Lu Colors - Tumblr Posts
Your art is so cute <3! Makes my day better whenever it crosses my feed. If you’re feeling up to it, and want to, request for some Four? (Split or whole). Have a wonderful day!

FOUR of you guys literally asked for Four, so, HAHA :3
So Four right. He's like actually four people in one body. Like a bunch of toddlers in a trench coat. Anyways that's not the point, i think he talks to himself out loud. Or atleast used to.
Before he met the chain right, just imagine hes doin his own thing in the forge, minding his own business and then all the sudden he yells at the top of his lungs
what's actually going on, is Red and Blue are having an argument while Green is finishing work. Vio has a fucking headache because he absolutely hates his brothers sometimes
They do split and do the whole "oh lets swap clothes to see if anyone noticed" thing twins do. But ×4
Twilight can tell because that man will transform into wolfie to figure it out
Wind definitely plays along, but it gets irritating really quick because he'll randomly shout out, "ARE YOU GUYS TWINS?!?!?!"
Yeaaaaaa.....moving on-
The rest of the chain? Legend doesn't give a shit until Wars makes a bet. Then he's all over the colors trying to figure out which ones which because he is not about to lose a bet to WARS of all people
Wild, Hyrule, Sky, and Time? Probably dont care. In fact, i think it would go like this;
Thats what you get for now >:]
Gimmie's character's to write about-

Sky jolts up from his fitful slumber. It was the usual nightmares again. You'd think he'd be over this by now. Zelda is safe. He knows this. And yet, the dreams persists. Sighing, he stands up. He needs a moment.
The smith watches him go. He could tell the knight was shaken, but didn't deem it necessary to bolt right after him. That would only stir up the rest of their brothers, and he was sure the Skyloftian didn't want that kind of attention on himself right now.
After a while, the smith gets up to nudge awake the next person for the watch. "I'll be right back." He says. The smith doesn't have to explain himself. He does this sometimes, disappearing to who knows where, but he always comes back unscathed.
He finds the knight a little ways off camp, curled up in a ball. "Hey." He calls softly. "You alright?" Sky startles a bit. "Yeah- Yeah, im okay. I just-" He chokes on a broken sob. The smith can see the slight tremble of his brother's shoulders. After a moment of hesitation, he raises his sword.
Sky can see a flash of light through his closed eyelids and hands covering his face. Next thing he knows, there's not one, but four bodies pressing up against him.
"It's okay." It's a voice he knows, if ever so slightly different. "We've got you." A slightly higher one adds. Now, normally Sky would've whipped his head up at the flash of light alone, but something tells him he doesn't need to. Not this time. He trusts those words. And he knows they speak the truth.
Im not a writer, but i wanted to try a bit fancier way to tell you what occurred in my head when my two brain cells collided and i started drawing this lol
I keep thinking about this idea, where the Chain meets Four last, but they meet him when he’s split into the Colours. And it’s all the same except the big secret isn’t that Four can split, but the fact that Colours are all just parts of a single person. The colours don’t want the Chain to think that he’s a freak or cursed, so they stay separated while they travel with the Chain. Of course the Chain is trying to figure out which one of them is Link and which ones are just the tag along identical brothers. It’s an ongoing debate with many a bets placed, but the Colours just change their answer or come up with a new ridiculous excuse each time. Legend would probably have his suspicions tho. Then something happens and the Colours are forced to merge into Four and it could go either two ways:
1. They merge in front of the rest of the Chain and the big secret is revealed, followed by a lot of reassurance that they don’t think he’s a freak,
Or, the objectively funnier option:
2. They merge while the Colours are separated from the Chain, and don’t get a chance to split again before they catch up, and in a moment of panic, Four introduces himself as the Colour’s older brother, Link, and that the portal sent his younger siblings back home. Four then has to keep the secret that is he actually all four Colours combined and has been travelling with them the whole time, and that he can split back into them at any point. Add into that the drama of being forced back into one body after so much time apart and having to readjust. Legend is still suspicious.
After roughly two months, I finally finished it!
Four from @linkeduniverse
I'm adding onto this, because I just had a cursed idea. Enjoy!
So at some point after Four has merged and is pretending that he totally isn't just the colours in a trench coat, the Chain end up in Four's era, and not too far from Four's house either! The rest of the chain are super excited to see the quadruplets again, and Four kind of feels bad about the whole situation, so they come up with a plan to split in secret. One of the colours will pretend to be Four still, while the others will sneak ahead to the house and pretend they had been there the whole time.
Since Green can act the most like how Link normally is, he is elected to be 'Four'. The plan works smoothly at first, and the Chain get to catch up with the colours. Until someone questions Red on where Green is. And poor Red, who cannot lie on the spot to save his life, blurts out the first thing to come to mind:
"Uh... he died."
Queue immediate chaos as the Chain are absolutely horrified and in mourning, trying to comfort an obviously in shock 'Four' who has just found out one of his younger brothers has passed.
Meanwhile poor Green is mentally face palming so hard, trying to figure out how the fuck they're going to get out of this mess.
I keep thinking about this idea, where the Chain meets Four last, but they meet him when he’s split into the Colours. And it’s all the same except the big secret isn’t that Four can split, but the fact that Colours are all just parts of a single person. The colours don’t want the Chain to think that he’s a freak or cursed, so they stay separated while they travel with the Chain. Of course the Chain is trying to figure out which one of them is Link and which ones are just the tag along identical brothers. It’s an ongoing debate with many a bets placed, but the Colours just change their answer or come up with a new ridiculous excuse each time. Legend would probably have his suspicions tho. Then something happens and the Colours are forced to merge into Four and it could go either two ways:
1. They merge in front of the rest of the Chain and the big secret is revealed, followed by a lot of reassurance that they don’t think he’s a freak,
Or, the objectively funnier option:
2. They merge while the Colours are separated from the Chain, and don’t get a chance to split again before they catch up, and in a moment of panic, Four introduces himself as the Colour’s older brother, Link, and that the portal sent his younger siblings back home. Four then has to keep the secret that is he actually all four Colours combined and has been travelling with them the whole time, and that he can split back into them at any point. Add into that the drama of being forced back into one body after so much time apart and having to readjust. Legend is still suspicious.

Wind learns Four’s secrets~
A huge thank you to @sister-dear for writing a fic based on this for the LUAAP! Please give it a read (here). It’s so cute!

May I present to you, a completely out of context sketch based on a fun little something @not-freyja and I have in the works. 😉
I am so excited to put myself and everyone else through this pain. ❤️
Sorry Four.

@gia-d storyboard for “Shadowed” is looking great!
I have literally been rendered speechless.
I have been staring at this in awe for an hour trying to figure out how to properly articulate my joy that you liked the scarce few scraps we have given you for this fic enough to draw fanart of it. But after a bit of contemplation, I think I finally have the words.
Holy fucking shit what the fuck!?!?!?
This is absolutely amazing, you have no idea how perfectly you have captured the vibes of this story. Thank you so, so much for this, you art has literally made my day. I can't wait to share this fic with everyone. ❤️

I do not know what is fucking happening. I just doodled something based off the scraps of context we’ve been given. anyways. @gia-d and @not-freyja I’m very excited to see you hurt the boys :D
Wow, villains can sure talk. It's been- uhhh
Seven minutes.
Thanks Vio. Seven minutes that Dinky Bitch here has been monologuing. Much too long. Please get to the point good sir-
He is nowhere near good.
Tolerable s-
Still no.
"And well.. I have the means to bring your dear shadow back from the dead."
Four zoned back in at that line with a slow, slow blink.
Four sighed.
He took out his journal and pen.
Opened to the second page, as the first was full, and made a single tally mark.
Closed his book with a snap, and put it away.
All without breaking eye contact.
If Dark Link could, he'd be sweating buckets. He twitched at every sound and actually flinched when four talked.
"That's how many times I've been offered such a ridiculous thing."
Off to the side, seemingly from the ground, muffled laughter could be heard. A being emerged from Four's shadow.
"Dude!" Shadow said, then almost broke into cackles, "I'm right here! Been here for a while now!"
this has been sitting in my docs collecting dust for a while now. It feels incomplete and i wanna do more with it, but... the brain juices ain't flowin. If anyone wants to continue it, go right ahead.
we've got your back, lu fandom ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Team Trials- Chapter 4: Four
Chapter 4 HAD to be Four. Here you go 😁
Warnings: Suggestion of injury, injury, blood
They had been ambushed by monsters. AGAIN. Four was defending the camp when he heard shouting behind him.
“We need to send more to the field! We can’t have everyone here tending to him.”
“We need as many hands as possible. This isn’t a minor injury.”
“Ask for help- you know you can’t hold them off!”
“What is happening? Who is injured? Are they going to die? Please tell me they won’t die!”
“Let the others work this out. Protect the camp!”
“Why isn’t anyone out here with me?!”
“Everything will work out. Hylia is with us and against the enemy!”
“Shut up!” Four muttered to himself, knowing that his emotions would either help or absolutely destroy every chance they had of making it out alive. But then he reconsidered what one of them said… “Ask for help- you know you can’t hold them off!”
He considered using the true power of the Four Sword. His hand was drawing on the power in his grip. The hilt burned his hand.
“Why not?” he asked, grabbing again. He would defend the camp, even if that required them.
He divided into four. Red was trying to encourage the group, going along with the situation. At least he wasn’t a problem.
Vio, naturally, was wreaking havoc on the vitality of the group. He was anxious about whoever was injured, and could not focus on the moment.
Blue was calling furiously for someone at camp to help. He hacked through three to four enemies at a time, completely disregarding defending himself and thus getting little cuts and bruises everywhere.
Green was trying to calm everyone down, but his need for peace and unity did not make him the strongest fighter. He didn’t get hit, but he didn’t fight particularly effectively either.
Someone from camp shouted furiously, then three heroes rushed over. Wars, who was the likely culprit for the yelling, Legend, who looked like he wanted to murder so much more than just the bokoblins responsible for his brother’s injury, and Sky, who was lacking his sailcloth. To Four that was a potent induction of the severity of the injury.
With the other’s aid, he could become one person again. He tried, but he forgot how. Vio panicked, Blue was in a rage, and Red got hit by a blow. Green attempted again, and it worked.
The colors combined. Four thought his strategy was flawless, but as soon as he locked back into the battle, he noticed his grip slipping on his sword. There was blood running all the way down his arm from a deep cut in his shoulder. It was agonizing. He plowed through as many enemies as he could, but as he fought he lost more blood. He collapsed after a few minutes of intense fighting. The realization that he had messed up was bitter.
The heroes who had joined him fought furiously. When the numbers of the monsters had decreased enough for the others to deal with, Sky rushed over to Four.
Sky slipped his arm under Four. “Just hold still, okay?”
Four nodded, wincing. Sky pulled a piece of cloth from his pouch and wrapped Four’s shoulder.
“I let my emotions control my actions… I’m sorry! I failed…” Four started, his regrets pouring out of his mouth.
“It’s hard with so much stress, I know. Calm down, you’re going to be fine!’
“But on my journey-”
Sky clasped his hands in his own. “You’re going to be fine.” Four nodded, somehow much calmer. Sky lifted him up and carried him back to camp. After Sky laid Four down and gave him a potion, Sky made his way to the outskirts of the camp and into the woods.
He chose to leave Sky alone until he came back.
But he didn’t come back.
Four searched the camp for Sky, but he couldn’t find him. He dashed to the others to tell them, but they were already gathered, grim-faced and gaunt.
“Twilight’s gone missing.”
“He won’t be hard to find,” Legend snarled angrily. “Just follow the blood trail.”