Sims 4 Premades - Tumblr Posts

ok so since all my saves and sims are gone too i decided to try and make diego lobo. again. am not entirely happy but i still love him <3

gave these two another makeover to start a gameplay with them !


Katrina and Don had to be made over as well

ok so here they are :) the finished makeover !

another Darling makeover since my last one got lost ..

Salim Benali

Eva Capricciosa / Partihaus
Before and After

Jade Rosa / Partihaus
Before and After

Mila Munch / The Munchs
Before and After

Gunther Munch / The Munchs
Before and After

Wolfgang Munch / The Munchs
Before and After

Lucas Munch / The Munchs
Before and After

Maaike Haas / Free Spirits
Before and After

Diego is not all that happy about his Butler being everywhere..

Siobhan Fyres / The Fyres
Before and After

Your usual evening at the Goth Manor ..

lil Tina Tinker appreciation post :)

Dina and Don .. just hanging out