Silksong Hornet - Tumblr Posts
I love her so much you don't understand

This art is ooold. But a full render which is rare for me :)

Mini comic of Hyrule meeting Hornet- for the weekly LU server prompt: crossover!

An assortment of Hornets. a Charcuterie board of them, if you will.
Too lazy to make this look good, but here's hornets finalized gajinka fit (+ ghost)

Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 314

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! 🎄
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 370

Went to an ikea today and it made me remember that some time ago someone requested hornet at an ikea. I can’t seem to find it but pretty sure it was anonymous so to ikea anon, here you go lol
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 397
st patrick’s day yay 🍀

Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 472

happy pride month!!!

Ive definitely posted at least one of these before but EHH oh well.
fr @wolsalwastaken ofc (sorry for the mention btw lmao)

Pizza Tower fans when there is no Indie World news for them.
There was nothing to do. Well, it also coincided with the fact that I wanted to try different brushes in Ibis.

Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 384
Idk how well this will work but here’s goes nothing lol

“Draw your Hornet!” aka draw your version/style of hornet somewhere on the bench! I was thinking maybe this can be done through reblogs?
Not a competition/contest or anything like that, it’s just for fun! This will be open indefinitely so do this whenever! :)

there's a spider on the ceiling, help
Some of my recent work!

Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 365!
1 year! One whole year of daily doodles!!

Honestly?? Idk how to feel, so much has happened since I first started this blog.
I guess I’ll just write what I’m thinking right now??
(Everything under the cut, this thing is longer than I expected)
A lot of this text probably isn’t going to make sense. I’m writing this at 1 am. If there’s any mistakes or errors that’s why. I’ll fix them in the morning maybe.
So like. This whole thing kinda started as a joke, I wasn’t intending to actually draw for a year straight lmao. Like I even used a completely different art style from my regular one that was simple, quick and intentionally dumb. Not that I’m upset by it, I’m actually quite proud of myself that I managed to stick to something for an entire year. That’s pretty unusual for me believe it or not. My original intention was to stop at maybe 20 days because I really wasn’t expecting for this blog to get as much love as it did.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much to everyone who has followed and supported this silly little idea I had, you guys are the biggest reason my experience has been so positive and worth it. (Sure it’s not original but I hope it’s at least been interesting!)
I’ve said this a few times now but I’ve mentioned wanting to take a break. I’ll admit that even though it’s been fun it’s still pretty tiring to keep up with this blog sometimes since some recent life events have made it so hard. After some thought, I’ve decided that I’ll likely take a break sometime in the coming months. Maybe toward day 400 or so. As of right now, things are at a lull so I’ve been okay enough mentally and physically to keep up this daily streak I think. Though this could change in an instant for whatever reason.
Overall I think my burnout has kind of gone away I think?? Or at least I’ve been reinvigorated recently after replaying a few runs of hk randomizer and steel soul. No promises it’ll stay away but I silly expect it to come in waves.
Ok but call me crazy or delusional or whatever, but my hopes are up that Silksong will release this year. (which means slowing down/not doing daily doodles yay) I genuinely believe big news is coming since I’ve been getting a lot of dreams lately about something happening with Silksong in March. Idk, I could be wrong but after doing this for a year I’m literally clinging onto anything right now lol
I’d obviously still make the occasional doodle or two when HKSS releases but not daily. This stuff is tough to keep up sometimes, I would never do daily posts like this again once it’s over
Oh yeah also I have an actual big drawing I’m still working on, expect that in sometime in the next few weeks I think!
Anyway, I can’t think of anything else to say right now so I guess that’s it for now!
Thanks so much and here’s to more doodles!
Hornet from Hollow Knight and Silksong
Okay everyone, have a very silly reblog chain;
Describe your gender without using words like "Male", "female", "Non Binary", etc
Okay? Ready?
I'll go first! A dark starfolk from Worldless