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Moments In Time (Shinso Hitoshi X Reader Fanfic) [Chapter 1]

Moments in Time (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader fanfic) [Chapter 1]

Moments In Time (Shinso Hitoshi X Reader Fanfic) [Chapter 1]


It was lunch at school and you had your headphones on full volume, completely disregarding the rule againt 'all electronic devices' as well as every other human being in your presence.

'oh well, it's either this or being forced to listen to some no-name morons drone on about the colours of their shoes in the midst of the school halls... Boring.'

You couldn't help the irritation creeping its way from the corners of your mind and all the way down to your very fingertips, each one twitching and tensing in your reslessness.

Every fibre of your being screamed bitter outrage at the pompous brats in front of you for so much as existing. 'How the hell did they even manage to get accepted anyway?!'

Part of you felt like the biggest asshole for even getting angry in the first place 'Why am i so angry? What did they even do?' and you knew you had no reason to be overreacting like this - 'I shouldn't have even reacted at all..' - you really couldn't help it. You'd been in a bad mood since you woke.

A nagging feeling of despondency accompanied with the crippling need to lash out at the nearest thing that breathes clawed at the foundations of your mind. You really had been in a bad mood. So, like an asshole, you wanted to body-slam someone through a window along with your hormonal imbalance and 85% of your impulse control.

Remarkably, you managed to drag your feet past the brats and instead direct your attention to the dark skies out the window, now opening up to allow a heavy downpour of rain. Serenades on the roof of the building mixed with a heavy beating on the window to create a sort of melancholic atmosphere as the the pavements and buildings are made glossy, illuminated by street lamps above. 'It's too bad' you thought 'that noone loves this weather as much as i do'.

You made your way to the roof of the school, pondering over the fact that you had nade it into class 1-C. Despite your unusual quirk, you still managed to get accepted into UA High. Though, as difficult as the entrance exam may have seemed - 'and was' - anything is possible with an abundance of time. You had managed to slow down time and do half an hours worth of work in what was 30 seconds to anyone else.

Already you had been soaked to the bone, hair clinging to your face like that of a drowned rat. All it succeeded in doing was making you happier though, you really did love the feeling of the rain on your skin. That, paired with the beats of your the music playing in your ears took you to your own little world.

A/N: There are songs at the end of the chappie to sorta describe the vibe goin on so take a listen to those and you'll get a better feel of things...

Humming to the tune of your favourite song, you shifted towards a small corner behind the doorway, setting your sights on the large tear in the fence. Sitting down on the edge and getting lost in your thoughts was your absolute favourite pass-time. Ironic, really, considering part of your very identity was essentially stopping it.

Well, more like you would slow it down to to the point where you could be considered one of the fastest people alive. There were many scenarios in which your quirk was useless however, so you train until you drop in an effort to become strong without your quirk - which only aided you during the exam. Pulling people out the way of brutal attacks to cover for their excessive hubris and knocking down those ridiculous metal clowns tired you out, but got you a fairly high ranking in the end. Luckily for you, not the entire school board was conjured up of morons and someone was actually able to keep track of your progress.

Carefully creeping through the gap in the fencing, making sure not to slip and fall and just end your life, you gracefully planted your ass down on the ledge, legs dangling precariously a dangerous amount stories above ground. Taking in your surroundings and the sight of the rain so high up made you look down towards the bustling crowd of students below going about their own lives in the dark and be overcome with sonder. It would've been so easy to just give in to the call of the void - its breathy whisper tickling your ears, but sounding so distant at the same time.

'Oh, fuck off' you interrupted your own train of thought and berated yourself for thinking something so lame. 'If you really want someone to jump, do it yourself you lazy bastard'.

'And queue more internal struggling...' You always did wonder why you were such a gloomy person all the time. Was this really who you wanted to be in the future? 'I'm overthinking. I'm just an asshole with feelings'.

Your personal identity crisis was cut short when you noticed the rain ease up and the pleasant smell of petrichor fills your lungs.

'It must be last period by now... Whatever, i'll just bail' You thought. 'Its not like i can't afford it, anyway.'

Sitting like this and watching the world pass you by seemed much more favourable compared to sitting in that stuffy classroom. It just eased up your bad mood like nothing else could. And slowing down time to have this moment to yourself didn't appeal to you since you just wanted the day to be over already.

It's kind of sad that you live like this; waking up every morning just waiting for the day to end, but what else could you do? Your friends don't bother with you anymore and spending time with your family's just lame. It doesn't help that you harbour an intense hatred for your family - you love every family member individually but they can't get along with eachother, which is a constant stress. They all antagonise eachother and you're often forced to pick sides. That's a pretty shitty family, but hey, it's whatever.

Checking your phone for the time and being met with the large white numbers on your lock screen, you let slip a sigh. '14:50' it read. Another twenty minutes to go. Thoughts of wether you were going straight home or taking a detour through the park and chilling there for a while carried you to the end of the school day. Darkness plagued the skies and covered the world around you like a blanket.


You couldn't help but love the dark, it left less room for people to judge you. Nobody could look at you funny if they couldn't see you. It made you feel lile there was nothing to worry about, like you didn't have to bother with anything at all - you could just relax.

As you stood, lifting your legs up and over the ledge back to the safety of flat ground, the time on your phone read "15:14". Now you could walk out amongst a crowd and not be spotted for bunking.

It's not like you aspired to be so slothful. It's just been kind of difficult finding motivation lately. So far, you've worked so hard to succeed out of spite for everyone who told you that "you're not good enough". 'Well look at me now, you bastards...'


When you finally made it to the park it was four in the afternoon and dark enough for all the street lamps to be lit. Strolling down the flooded, open pathway, you took out your phone and messaged your mother, telling her that you'd either be home late or be crashing at a friend's house. It was a friday after all.

Listening to music still as you walked, satiating your lisztomania, you looked up from the floor and startled at the person sitting in your designated - undesignated bench seat underneath the cover of a sakura tree, which was now dull and colourless with the lack of the sun's reflection. Stopping and removing your hands from the pockets of your oversized black jumper and pulling down the large hoodie from over your face, you turned down the volume on your headphones and popped one of the buds out of your ear.

By now you had caught the attention of the person - a boy - sitting on the bench. He raised his head from the screen of the phone in his hand, back straightening a little from its previously huched over position. He stared back at you with a look of enquiry etched onto his features. You took this time to fully take in his characteristics - his dark purple hair that flared out in large tufts, the way his facial expression barely changed from a look of boredom, the dark, almost permanent looking bags under his indigo eyes and lastly his attire - a uniform to match yours.

'Another UA student, huh?'

"Er.. Hi, sorry to intrude. It's just... I usually sit here after school. I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here is all. I - I'll go..." You let a nervous smile slip and went to turn around when you hear him address you. His voice, gravelly and husky, provided stark contrast against the psithurism and white noise of distant traffic.

"Wait. Y/N, isn't it? We're in the same class - 1C" he stated.

'Oops' you mused 'I wasn't paying enough attention to remember his name'. Bashful laughs pierced the silence as you wracked your brain for answers. Now you thought about it, he did seem very familiar.

"Erm" you try "Sh- er- shiro? Eh, Shu- shino...?"

'Jeez, I never was good with names.'

The boy lets out a short, closed-eye chuckle, shaking his head at your obviously failed attempts. He locks eyes with you again and smirks.

"You came close, but not quite. It's Shinso..."

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2 years ago
[Left: OG Shinsou; Right: Black Shinsou]
[Left: OG Shinsou; Right: Black Shinsou]
[Left: OG Shinsou; Right: Black Shinsou]
[Left: OG Shinsou; Right: Black Shinsou]

[Left: OG Shinsou; Right: Black Shinsou]

I have decided to ship Mizumi with Shinsou. Also, hc’ing Shinsou as Afro-Dominican/Japanese. (I took inspo from @redhoodzuko)

Aci's Couple Maker カップルメーカー
Please do not claim as your own, and credit me if you post it somewhere. You can make couples or friends of any genders. Have fun ! 自分のもの


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