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do you have any favorite Helena moments :D

Huntress (1989) Issue #4
This whole issue holds a special place in my heart, but this moment in particular sealed the deal of my love for Helena. One thing about Helena is that she is stubborn and can get too focused on her goals, but her compassion and need to help people always outwin.

Huntress (1989) Issue #6
Another top-tier issue. See, another thing I love about Helena is that she isn't a symbol of justice like Batman is. She is, as she says here, her own person. With hate and grudges against people, and love and care for others. Killing people isn't a matter of justice, it is a matter of dispelling a nightmare from her life who is about to claim her as his. It is standing up for yourself when no one else does.
Just.... read Huntress (1989). It is an amazing work.

Huntress: Cry For Blood Issue #1
AKA one of the many times Helena tells Batman to fuck off <3.

Robin (1993) Annual 6
Just.... this whole issue. It's so fucking funny. Helena and Tim ride horses into the sunset and make cowboy puns. It all reads like a very low rated western movie. Also the cowboy Nightwing ripoff. Please. Everytime I read it I laugh.

Batman: Shadow Of The Bat Issue #83
Helena's debut as The Bat my beloved! Batman is gone so she goes out to protect the city on her own... not as Huntress, but wearing the Bat Symbol. She is not Batman, she is more like a physical manifestation of everything the Bat Symbol stands for and what it means to the people of Gotham. Because Helena as no other knows how important masks and symbols are, especially during No Man's Land.

Birds of Prey Issue #86
There are soooo many things I love about this. Teacher!Helena. The way her care, compassion and maternal ways are shown as strength. Helena's empathy and shared pain with Ricky, how she knows exactly how the mob can destroy lives. That in order to help people, you've got to both listen and be willing to take action. Both of these go hand in hand and Helena is one of my favourite characters because she is able to do both so well in regards of those she helps.

No Man's Land
"Huntress' Last Stand". I think about this moment so much. She suffered, she protected, she held her ground. She is a true hero, standing up for the innocents. She was all alone, no back-up, and didn't believe anyone was coming from her. She is willing to fight to the last moment, even if she might end up dead. She is one of the most resilient characters I know. Also. Look how badass she is!!!
I'm sure there are many, many more great Helena moments I missed </3, but here are some I could think of :D. Planning to read some more of Helena's crossover appearance in other books, so I might make a Part 2!