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Jedna z kilku moich prac inspirowanych "Bestiariuszem słowiańskim".
Druga grafika pochodzi z książki "Bestiariusz słowiański" autorstwa Pawła Zycha i Witolda Vargasa.
One of my few works inspired by the "Slavic Bestiary".
The second graphic comes from the book "Slavic Bestiary" by Paweł Zych and Witold Vargas.
Kolejny szkic węglowy inspirowany mitologią słowiańską - tym razem spory. Spory były polnymi istotami, od których według Słowian zależały pomyślność zbiorów i dobrobyt. Ich nazwa pochodzi od słowa "sporzyć" oznaczającego mnożyć się
Podobają się wam?
Another carbon sketch inspired by Slavic mythology - this time "spory". The "spory" were field creatures on whom, according to the Slavs, the success of the harvest and prosperity depended. Their name comes from the word "sporzyć" which means to multiply.
Do you like them?
Kolejny szkic... Trochę czasu zajęło mi opublikowanie go. Tym razem woziła, inaczej zwany tabunnikiem. Była to istota o końskich uszach i nogach, która sprawowała opiekę nad stadami koni.
Another sketch ... It took me a while to publish it. This time woziła, otherwise known as tabunnik. It was a creature with horse ears and legs who looked after herds of horses.
Cóż to? Tak to kolejny szkic inspirowany genialnym "Bestiariuszem słowiańskim" panów Pawła Zycha i Witolda Vargasa. (Z którego pochodzi drugi rysunek). Polecam serdecznie. :-)
What is it? Another sketch inspired by the brilliant "Slavic Bestiary" by Paweł Zych and Witold Vargas. (Which is where the second drawing comes from). I heartily recommend. :-)
A więc tym razem rysunek znacznie odbiegający od mojego stylu... Szczerze mówiąc, nie byłam pewna, czy powinnam się nim dzielić, ale moi najbliżsi stwierdzili, że jest całkiem ładny.
Tak czy inaczej mam nadzieję, że przypadnie wam do gustu ☺️
So this time a drawing, which is far from my style ... Honestly, I wasn't sure if I should share it, but my loved ones said it was pretty cute.
Anyway, I hope you like it☺️
Miło zaskoczył mnie fakt, że poprzedni taki post spotkał się z dość sporym entuzjazm... Więc oto kolejny rysunek.
I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the previous post was met with quite a lot of enthusiasm ... So here is another drawing.
Celegorm and Huan
Amrod and Amras
Maedhros obviously with his friend
Aredhel and Galadriel
Fëanor and his silmarils
Please wait a moment and don't scroll.
I know that this time it's nothing to do with JRR Tolkien's work, but give me just a moment.I want to tell you a story behind this drawing. But one by one: well, I live in Poland. We had an incident recently. Panicked woman called to a Krakow Animal Care Society .She informed there is an animal, which she called "lagun" sitting in a tree in front of her block for two days. The inspector calmed the woman down and determined that it might be an legwan. The notification was accepted, however, when the appropriate services arrived, on the tree was not an legwan ... but a croissant.
I couldn't help but draw my version of this "amazing creature". I hope you like it.
I would like to add that there was even a song about the lagun (it is only in Polish, but if any of you want to listen to it, I will gladly add a link to it and a translation so that you can fully enjoy it) ☺️
New (repainted) calculator