Silica - Tumblr Posts

If you raw DOGGIN 5-10 new people weekly or monthly, stay tested every month or weekly.

Legit boys, prep “truvada” ain’t enough to blindly trust your cum dumps… some dude literally still got it. I’m not on prep, never trusted it and since tumblr deleted me 3 times now I’ll share how I treat my herpes ( HSV2 ) while remaining HIV NEGATIVE tested multiple times a year!

Be smart, be picky, stop trusting that people care about their own bodies enough to care about yours bruh. Same with vaccines, I stayed unvaccinated because I didn’t trust the science or the Eugenicist behind it.

Before I engage in sex because I have herpes (HSV2) but am HIV negative … I firstly flush out my system meaning I empty my bowels, gut and ass of any waste from days prior that hasn’t digested with a SHOWER HOSE to prevent scabs from forming internally to prevent shedding and outbreaks externally…I also use my coconut oil, castor oil and my old 10inch silicone dildo to get deep up inside the intestinal lining to really clear out waste while coating the skin and the castor oil soothes internal inflammation in that area while helping you enjoy the RIDE. Health and wellness happens to PLEASURABLE MEN, don’t be afraid of your ass women have lied for centuries, it’s the secret to great health and ultimate pleasure.

Anyway, upon doing all that before I shower I have my favorite tea, I can’t tell you all my formula yet but I can share 4 of the 13 full formula I combined over 9yrs to test my theory that “if I increase the ribosomes during Protein synthesis internally while maintaining organ function I need natural herbs and remedies to do so.” Did some research and discovered the L-lysine amino acid has promising results but noticed it wasn’t strong enough by itself, so through trial and error I discovered my formula…

1. L-lysine - 10,000-20,000mg

2. Ascorbly palmitite VITAMIN C - 10,000-20,000mg - power form to get to the blood stream then to the infected area faster, same with lysine.

3. Organic aloe Vera juice - Gallon! Helps with absorption of the nutrients so your pancreas, liver and kidneys isn’t overloaded like with big pharmaceutical meds for herpes that I’ve avoided for 9yrs now ALL NATURAL!

4. Low low low dose silica, bone health and its rumored herpes may hide near the base of your spinal cord so this was a no brainer - by low dose I mean 25mg-50mg.

I’ve added 9 others to this formula over 9yrs but I can’t share that yet, it’s gonna be on the market once my sex work career takes off. Bahahaha 😆 in my dreams but anyway, TRY it men living with HSV1-2. I’d never take a herpes vaccine for a skin condition/nerve condition, not ever!

A week of this, your outbreaks will go back in hiding… I like to think of herpes as an alien. It’ll destroy other parasites and bugs in your system btw, many percs I’ve learned to having it plus their is a lot more to this but these bitches will delete my tumblr eventually because I play by MY OWN RULES in every aspect of my life. Write this down, don’t be a fool and pass herpes and you don’t need to. HIV is blood, HERPES is nerve and skin… never compare the two as the 1970s tried to do. I love being smooth, smooth means you can always see my skin, always check pubes for scabs boys. Trust but verify is a way of LIFE!

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8 years ago
Sword Art Online - Gifset Per EpisodeEpisode 4| The Black Swordsman
Sword Art Online - Gifset Per EpisodeEpisode 4| The Black Swordsman
Sword Art Online - Gifset Per EpisodeEpisode 4| The Black Swordsman
Sword Art Online - Gifset Per EpisodeEpisode 4| The Black Swordsman

Sword Art Online - Gifset per Episode Episode 4 | The Black Swordsman

The teleport square of the forty-seventh floor was full of countless flowers. Narrow lanes in four directions framed the open space, and the rest of the curved plaza was walled off into larger brick flowerbeds overflowing with an infinite array of unfamiliar flora. “This is incredible…” “Most people call this floor the Flower Garden. The whole forty-seventh floor is covered with flowers, not just the town. If you’ve got time, there’s even the Forest of Giant Flowers on the north edge.” “Maybe some other time.” Silica smiled at Kirito and bent over a nearby flowerbed. She stuck her face into a pale flower the resembled a bluebottle and breathed in its scent.

Sword Art Online Vol. 2, Part 1 [THE BLACK SWORDSMAN]

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5 months ago

This is gonna sound kind of insane but if any of you have any technology in your workplace or home that is working sub-optimally get it fixed or replaced within the next four months just in case. I’ll explain a little.

So in order to make the silicone needed in processors they have to refine it from silicone dioxide also known as silica to get just the silicone out. Silicone dioxide is most abundant in a mineral called quartz. They’re basically one and the same except quartz is a rock and like most rocks it usually isn’t just made of one thing. Most quartz has inclusions or other contaminants in it from other minerals. If you grind up the average kind of quartz you’re not gonna get pure silica you’re gonna get some other stuff mixed in which makes it insanely difficult to get just the silicone out. Spruce Pine is special because it is the only source of the purest quartz ever found. It has almost no contaminants. There is no other known site on earth with quartz this pure. Having to source less pure quartz from other mines will take a long ass time and then an even longer ass time to refine it thoroughly enough to get just the silicone. Basically if our government doesn’t stop sending money to Israel for five seconds and go fix up this tiny Appalachian backwater quartz mine, the entire world is going to slow wayyyyyyyyy down.

That means new processors will become scarce. And considering the strain that cryptocurrency and now generative AI is putting on our electrical grids, we’re needing even more processors than usual.

So basically if we can’t get this mine fixed the world’s infrastructure is gonna collapse just a teeny bit and a lot of people are gonna lose access to water and electricity because a bunch of wealthy idiots are using it all for their fake money and stolen artwork.

Now you may be thinking that it’s not as big a deal as it sounds. Semi conductors aren’t in everything. Mostly just communication devices.

You’re wrong. This is a big fucking deal and we should all be terrified. Semiconductors are used in pretty much every communication device. This includes satellites not just your phones.

But the loss or slowing of communication isn’t the only scary thing.

This is an opportunity for permanent censorship of vulnerable communities

Right now the only reason we know what’s going on in the world is because we can all talk to each other instantly through this little rock in my hand. That plus satellites. If semi conductors become scarce the priority is going to be for governments and specifically militaries. If we can’t bomb children with drones connected to satellites then Uncle Sam will be very sad and we can’t have that now can we? Basically, the people most vulnerable to censorship will lose their ability to communicate because they will not have access to communication devices. That’s the long term consequence.

Now if the poor people can’t speak on the world stage then naturally some of the more privileged who will still have access to devices will become the voice for the voiceless. This is where the big scary future doom comes in.

The recent targeted attacks in Lebanon were all on communication devices. Pagers, phones, walkie talkies, and even car radios. Basically anything that had a processor. And we all know that the Middle East is where the West likes to test their new war crime toys. Now, if some of the privileged start speaking out, the wealthy elites and the governments of the world will have the capability to permanently silence those individuals.

I know I’m doomsday preaching again. I know I sound like a raving lunatic. I know I’m describing a dystopia that would make a very successful book trilogy and potentially a franchise, but I have yet to be wrong.

I may not be an expert on all this, I may be just a small voice on a very big platform, but I will scream doom from the mountain tops if that’s what it takes to save even one person. At the very least I’ll be able to say that I tried.

My final message is this; prep for the worst, hope for the best.

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