Slavicart - Tumblr Posts
Kolejny szkic... Trochę czasu zajęło mi opublikowanie go. Tym razem woziła, inaczej zwany tabunnikiem. Była to istota o końskich uszach i nogach, która sprawowała opiekę nad stadami koni.
Another sketch ... It took me a while to publish it. This time woziła, otherwise known as tabunnik. It was a creature with horse ears and legs who looked after herds of horses.
Cóż to? Tak to kolejny szkic inspirowany genialnym "Bestiariuszem słowiańskim" panów Pawła Zycha i Witolda Vargasa. (Z którego pochodzi drugi rysunek). Polecam serdecznie. :-)
What is it? Another sketch inspired by the brilliant "Slavic Bestiary" by Paweł Zych and Witold Vargas. (Which is where the second drawing comes from). I heartily recommend. :-)
"Plague Maiden"
Yes, I know, the works related to the works of JRR Tolkien are the most popular on my profile. However, my most beloved topic is Slavic mythology. I always try to make every detail important in this type of work. And because of that, I could talk about them for hours.
Therefore, I present to you the latest work. This is a plague maiden, made with my favorite charcoal sketch technique.
I hope you enjoy this job after all.