Hey babe, how ya doing?" Freddy asked as you smiled. You would be lying if you said you didn't worry for him. You needed to know if you were successful, did they work? Did he take them down because they were annoying?

"So, tell me Captain everypower, did they work?" You asked smugly as he smiled.

"Yeah yeah, they worked."

"I fucking knew it!"

"Okay calm down-."

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