Shihai Kuroiro - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Monoma: A demon summoning? Why?

Kuroiro: To summon a demon, jackass.

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3 years ago

He has no rights for being THAT attractive



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2 years ago

The one thing that me kinda sad in this scene is that we didn’t get to see Komori just plain out asking Tokoyami for any hawk pic

The One Thing That Me Kinda Sad In This Scene Is That We Didnt Get To See Komori Just Plain Out Asking

Hawk simps, she’s one of you guys!!!

(Also, just look at jealous kuroiro just 😑)

There Is So Much To Behold Here But I Wanna Know What EXACTLY Mina Had Playing On The TV.

There is so much to behold here but I wanna know what EXACTLY Mina had playing on the TV.

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4 years ago

The Triple Black Diamond Saga.

CH.1 between the Hawks and the Crows, some secrets just don’t keep. Part 1

@hawksweek2020 prompt 1: clichés/ a personality trait reversed. 

(p.s. this first chapter was meant to be a part of @hawksweek2020​‘s very first prompt of the first day (i.e. clichés/ a personality reversed) but thanks to a collage test and the rest of the week being school work, I couldn’t post this part on this Sunday -or, really any other of my chapters- until now. so as much as I would love for @hawksweek2020​ feature this in their collection, I would understand if they didn’t. But to anyone else who is reading this, just knowing that thanks to missing hawksweek2020 I have more freedom for the other chapters to work with then to follow the prompts of the week but they will still be inspired by them as I think they are a great prompts to take inspiration from. so in thanks to @hawksweek2020​ for at least giving me ideas for what I hope everyone would think as amazing fic!)

Word count: 1,101. (ps. just note, this relatively short for me)

    Calling the situation that he was in a ‘fight’ would have been too strong of a word but calling it ‘dude,-I-have-told-you-a-thousand-times-to-stop’ would have been more accurate.

    Hawks, who for the longest while, finally had a decent day where he could relax more easily. The sun was shining brighter with clear blue skies and honestly, no villain attacks or anything on the home-front he had to report. Honestly, nothing he could think of that would warrant concern. (Well, there were a few lingering ‘issues’ that could be taken care of but that was for another time.) Really, the day could have been perfect if this jackass hadn’t decided to use his quirk to cause some trouble around lunch time.

    Hawks was looking around one last time before he decided to call it in for his lunch break and for a moment every looked calmed and quiet but then off in the distance he saw a fight brewing at the south side of a local outlet mall were a large group was gathering around to view the spectacle. “Oh no…” he thought, rolling his eyes. He knew that he had to intervene as the being the number two hero means that as a requirement of his job he had too. So, he flew down to the crowd and tried to gather everyone’s attention. To his expectations, everyone that heard him almost immediately cooed and awed at his presence. To further calm the situation, he tried to get the attention of the two idiots that started brawling. But weirdly enough, they took no notice of him.

Hawks let out an exasperated sigh.

    Rubbing the back of his neck to think of an idea, he couldn’t help but to wonder; why were two full-grown ass men fighting each other in broad daylight? Almost to a bloody pulp. If he were to be honest with himself, he wouldn’t even have bothered with the two men but due to the duties of work, he had to keep the peace even for stupid stuff like this. He looked around, wondering if he should ask anyone if they knew of how this fight even started, that is until he heard a familiar voice and his pitch-black companion that came right up behind him.

“Hawks!” the crow-headed teen shout out.

    Hawks turned and smiled as he saw favorite UA student Tokoyami and his much taller, body inked in nothing but black from head to toe and white hair friend.

“Hoho! Hey, Toko! What are you doing in Fukuoka? Aren’t you supposed to be in school back in Tokyo?”

   “Huh? Oh, please don’t worry about that Hawks. I, Dark shadow and Kuroiro here were just spending our Sunday doing something new.” Tokoyumi explain. “by the way, why are you of all people trying to deal with this trivial clash of humanity’s dark and aggressive blight?”

Hawks had to bite his tongue from bursting out in chuckle.

“Well, I-…” Hawks was interrupted by Kuro.

    “And speaking of the fight, Toko, who do you think is going to win? My money is on the black tux- … Aww hell! They stopped!” Kuro whined, pointing at the now huffing and puffing, nearing total collapse from exhaustion men who now look more dazed and confused then they ought too.

     Hawks took note of the two and felt a twinge pity for them, so he asked if Tokoyami and Kuroiro would like to talk after words when he was done writing up a report for these two dumbasses.

“Sure, why not.” They both said.

    Hawks smiled and flew over the two men and the police that is trying to piece together and document what the hell just had occurred.

   “We don’t know what had happened!” The tux wear replying to the officer in front of him who asked about his side of the confrontation.

“all I remember is this eleven-year-old kid….” The other man replied.

     “Actually, Yeah! Now that I think about it that little twerp somehow screwed with us!”

     “Say what now…?” The officer that was taking down the men’s statements raised an eyebrow in flat disbelief at what heard as he believed this was just two drunken morons that got into an argument that just got heated despite fact that the men were acting and appearing relatively sober at the present moment.  

 That was about the time Hawks came in onto the scene.

“So, what happened here?” Hawks asked, with a cheeky undertone.

“Holy crap! It’s Hawks!” one of the bloody duo replied.

     “Yes! It is I, but please hold your applause until later!” Hawks knew that he sounded like an arrogant S.O.B but it was all he could do without laughing in the men’s faces.

“apparently a kid’s quirk made these two fought…” the statement officer answered back.

   “oh!” now this was piquing his interest. “Then could the two so kindly tell me happened with you two and this kid?

    The two men sitting at the feet of the number two hero on the city’s sidewalk both gave their best statements to him and what apparently had happened was that the two men was about to grab lunch during their break together when this little kid came up to them and ask if they would like to make a bet. The men, both perplexed but slightly amused decided to humor this kid. Big mistake; as this is kid made a deal with them that if he couldn’t make these men fight each other after having some personality trait reversed, he would owe the two about 530 yen. The men, who were content and confident in their relationship honestly figured what harm could be done?

     Apparently, the kind of which where they are both bloody and bruised on the sidewalk, in the middle of a dissipating crowd of people and being questioned by officers about a fight that they didn’t have any recollection for.

Hawks felt about bad for the two as they clearly weren’t lying or intoxicated, so he asked where the kid could possibly be.

Both men immediately point back behind them where the south entrance of the mall was.


     Hawks thanked the two men and wished them an easy recovery and went off to find the kid. But before entering, he suddenly got struck with an idea; having recently heard that both boys have gotten their licenses for their hero work so he calls them both over and asked if they wanted to help him with simple task of finding this kid.

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3 years ago

Wish List of Team-Ups I’d like to see happen but probably will never happen in BNHA before it ends because I am a sucker for seeing these kids working together and being awesome heroes:

Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, Shouji, Kirishima, and Aoyama. Why this group you ask? Because these kids were in the same Entrance Exam arena and I just figure seeing this group, when at one point they were complete strangers, now they’re classmates, heroes in training, and friends working together, would be a cool way to show how far they’ve come. (Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought I heard that Tokoyami was in the same arena as well.)

Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Ibara, Awase and Bakugou. This is very similar to the first point, but instead these ten in particular had the best scores for the hero course students, and I think it’d be awesome showcasing just how much better these have improved and showcase why they’ll be excellent heroes. (Though I imagine Bakugou will go off by himself and Kiri will have to babysit him) Plus, a little more 1-B representation is never a bad thing.

Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka. These three will always be the best trio to me, and I’d give anything to see these three going out and saving people or being the deadly little cinnamon rolls they are.

The Big Three Mirio, Amajiki and Nejire. Similar to my previous point. I’d like to see how these three work as a team!

Aoyama, Satou, Ojiro, Koda, Hagakure and Shoji. Aka The Background Peeps. These guys are underrated or completely ignored by the bulk of the fandom just because they don’t have ’flashy/cool/OP’ quirks, and I find that a shame. I think if they were even just one time in front and center in a big battle or maybe even helping the rest of Class 1-A from the shadows in a bunch of ways, people may respect them even more.

Tokoyami, Kuorio and Yanagi. The three goths of the Hero Course working together. And I actually want them to handle a hostage situation. A group of villians are holed up in an abandoned building of some kind with a bunch captive civilians, and the three students basically play mind games in making the bad guys jump at their own shadows, and playing up their fears before striking and saving the hostages.

Shouji and Shishida. The two soft spoken, gentle giant that will know you’re coming before you could get the jump on them. A situation (a disaster of some sort) is thrust upon them where they are the ones ‘in charge’ and they try to designate any nearby heroes and use their quirks to locate and save any civilians in trouble. Showcasing their raw strength, level heads and heightened senses, it’s a race against the clock to save everyone!

The Hero Course Girls. Seeing all the ladies working together to save the day. The situation could be as something as simple as, ‘oh troubles brewing. What’s this? All the girls arrive at the same spot to help? What a funny coincidence! Anyway, let’s see these girls be awesome!’ The ladies just need a scenario for themselves.

The Following Is A Spoiler for Anime Only Fans. Scroll Quickly To Avoid It.

Midoriya, Uraraka, Tokoyami and Shoji. The Flyers of 1-A. Midoriya is still trying to get the hang of ‘floating’ and Uraraka decides to also enlist Shoji and Tokoyami in helping him get a better idea of how to manage this ability. And maybe they are patrolling in the sky or handling other ariel foes (air pirates or something? :p) (Throw Hatsume and Yaoyorozu in their too. Hatsume has those hover shoes she could keep up with, and Momo could just create a hover shoes or a jet pack with her quirk).

Anyways, those are the team-ups I could come up with so far. Think they could be improved on? Any team ups you could think of and think would be awesome to see?

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2 years ago
Tokoyami And Kuroiro Confirmed Medival Goths?!?!? Or Just Comic Nerds?!?!?

Tokoyami and Kuroiro confirmed Medival Goths?!?!? Or just comic nerds?!?!?

Also, does this mean they join Sero and Todoroki in reading manga in their spare time?

…I actually see this happening.

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2 years ago

So, Kuroiro can control Dark Shadow, at least in normal conditions.

I like to think when Dark Shadow goes wild and he tries to control Dark Shadow, it doesn’t work. Imagine Dark Shadow throwing Moonfish (weird teeth guy). That happens.

Kuroiro was very surprised and very afraid. Dark Shadow did apologize

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