Shiva Shuumatsu No Valkyrie - Tumblr Posts
Triple KO. Fear the Reader~
I loved your Eri!Reader pieces, can I request Buddha, Shiva and Zerofuku react to her saying her favorite food is Apples, but she gets sparkly eyed when Goll tells her about ‘Candy Apples’ which are sweeter (Who’s on the floor dying from her cuteness when she asks “Sweeter how?”)
Someone get her some candy apples! Stat!
Eri is such a cute character (And Anya SxF)
Candy Apples, Stat!
➤ interpret this as you will ✨

You were one of the cutest lil’ ladies Buddha’s seen in a long while. Pretty sure that’s what he thought anyway.
He was just casually chilling with you, that’s what you wanted to do. Though as a child would, you got pretty talkative at some point. Then proceeded to launch into a rant.
Buddha is the best listener around, out of any deity besides Shiva and Zerofuku.
He heard you at some point talk about food, saying as to how Apples were your favorite.
Buddha was completely interested and glad to know something knew about you, you were very adorable!
Shiva is a man of fatherly instincts towards his own kid and others he’s gotten to know, which is mostly Ganesha obviously and [First Name]
Zerofuku really liked how joyful you were about apples, he was slowly learning how to deal with how humans and all things worked. But he liked to know more about you!
However when Göll came around and hearing about your talk of apples, she promptly told you with a smile the existence of Candy Apples, which are sweeter.
With the cutest curious expression you asked her, “Sweeter how?”
Shiva almost fell on the floor from the cuteness.
Zerofuku straight up passed out at how cute you were.
🤣😂 This is too accurate 😂
How the ROR characters would laugh:
Big platonic request cause ✨ wholesome is needed ✨
Shiva, Buddha, Qin, Sasaki, Zerofuku (He'd be THE BEST BROTHER. I WILL NOT BE ARGUED.) being a family figure to a Child deity reader who is the "Child of the Moon" who just appeared one starry night sky, The young deity is really shy and will always hide behind them whenever there is a stranger and will prefer to stick to them.
They can only like summon stars around them temporarily since their powers are still growing though.
Sorry if this is odd but I wanna see how those dorks will do (Also because We need in more Zerofuku content.)
Mmmm, wholesomeness ✨
We all need a lil bit of fluff in our lives

They would be the most, best absolute family you could ever end up with.
As you had suddenly appeared one starry night, funny enough…. It was Sasaki who had found you when he was out and about exploring a forested area.
The beauty of the moon reflecting in the holy waters that had been so highly esteemed, the whole interaction was something interesting. Sasaki was a little surprised, but he had made sure to approach you with a gentle patience.
You weren’t too sure of the old swordsman just yet as you didn’t know where you were, your sudden existence suddenly gaining conscious.
As odd as it was to both you and Sasaki, his presence felt comforting and full of warmth. So you had trusted him and went along with him, he knew that this was a bit confusing for you. Sasaki had to sort this out with the others.
He had soon reach Buddha, who raised a brow at Sasaki. The situation certainly had gotten interesting. “So where’d you find em?”
Buddha was curious, but he had maintained a calm composure as he had crouched down and patted your head. He was assuring you in his own way that everything was fine.
Sasaki had explained the situation to him in a short brief summary, “And… that’s how it is now.” He glanced sparingly at the adorable interaction between you and Buddha. It was quite heart-melting.
Later on with Qin, he had been informed of the situation as well. The emperor had acquainted himself with you, he was a little scary at first with his imposing stature and outfit. But you had gotten used to him.
Zerofuku was really excited to meet you and loved to play with you!
You had gotten along with Zero the quickest as he was sort of like you, and you had sometimes summoned stars. Which was sudden but brief, as your abilities were still growing.
Shiva was the best god to come to for relaxation and practice in dealing with your powers, so he had you do small exercises. Nothing to complicated, just plain and simple.
You could always count on Sasaki and Buddha for the quiet, serene times. As you were a young child deity, you needed all sorts of stimulation and growth… so you had to experience the quiet and energetic times.
Since you needed to release that energy, you had obviously always played with Zerofuku who held so much energy like you do! Playing games like hide & seek, tag and so much more. It is truly fun, something you never expected to be able to do.
So you had decided to give Zerofuku a gift, eventually Shiva, Qin, Sasaki and Buddha a gift as well!
You wanted to give them flowers with small star particles that had been embedded into them, like a little small pretty flower.
Shiva was very grateful for the gift, and had asked his wives to preserve the flower as they knew how much it meant to him as held the same importance of Ganesha.
Durga had definitely teased him about it later on. Parvati and Kali were pretty supportive about it, they thought it was adorable!
Buddha was straight up floored and asked you to put it into his hair, he wore it with absolute pride and confidence like the enlightened one he is.
Qin was very happy you had been so thoughtful enough to want to give him a gift, even more so internally overjoyed when you had mentioned when that you liked him as part of the ‘family’.
Your best brother friend Zerofuku was truly grateful you gave him the flower as a gift, and had hidden it away for safekeeping. His eyes only.
The tears Sasaki had to hold on when you gave him the gift, he was very happy you had thought of this and gave you a hug.
You really couldn’t ask for a better family, they loved you truly so much.