Sims 2 Build - Tumblr Posts
Capp Memorial Ground
...i think I seriously have a cemetery addiction...
also, playing dead, so i can fit the cemetery theme lol

Monty Ranch recreation
In my BoV i like to build houses OG style, so I tried to recreate original Monty house in my own game... Ranch is empty mostly, because of a lack of money, but I am proud of the results.

Capitano house
building Veronaville OG style in progress...

Pantalone house
kinda throwing pics of build that i keep in my folder for months now... i'm lazy

Monty Memorial Ground
Cemetery Addiction continues...

Lothario Loft - Don and Cassandra's new home
i love that i'm a minimalist...
(they still had to take a loan lol)

European Townhouse 1BR 1BA - Makeover
i think i really don't like furnishing bathrooms...

Zanni Home
Veronaville building continues...

Working on a build inspired by one of the fancier neighbourhoods in the city I grew up in (Harare) and let me tell y’all… building in the Sims 2? Humbling.
This is my first time ever committing to seriously building something functional in the Sims. I had so many moments when I wanted to give up ngl😭 but I’m happy I stuck it through because the vision is coming together really nicely so far. I just got done with the full exterior and it feels so familiar to me already! Actually so helpful for homesickness.
I took on this project because I don’t see a lot of builds that look like what I grew up around, and I just felt like it would be a great way to bring some more representation into my game. I hope to share my builds when I’m better at it but for now I’m happily learning :,)
Okay. This is about to be a LONG post because I’m hella passionate about this project. Let’s go.

This was my heartfelt attempt at recreating the average Zimbabwean rural compound/homestead, complete with the new house that usually accompanies the traditional huts.
To clarify: nowadays, most of the Zimbabwean population lives in modern cities with modern homes. Had to put this out there to shut down the silly misconception that we still live in mud huts and that we’re stuck in the past or whatever. We keep these rural homes and communities as a way to honour and cherish our roots.
Moving on,
I used a minimal amount of cc (which is why the decorations are a bit sparse in some places) because I found most of what I needed in the vanilla game, plus I just didn’t want to spend too long looking for extra props. I needed to get this done while I still had the vision.
This lot is going to be part of my custom vacation world that I named Kumusha, which is what we say to refer to our ancestral homeland in Shona, my native language. It’s all part of an even bigger hood that I want to model after what I grew up around in Harare. They won’t be exact replicas but they’ll be heavily inspired.
I’ve always adored my identity as a Zimbabwean girl. Moving abroad has deepened my desire to represent my culture and my nation as best as I can, because I don’t see a lot of that positive representation going for us on a more global front. I know for a fact that I’m not the only Zimbabwean who enjoys the Sims thoroughly, so I hope that eventually these efforts will call others who are like me and provide a sense of kinship and familiarity.
I hope to soon share my vision through gameplay videos, but for now I’m just happy to do that here. Of course any non-Zimbabwean simmers who like this sort of thing are welcome to embrace the vision too :)

not super satisfied not gonna lie, except for the mausoleum, but hey, first ever build shared on simblr so i'm kind of proud of me, because there are so many talented folks on simblr that it can be intimidating.
there is a lot of curved trees in the original cemetary but as beautiful as the ones i'm using are, i feel they're not the right fit. also i need to download a sky that suit the ambiance i'm looking for
and yeah as the plague already started, there are cadavers not yet buried.

*cries in simlish*
well this factory sure has more living areas than factory areas laul. in the game it's supposed to be a meat packaged factory, but hey let's say that the big containers makes ground beef (as a vegetarian bitch that's how i'm gonna imagine it works.
i feel a little more justified because it's supposed to be based on the Harupex's lair, which, while being located in the factory, only show living spaces. i'm gonna put deco neighborhood surrending the area, since the factory does have multiple buildings. Or build them myself. Depends on how lazy i feel.
anyways it is a meat factory and definitely not a drug money laundering business

not me reproducing the rose garden orphanage of rule of rose based on wiki screenshots and playthroughs at 2 AM.
yes because my town is overcome by sickness, an orphanage seems logical, but there's none in pathologic. so i was like, oh why not reproduce the most traumatizing orphanage that i know of?
sorry btw i'm real shit a taking good screenshots

so, i know i've put here and there pictures of some builds and sims (not including my creepy pathologic inspired neighborhood) and not really explaining it the name of this place is undonia. at first it began as a kind of midnight challenge, largely inspired by the one by @keoni-chan and now it's been five years and six generations. this island is much more colorful, kind of neon grunge i guess, with aliens, witches and werewolves. anyways, here is the founder's house, based on what remains of edith finch, because i liked the idea of a house growing as the family grew.

aaaaah, i'm suffering. boolprop constrainFloorElevation is such a bitch to get a hold of. anyways, continuing on the pathologic inspired neighborhood, here's The Lump. it's not furnished yet, but i wanted to share the structure because it took me so long hahaha.

here it goes!
so after a few modifications to the facade, i went and tried to be as accurate as i could to the insane floorplan of this house (the rule is : a room can never be a simple square haha).
as i want sims to be living here i took the liberty to add a kitchen and two bathrooms, as well as things for them to do apart from waiting for someone to come to their house to talk to, (like the chess board, the piano). Also a vanity and doll in capella's room, and an extra extra empty room as a future nursery 👀
now why is there the same blue tapestry on the walls everywhere? same thing in the game, when they don't know what to put on the walls of this house, they put this blue/purple curtain. it is a defensive way to say that yes i was lazy BUT it was game accurate haha.
also yeah yeah the lady on altar for the dead mother has a dark hair and victoria is supposed to be blond, but... i have more paintings with dark-haired women what can i say

i did not had to remake this lot 3 times what are you talking about hahaha

did it hurt? when you tried to recreate the cathedral from pathologic ?
1/4 - exterior

here's the crucible by the by!
so believe it or not i had a ridiculous hard time with this one. like more than the lump. i redid the floorplans so many times. and then i had to use my imagination to fill this gigantic mansions (since in the game we see only the first floor), and i'm not used to have to furnish large rooms. but anyways i think it's kind of an acceptable result. i don't want to ever think about this lot ever again