Sirius Black X Oc - Tumblr Posts

Their Blood Runs Pure
Catherine × Sirius
They were almost royalties, with promises of a life filled with happiness. But their blood was cursed.
But then she was lost and alone. When no light came to rescue her, she learnt to thrive in darkness. All for family.
A day in life of two Grryfindor Death Eaters in Azkaban.

There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles, fanfiction
January Jones as Laney Burns, b. 1960

Adrien Brody as Sirius Black b. 1960

Gena Rowlands as Betty Winston b. 1940

Bridgette Lundy-Paine as Lee Burns, b. 1981

Joseph Gordan Levitt as Harry Potter, b. 1980

Premise is that Laney is a squib. Her mother is a renowned Auror from the First Wizarding War. She's always been integrated into the magical world, and was around the Order of the Phoenix, enough to become friends with Lily Evans, James Potter and the like. She's the closet with Lily, and after her and James' death, she becomes the "Arabella Figg" of Privet Drive. Instead of Arabella, it's Laney, her pistol, her tiny black purse and French tip nails! Laney is also a single mother, very judged around Privet Drive. Harry is friends with her kid, Lee, who will be going through some stuff. Lee is non-binary, but doesn't really have the words to describe it, because the really important gender theory surrounding this stuff aka Butler and their theory of gender performance, didn't come out until the mid 90s, and even then, it's not the common knowledge of secondary schooler in Britain. I think a common theme of this story will be wanting, but not really knowing what you want. Except, it's not this life. A very common sentiment, and universal. Whether it be the fact Laney is a squib, and she had grown up very astutely aware of her lack of magical ability, or Lee's questions regarding their gender, or even Harry's want of a proper family.
Screaming Portraits
Summary: Sirius has been anxiously waiting at Grimmauld Place for ages before his girl comes home.
Notes: Harry Potter Universe, pre- or post-Azkaban Sirius Black, blurb

“Sirius?” said Samantha, stepping out of the fireplace of 12 Grimmauld Place and dusting herself off.
“Sam?” came Sirius’s voice from the second floor, followed quickly by a thundering of footsteps that stopped halfway down the stairs. “You’re back!”
Samantha Makeba practically flew up the other half of the stairs to meet Sirius, who spun her around as giggles of glee spilled from her lips.
“Merlin, you’ve no idea how glad I am to see you,” said Sirius, setting Sam down on the landing and brushing her black coils from her face.
“Oh, I think I have an inkling,” whispered Samantha against Sirius’s lips. She pushed herself onto her tiptoes, her lips just brushing Sirius’s—
“A MUDBLOOD! THE DISGRACE HAS TARNISHED THE BLACK REPUTATION FURTHER! I DIDN’T THINK IT POSSIBLE!” came the screech of Walburga Black—or rather, her portrait, which hung over a chest of drawers directly behind Samantha. Sirius and Sam jumped in surprise, having forgotten the awful painting’s existence in their rare moment of joy, and Sirius glared up at the wall behind Sam.
“SHUT IT, MOTHER!” he shouted, but the woman continued her ranting.
Sirius was overcome with white-hot rage. Samantha had seen him like this only a handful of times; once when he had lost the final Quidditch match against Slytherin in their third year, once when she was staying at James’s house and he had shown up at the door in the middle of the night, and once when Lucius Malfoy had called her something foul that Sirius refused to repeat to her afterwards as she was cleaning his knuckles of the blood that wasn’t his.
But before she could do anything about it, Sirius had picked the short girl up by the waist, set her on the chest of drawers in front of the portrait, and pushed his lips into hers. Sam went with it, slightly surprised but quite happy to be this close to Sirius again. She had been on a mission for the Order for three weeks—an abnormally long time for a mission, if she was honest—and it was the longest she and Sirius had gone without seeing each other since they had met in their first year.
Sirius’s hands shamelessly flew over Sam’s dark skin, creeping under her shirt and pressing into her back, bringing her chest flush against his as the kiss became fervent and desperate. Walburga’s hysterics had increased tenfold, but at this point, neither Sirius nor Samantha noticed it. They were drowning in each other, and as Samantha wrapped her legs around Sirius’s waist and he brought her to his room, they both knew: there was no place they’d rather be than in the other’s arms.
The Rebel Black Boy
Summary: Neither Sirius nor Freya want to be here, but at the very least, they can find solace in one dance together.
Notes: Harry Potter Universe, pre-Azkaban Sirius, blurb

Sirius took Freya’s hand and led her gracefully across the ballroom of Lestrange Manor. Mechanically, he secured her in his grip as the small string orchestra began again.
“How’ve you been, Fawley?” he asked in her ear, and Farah smiled at the sound of his voice.
“Alright,” she breathed out with some difficulty. “You?”
“Good, good.”
The two swept across the ballroom floor, parting the throngs of other couples like the Red Sea. There wasn’t a soul that couldn’t appreciate their grace, and no one dared interrupt such beauty as the two waltzed.
“Your corset is too tight.”
Sirius tapped Freya’s back gently, making a dull thump sound against the whalebone inside, then lifted her before continuing.
“Yes, well.” Freya sighed. “There’s nothing I can do now.”
“I could always loosen it for you,” offered Sirius.
Freya smirked. “Merlin—what would my mother say if she caught the rebel Black boy undoing her prized daughter’s corset in a side-corridor?” she teased. Sirius rolled his eyes, a blush creeping up his neck despite himself.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he mumbled, spinning Freya before dipping her one last time as the piece ended.
“I know, Black,” Freya said, standing up straight again. “I appreciate the offer, but my mother would kill me.” There was a dark flash of pain in Freya’s eyes before they went back to their regular golden-brown. “Thank you for the dance, Black. I’ll see you around.”
Freya pressed a kiss to Sirius’s cheek before striding gracefully to the ballroom’s perimeter, leaving the rebel Black brother blushing like a schoolgirl.
Summary: Marlene McKinnon is very very gay ... but her sister isn’t.
Notes: Harry Potter Universe, pre-Azkaban Sirius, imagine.

Sirius sauntered over to Marlene, who was giggling in the corner of the library with Dorcas, and plunked down in a chair right next to her, swinging his arm around her shoulders.
“Hi there, Mar,” he said, smirking at the blonde girl, who only raised her eyebrows.
“Do you need something, Black?” she asked, obviously irritated, and Sirius shrugged.
“Nothing in particular—”
“Great. If that’s all.” Marlene turned back to Dorcas, who had a smug smirk plastered on her lips.
“—but I was wondering,” Sirius continued, “if you wanted to accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
“Why would I want to do that, Black?” Marlene and Sirius were decent friends, and there was always some sort of playful banter between the two. However, it was obvious to everyone involved that Marlene was very much a lesbian and held no romantic interest for Sirius in the slightest—well, everyone except Sirius himself, apparently.
“Oh please, Marlene. We’ve been flirting for ages. Why not just go on a date with me?” Sirius reasoned with a casual shrug.
Marlene’s jaw went slightly slack. “Wait.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “You really don’t know?”
“Know what? Do you have a boyfriend?” Sirius abruptly removed his arm from around her shoulders, and Dorcas furiously bit her lip in an attempt to contain a snort of laughter.
“Sirius,” Marlene’s face showed nothing if not pity, “if I were to ever go on a date with a man, that man would be you. But—and I’m not sure how you didn’t figure this out—I am a raging homosexual and therefore physically cannot like you like that.” Dorcas couldn’t contain it any longer, and a shriek of laughter escaped her lips as her face met the table, her black curls framing her heaving form.
Sirius, meanwhile, almost passed out from embarrassment. His eyes widened to the size of tea saucers, and his face practically transfigured itself into a tomato as his jaw fell. He almost immediately pulled away from Marlene and sat a respectful distance away, refusing to meet her eyes as he stammered an apology.
“Don’t be sorry, truly,” Marlene said easily. “I can’t believe you didn’t realize it before. I mean, Dorcas and I have been dating for—what, a year and a half, now?” Dorcas seemed to nod through her convulsions, sitting up and taking a deep breath to compose herself.
“Shit, really?” Sirius felt terrible, now. “I’m so sorry, Doe, I didn’t realize.”
“No, it’s perfectly fine. That just made my day, my week, and almost my month.” Sirius rolled his eyes at her response, saying a quick goodbye in an effort to escape the embarrassment as quickly as possible. He was only a couple of rows of bookshelves away when Marlene called him back, and he groaned internally.
“You know,” she said, a mischievous look in her eye, “I have a sister.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
The librarian shushed Marlene aggressively as the girl shouted across the library to Georgia McKinnon, who sighed and looked up from her book, meeting her sister’s gleeful eyes with a glare.
What? she mouthed, obviously irritated, and Marlene pointed from her sister to the bookshelf next to Dorcas, where a tall figure stood casually.
Georgia had seen Sirius Black around Hogwarts on numerous occasions. She was a bright girl, so she took a lot of advanced classes, quite a few of which she shared with the notorious lady’s-man. She was also quite good friends with Remus Lupin, who happened to be very close with Sirius, and Georgia was Remus’s number-one confidant when it came to his worries about his friends’ safety. She knew about his “furry little problem”, and her presence always seemed to do wonders on Remus’s—and everyone else’s—nerves.
Georgia made a confused face at Marlene from across the library, who rolled her eyes and beckoned her over. Georgia shook her head, motioning to the book in her hands, and Marlene raised a threatening eyebrow, as if to say “if you don’t come over here, I’ll drag you”. Begrudgingly, Georgia gathered her things and marched over to her sister and Dorcas, who smiled kindly at Georgia.
“Hi Georgie,” she greeted in a whisper. “Sorry she interrupted your book. I couldn’t really stop it.”
“It’s alright, Dee. I know it wasn’t your fault.” She sent a glare at Marlene, who gladly returned it, making Dorcas chuckle. “What did you disrupt my happiness for, anyway?”
“Georgia, this is Sirius Black.” She motioned to the boy that still leant against the bookshelf to the right of Dorcas. “He was asking about you.” Sirius’s eyes widened, and he sent Marlene a bewildered look that she ignored.
Georgia McKinnon was absolutely stunning, to say the least. Her blonde hair was held out of her face in a gold clip—though it didn’t do a very good job, seeing as there were quite a few curls that fell into her face—and her sharp sage eyes seemed to bore into Sirius’s soul in a way that felt like he was sinking into a sea of honey. When Marlene told her that he was asking about her, he was immediately embarrassed.
“Oh.” Georgia didn’t quite know how to respond. Although she had her fair share of boys who were interested in her, they were never as well-known or good-looking as Sirius was. “Well … nice to officially meet you.” She adjusted her armful of books to rest in the crook of her left elbow as she extended her right hand for him to take. Sirius shook it, maintaining eye contact as if he were in a trance, and Georgia blushed, quickly averting her eyes. “Well, I’d best be off. Professor Sorena asked if I could tutor some third-years over lunch. I’ll see you around, Sirius, Dee. See you later, Miss Medusa.”
“Fuck off, Georgia,” Marlene snapped as the girl strode away, laughing lightly, and Sirius about melted on the spot.
“Awww, look at him.” Dorcas leaned her head on Marlene’s shoulder. “He’s in loooove.” Marlene rolled her eyes, though there was a light smile on her lips.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let’s go get lunch.”
Three Years Later
Three knocks rang through the McKinnon household, and Marlene bounded from the kitchen to the foyer, opening the front door.
“Hi there Peter,” she said, furrowing her eyebrows. “What are you doing here this early?” It was barely seven in the morning, and the rest of the McKinnons—plus Dorcas, who was staying the night—were still sound asleep. Peter himself looked terrible, if Marlene was honest. His eyes were sunken, and dark purple bags hung under them, but his eyes were fierce and determined. “Peter, are you alright? You look sick.”
Marlene surveyed Peter for any injuries—a habit she had grown used to, given the war—and that was when she saw it.
Peter’s long-sleeved shirt—too warm for mid-summer—was rolled up to his elbows, exposing his left forearm, where a dark, slithering tattoo caught Marlene’s eye.
Immediately, she slammed the door shut, forcing the deadbolt into place and taking a step away from it. She was defenseless, now, having left her wand on the bedside table, and her anxiety grew as Peter placed his fist on the door from the other side.
“Mar, just come out. Come with me. Nothing will happen—I promise.”
Marlene was frozen to the spot, terror consuming her to the point of no return.
“Marlene.” Silence. “Marlene, don’t make me come in there.”
“Mar?” Georgia. “Who’s here?”
The sound of her sister’s voice broke Marlene from her stupor. “Georgie, go back upstairs,” Marlene ordered, her voice hushed.
“What? No, Sirius is taking me to the movies in an hour, and I have to walk to—”
“No, Georgia.” Marlene’s voice was firm, but there was something Georgia had scarcely heard before, too—fear.
“Mar, what’s going on?”
“Georgie, please just go up—”
The door flew off of its hinges with a deafening bang. Marlene just barely ducked, but Georgia wasn’t so lucky. She was hit head-on by the solid mahogany door and in an instant, she crumpled to the ground. Marlene cried out to her sister, but her attention was quickly brought to the man walking through her broken doorway.
“Mar, you should have listened,” Peter said, the pity in his voice almost fooling her for a second. “Nothing would have happened if you just came with me.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Georgia felt the pain before her eyes were even opened. It felt as if her forehead was struck by lightning, leaving a residual shockwave that wouldn’t stop bouncing her brain back and forth in her skull. Immediately, she groaned, and a handful of muffled voices filtered through the headache, worsening it as they grew louder and louder. After a few moments, her head felt as if it were being split in two. Suddenly, a loud voice cut through the rest, which all slowly quieted, and another spoke gently to her.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Lily Potter leaned over her best friend’s younger sister, hoping against hope that she wouldn’t follow Marlene’s path. Sirius had grown worried when Georgia hadn’t shown up at their usual meeting place, eventually making the trek to the McKinnon home. What he found was almost more than he could handle.
The McKinnons and Dorcas Meadowes were dead—massacred in their own home—and the sole survivor of the attack was the woman laying in the guest bedroom at the Potters’. Everyone was crowded around the bed, hoping that Georgia would survive. The blow she sustained was enough to knock her out and split her forehead open, and by the time Sirius had arrived, there was a startling amount of blood staining the floor, but Lily insisted Georgia would survive—whether for her sake or everyone else’s, Sirius wasn’t sure.
A small groan escaped Georgia’s lips, and the group of friends murmured in excitement. She sounded pained, but at least she was alive.
“Everyone quiet,” Lily hissed, ushering the group out of the door, but Sirius stayed by Georgia, and Lily let him.
“Georgie?” Sirius’s voice was as soft as he could manage, and he couldn’t think of a time where he was more glad to see Georgia’s pale green eyes than when her eyelashes fluttered apart and she squinted around the room.
“Where am I?” she asked, her voice hoarse as a hand came up to touch the gauze wrapped around her head.
“You’re at James’s, darling,” Sirius reassured, holding her free hand and kissing her knuckles as she looked at him.
“Are you okay?” she asked. Sirius’s bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks were obvious, and it ignited a spark of worry in Georgia’s stomach.
Sirius laughed tearfully. “Yes, m’love, I’m fine.”
His face didn’t match his words.
“Where’s Mar?”
The dreaded question had come sooner than Sirius had hoped.
Lily quietly excused herself as Sirius sat next to Georgia’s head in the king bed, legs crossed. He stroked her hair gently as her light green eyes peered up at him with such curiosity. His breath caught in his throat. He knew the news he bore would break Georgia’s heart, and if it were up to him, he would never tell her just to keep her as she was just then; innocent and content, even in the middle of a war.
The pit of worry in Georgia’s stomach only grew as Sirius looked at her, examining every inch of her face as if it were the last time he would see her like that. She knew before he even said what had happened. Her mind couldn’t remember what had occurred, but the tug in her heart told her even before she had opened her eyes that something was wrong.
“Sirius,” Georgia whispered, eyes filling with sorrow as she spoke. Sirius almost wanted to cry out—to tell the unworried look in her eyes to come back, because he could never get enough of it. “Sirius, tell me.”
Georgia felt the spark in her heart fizzle.
Her ribcage felt hollow as Sirius bit his lip, restraining his own tears for her sake, and a strangled sob left her lips.
“Please, Sirius, please.”
This wasn’t an option.
Marlene had been a part of Georgia’s life from the start. She was a teasing, ever-loving constant in Georgia’s world. She’d never left before. She would never leave.
This couldn’t be an option.
“I’m sorry, Geor—”
Georgia scrambled up, almost passing out as her headache tripled and the world tilted sharply. Sirius wrapped his arms around her waist before she could even get off of the bed, pulling her into his lap, and Georgia let out a dry sob, pounding her weak fists against his chest.
“Georgia, she—”
“Georgia, she’s gone!”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
James, Remus, Lily, Alice, and Frank listened in silence as Georgia screamed for her sister, some with hands over their mouths and others with eyes closed, barely holding back tears. No one knew what to do other than wait. Marlene was friends with everyone, and it was only a twist of the knife to hear Georgia in such pain after her sister’s death. She was always the shoulder for anyone to cry on, no matter the circumstances, and all that anyone could think to do was to provide the same service for her now.
But somehow, it didn’t seem nearly enough.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Lily didn’t let Georgia out of bed for several weeks, and another week and four days passed until she allowed Sirius to take her home with him. Georgia was obviously in mourning, though no one except Sirius ever saw the full extent of her grief. After the first day, she seemed terribly anguished, but she never cried in front of anyone, only allowing the agony to consume her when she was curled in Sirius’s chest at night.
Sirius was tasked with packing Georgia’s things and bringing them from the now-empty McKinnon house to his flat in London. He returned with glassy eyes and a trunk full of clothes, toiletries, and a mess of photos, gathering Georgia from the Potters’ and apparating to his flat in Isle of Dogs.
It was late when the young couple arrived at Sirius’s humble apartment, and he led Georgia up two flights of stairs without much event. He fumbled with the keys for a moment before finally unlocking the door and holding it open for Georgia, who stepped in with her luggage.
Sirius’s flat was one of Georgie’s favorite places. It was cozy and always smelled like Sirius; spearmint gum and the aftershave he used. She left her trunk in Sirius’s room, not bothering to unpack before she walked back into the living room and curled up on the couch. Sirius placed an order for pizza before joining her. He pulled Georgia into his lap, his arms resting naturally around her waist as her head found its usual place in his neck.
The two sat like that in silence for a while, not bothering to speak until the buzzer rang and the delivery man arrived with one large cheese pizza. They ate over the sink like the twenty-somethings they were, watching the boats float by on the River Thames until they were full. Sirius wrapped his arms around Georgia’s waist as she nibbled the pizza down to the crust, resting his chin on the crown of her head as the two swayed slightly, and still, no words were spoken.
Suddenly, Sirius swept Georgia up in his arms, making her squeal a little. He smiled. It was the most joyful sound she had made in a while. He carried her into the bedroom and set her down on their bed before looking at the bookshelf in the corner. Quickly, he flicked through his small collection of records before finding the one he wanted and putting it on the record player. The vinyl scratched slightly before Fleetwood Mac’s “Rhiannon” played softly through the room.
Sirius pulled Georgia up, holding her close to his chest as he swayed to the beat, and Georgia met his eyes with the closest thing to happiness he had seen in almost two weeks. The two silently danced through their bedroom, Georgia eventually resorting to standing on Sirius’s feet as he moved since he wouldn’t stop stepping on her toes. The song ended with a small scratch, and Sirius brought a hand up to Georgia’s cheek. He kissed the tip of her nose.
“I’ll take care of you,” he whispered.
“It’s rotten work,” Georgia said back.
Sirius shook his head. “No,” he whispered, watching her eyes very closely. “Not for me. Not if it's you.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
In the unfortunate event that I die, this letter is to be delivered to you via Dorcas. If she’s dead, then I don’t know how this is going to get to you, so I may be wasting my time, which is an annoying thought, but oh well.
Anyway, I shall make my point perfectly clear. Here it is:
I don’t care if she’s a pain in my ass. She’s my sister, and to fulfill my dying wish, you WILL take care of her. Understood? Good.
P.S. I’m totally haunting you in the afterlife.
P.P.S. Actually, I don’t want to witness you knocking up my sister, so never mind.
🐾 Marauders Masterlist 🐾

Sirius Black
Imagines ↳ Orestes — in which Marlene McKinnon is very very gay ... but her sister isn’t. ↳ Attention to Detail — in which Sirius is desperate to learn to tell when Lola is uncomfortable, especially after he figures it out the hard way. ↳The Linguist — in which rockstar!Sirius goes to visit his old friend—or were they more?—while on tour. ↳Part 1: The Bouquet ↳Part 2: The Bookshop ↳Part 3: The Bistro (coming soon ...) ↳Strings — in which rockstar!Sirius reconnects with the girl of his dreams at the symphony. ↳Part 1 ↳Part 2
Blurbs ↳ The Rebel Black Boy — in which neither Sirius nor Freya want to be here, but at the very least, they can find solace in one dance together. ↳ Screaming Portraits — in which Sirius has been anxiously waiting at Grimmauld Place for ages before his girl comes home. ↳ What Do You Want To Be? — in which Sirius’s panic attack takes a sudden but very sweet turn. ↳ Squint And You'll See It — in which Sirius can't imagine why his potions partner won't wear her glasses.
Definitely Don’t Imagine ... (special series) ↳ ... Sirius Admiring from Afar ↳ ... Sirius’s First Encounter with an Electric Blanket ↳ ... Sirius Getting You out of Class
Tiktok Trends ↳ Lipstick Stains — in which Y/N and Sirius do the trend in which one partner covers the other’s face in lipstick stains. ↳ Favorite Photo — in which Sirius does the trend where he can’t stop staring at his favorite photo of Y/N and himself
Remus Lupin
Imagines coming soon ... requests always opened!
Blurbs ↳ Smuggle-Born — in which James, Sirius, and Peter get the wrong idea about where Remus is going every couple days.
James Potter
Imagines ↳ September — in which James falls in love far too easily.
Blurbs ↳ Cute Kid — in which James Potter falls in love with one of his first graders' mom. (This is a blurb-headcannon-list-story-series thing? idk but it's cute so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) ↳ Parent-Teacher Conferences ↳ Seeing Each Other Around Town ↳ Career Fair ↳ Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift ↳ James Takes Liam to School ↳ You Get A Visitor in the ER ↳ Kindergarten Graduation
j e a l o u s y
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- sirius black
a/n: im so sorry it took so long, my questions are flooded and im trying my best but regardless my requests are open luvs :)
so this is actually kind of based on a boy i liked (like) and i can't say its been as happy as this but that's where i found a bit of my inspiration for this and its honestly eh
requested- yes
warnings- there is a bit of insecurities and doubt showing, mature themes, jealousy (if that wasn't obvious), it could be seen as toxic, mention of a vagina
siri's masterlist . navigation

Sirius absolutley loathed Bertram Aubrey with every being in his body. His name itself was a bad omen, it was as if conjuring the evil spirits if anyone dared to acknowledge his presence anywhere near Black.
It's always, Aubrey is a liar, Aubrey is a cheat, Aubrey has no backbone, but Sirius would never admit why he targeted him so much without a second glance. his feud all led down to the same road
Bertram fancied the girl he's been pinning on for over two years and what has become of him when he was so easily placed at the same level as him? he's never had a problem with winning people over with his charisma.
So when he saw Aubrey anywhere near you, a cold sweat ran down his back. he had nothing to be afraid of. he knew you would never chose him, he could never be Sirius fuckin Black.
but why was there a burning sensation when his hands brushed yours, when you smiled back at him? it made the gryffindor see absolute red.
you were pulled into a broom closet in the middle of a an abandoned and dusty hallway by a familiar hand with familiar rings.
only a dim light entered the wooden box, enough to see an annoyed and arrogant face.
"Why are you so worked up?"
his right hand slid up your waist bringing you impossibly close to him while the other rested under your arse. he lightly nudged you to lean and place your support on the wooden surface as he observed your words.
"Because I can't stand the sight of him near you," Sirius whispered, his voice low and dangerous. hot.
His grip tightened on your waist, pulling you even closer to him. do you know when you feel butterflies in your stomach? you felt it in your pussy instead. she was aching. god.
You could feel the tension radiating off him, his body pressed against yours in the confined space of the closet. His eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of betrayal.
"But he's just a friend," you protested weakly, trying to lightly push against his chest to create some distance between you, but Sirius wouldn't budge.
"friend huh?" he scoffed, his tone dripping with disbelief. "He wants more than that, and you know it. I've seen the way he looks at you. Its how I look at you."
You swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of Sirius's accusations. There was a part of you that wanted to deny it, to reassure him that Bertram meant nothing to you. But another part, a small and treacherous part, couldn't deny the thrill of attention from someone like Bertram.
Sirius seemed to sense your internal struggle, his grip softening slightly as he searched your face for answers. "Do you wanna fuck him huh?" he asked, almost hesitantly, as if afraid of the answer.
You opened your mouth to respond, but the words caught in your throat. How could you admit to Sirius, to yourself, the conflicting emotions swirling inside you?
Before you could form a coherent response, Sirius leaned in closer, his lips dangerously close to yours. "tell me baby," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin, "who do dream of?"
His words hung in the air between you, heavy with unspoken implications. And in that moment, with Sirius so close you could feel the heat of his body, you realized that the answer didn't matter.
All that mattered was the pull between you, the undeniable magnetism that drew you together despite everything else.
You reached up, tangling your fingers in Sirius's hair as you pulled him closer, closing the gap between you in a desperate kiss that left no room for doubt.
The kiss deepened, igniting a fire that had been simmering between you for far too long. Sirius's hands roamed over your body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake as he pulled you impossibly closer.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in each other, the world outside the closet fading away until there was nothing but the two of you.
Eventually, the need for air forced you to break the kiss, but you remained pressed against each other, chests rising and falling in unison as you tried to catch your breath.
"You. Only you." you whispered, your voice barely more than a breathless exhale.
But Sirius shook his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "That's what I thought" he said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.