Shinso X You - Tumblr Posts
Playing Games With Me
Cheater! Shinsou x Reader
Ive never been cheated on but i have had people in my life who have experienced the betrayal of a partner being with someone else. Some of them yelled, others cried, maybe some choice words here and there to put into place how much of a horrible person their ex-partner was for cheating on them.
But there is always that one person. That one person who does something different then the rest. This was your predicament. You won't cry in front of your cheating partner but instead take action. You would leave and won't care what you left behind because to be honest with you, if i were you, i would also not think twice about my cheating partner. You aren't sticking around to be toyed with after you gave them your all.
W: Cheating (Constant), A Lot of Angst

You had everything planned out for your special day. The gifts, the food, the outfit you were going to wear. Shinsou and you had been together for over 5 years at this point, started dating since your second year at UA. You made a note in the calendar you both shared about your anniversary date. It wasn’t like you hadn’t made the effort to remind him about the special day. But you guessed that duty calls. Maybe he was busy with some villain…at 3 am.
It wasn’t abnormal for Pro Heroes to work long hours, but Shinsou had been gone from your shared home since 12 in the afternoon. You tried telling yourself that work was work and that hero work especially was unpredictable. But when he did this consistently, it was just ridiculous at this point. He wouldn’t call you to tell you not to wait for him and he wouldn’t say anything when he would come back from work. So here you were, standing in the middle of your kitchen in your nice outfit for your supposed 5 year anniversary dinner and your boyfriend was yet to show. Frustrated and upset you cleaned everything up and just went to bed. It was lonely and cold, no other person sharing the space with you to help you drift off. You pass out from the exhaustion, you've cried yourself to sleep that night. Just like every other night.
The next morning you woke up to the site of your boyfriend “getting up” from his side of the bed. Hes done this before, pretending that he got back around 1 or 2 in the morning. Almost like he thought you wouldn't stay up waiting for him to come back. Maybe he should’ve been smarter and not treated you like an idiot because he was showing you his fully exposed back. He had scratches on him. The red marks looked different front he ones he would get from fighting criminals on a daily bases, they also overlapped scarring that you remember taking care of. Maybe if he was smarter he would have hidden the hickeys on his neck better and maybe he would’ve made sure he didn’t have someone else’s lipstick stain on him. Maybe if he was just a good boyfriend he would have at least tried to cover it all up by taking a shower when he got back.
“Good morning baby. How did you sleep?” He looked so happy. The man smiled at you, flashing his teeth at you playfully. Almost happy to see you that morning, like you both dont see each other every time you wake up. He looked so…fine. Like nothing was wrong. Content with the situation. He was everything you weren’t at the moment. This was your "adoring" boyfriend who you wasted 5 years of a relationship with just to have him come back to you with someone else’s markings on him.
You don’t know what possessed you in the moment. Maybe it was the fact that you felt nothing but anger or maybe it was the emptiness you felt simultaneously. God, you wanted to hurt him. Why the fuck was he so happy when he clearly replaced you? Why was he acting the same way he did when you first got together? Why did he look at you like you were his everything when you clearly weren't anymore? Were you ever?
“I want to break up.” That quickly wiped the smile off his face. Your boyfriend looked confused. Almost like he couldn't feel the soreness in his skin from what he did last night.
“That’s…not a funny joke, Y/n.” He tried playing it off as you got up from your shared bed and started to look for the nearest set of clothes you could find. He watched you the entire time, waiting.
“I’m not being funny.” You didn’t care that your voice came off solid. You didn't care that you were avoiding his gaze. You got dressed as Shinsou continued to stare at you in disbelief. He started to shake. His breathing became irregular and his body became cold. He felt like something was wrong but couldn't place a finger on it.
“Please. This is a joke, right?” You didn’t give him an answer, just grabbed your phone from the night stand and turned your attention somewhere else. Alarms rang threw his head when you walked towards the bedroom door. You were going to leave him. He got up from the bed and followed you around as you took some essential things to put in a bag you found.
“Y/n, please. You’re joking right? This is all a joke? Y/n, answer me.” He was growing desperate, you could hear it in his voice. It was wavering and cracking in places you've never heard it do before. You know that no matter what he wouldn't use his quirk on you but in that moment the last thing you wanted to do was to speak. Why would you? You said your piece, it's time for him to suck it up and move on. He has a side piece he can go cry to if he needed to vent. Clearly the other person was better at making him feel welcomed.
You reached the front door with a bag filled with your essentials in your hand. You reached for your keys that you kept right next to the front door and grabbed them. You opened the door and was nearly able to take a step outside.
"No! W-Wait, baby!" Shinsou rushed towards you and grabbed one of your arms firmly, making you stop and hiss at the tight feeling. His eyes were filled with tears, glossy and red from a sleepless night. You couldn't help but admire the handy work of his secret lover. His skin was a multitude of blues, reds, and purples on his pale skin. His arms lined with the tracks of someone else's finger nails.
"What do you mean breakup? Did i-" It finally clicked for him. He looked down at his own arms. You could see how he was planning on explaining why he did it. You didn't want to listen to it, you have a pretty good idea why.
"I- She didn't mean anything to me, i promise. You know you're the only one i want to be with. You know that right?" You wanted to do so much to him. You wanted to scream at his face, wanted to make him cry.
" "She didn't mean anything no me." I'm not stupid Shinsou. You wouldn't go back to her if that wasn't the case." You took your arm out of his grasp and opened the door.
"Hitoshi..., baby. It's Hitoshi- No. Please! Please don't leave me. Wait!" You already left. The Pro Hero Mindjack was left alone in the little home you both build the moment the two of you got the chance to live together. The countless memories that hanged on the walls of the two of you felt like they were judging him all of a sudden. The little trinkets that held your signature tastes now attacking him just by existing. The half naked hero stood at his own door, unable to follow you to wherever you left to.
"Maybe, i'll just let her calm down and when she wants to talk we can talk about it? She'll come...back...." He wanted to give you space to process and to eventually come back and talk.
He didn't know why he fucked the other woman. The sex wasn't the best and it wasn't his type of thing. It lacked everything he had with you, so why did he even go threw with it?
The day passed away like nothing, he went back to patrols and made it clear to everyone that he wasn't up to talk about anything. The woman he had been with tried contacting him but he ignored her. He truly regrets having anything to do with her. When the work day ended, nothing in your home had changed. It felt like you still lived there, but it was just lacking you. He discarded his uniform in the laundry basket and went to look for a fresh towel for himself. In the little side closet next to the bathroom door he found a bouquet of roses being crushed by a few boxes. He took all of it out and inspected the items.
"Gifts?" He picked up a box and placed it on the kitchen island, opening it to see what was inside. It was a book, a photo album to be exact. He opened it and nearly cried at the first picture. It was a picture of the two of you back in your UA days. He was holding you by the waist and giving you a kiss on the cheek, a loving look gracing his face. He remembered exactly how you two started dating. He asked you out to coffee and acted like a complete fool in front of you. He spilled his coffee on himself and became a blushing mess when you tried to help him clean it up. He took one look at you and couldn't stop himself from admiring you. You were so perfect in that moment, still were the next day and the years after it. He called you pretty while you called him cute. The two you blushed at each other and he kissed you the moment he could. It was so gentle and full of young adoring love. If he could just continue kissing you forever he wouldn't have any complaints, he's never felt this way before and has only felt it with you. He wanted you just like you wanted him.
Shinsou couldn't stop the tears from falling onto the photos as he flipped each page to the next. These were memories that he cherished deeply, memories where it didn't matter who else was there. To him it was just for you and him to enjoy, a moment in time were he could just love you without judgement. The last picture of the photo album was of the two of you watching a movie at Denkis place. Many of his classmates were there all enjoying the film that was playing. He had his arm around you protectively as he leaned you agaisnt him and the side of his head rested on the top of your own. The two of you stuck together in that moment watching whatever was on screen as you held each other close. You had written a message underneath the picture.
"To my lovely boyfriend of officially 5 years. I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with you! I love you Hitoshi." You ended the little note with a purple heart and another heart with your favorite color.
He couldn't stop himself from loudly wailing. He not only cheated on you more than once but he also knew it was wrong and threw away something that meant the world to him. It was hopeless. He didn't understand why he did the things he did or why he threw you away when the only thing he wanted the most was to spend every single day of his life by your side. You were so sweet to him. You wrote such a pretty not for an ugly guy who couldn't even bother to show up on time for dinner. You took care of him after all of his patrols and the missions he would be assigned to. Fuck, you were his biggest supporter when he finally got into the hero course. You reminded him that his quirk didn't define him and that he should be proud of himself for having managed to do so much in such a short period of time. He wasted his chance with you.
He couldn't find you anywhere. He called your friends and even asked his own to keep an eye out for you, but no one knew where you were. You were truly gone from his life and he couldn't even properly apologies to you.
At the end of the day he would come home beatened and bruised. This would be when you would usually come out from your shared bedroom and help take care of him. Where he would be given a bath by you because he was to tired to do it himself. When you would scold him for being reckless again but still kissed his face and give him all of the gentle affection he craved. The way you panicked for him when he called you from the hospital saying that he might lose his eyesight on his left eye. He remembers when you came in and saw him with bandages and practically fighting the doctor and nurses over something pointless. The way he felt completely fine once he laid his one functional eye on you. He didn't care that you started screaming at him about how he could have died but he did feel bad when you started to cry over him.
"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to worry you over this. Give me a kiss?" You kissed him gently to prevent any irritation or injury. You held him close to your chest till he fell asleep.
Now he woke up alone with no body to keep him warm at night. No one to help him threw his nightmares. No one to keep him safe and he couldn't complain about it because he did this to you and himself. He's the embodiment of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
Two days had passed since he last saw you. You didn't come back for any of your things and his friends hadn't seen you anywhere. That morning when he got up, he decided to open the other gifts that were in the side closet. The first one he opened contained a new hoodie and jacket in his favorite color with cat patterings on the outside. The second one was a set of black studs. Shinsou had started wearing jewelry during his second year at UA. You mentioned that you found guys with jewelry were attractive. You couldn't blame him back then, he was head over heels for you and wanted to impress you. He eventually realized he really liked it, so it was win win situation for the both of you. The last gift was a flight to the U.S.. Shinsou remembered that you asked him where he wanted to travel to if he got the chance. He said the U.S because he was curious about why so many people found the Americans funny. He was curious and when Shinsou got curious you fully indulged him. It was a singular ticket though. The gifts wrapper was already ripped open meaning that at some point you removed the other ticket. You had planned a trip for the both of you.
Shinsou cried again, he'd been doing a lot of it since you left. He laid down on the couch and hugged the single flight ticket. He could have had the world with you, could've traveled it too.
"I'm sorry." He drew in a shaky breath and swallowed the spit that accumulated in his mouth. He missed you and he was horribly sorry for what he did.
"Y/n, please be ok." Shinsou laid on his side as he stared mindlessly at the wall in front of him. Blurry tear filled eyes only granting him the ability to think of the memories he had of you. Wherever you were, he would be looking for you till he could speak with you again. He was a fool and was willing to admit to that. He used to be your fool, actually.
Thinking about American transfer student Glitch Quirk!Reader catching the eyes of Hitoshi! He is completely fascinated by the way they moved around through school, zipping between students! (American students gotta run, we got only 5 minutes passing periods dawg.. just a habit)
While Hitoshi is transitioning Into the hero course Reader would try their best to befriend Hitoshi by scaring him (weird love language, freak). Glitching behind him while he is in conversation.
Sure he used to squeak out in surprise, but now he knows Readers presence inside and out! You can’t sneak up anymore ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ nnnoo!
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
Reylin Alloro version (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ <- click here!!

Ah yes.. mutuals taking my blurbs and it comes alive!
Yes, yes very good ミヽ(。><)ノ

Hi there, my non-existent fans, I have came back from the dead (laziness) to make @kaged-kitty idea come to life. Shinso is my fav so obviously I had to write about him, headcanons weren’t enough for me so here u go, a one-shot (or part 1, who knows ?) of Hitoshi Shinso x Glitch reader.
Side note, I loved scaring my friends by appearing behind them cause I’m short and they don’t notice me, so I guess kitty stalked me or something…
(Haven't watched the anime this far but I have been spoiled so forgive me if I forget some details or get things wrong)

It hasn't been the easiest experience, but Shinso was slowly and steadily transitioning into the hero course, getting acquainted with his classmates and putting extra effort in his training.
One day, he was patiently waiting in class for Mr. Aizawa to finally come, when he saw you, zipping between the sea of students in the corridors before disappearing from his view with a bunch of pixels left floating behind.
Now Shinso didn't mean to stare, but man he was doing it in such an obvious manner that Izuku had to come and check if everything was alright. Who the hell stares so attentively at nothing ?
“Yeah, I'm okay just… There was a girl who used like a teleportation quirk or something ? She just passed.”
“Oh, you mean [Reader]. She's a transfer student from the US in class B. And she has a glitch quirk, kind of like teleportation, but from what I'm guessing it's more minimal and kind of like deteriorating reality in a sense.”
Now, Shinso was not the most social guy in the school, everyone knew that, but that didn't stop him from stealing glances at you whenever you appeared in his line of sight. You were from the US, so automatically you stood out like a sore thumb (Obviously you have blond hair and blue eyes because what else is a US citizen supposed to look like in an anime ? /j) but also he developed a certain interest towards you. He didn't know if it was because of your interesting quirk, or maybe because his heart rate speed up just a little every time he caught sight of you.
A little while after he developed his interest, he was talking to Izuku and some other classmates when you suddenly glitched in the middle of the conversation. He was so startled by your presence that he even jumped out of fear. Everyone else obviously laughed, who wouldn't after this type of reaction ? But Shinso couldn't understand your reaction. You had the biggest smirk on your face while looking at him, like you've accomplished something, and that annoyed him.
He still had that deep interest in you, but his days would be much better if you would just stop scaring him for no reason at any given moment of the day. Worst of it is how you acted so nonchalant about it, making small talk after you've almost given him a heart attack. You were confusing to him.
So obviously one day he decided that he had enough of it, and he wanted to confront you about your odd behaviour. The very next moment that he saw a pixel appear next to him, he turned around in time to grab you by the wrist and pushing you down on a bench near the two of you.
“Hey ! What the hell dude ?!”
“I wanted to ask you the same thing. Tell me, do you get some twisted sense of pleasure when you scare me, or do you perhaps hate me ?”
He expected any type of answer to his question, but definitely not every reaction, and seeing you blush and avoid making eye contact caught him off guard.
“I just wanted to befriend you…”
He blinked a couple of times and looked at you like you just said the most dumb, awful and embarrassing joke that has ever come out of someone's mouth.
“You are weird, you know ?” He said, stepping away from you.
You turned towards him to protest, but seeing the devilish grin on his face made you just stutter and then glitch away.

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