Shinso Hitoshi Imagines - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Shinso x Reader: Scented Candles

Summary: While you were enjoying Shinso's company in your dorm room, the power cuts off. Inspired by the romantic lighting of your emergency candles, Shinso proposed the idea that the two of you should slow dance. He convinces you to sing for him while he holds you close in the aroma of your scented candles.

Rating: SFW

Genre: Tooth rotting fluff

Work Count: 1.1k

A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait recently, I am working on a request too at the moment even though life has been keeping me plenty busy.


Time was forgotten as the darkness beyond your curtains drawn closed over your dorm window had long settled in. The low humming of conversation on the tv on the wall opposing the end of your bed was the only sound you could hear besides your boyfriends slow breathing next to you. 

        The even rhythm of Hitoshi’s chest leaning against your slouched form showed that he was long drifting off to sleep. You didn’t blame him, however, as the trashy movie you had put on for steady background noise had almost bore you to sleep too. Not only that, but the training he was undertaking with Aizawa to fulfill his dream of joining the Hero Course was tiring him out. You were incredibly proud of his progress, but the last thing you wanted was for him to burn himself out.

        You didn’t pay attention to the movie anymore, scrolling through your phone while you rother hand threated its fingers into Shinso’s lilac hair. His cheek rested on your shoulder, one arms resting over your midriff. The lamp by your beside emitted just enough light for your eyes to trace his features whenever his breath would slightly hinder.

        Suddenly, the lamp shut off. The television’s light and the awful dialogue seized with a small click. Your body jolted upright at the abrupt silence that fell over your room.

        Hitoshi’s eyes quickly opened at your sudden movement, straightening his back. You immediately felt bad, switching on the torch setting on your phone.

        “Sorry, Toshi,” you turned the torch to the ceiling as to not accidentally shine it in his eyes.

        “It’s fine, kitten,” Hitoshi’s voice rasped, his hands rubbing his eyes slowly.

        “I think the power went out,” you stated the obvious, taking into account the sky outside was clear, “But there’s no storm outside.”

        “Denki probably sneezed on a power socket, or something,” Hitoshi mused, squeezing you close so he could press a kiss onto your hairline. “Don’t stress.”

        “I’m not stressed,” you poked him in the chest, “but we should probably light some candles, because I think my phone is about to die.”

        Turning your phone over, you turned it on so that you could read the battery percentage. A small number 3 sat next to the small battery symbol in the corner, confirming your suspicion.

        “Looks like we’re going back to sleep then, kitten,” Hitoshi smirked, sinking down into the duvet.

        He adjusted one of your pillows so that it rested at a comfortable angle. His arms wrapped around your torso, dragging you down the bed. Your legs slipped further into the warm blankets as Hitoshi attempted to wrap you up in the duvet. Thrashing your arms around, you urged to wriggle back up to sit.

        A few months ago, you would have stood a fighting chance to get your way whenever Hitoshi tried to use force to get you to cuddle. Mr Aizawa’s training had certainly enhanced his strength, making your playful wrestles feel like a sparing match.

        “No!” You laughed, attempting to pry his fingers from your hips, “I don’t want to sleep yet! I want to light some candles!”

        Hitoshi smirked, “Look at you… you’re struggling to stop me when I’m really tired… Have you been skipping training again?”

        “I don’t skip training!” You stopped wriggling for a moment, turning to look into Hitoshi’s half-lidded eyes. “You’ve just been training harder than me, and I’m proud.”

        “Don’t try to flatter me,” Hitoshi growled, “I’m still winning.”

        He smirked, when you wriggled backwards out of his hold. His arm lifted off you, allowing for you to slide off your bed. You crossed the floor to a cabinet, unaware of Hitoshi’s adoring gaze falling after your figure.            

        Blindly rummaging through a draw, you found a small collection of scented candles, some you gifted to yourself, others from Hitoshi. Fumbling in the dark with the marches, you struct it, a small spark alighting the head. You quickly hovered the match over the candles’ wicks, lighting them all. A row of orange light bounced over the walls and ceiling as the torch from your phone turned off.             

        The amber glow relaxed you, your eyes drifting over to Hitoshi still lounging on your bed. His lilac eyes bore into you, an adoring smirk wrinkling the corner of his soft, kissable lips.     

        Slightly embarrassed by the lingering gaze, you turned your back towards him. Have expecting him to drift off to sleep once again, you began to rearrange your candles so they lined up perfectly across your cabinet. The mixed senses of pinewood, vanilla and lavender wafted into your nose in swirls with the smoke.

        Fingers dancing around the small of your waist took you by surprise, Hitoshi’s hands clasping together across your stomach. Hot air tickled the back of your neck.

        “The atmosphere is suddenly a lot more romantic, would you say so, kitten?”             

        Hitoshi’s silky voice and accusation made you blush, spinning around in his arms to face him. The way his half-lidded eyes trailed your face while resting his hands on your hips caused your stomach to do backflips. There was something about being this close to him that had this effect on you, no matter how long you had been together.

        “It is, yeah,” you sighed, adjusting your hands that you had swung around his neck.

        “Perfect for slow dancing,” Hitoshi rubbed his nose across yours softly.

        You laughed at him, “Since when were you into dancing?”

        “I’m not, but wouldn’t it be fun to try?”

        You pursed your lips, fully aware of the way he had manipulated your movements so you were now slowly swaying to an unknown rhythm.

        “We don’t have any music.”

        “Sing for me.”

        “No, it’s embarrassing.”

        “Please, kitty? Your voice is beautiful.”

        “You only heard me that one time you accidentally walked in on me showering.”           

        “And you sounded lovely.”

        “Bathroom acoustics are always so much better, though.”

        “Baby, please? You’d sound beautiful wherever you are.”

        At this point he was basically begging. You almost felt bad for having to deny him for so long, especially when his lip slightly pouted out at his last sentence.            

        “Fine… but you owe me another scented candle,” you bargained, smiling as he laughed before scoffing at you.

        “You’re so weird.”

        Rolling your eyes, you didn’t protest, mentally hyping yourself up for your small performance. Clearing your throat, you avoided Hitoshi’s eyes as you fell into the first note.

“Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh-so-tight Show me that you love me too

Put your lips next to mine, dear Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe  You and I will fall in love”          

        Hitoshi led your bodies in an uncoordinated waltz, giggling whenever he dipped you. His sudden movements would leave you shocked, having to replenish your voice in order to continue the song.

        Even with the cracks in your voice or when you forgot the lyric and had to repeat the line, the way you held each other if the sweet perfumes of your scented candles couldn’t be more perfect.

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