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3 years ago

anyone else so hyped up for tfatws that they can't sleep?

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8 years ago
Gigi Hadid And Adrianna Lima At Versace Fashion Show 2016

Gigi Hadid and Adrianna Lima at Versace fashion show 2016

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5 months ago

you don’t need god, you need a single general admission ticket to a semi-rowdy crowd. you need the bass pounding in your chest, the push of bodies all around you, dry mouth, shirt stuck to your back with sweat, screaming along with strangers you have never met and will never meet again, that is healing you cannot get anywhere else. you need to take a minute to realize its safe to be yourself, howl along with the crowd. i don’t know how we synchronize up like this.

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5 years ago


Smoke, sugary drinks, water, alcohol and majorly sweat. Those were the odors that filled up my lungs at the moment, and my mind was a mess, everything was blurry, my feet hurt like hell and the funny thing was that none of it mattered, I was myself, safe in that old and dusty basement of an underground club downtown that I didn ́t even know and yet, the moment I stepped a foot in it, felt like I was returning home, like as if my whole life I had been waiting for this very moment, I had longed so much for a place I could not name nor describe, it was incredible but awfully scary at the time, no certainty, just the sound of a crowd roaring with all its might without a single care in the world coming together with mere strangers that somehow felt like family. At the moment, the only things that mattered were the sounds created by the vibrations sent by the fingers touching strings and drumsticks ́ bangs, a single voice that acted as a beacon and the people on stage who were spinning, jumping and moving all around the place, nothing more. No thirst, no hunger, no ache nor loneliness, everything was fine.Everyone enjoying themselves, having the time of their lives, some cried, yes, but those were the happiest type of tears, like when the joy is so overwhelming that the only way to express it is through tears.

Every pair of eyes, all of different colors on various faces that protected different souls were shining with a marvelous glee unseen elsewhere. Others would have thought that I was high, and probably I was, but not in the way that you are picturing me, but in a sort of spiritual level, I was way above everything else in this mundane and silly world, my heart was at peace even though it was beating so fast that it could have gotten out of my chest in any moment and flown straight to the stage.

At times my eyes were closed, then I would move so I would be facing the ceiling and I would open them, then smile with a kind of joy too great for it to be described in words, hard to understand if you ́ve never been in that kind of situation, it couldn ́t be talked, just felt in every single fiber to the greatest extent. The ground trembled due to the vibrations of each string and plate that pumped though the speakers, and that moment I knew what home would be like from that moment onwards, for a night I was everything I ever wanted to be and at the same time, nothing more than just a speck in the universe, it felt right and unlike anything else before that moment, I was more than just myself and myself was more than enough, I belonged and was pressed among the bodies of my people, air escaping my lungs and instead being filled up by the magic that floated around above our heads as I screamed straining my chords, leaving my voice behind and giving it all to the people on stage that unknowingly had voiced my deepest sorrows, screamed what I barely whispered inside my head, cared when no one else did and gave me the push I so needed to keep moving forward.

Pure bliss, that was it, my heart exploding with it.

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6 months ago

I literally finished this show in one day.

me: I could enjoy this show slowly, savoring each episode

dark me: watch all the episodes in one night

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