Shinsou X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

When you try out non-Gn reader for a change but they all consist of 'vulpotous curvy paper thin bodies" or "Small, frail figure dwarthed by even mineta, with your petite and fragile body meekly trying to cling to his large colossal arm " like wtf-

When You Try Out Non-Gn Reader For A Change But They All Consist Of 'vulpotous Curvy Paper Thin Bodies"

Never again 😒

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2 years ago

ÂĄÂżThe UA students fuckery and Y/N's need for mischiefÂĄÂż Pt.1

A series of short scenarios that you, the UA students and Faculty will be put through :]]

Warnings: Under-aged use of drugs, Swearing, mild violence, Y/N being inappropriate


Y/N: Hey shinso, what's your type?

Shinso: *Flat faced and muttered* You

Y/N: S-sorry what? 😃🤨

Shinso: Y-YOUR CLASSMATES *flustered*

Bakugou: Fucking idiots


Todoroki: Why is this food so dry?

Midoriya: Yea, it needs something....maybe sauce??

Denki and Y/N staring at eachother: WHERE THE FUCK IS THE LAMB SAUCE?!

Mina and Sero: W-w-what the fuck you two *Absolutely dying*


*Sero and Y/N walk in red eyed and delirious*

Y/N: I'm just saying if Bakugou had style he'd pull more fishes

Sero: Did you just say wishes?


Bakugou: What the fuck are you idiots going on about? *Sparky boom hands* 💥💥

Y/N: *Slaps him and runs outside not at all prepared for tornado warning weather*


Bakugou: Alright what the fuck is wrong with this mad house of a school


*Mirio in a wall with his head poking out*

Y/N: *Dragging a very large and suspicious bag outside towards the forest and looks up at him* Well, uhm- *smacks lips* If you fuck off and tell no one of what you're seeing I will suck your dick 👀

Mirio: *Slowly sinks back into the wall while giving them a thumbs up*


Ojiro: *Working out in the gym*

Denki: *Flies by outside the window*

Ojiro: Alright what the fuck *Looks outside to see everyone using denki as a ball playing hot potato*, Nope nevermind


*Y/N asleep on the couch*

Shouji: They don't get enough sleep do they?

Midoriya: No they don't, their sleep schedule hasn't been great since well birth. I'm sure they have insomnia

Iida: I suggest we wake our classmate up so they can sleep peacefully in their room! *hand chops*

Bakugou: You wake them up and you'll lose your hands four eyes *💥💥*


*Y/N walks into the dorms red faced and hazey*

Denki: What's up with you?

Midoriya: Mirko Complinted their fighting style, so now they've been giddy all day

Y/N: ☺ *off in their own world*

Sero: What a simp


Hope you enjoyed!! :]]

Be sure to always tell me if I accidentally gender the reader, I try my best to be inclusive to my fellow Enbys ^^

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2 years ago

Fanfiction Icks/ Writer/Reader icks

Warnings: This is will contain, dark topics, Swearing and problematic issues

Side notes:

-This is MY opinion, if you don't like it scroll away

-Some of these are very long

-I will keep adding to this for probably any time I get a writing or reader ick

When the reader gets a dog and names it a human name, ain't no body want a dog named Lola. Lola??? Fr???

Describing the 'reader insert' with commonly white features, ex. Straight locs of hair, soft and pale skin (ick), your cute button nose (really???) (Side note, I'm a mixed person but the only white features I have is my skin colour (which is pretty naturally tanned tbh) so you could imagine my annoyance when the author writes the reader with straight hair ect)

Giving us a crap load of trauma with none of it making sense. Like if we experience a traumatic event NO WE ARENT JUST GONNA BRUSH PASS IT???

Making the story an Oc when it's labelled reader insert. Sorry but no surprisingly I do NOT have green eyes and long straight golden blonde locks believe it or not

Making the relationship between the characters seem pedophilic, like why are we 4'9, busty but so skinny, no scars, no ability to defend ourselves, no nothing but we dating ghost? Specifically for war or soldier based readers it's just bad writing at that point

Like 75% of the bnha writing community, that shit is either Rape, Abusive or overall hella dark, this also leads back to number 5, they make us look and act like a literal 8 year old while we work with heroes. Now I'm fine with age regression and stuff like that but in no way is that ever mentioned in the post were just portrayed as a child dating teenagers

Body shaming, why should I be depressed that my body's different from yours? Yes people do want to look different from how they already and yes people get surgeries to change how they look and that's OKAY, I support them! But in no way shape or form should a writer ever make a writing piece about you needing to change your body to please others

Body shaming Pt.2, Writing a character who clearly has a set in stone body type and getting rid of it for a more 'aesthetically pleasing' body type. Re-designing a strong, muscular AFAB character like Korra or Miruko as a weak and less muscular version of themselves without adding an AU or plot where they end up like that takes away representation and the entire purpose of their story, same with only writing AMAB people with strong, muscular and toned body. It's unrealistic and makes your writing displeasurable to read

Any teacher/student type of relationships. I refuse to go explain this, an age gap is completely fine and I sometimes read that but making it between a teacher and any kind of student is extremely unacceptable

Lying about your Homophobia, listen I'm completely fine with you not writing LGBTQ+ pieces because your straight and think you'll mess up, yes that's totally fine but not doing it because you hate the idea of us liking more than one gender or not liking anyone at all than saying you're an ally? Really?

Lying about tags, this is mostly aimed at the people who use she/her or he/him pronouns in fics they've labelled as Gender neutral, come on people YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT

(Jojolover21 reminded me of this one) When you give the reader a set nationality or race, like were not all Americans, I'm Australian and you know damn well if I even SEE LITTLE HINTS that we EVEN SLIGHTY American best believe I'm clicking off. ICKK

This is a VERY personal opinion on this type of writing but Parental issues written poorly, as someone who has experience dealing with abusive parenting or any abusive guardianship relation it pisses me off when I see people who romantise, sexualise or overall shit on the fact that people have shitty parents for the sake of their story. Yes all peoples experiences are different but if we get brutally beaten everyday, we're definitely, One: going to develop some aspects of issues, like traumatic episodes, strict and strange boundaries and types of behaviours who people with normal parents wouldn't have, Two: Going to have to WORK through your issues with said guardian if the reader wants to, no one on gods green earth would wanna talk to their mother after she sold them for no reason like do I really to say that????? And Three: under no circumstances would we all turn out the same (this is about if the abused reader has siblings), if the reader is more physically abused either sexually or aggressively they may act similar to their siblings yes but they won't have the same reactions to their brother for example who got mentally and emotionally abused

On the topic of parents, this is one is kinda nit picky but making the reader an official characters biological kid, especially if the parents are two of the same race, like just say you're not trying to be inclusive cause dya know how EASY it is to write the fact that somebody's adopted?? 'Oh but it won't make it as meaningful, oh woe is me on being called out' Bitch, that's your own writing if you can't write it to be everything you wanna claim it to be don't write it simple 🤷

When the reader has no character development what so ever, for example. Putting the reader in an abusive relationship them realising its abusive AND FINISHING THE STORY OFF WITH THEM IN THE SAME ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP

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1 year ago

Fuck sake, this is getting annoying

When will writers realise that calling your piece 'Genderneutral' than slapping us in the face with "Good girl" or "Good boy" isn't yk AT ALL GENDER-NEUTRAL, how would you like it if I wrote something and called it 'Female reader' than called you everything gender related under the sun that wasn't at all close to female? You'd hate it wouldn't ya? Cause at this point, ya'll wanna fight istg.

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1 year ago


plenty of "girl who looks cute wearing her boyfriend's clothes" content out there but not enough "guy who looks cute wearing his girlfriend's clothes" in my opinion. where's your commitment. where's your bisexuality.

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1 year ago

Im just picky at this point lmao

I'm so done with seeing the writing style of

"You asshole, suck a dick." (Aka coloured speech/People speaking is coloured) AND Y/N IS ALWAYS PINK, and it's just the whole fic in general, bc I mostly read Genderneutral stuff even tho my bio says Genderfluid. It's like people hate not having a feminine coded reader, like we get it that's your main style of writing but like drop a hint? Just add a little side note that it's "Feminine coded", and I'm not saying pink is a feminine colour because like be fr it's a colour people :/, but it's how people write the reader ex. 'Y/n applied their glittery lip gloss and popped her pink lips' "Mmm strawberry" and than having the audacity to say that the fic is actually Genderneutral, when THEY LITERALLY USED 'HER', especially cause there are all different kinds of Genderneutral people, some masculine, some feminine all valid. But just a little side note would be nice yk. -_-

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1 year ago

comparing hand sizes with shinsou

Comparing Hand Sizes With Shinsou
Comparing Hand Sizes With Shinsou
Comparing Hand Sizes With Shinsou

pairing: hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader

tags: fluff, best friends, teasing

Comparing Hand Sizes With Shinsou

"your hands are so big…"

you mumbled as you pressed your palms against your best friend's hand, comparing the sizes of your two hands, while shinsou just leaned back and watched you, with an amused smile on his lips. 

"is this your way of subtly hinting that you want to hold my hand? because it’s quite cute…"

he teased, intertwining his fingers with you and pulling your hands closer towards him. 

Comparing Hand Sizes With Shinsou

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4 years ago


With Aizawa, Shinsou, & Tokoyami

Request: its all good!! i was wonderin if you could do a BNHA headcannon for a reader with wings!! nd for characters i was hoping u could do Aizawa, Shinso and maybe Tokoyami?

Triggers: Large amounts of fluff


Hitoshi Shinsou


💜 This awkward boi- his eye would be caught by your beautiful wings

💜 He'd like to touch your wings during cuddle sessions- cause we all know this boy is a cuddle bug

💜 At first, I imagine him being pretty in different to the wings. Sure, they're dope and make you look like an angel straight from heaven- but I digress.

💜 One of his favorite things to do is caress and fight with your wings during cuddle sessions, just to see your reactions.

💜 If you don't like your wings being messed with, that's fine! He'll understand, and make sure to not do that in the future.

💜 His nickname for you is 1000℅ going to be angel. Cause- we've got to face it- this boy is a closeted simp.

💜 When you first meet him, he'd be very quiet about your quirk. Not wanting to make you uncomfortable by asking. So, he watched from afar.

💜 Once you two become closer, he'd be more comfortable in asking. If you're self-conscious or not like your quirk, he'd be the most understanding out of all the boys on this list. Or probably on any list-

💜 the fact is, he'd be so enraptured and love you no matter what. As long as you accept him, it's smooth sailing.

Shouta Aizawa


🖤 Aizawa would, similarly to Shinsou, be pretty indifferent to the reader having wings

🖤 He'd think it was a interesting quirk. But, he'd be more interested in the reader's personality than quirk.

🖤 Sure, it's nifty for him to ask you to fly someplace to grab him some coffee. And to run his hands through your soft feathers.

🖤 I imagine him liking to bury his face into your wings during cuddle sessions. Being a pro-hero, cuddle sessions aren't often. With being a teacher, on top of his job as a hero. He's oftentimes extremely busy.

🖤 Taking naps while cuddling you is one of his favorite pass times. People would be able to walk into him out cold with his face buried in your wings while he cuddled them. Because, they're warm and comfy.

🖤 If you don't like your wings being touched, or have very sensitive wings, he'd be understanding. If your wings are just sensitive, he'd so use that against you 😏

🖤 Don't worry, not often. Only occasionally. Or when the time is right.

🖤 If you don't like your wings being touched, that's fine. Doesn't stop him from asking you to get him his coffee, saying it's a "flying exercise".

🖤 Overall, your wings aren't what define you in his mind. Your wings are just a perk added to your already amazing personality.

Fumikage Tokoyami


🐧 Unstoppable Duo™

🐧 That's all, goodnight.

🐧 He'd be your eyes and ears, you'd be the wings.

🐧 When you both first meet, it's a bit interesting seeing another person with an animal-like quirk.

🐧 Let alone a bird one. Hense the only other you both know is Hawks.

🐧 Would 100℅ intern under Hawks with Toko. Just saying.

🐧 You guys would be partners, as mentioned earlier, you both would be unstoppable.

🐧 Now, onto the fluff!

🐧 He'd enjoy the thought of not being the only one with a bird type quirk.

🐧He'd also find it enjoyable training, and flying around with you.

🐧 Dark Shadow would LOVE you. They'd both live you to bits, and would call you adorable nicknames.

🐧 Like, Robyn and other bird-based nicknames.

🐧 He'd 100℅ write you flight and sky based poetry to go along with your wings and flying abilities.

🐧 Just imagine- Sitting in his room, or on a park bench, having Toko just reciting a poem to you about how you shine like the sun and are as gorgeous as the blue-bell sky.

🐧 Overall, he'd be a loving boyfriend, and powerful partner. Loving you with his whole emo heart.

Thank you for reading! I will gladly take constructive criticism in the comments!

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5 years ago

OMG back in my days we call them lemons, i still remember the dark age, I didn't care for it

we’re going to have to call smut ‘lemons’ again, aren’t we? 

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9 months ago

Hiii, i was wo dering if you could write a platonic father Aizawa in which his daughter is kidnapped by the LOV and he has to save her.

Thankss, i love your writing

Kidnapped daughter

Mentions: kidnapping, abuse, rape, trauma, pain.

⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️

reblogs are appreciated.<3

“ I wonder how long it will take for the heroes to show up and save Eraser Head’s daughter. Mhm maybe soon. I’m sure Eraser Head himself will show up, he wouldn’t want to lose his only daughter. I should’ve brought your brother along. They would probably be here already.” Shigaraki said. You were tied from your hands, legs and mouth. You weren’t a hero in training like Shinso, You took the regular courses at U.A ,however your father taught you and  brought you along with his class during hero training on the weekends or your free periods. It was very amazing how great you are. Everyone was confused on why you didn’t choose to be a hero. Simple. Your love for music is strong. 

You had multiple quirks so you burned the knots being able to stand. You removed the one on your mouth. Dabi surrounded you with his blue flames. He managed to burn a part of your cheek. You knew it would leave a scar behind. “ Don’t bother to escape. You’re surrounded.” Toga said. She was right you were surrounded. There were villains everywhere you turned to scan. 

“ We can’t just let time pass by! My daughter could be getting abused! She can be killed!” Aizawa telled. The other heroes stayed silent. “ Eraser Head we can’t make any moves until the league of villains send out a message.” All-Might, said. Your brother was about to enter the office but stopped hearing the conversation. “We can’t have anything else going wrong.” Endeavour said. Every hero in the room was frustrated with the situation. “ My daughter..I can’t lose her. My kids are the most important thing in this world. I would sacrifice anything for them. Even my own life.” Aizawa said. Shinso’s tears slipped while walking back to the dorms. He knocked on the Class 1-A front door. 

“ What do you want?” you asked Shigaraki. You knew all about them. How many people they’ve killed, you knew they were gathering people for their “cause”. “ That's nothing for you to worry about,pretty.” Toga said giggling. You were confused on why she was giggling. Suddenly you felt pain and everything went black. They decided to seal you within a large metal box. They made sure you were cold not too much to where your body temperature could kill you but near there. 

“ My sister, she’s kidnapped. The League of Villains have her.” Shinso revealed to Class 1-A. “You’re fucking kidding. Not this again.” Bakugou said, grabbing a few things. “Kacchan what are you doing?” Deku asked. “ What do you think? We’re going to save her. This is Mr.Aizawa’s daughter. We can’t just not help.” Bakugou replied. Denki and Kirishima always back him up. “No you guys are crazy. Think about what happened the last two times. Mr.Aizawa got his arm hurt and then you got captured.” Ida said. Shinso was taking those events into consideration. “ She’s my sister…I can’t lose her,” he said. Everyone sat there in silence. 

After 3 days of tracking you and another 2 days of investigation you were being treated like crap. They’d let you in and out of the confinement. They were playing with your body, mentally and physically. Your mind wasn’t comprehending anything. Due to your weak and overstimulated body you couldn’t use any of your quirks nor create one. “At this point she might be dead…” Shinso said, picking at his food and on the verge of tears once again. “ You can’t say that about your sister.” Deku said, smacking his head out of character. “Midoriya… that’s a high possibility. They’re not some dumb thugs…They’re the real deal. Bakugou couldn’t even do anything.” Shoto spoke and then continued to eat his cold soba. 

Once lunchtime was over, Aizawa pulled Shinso aside and gave him a tight hug. Shinso held onto his dad, releasing all his emotions. “ Your sister is strong. You know she can handle things regardless of how bad it is.” Aizawa spoke. He also let a few tears slip. “ You and her are everything I have.” Shinso spoke. “ I love you both very much. We’re going on the move today in the evening. You have to promise to stay here and be strong. I’ll let you know as soon as she’s safe.” Aizawa said, holding his arms. Shinso was looking down. “Shinso look at me.” he ordered and his son did just that. “ You have to promise to stay here at U.A and be strong, okay.” he said. “I..I promise dad. Bring her back safely.” Shinso said, wiping his tears away. “ Yes, now wash your face and head to class. If you need me you know where to find me son.” he said. They parted ways and went about their day. 

While you were in confinement you were hearing things being thrown around, hearing crashes and screaming. You were trying to call for him but your throat was in pain. It hurt. “We have to relocate her.” You hear Dabi say. “ I agree with you.” Toga replied. You kicked the confinement you were in. Deep down you knew your kicks were too weak for someone to hear. “ I don’t think so.” You hear Best Jeanist say. From there you knew you were in rescue. Aizawa was on adrenaline. He was a beast. His mind and body were one with skill, focus and chaos. As villains showed up to help. He went wild. “Give me back my daughter!!!” he yelled. Best Jeanist has never seen such a side of his fellow hero friend. Within that time Aizawa managed to take down many. Heavily leaving some wounded. “ EraserHead that's enough! Your daughter is safe. She’s asking for you!”” Endeavour yelled. That's when he snapped back to his senses and went out to check you.While the fight was going on your brother sat in his dorm room playing with the charm bracelet you gifted to him during kindergarten for siblings day. Your dad saw you wrapped in a blanket the ambulance had. He noticed the bruises by your ankles and arms. The burn on your cheek. The blood stains on your head. They quickly loaded you onto the ambulance. He got on and sat down holding your hand. “ Dada. You’re here.” you managed to say even though it came out as a whisper. “ Yes, I'm here. Don’r force yourself to speak or move. You can let go now little one don't be afraid.” he said. You let go and fell asleep.

You were taken to the best hospital. “ Sir, for your daughter to have a thorough body examination we need you to sign some forms.”  a doctor spoke. Your dad signed the forms after reading them. During the examinations you were out. “ G-God..” a nurse said, tearing up. “ W-What? Let me come in. Is everything alright?” Aizawa asked. He was forced to stay outside and the door was closed. Locked in the process as well. “She’s only 16…How could they..” the nurse said. You were tested for any type of vaginal issues. The wounds on your body were being cured. You were taking too many rooms to take exams. CT scan, ECG scan, MRI scan,PET scan, Etc. You were sedated to keep you asleep. Well rested. 

Once everything was done the doctors gave the results to your dad. “Mr.Aizawa, There’s something that will be very difficult to take in not only for you daughter but for you as well. We found evidence of rape…there might be a possibility of pregnancy. The decision of keeping the child is her own. By law it's her right and decision no parents or guardians are allowed to choose for her. Aside from that she has a broken wrist, the burn on her week will leave behind a scar, the bruises will heal eventually.” the doctor said with a frown. A young lady, A daughter, having to go through such a thing is cruel. Your dad nodded and was trying hard to process everything. 

After 4 days you woke up. “Hey, how are you feeling?” a nurse spoke to you as she wrote down your vitals. “ Good.” you replied. Your dad and brother walked in just in time to see you up. “ Hey baby sister.” Shinso said. “I’m only 4 months younger.” you replied. They both gave you a nice hug. 

Another nurse walked into the room. “ We need you guys to step out. I need to have a private conversation with Ms.Aizawa.” “ That’s my dad and brother don’t worry,” you replied. “This is a serious conversation. It’s going to be hard to hear and process,” she said, holding onto a folder. Aizawa knew about what she was going to inform you about. “ I don’t want to be alone. I need my family with me,” you said sitting up carefully. “ Okay, sweetie. We did a thorough examination of your body. We found signs of rape.” she said and you cut her off. “ Yes..I was. I-I’m guessing there's a possibility of pregnancy.” you said starting to cry. “ Yes sweetie…we will know within a month or so..till then think about what you want to do if there will be a child within you. Your broken wrist and burn will be healed by then..excuse me.” she said and walked out closing the door behind her. “ Dad and I are here to support you. We love you y/n.” Shinso spoke. “ I love you guys too,” you replied. Your mind was spinning. “ You don’t have to rush to a decision y/n. Take time.” Your dad said fixing your hair. “ Do you know who the bastard is?” Shinso asked, gripping his scarf. You remembered everything. How could you not? You suffered it. “ Y-Yes..he has blue eyes and black hair…parts of his body were burned..the staples..I..couldn’t push away. It hu-rt.” you replied crying. Dabi’s face was so clear in your mind. You remembered the pain, the way he laughed at you, and enjoyed seeing you struggle.

The Aizawa family knew this was a tough battle to overcome together.

" Better together okay. We will get through this to the end. Love you, my kids." Aizawa said. " We love you too dad." you and your brother said in unison.

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6 months ago

Hitoshi Shinso x reader


Hitoshi Shinso X Reader

"Is it... blueberry?" Hitoshi muttered, confused with his his half-lidded eyes.

You had bought some flavored chapsticks you pressured him to play the game you had seen in a video with you … to guess the flavour of the balm.

"Wait, mh... cherry? Am I anywhere close?"

"No silly" you chuckled as you applied more chapstick.

"C'mon guess again!"

Hitoshi's lips curled into a small smile at your chuckling, though he still looked deep in thought as he moved a bit closer to you.

"Hmm... I guess I will keep trying until I get it right," he then said, trying to look annoyed yet there was nothing but playfulness in his voice. "Okay then, let's see... mango?"

"Really mango?" Your eyebrow lifted

"I'll give you a hint it's flavored fruit it’s common!"

Hitoshi chuckled quietly as your eyebrow lifted, his indigo eyebrows raising momentarily at the hint. He leaned in even closer to your lips, his eyes now wide open as he studied your lips in intense thinking, as if studying a piece of art.

"Hmm..." He stayed quiet and still for a moment... before finally speaking again.


"Noo!" You applied more lip balm as he took on your lips a licked them passionately trying to guess again.

Hitoshi closed his eyes as he accepted the kiss, tasting the balm on your lips.As you pulled away once more, he let out a soft chuckle.

"Damn, not even close..." He mumbled as he looked at your lips one more time.

With you putting on more balm, he leaned in again, capturing your lips in another kiss, his mind still in deep thought of what the mysterious flavour could be.

Hitoshi couldn't help biting your bottom lip as he kissed you, trying to get a better grasp of the flavour as his tongue moved across your lips with a strong sense of curiosity. With each kiss and each taste, he became more and more frustrated that he couldn't figure it out.

"Damn it, what is it..." He mumbled against your lips, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek.

"I swear, it better not be like... green apple."

"Hell no!" you giggled as you covered you mouth. His kisses turned you on but you were enjoying this game so much.

Hitoshi pulled back slowly, looking at you with a slightly annoyed expression, a small pout now on his face.

"Then what is it? I've been tasting it for so long and still nada... I swear you're using some kind of trick. It has to be."

He tried to look irritated though it was obvious he was just frustrated about not being correct about the flavour. He leaned in closer once more, looking at your lips with a smirk.

He tried to look irritated though it was obvious he was just frustrated about not being correct about the flavour. He leaned in closer once more, looking at your lips with a smirk.

"Come on, give me a hint - one hint."

"No! I already gave you one! Do you give up?" You snickered


Hitoshi groaned at your words. He gritted his teeth as he leaned back and away from you slightly, knowing that you'll hold this over his head later if he really did admit defeat. But he was too stubborn to give up just like that.

"No, I'm not giving up that easily," he said as he narrowed his eyes at you.

"I will get that flavour, damnit."

"If you say so!" You applied your chapstick one more time. Hitoshi's eyes instantly locked on to your lips when you applied the balm again, a determined look on his face.

He leaned forward slightly, his hand coming up to gently hold your chin so he could keep your face still.

"Okay... last try." He muttered lowly as he looked intently at your lips, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes.

"Just give me a second to concentrate."

Hitoshi noticed the hitch in your breath and it only fueled him even more. He leaned in again, his finger gently tilting your chin upwards to angle your face before his lips met yours once more. He held the kiss for a few extra seconds, taking his time to taste the lip balm on your lips.

He was clearly trying to memorize the taste and even tried to think back to other times he's tasted it to compare the flavour.

After a few more moments, Hitoshi finally pulled back, keeping his eyes firmly locked on your lips as he tried to get a sense of the flavour. He was silent for a moment, deep in thought before finally speaking up again.

"Damn it, I can't figure it out. It's driving me crazy." He mumbled as his eyes flicked up to yours, a small pout on his lips.

"Just lemme taste it once more."

"It's not free kisses!. it's to guess!" You pounted

Hitoshi let out a deep sigh, knowing that he wouldn't get one more taste unless he got the taste correct.

"Damn it..." He mumbled as he pouted back at you, his eyes narrowing.

"Okay.. one more guess and I swear l'l get it this time."

Hitoshi leaned in again, his hand still on your chin to keep your face still as he once again captured your lips in a kiss.

He tried to focus all his attention on the taste, letting his tongue slide along your lips in an attempt to get a better taste of the lip balm.

His eyes were closed and his mind was working overtime as he tried to guess once again. He could feel his frustration growing by the second, but he knew he couldn't give up now, not after all this time.

After what felt like an eternity, Hitoshi finally pulled back from the kiss, his hand letting go of your chin slowly. He looked up at you with a defeated look in his eyes, silently admitting that he had failed again.

"Damn it... I really am not gonna get it, am I?" He asked, a slight irritation in his voice though it was obvious he was more upset with himself for not being able to guess correctly.

You looked at him with desire as your lips warmed on to his touch

Hitoshi's irritation faded away as soon as he saw the look on your face. He couldn't help but lean closer to you once more, his eyes flickering down to your lips as the desire in him grew.

"I can't believe I'm letting some stupid lip balm stop me," he mumbled, his voice low and hoarse as he brought a hand up to cup your cheek.

"I don't care what the damn flavour is anymore. I just want to taste your lips again..."

Despite his earlier frustration, Hitoshi's mind was now completely focused on you. His touch was gentle as he pulled you closer, his other hand coming up to rest on your hip.

He stared into your eyes for a moment, his own eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in again. This time, his lips were more urgent and needy, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.

"S-shin" you let out softly as you felt him let go a strand of silava connected yours and his young as you panted from the action


Hitoshi's head was spinning from the intensity of the kiss, his mind consumed by you and your touch. His breath was ragged as he slowly pulled back, breaking the string of saliva between you two.

He took a moment to catch his breath, his eyes half-lidded as he looked at you with a mix of desire and need.

"God... I can't get enough of you," he said hoarsely, his voice strained as his grip on you tightened.

"W-watermelon..." you muttered

Hitoshi's eyes widened slightly as he heard the word "watermelon" come from your lips. He slowly let his hand fall from your cheek as he processed what you said, his brain finally registering your answer.

"Watermelon ..." He repeated quietly, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "So the damn flavour was watermelon the entire damn time?"

You laughed at his response And nodded

Hitoshi let out a deep sigh, shaking his head in disbelief. He had been so focused on trying to figure out the taste of the lip balm that he couldn't even tell it was something as simple as watermelon.

"I can't believe it was that simple the entire time..." He mumbled, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I was so convinced it was something other than that. I even thought it was mango at one point."

"Yeah I don't know how you got mango"

Hitoshi chuckled at your words, a sheepish smile appearing on his face.

"I dunno either. I was just really desperate to guess the right flavour. I guess my brain went overboard trying to figure it out."

He moved a little closer to you, his eyes still fixed on your lips.

"But it was a good excuse to keep tasting your lips."

Your lips quivered wanting more of him as you trebled by his words. A bright blush appeared in your face. Hitoshi's eyes darkened as he noticed the effect his words had on you. Seeing you grow flushed and trembled because of him only fueled his desire even more.

He leaned in closer, his hand gently caressing your cheek as he whispered in a low and husky voice. "You know I could taste your lips all day and all night long."

"S-shin..." you trembled as he cupped your cheek

"You look so damn gorgeous when you get all flustered like this," he said in a low voice, his thumb tracing your jaw slowly.

"It makes me want to just lose control and do whatever I want to you…”

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4 years ago

Can I request cute, fluffy headcannons of Shoji, Gang Orca (if you write for him), Bakugo, and Shinsou with a gf that has a toddler sister that’s nice to everyone regardless of their quirk and looks so the minute these guys meet her she’ll hold her arms to them and ask for “ups” or enjoy being around them? I added Bakugo cuz he yelled at kids, which scared them and Shinsou since he’s often seen as a villain (plus I luv him 🥺)

s/o with a younger sister who wants upsies

parings: shoji, gang orca, bakugou, shinsou

warnings: fluff, toddlers,

notes: THIS IS SUCH A CUTE REQUEST!! ALSO, i wrote it and realized it’s pretty gender neutral so anyone can enjoy!

『° 。✰˚⋆☾⋆。✰°』

Can I Request Cute, Fluffy Headcannons Of Shoji, Gang Orca (if You Write For Him), Bakugo, And Shinsou


first off,, bb wears a mask because once he scared a little girl because of his face. he also was born in a town where mutation quirks were frowned upon.

he’s mentally preparing for your little sister to run away crying.

you constantly reassure him that your little sister isn’t like that, your family never taught you to look down on anyone, based on their looks or quirks, mutation or not.

so when he meets your little sister for the first time, he’s astonished to see that she wakes right up to him.

he was so scared that if he moved, she would be frightened,, however she looked up at him with those big toddler eyes and raised her pudgy little hands, making grabby motions.

“up! up!” she says, jumping to make it apparent that she wants to be picked up.

he picks her up so gently and is instantly in love with her.

so is it just your family’s thing to steal his heart?

she demands he come over more often so she can literally climb him, and shoji doesn’t mind one bit.

Can I Request Cute, Fluffy Headcannons Of Shoji, Gang Orca (if You Write For Him), Bakugo, And Shinsou

gang orca

honestly? he was your little sister’s favorite pro hero.

so when you told her you were dating Kugo, she was ecstatic!

when you bring him over to meet your sister, he’s pleasantly surprised to see this little toddler waddle up to him the best she could.

“hello little one.” was his greeting, crouching down and giving her one of the roses from the bouquet he’d gotten for you.

she giggled and squealed into her chubby little hands, holding the rose tightly in one hand and demanding he carry her with the other.

“mr! mr! up up up!” she said excitedly, how could he say no?

you smiled as he picked her up, her eyes lighting up at the height she was at,,

she loves to run her hands over his face, intrigued by the way his skin felt

honestly this was the point when you and him decided to have a child of your own.

will forget his own strength and toss her up a little to high, BUT HE CATCHES HER

Can I Request Cute, Fluffy Headcannons Of Shoji, Gang Orca (if You Write For Him), Bakugo, And Shinsou


is a bratty child himself

honestly was not excited to meet your little sister, assuming she was gonna be “annoying like every snot nosed brat out there.”

when you brought him to your house, you were teasing him about not being able to stand a toddler

he automatically got defensive and began popping explosions in the palms of his hands, that’s when your sister ran out of the house.

he immediately recoiled, however regained composer when she just stopped in front of him eyes wide.

“what the hell do you want, brat?”

“up up!” she says, jumping in place and raising her arms. you nudge him and with a grunt, he folds.

upon picking her up, she points at his free hand and goes, “pop pop!”

understanding what she meant, he brought his hand up and began creating small explosions in the palm of his hands, almost looking like tiny fireworks.

your sister cheered and clapped, greatly amused by the display.

“maybe this brat isn’t that bad...”

he also plays with her a little too roughly, tossing her up too high, and holding her avive his head and running around with her, but she loves it.

Can I Request Cute, Fluffy Headcannons Of Shoji, Gang Orca (if You Write For Him), Bakugo, And Shinsou


he knows he looks a little rough around the edges, but that’s not what he’s worried about.

for a toddler, your little sister was actually pretty smart, so when he first met her she asked was his quirk was.

he’s pretty insecure about it, so he tried to hangs the subject, but your sister would not let it go.

once he finally admitted to what his quirk was, she was amazed.

definitely not the reaction he was expecting. all his life he was told that his quirk was villainous, yet here your little sister was talking about how well his quirk would be when he becomes a pro hero.

when she demanded he show her how it worked, he smirked and decided to do it on you,

“what team?”

“wildcats! aw-“ and he got you under his spell.

your sister clapped and cheered as she watched you being him a glass of water and plant yourself into his lap under his control.

“up!” once again your little sister surprised him. since kids were usually afraid of him, he didn’t expect this, nonetheless he picked your sister up.

he’s also totally the one to throw them up in the air and catch them

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5 months ago
Shinsou As Your Boyfriend

shinsou as your boyfriend

m. masterlist mha. masterlist

boyfriend!shinsou who wouldn’t hesitate to defend you if anyone decided to talk shit about you.

boyfriend!shinsou who would be a nervous wreck for the first year of your relationship, still trying to get used to the fact that you were his boyfriend.

boyfriend!shinsou who’s not the biggest fan of pda, but wouldn’t bat an eye when slipping an arm around your waist, his hand resting on your hip after he noticed someone eyeing you too much for his liking.

boyfriend!shinsou who would always remember to tell you he loved you before bed (at least when you go to bed), knowing that you needed verbal affection more than anything.

boyfriend!shinsou who would make sure you two went on a date at least once a week during your free time, wanting to spend as much time together as possible. (earning teasing from eijirou once he caught wind of this, receiving a through scolding from tenya.)

boyfriend!shinsou who goes to aizawa for advice when it comes to your relationship, seeing as he was the only person he trusted enough to do so. (shouto is a close second, but he didn’t want to take the chance that one of his nosey friends wouldn’t hear.)

boyfriend!shinsou who got the relationship talk from aizawa about you, as if he was your dad instead of shinsou’s.

boyfriend!shinsou who sneaks into your dorm room in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep, finding that he has no trouble sleeping when he’s in your arms. (cue scolding from tenya once he wakes up, seeing as he was your roommate.)

boyfriend!shinsou who is already planning your wedding 2 months into your relationship, along with how many cats you two will adopt when you move in together. (he’s dead set on 4, he doesn’t abide by the stupid rules of how many pets he can have.)

boyfriend!shinsou who pays diligent attention to your likes and interests, determined to make sure every gift that he gives you is top tier. (he could give you a rock for your birthday and you would be happy.)

boyfriend!shinsou who proudly tells people you’re dating, not caring about how people wonder “why you would date shinsou out of everyone”. (he has to hold you back from plummeting them into the ground when you catch wind of their comments, much to your dismay. you’d gladly get expelled from defending his honor.)

boyfriend!shinsou who is astronomically down bad for you, and isn’t afraid to admit it.

Shinsou As Your Boyfriend

Š sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

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5 months ago

Ah yes.. mutuals taking my blurbs and it comes alive!

Yes, yes very good ミヽ(。><)ノ

Ah Yes.. Mutuals Taking My Blurbs And It Comes Alive!
Hi There, My Non-existent Fans, I Have Came Back From The Dead (laziness) To Make @kaged-kitty Idea Come

Hi there, my non-existent fans, I have came back from the dead (laziness) to make @kaged-kitty idea come to life. Shinso is my fav so obviously I had to write about him, headcanons weren’t enough for me so here u go, a one-shot (or part 1, who knows ?) of Hitoshi Shinso x Glitch reader.

Side note, I loved scaring my friends by appearing behind them cause I’m short and they don’t notice me, so I guess kitty stalked me or something…

(Haven't watched the anime this far but I have been spoiled so forgive me if I forget some details or get things wrong)

Hi There, My Non-existent Fans, I Have Came Back From The Dead (laziness) To Make @kaged-kitty Idea Come

It hasn't been the easiest experience, but Shinso was slowly and steadily transitioning into the hero course, getting acquainted with his classmates and putting extra effort in his training. 

One day, he was patiently waiting in class for Mr. Aizawa to finally come, when he saw you, zipping between the sea of students in the corridors before disappearing from his view with a bunch of pixels left floating behind.

Now Shinso didn't mean to stare, but man he was doing it in such an obvious manner that Izuku had to come and check if everything was alright. Who the hell stares so attentively at nothing ?

“Yeah, I'm okay just… There was a girl who used like a teleportation quirk or something ? She just passed.”

“Oh, you mean [Reader]. She's a transfer student from the US in class B. And she has a glitch quirk, kind of like teleportation, but from what I'm guessing it's more minimal and kind of like deteriorating reality in a sense.”

Now, Shinso was not the most social guy in the school, everyone knew that, but that didn't stop him from stealing glances at you whenever you appeared in his line of sight. You were from the US, so automatically you stood out like a sore thumb (Obviously you have blond hair and blue eyes because what else is a US citizen supposed to look like in an anime ? /j) but also he developed a certain interest towards you. He didn't know if it was because of your interesting quirk, or maybe because his heart rate speed up just a little every time he caught sight of you.

A little while after he developed his interest, he was talking to Izuku and some other classmates when you suddenly glitched in the middle of the conversation. He was so startled by your presence that he even jumped out of fear. Everyone else obviously laughed, who wouldn't after this type of reaction ? But Shinso couldn't understand your reaction. You had the biggest smirk on your face while looking at him, like you've accomplished something, and that annoyed him.

He still had that deep interest in you, but his days would be much better if you would just stop scaring him for no reason at any given moment of the day. Worst of it is how you acted so nonchalant about it, making small talk after you've almost given him a heart attack. You were confusing to him.

So obviously one day he decided that he had enough of it, and he wanted to confront you about your odd behaviour. The very next moment that he saw a pixel appear next to him, he turned around in time to grab you by the wrist and pushing you down on a bench near the two of you.

“Hey ! What the hell dude ?!”

“I wanted to ask you the same thing. Tell me, do you get some twisted sense of pleasure when you scare me, or do you perhaps hate me ?”

He expected any type of answer to his question, but definitely not every reaction, and seeing you blush and avoid making eye contact caught him off guard.

“I just wanted to befriend you…”

He blinked a couple of times and looked at you like you just said the most dumb, awful and embarrassing joke that has ever come out of someone's mouth.

“You are weird, you know ?” He said, stepping away from you.

You turned towards him to protest, but seeing the devilish grin on his face made you just stutter and then glitch away.


Hi There, My Non-existent Fans, I Have Came Back From The Dead (laziness) To Make @kaged-kitty Idea Come

Enjoyed ? Check out my bnha masterlist 

Wanna know what else I write ? Check out my M. Masterlist

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7 months ago

MHA boys leaving you lil' love notes

MHA Boys Leaving You Lil' Love Notes
MHA Boys Leaving You Lil' Love Notes
MHA Boys Leaving You Lil' Love Notes

pair: MHA boys x gn! reader warning: none. ft: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa, Overhaul, Shigaraki, Shinso and Monoma. content: MHA boys being- cuties? Idk anymore.

an: this mfs r my fav characters from the series- n honestly the only ones i'm somewhat comfortable to write about (sorry if ur fav ain’t here). i added some of my own hcs as well, like Aizawa being Shinsou’s (adoptive) dad.

w/c: 761

MHA Boys Leaving You Lil' Love Notes

DABI— » he would be the type to write something direct. ‘i love you’ or ‘i miss you’ in a lil’ note he puts in your jacket pocket without you knowing, so that when you check your pocket, you’ll see it- and of course the signature would be something like ‘-D’ simple- but you know who sent it to ya. you definitely find it adorable; next time you see him, you thank him with a kiss and a smile.

HAWKS— » this man is like one of those lunch moms. will write you either a lil’ daily small poems or he will write about how much he loves you, and how much he can’t wait to see you after he finishes his daily patrol. he is a very clingy and smug person and is not afraid to fly to your work (unannounced) if you forgot you lunch at home or something (there will be an extra note on that lunch). he also hopes you are safe at all times, to make sure of this, he gave you a small feather of his from the start of the relationship (you keep it with you at all times).

AIZAWA— » not a man of much words. he prefers actions, since they do say more than words. he normally gives you the lil’ note in the morning before he leaves to teach. they normally range from ‘have a good day’ to ‘see you later’ or just giving you a heads up if he is coming home late. you always appreciate his lil’ notes, and let him know by waiting for him everyday till he gets home, no matter how late (cus you love him).

OVERHAUL— » i really don’t know if he would be the type to write notes, i feel like he is the type to go up to you and say what he wants to deliver. if he does leave lil’ notes it’s probably telling you some sort of information or event he is having/going to; ‘look over Eri, i’ll be late today. don’t wait for me, eat dinner and please rest’. i do feel like he will leave a little heart with a small ‘ily’ or he would use a fancy ass stamp with his initials so that you know it’s him who sent it to you and that it’s legit.

SHIGARAKI— » he is the type to make a lil’ note but digital. you're playing a video game together? he will use the in-game chat to send you lil’ notes, even if you are both in the same room or in voice chat. he loves to leave little messages in games, specially in animal crossing, he will make you little signs showing how much he misses you and loves you for staying by his side. (he prefers to leave notes or spend quality time with you as he plays video games instead of showing physical affection because he is scared of hurting you with his quirk)

SHINSOU— » just like his dad (Aizawa) Shinsou is more of an ‘action person’, rather than words. so writing lil’ notes is right up his alley. he will definitely make it a bit more heartfelt. he will write you little ‘i love you’ and ‘can’t wait to see you’ with little hearts around them and flowers… (he is a little bit of a shy artists- we love that though) will also sign it ‘-Shin’ and either put it in your jacket, in a book or give it to you personally.

MONOMA— » ‘i love myself’ (jk… maybe.) if he is dating you it’s because you somehow got through his narcissistic ass personally (said with love). once he is comfortable with you and vice versa, he is more lovable and his energy is dial down a bit. he definitely would write lil’ notes, sometimes he would just say it to your face: ‘meet me after my shift’ or ‘let’s walk home together’. he will of course keep some of his personality shining every time he is with you, he always needs your attention on him, and only him.


Tags :
5 months ago

ᴛʜᴇ "ᴍᴇʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴏꜱᴜʀᴇ" ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛ!

002 .. ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ ᴀᴛ ᴍɪɴᴀ'ꜱ!

 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !

synopsis: psychology major y/n l/n finds herself in the same apartment building as her months-long crush, hitoshi shinso, when he moves in with mutual friends. what happens when classes start and the two psychology students are partnered together for a semester-long project which will decide whether they pass the term?

note: substance use (marijuana and alcohol), the pictures used don't all match my face claims for the characters! so use ur imagination. anyways, here's chap 2 after weeks lol

the "mere exposure" effect! masterlist.

 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !
 " X" !

ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @wheezdostuff @miyamoratsumuu @rueclfer @whenanafallsinlove @hanmastattoos

@kingexplosionmurda @the-hangry-otter @cuupidsss @ofherchaos @sunolls

@happiness2014 @kovu-bunnbunn @seneon @hotwomanlythings @adoresoapy

@h3artz4soph @nanaanatiion @matrixriot

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4 years ago

Shinso x Reader: Scented Candles

Summary: While you were enjoying Shinso's company in your dorm room, the power cuts off. Inspired by the romantic lighting of your emergency candles, Shinso proposed the idea that the two of you should slow dance. He convinces you to sing for him while he holds you close in the aroma of your scented candles.

Rating: SFW

Genre: Tooth rotting fluff

Work Count: 1.1k

A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait recently, I am working on a request too at the moment even though life has been keeping me plenty busy.


Time was forgotten as the darkness beyond your curtains drawn closed over your dorm window had long settled in. The low humming of conversation on the tv on the wall opposing the end of your bed was the only sound you could hear besides your boyfriends slow breathing next to you. 

        The even rhythm of Hitoshi’s chest leaning against your slouched form showed that he was long drifting off to sleep. You didn’t blame him, however, as the trashy movie you had put on for steady background noise had almost bore you to sleep too. Not only that, but the training he was undertaking with Aizawa to fulfill his dream of joining the Hero Course was tiring him out. You were incredibly proud of his progress, but the last thing you wanted was for him to burn himself out.

        You didn’t pay attention to the movie anymore, scrolling through your phone while you rother hand threated its fingers into Shinso’s lilac hair. His cheek rested on your shoulder, one arms resting over your midriff. The lamp by your beside emitted just enough light for your eyes to trace his features whenever his breath would slightly hinder.

        Suddenly, the lamp shut off. The television’s light and the awful dialogue seized with a small click. Your body jolted upright at the abrupt silence that fell over your room.

        Hitoshi’s eyes quickly opened at your sudden movement, straightening his back. You immediately felt bad, switching on the torch setting on your phone.

        “Sorry, Toshi,” you turned the torch to the ceiling as to not accidentally shine it in his eyes.

        “It’s fine, kitten,” Hitoshi’s voice rasped, his hands rubbing his eyes slowly.

        “I think the power went out,” you stated the obvious, taking into account the sky outside was clear, “But there’s no storm outside.”

        “Denki probably sneezed on a power socket, or something,” Hitoshi mused, squeezing you close so he could press a kiss onto your hairline. “Don’t stress.”

        “I’m not stressed,” you poked him in the chest, “but we should probably light some candles, because I think my phone is about to die.”

        Turning your phone over, you turned it on so that you could read the battery percentage. A small number 3 sat next to the small battery symbol in the corner, confirming your suspicion.

        “Looks like we’re going back to sleep then, kitten,” Hitoshi smirked, sinking down into the duvet.

        He adjusted one of your pillows so that it rested at a comfortable angle. His arms wrapped around your torso, dragging you down the bed. Your legs slipped further into the warm blankets as Hitoshi attempted to wrap you up in the duvet. Thrashing your arms around, you urged to wriggle back up to sit.

        A few months ago, you would have stood a fighting chance to get your way whenever Hitoshi tried to use force to get you to cuddle. Mr Aizawa’s training had certainly enhanced his strength, making your playful wrestles feel like a sparing match.

        “No!” You laughed, attempting to pry his fingers from your hips, “I don’t want to sleep yet! I want to light some candles!”

        Hitoshi smirked, “Look at you… you’re struggling to stop me when I’m really tired… Have you been skipping training again?”

        “I don’t skip training!” You stopped wriggling for a moment, turning to look into Hitoshi’s half-lidded eyes. “You’ve just been training harder than me, and I’m proud.”

        “Don’t try to flatter me,” Hitoshi growled, “I’m still winning.”

        He smirked, when you wriggled backwards out of his hold. His arm lifted off you, allowing for you to slide off your bed. You crossed the floor to a cabinet, unaware of Hitoshi’s adoring gaze falling after your figure.            

        Blindly rummaging through a draw, you found a small collection of scented candles, some you gifted to yourself, others from Hitoshi. Fumbling in the dark with the marches, you struct it, a small spark alighting the head. You quickly hovered the match over the candles’ wicks, lighting them all. A row of orange light bounced over the walls and ceiling as the torch from your phone turned off.             

        The amber glow relaxed you, your eyes drifting over to Hitoshi still lounging on your bed. His lilac eyes bore into you, an adoring smirk wrinkling the corner of his soft, kissable lips.     

        Slightly embarrassed by the lingering gaze, you turned your back towards him. Have expecting him to drift off to sleep once again, you began to rearrange your candles so they lined up perfectly across your cabinet. The mixed senses of pinewood, vanilla and lavender wafted into your nose in swirls with the smoke.

        Fingers dancing around the small of your waist took you by surprise, Hitoshi’s hands clasping together across your stomach. Hot air tickled the back of your neck.

        “The atmosphere is suddenly a lot more romantic, would you say so, kitten?”             

        Hitoshi’s silky voice and accusation made you blush, spinning around in his arms to face him. The way his half-lidded eyes trailed your face while resting his hands on your hips caused your stomach to do backflips. There was something about being this close to him that had this effect on you, no matter how long you had been together.

        “It is, yeah,” you sighed, adjusting your hands that you had swung around his neck.

        “Perfect for slow dancing,” Hitoshi rubbed his nose across yours softly.

        You laughed at him, “Since when were you into dancing?”

        “I’m not, but wouldn’t it be fun to try?”

        You pursed your lips, fully aware of the way he had manipulated your movements so you were now slowly swaying to an unknown rhythm.

        “We don’t have any music.”

        “Sing for me.”

        “No, it’s embarrassing.”

        “Please, kitty? Your voice is beautiful.”

        “You only heard me that one time you accidentally walked in on me showering.”           

        “And you sounded lovely.”

        “Bathroom acoustics are always so much better, though.”

        “Baby, please? You’d sound beautiful wherever you are.”

        At this point he was basically begging. You almost felt bad for having to deny him for so long, especially when his lip slightly pouted out at his last sentence.            

        “Fine… but you owe me another scented candle,” you bargained, smiling as he laughed before scoffing at you.

        “You’re so weird.”

        Rolling your eyes, you didn’t protest, mentally hyping yourself up for your small performance. Clearing your throat, you avoided Hitoshi’s eyes as you fell into the first note.

“Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh-so-tight Show me that you love me too

Put your lips next to mine, dear Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe  You and I will fall in love”          

        Hitoshi led your bodies in an uncoordinated waltz, giggling whenever he dipped you. His sudden movements would leave you shocked, having to replenish your voice in order to continue the song.

        Even with the cracks in your voice or when you forgot the lyric and had to repeat the line, the way you held each other if the sweet perfumes of your scented candles couldn’t be more perfect.

Tags :
4 years ago

First “I love you”s with the BNHA Boys

Bakugo, Shinso, Kirishima

Summary: How I think some of my favs would say their first ily and when it would be in the relationship. Pretty much first major confession stories...

A/N: So sorry for inactivity. I always get way too carried away with these sorts of headcanons... Let me know if you guys want a part two with maybe some pro heroes, villains, or maybe more students?? 



Yeah, Bakugo sucks at words

Bakugo said his quite far into the relationship, let’s be real

To begin with, his love language was actions, not words

So when he realised that he needed to say it at some point or you may get upset with him, he panicked 

I’m sure you were incredibly accepting of his form of affection, slightly aggressive or not, that you weren't pressing for him to say it

You knew he would be uncomfortable with it, so you make it your mission to say it to him first

That way he could feel either relieved that you said first, confident enough to say it himself when he was ready, or let it out at the same time

Spoiler: it was the latter 

You both blurted it out together

The two of you were in a fight, nothing unusual 

However, it wasn’t one of the playful ones that more commonly end with you giggling and pleading for his mercy as he tickled you

You’d never yell in those sorts of fights, and neither would he

But this one was serious

The points and arguments attacking each other were incredibly personal, but both sides were very unselfish

For example, you said: “Your inferiority complex is what makes you this way and you’re gonna push yourself too hard one day!”

To which he’d reply with: “Look at you, if you want to play hero let me do what I want and focus on yourself. Don’t waste your time on me when I’m perfectly fine”

You get the idea

All you wanted was for him to look after himself

Once you believed the fight was incredibly stupid, you stormed off

Bakugo of course tried to catch up with you only for you to slam a door in his face, which you instantly regretted

It took you a good half an hour to open the door again

Bakugo stood up immediately at the sight of your puffy eyes

He felt awful 

But the three words came out as follows:

“Katsuki... I’m sorry”

“No, I am”

“Katsu, please, you know that I get worked up”

“And I do too”

There was a pause, neither of you knowing who would speak first

That’s when you spoke at the same time

“I only said what I said because I love you and care about you”

“I almost pushed you away because I love you so much, dumbass”

“What did you say?”


You got him to repeat himself, and he mumbled it shyly

You awed, hurrying up to him to pull him tightly into your chest and reassured him softly

He was too shocked to get emotional or cry

He was mainly relieved that you said it too, because as soon as that fight picked up, he was afraid you didn’t

Now that it was off his chest, he was relieved

And knowing everything that you did was because you loved him back made him feel so much better

But he made sure that you both said it often enough to avoid doubt



My soft purple boy...

He knew he loved you instantly, much like most of the boys on this list

He had finally found someone with similar interests as him, same sense of humour, same goals, and loved cats too

Best of all, you never assumed anything because of his quirk

And with Shinso’s childhood, encountering someone who thought nothing like those other kids, he wanted to hold onto you forever

You feeling safe around him wasn’t something that grew over time after meeting him

It was instantaneous 

You had introduced yourself to him and he cocked an eyebrow at you

“Aren’t you scared?”

“Scared? Why would I be scared?”

“Don’t you know I’m the kid with the brainwash quirk that everyone says to ‘beware’?”

“Oh, yeah. I knew”

“Then why did you approach me?”

“I don’t know, I thought your quirk was actually really cool and wanted to know why your in the general department and not in the hero department”

That was the first time he had ever heard someone talk about his quirk in such a way

He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t fall in love instantly as you took a seat next to him and began ranting about how rigged the entrance exam was

I didn’t mean to get into a whole backstory so lets hurry with the confession:

You two weren’t even dating yet when he said it

And it wasn’t even that far into your friendship that he let it slip

The two of you had stopped into a cat cafe on the way home from UA

You had already finished eating and were busy playing with the numerous cats surrounding your table

After all, Shinso was a cat magnet

You cooed at a kitten in your lap, talking to it in your baby voice

Shinso sat across from you, chin resting in his hand smiling fondly to himself

The fact that he loved you was so apparent to him that he almost forgot that you didn’t know

For some reason, he had forgotten that you really couldn’t read his mind, even though you were so similar to him

At this point, your teasing but genuine affection had made Shinso forget that you weren't dating

Being around each other was so comfortable 

He never had been so blessed

While you played with the cat, he sighed

“Damn... I love you...”



The boy had the audacity to clear his throat and pretend he didn’t say it, like it was a ghost or something that had whispered it so softly and meaningfully in a voice that sounded just like his voice..? 

Of course you knew it was him

“Do you mean it?”

“Mean what?”



“This is so sudden... I mean we’re not even dating? Do I say it back now? How long have you felt this way? Do I have to meet your parents now? Wait, do you even want a relationship? No-”

Shinso leaned over the table and placed his hand over your mouth to hush you

“It was an accident, okay? I didn’t mean to say it so soon”

You peel his large hand off your mouth

“No, it’s fine... I’m kind of relieved...”

“Why’s that?”

“I was going to ask you out after this... and I didn’t know if you’d say yes”

You laughed nervously, turning back to the cat and avoided Shinso’s eyes

Let’s just say that he definitely said yes and that spot in the cat cafe became his favourite place ever

You said that you loved him right after he agreed to date you



Kiri! Kiri! Kiri! Kiri!

Words are 100% his thing!

In fact, after you started dating, he couldn’t wait to say it!

He would have said it as soon as you agreed to date him if it wasn’t for his plan that he had come up with as soon as he realised he had a crush on you

This plan of his consisted of him confessing that he loves you after a long date that ended with you two stargazing on a hill with candles and sandwiches and blankets and-

Argh, it was going to be perfect!

Originally, he intended jump right into it and ask you to hang out then take you to the arcade, then to lunch, then the festival, then across the lake, then to the park as friends! 

Denki thought it was stupid that he’d go through all that effort without knowing if you even liked him back!

So, with Denki’s “experience”, he instructed Kirishima on a new 20 step plan in order to say it at the right moment

Kiri, being so lovestruck, he could only listen to him

The first date he asked you on was a simple study date

According to Denki’s plan, Kiri was to take baby steps in order to build up to a date of that magnitude

With Kirishima being the sunshine boy he is, every date was a blast (even the study one)

As it came to the completion of the 20 step plan, Kiri began to grow nervous

Remember how I said words are 100% his thing?

Well, at least they were

Before the big day at least

He was incredible fidgety the entire time, from when you got to the arcade to when you hopped onto the boat to cross the lake

You weren’t stupid, you noticed how his laughter faded out quickly as how he avoided your eyes more often than not

It caused you to get a bit anxious yourself, making the boat ride over to the park incredibly awkward

You usually relied on him to bounce back on, but now...

Why was he even anxious? The date had gone perfectly!

You looked like you had enjoyed yourself, so why was he questioning if you would love him back?

Nonetheless, he led you to the exactly place on the hill he had planned it to happen three months ago

You rolled out the picnic blanket, lit the candles, ate the sandwiches and waited for the sun to go down

The temperature dropped, causing you to shiver, just like Kiri planned

So he took out the blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, much more awkwardly than he had watched on repeat in his head for months

But you took it with a smile, and he loosened up a bit

When it became dark enough for you to see the stars, you lay down on wrapped in the blanket

Your eyes were filled with wonder as you found yourself absent-mindedly telling Kiri about the different stars

That’s when Kiri found his hand itching for the speech that he stashed into his pocket after rewriting it over and over again

He was sure he had formulated his words right

But at that moment, seeing you just as he had dreamed in this perfect moment, but only more beautiful, he realised it would never go as he planned

“And I think that one is Sirius. It’s got to be the brightest star”



“I want to tell you something”

You’re heart dropped

“What is it?”

“I’m so in love with you, you have no idea. Ever since I met you, I thought you were incredible and beautiful... It’s not very manly for me to admit this but... I have literally dreamed of this moment. But none of my dreams could have never prepared me for this. I love you, Y/N, and it’s okay if you don’t love me back”

“Oh thank goodness, I’m so glad that was what you wanted to say”


“I noticed how fidgety you were and I feared the worst if I’m honest!”

“Oh, no I didn’t want to make you feel that way! I was just nervous that you wouldn’t accept my confession...”

“Of course I do! I love you too!”

He was so relieved, and never regretted the way the confession when down

Since he recovered from his initial nerves, he’d say it constantly and you’d always laugh and reciprocate his words

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5 years ago

Shinso with procrastinating s/o

(AKA me---)

My man just fucjking raises an eyebrow at you out of all the things he could do

his whole aura just screams "I Told You So"


(Lmaoo yeahha this is just a joke lmao,, i'll post a proper one in the near future. For now have this judgemental boyo. ((Guystilllovesyouthohahaha-))

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5 years ago

It's Shinsou loving hours bois

A/n: Have these hcs I made at crackhead hours.

Pic ain't mine. ((This is kind of a sequel to the procrastinating s/o thing.))

It's Shinsou Loving Hours Bois

It's fucking illegal for someone to look this adorable honestly

You think he has the right to look cute??? While he crochets matching cat styled sweaters??? Unbelievable.

This boy had no right, no special access to attack you like this. Not when you have a butt-ton of homework to do

Teachers really be like that when all you wanna do is hug yo bf till he drowns ;((

I love him so fucking much you don't even know,,,, anyway

You're creepin around the corner, peering at him from behind the wall like the dork that you are.

You literally slid down to the floor from the sheer amount of love that was rudely shoved down your throat

(un)luckily, Koda just happened to trot by you, tail in the air like the little prince that he is 👑

Quickly snatching the poor unsuspecting kitty, you began to ((gently)) squeeze him into a hug

's a good thing he decided to have mercy on the Lovestruck Fool and just kinda purred in content ((it's you, you're the Lovestruck Fool))

Crap you're blushing???? Little squeaks leaving your mouth too

Shit shit shit

"Koda. Koda." You spun the little prince around, giving him an Accusing Look

"You couldn't even give me a warning of some kind?? Why didn't you tell me he's capable of looking this attractive??? Now how the hell am I gonna face him without looking like a tomato???"

You're gently swaying Koda from side to side, just kinda. Whisper shouting at him.

"You know what, I'm not actually sure if I can do this to you, but you seem to be enjoying this thing. Look at you, you're purring up a storm!"

Suddenly, you feel an arm plop on the top of your head, a gravelly voice chiming from behind.

"Yeah, he's like that sometimes. Now, what's this about you looking like a tomato?"

Freezing, you slowly shifted to look at Shinsou Hitoshi himself lazily peering behind the wall you had your back against to

Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit

Can the earth spontaneously open up under you and swallow you whole? You wished it could.

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