Small Update - Tumblr Posts
My loves. I promise I have something in the works for me not being active. I have been dealing with lots and well I just haven’t been well all together. I hope you guys are doing much better than I am yes? Well I hope you are having a great time where ever you are 🤎
This writing is gonna be delayed because I recently got an ear infection, it started Monday but it’s gotten bad, I barely got some medication for it but I’m gonna try my best to update as much as I can.
I hope you are all well, I love you all, <3
Um... Hi!
Yeah... it's been a loooong while, huh? ^_^;
I mean, the time between now and when I went inactive was a clusterf--k of trying to regulate emotions, a family member struggling with their alcoholism issue, a CAT that got so anxious she had cysts in her ears and had to wear a Cone of Shame for two weeks (poor girl's still freaked out), worries about my future, a fight with my parents (resolved now, mostly), confusion over how I want my blog to be set up... it's been a lot, and that's not even all of it!
I can't tell you just how badly my brain is fried. XD But I'm hoping I can start being on more. I'd love to make a bunch of posts about pictures on my Switch, after I sync up my iCloud or however that goes. (I am just SO savvy with technology, aren't I? XD)
Also thinking of updating my "About Me" post - make it a little less vague over what's okay and what's not okay to say or do.
'Kay, I'm gonna lie down now. Have a good day/night/etc., everyone~.

Wowie! I've been away for a lot longer then I had originally intended! Most of the posts on this account have been purged. I'll be posting mostly casually, but just know everything is mostly fine, I'm just a college student now and things are changing
DxP update - comic panels
Hi-hi! So, I decided to go back & reformat the panels for DxP REWRITE into a more vertical format, stacking the images on top of each other. The square grid made more sense for Instagram, as you swipe to the side, but this is not Instagram lol - here, we scroll down.
There are some panels I drew to stand side by side, so I left them next to each other, but it should overall read better.
Lemme know what you think! Better? Worse? Either way, I’m gonna try posting tomorrow’s comic in the more vertical format (unless you guys hate it lol). See you tomorrow! 🌧️
small updates from the voices in my head✨
Hello friends!
I hope you are all doing well. This week’s post will actually be a short one today, I promise. It’s been a busy week and I’m a bit crunched for time at the moment. I’ll be heading out to my internship at a local historic site and museum in just a bit, but I wanted to make sure a gave y’all a little update before I forgot. (Also, I have to get my weekly post out for my class assignment. ᕱ__<)

This week my work on this story was a bit scattered. Mostly, I did lots of thinking about how I’m going to approach certain aspects of my worldbuilding. For one, I think I am going to attempt to write a creation myth for my world to get a basis, firstly, on where it even comes from, and secondly, what the people of my world believe in. It will also help me create my magic system because right now I think I want it to work something like how Paladins work in D&D. (Here's a nifty little page that will sort of kind of explain how and where Paladins get their powers.) I also think I want to do some research in the form of reading some of Tolkien's Legendarium, specifically the Silmarillion and study how he developed his fantasy world.
I also just finished reading The Women Could Fly by Megan Giddings for the class I’m taking on writing witches, harpies, and hags, and it’s given me a lot of good ideas as to how to develop a magic system that works with the natural world. We also just did a writing prompt for that class to attempt to develop a spell of some kind, and that taught me that your girl needs to do a lot more research into herbs and herbal remedies as well as animal symbols and the like so that I can create a magic that makes sense to me. I can’t simply just throw things together for this book, every choice I make has to be deliberate. (The voices in my brain won’t let me do otherwise ᕱ__ᕱ). I’m going full high fantasy with this story and I will create a fully fleshed out world that has and follows its own rules!
So, yeah, that's where my mind has been this week. My goal is to actually do some writing/developing so I can give both y’all and myself a little something substantial next week. And if, and thats a big IF, I get enough done/prepared in the next couple weeks, I may challenge myself to actually partake in my own little NANOWRIMO (not the official one of course bc of all the AI controversy) this year. (If not for writing plot, for doing world building). We shall see.
In the meantime, remember: dot your j’s and cross your t’s! ᕱ__ᕱ
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷