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AziraCrow | Book Reading
(Scroll down for mini story vvvv) + (Companion Piece)

Aziraphale liked books, especially the old ones. They were the main reason for owning his bookshop, after all.
He loved reading them, too. Sitting quietly in the back of his bookshop with a good book and the occasional accompaniment of an old record made for quite the delightful evening, in his opinion. Despite his being handless (and therefore, fingerless), Aziraphale was perfectly capable of turning pages on his own. Not with his talons of course; Heaven only knew the trouble that would come from attempting to turn the aging and potentially fragile paper with such unreliable instruments. It would be a simple enough fix if a page did happen to tear, but the memory would haunt him forever. Instead, all it took was a flick of his wing and woosh, the pages would turn themselves. Sometimes he just had to ask nicely. However, there were times that he didn't need to expend the effort.
Those times just so happened to coincide with a particularly serpentine visitor.
Crowley's visits were irregular and not always predictable. Most of the time he would pop in to complain about Who-Knows-What and disappear off to Who-Knows-Where. Sometimes he would stay longer, and they would share a glass of wine or some other alcohol, chatting a lot about nothing and reminiscing about times long passed until the shadows grew long. On rare occasions they would sit in comfortable silence, doing nothing more than enjoying each other's company. Aziraphale would then pick a book to read and Crowley would slither over to join him.
Of course, Crowley didn't like reading - or at least claimed he didn't. 'Not worth his time,' he'd say dismissively. Still, he (bored expression and all) would come, make himself comfortable by coiling around both the book stand and Aziraphale, and just watch. Just about anyone on Earth would likely be uncomfortable being stared down by such an intense gaze, but not Aziraphale. Over the many millennia, he has grown used to being observed by those golden eyes. Dare he say, he even found it comforting in a way, but that was besides the point.
He wasn't sure how it started; perhaps Crowley found himself overly bored that day, but he began turning the book pages whenever Aziraphale raised his wing to compel them instead. It had started him at first, and he had looked to Crowley with much confusion, though the demon had nothing to say in return. He merely shrugged (or at least it could be considered the serpentine equivalent of a shrug) and turned away. A few more pages in, and he'd turn them again. This happened over and over until Aziraphale heaved a sigh gave in, allowing the serpent to do as he wanted. At first, it was quite awkward to give verbal cues, and there were times when he became so engrossed in his reading that he forgot entirely, but eventually they settled into a comfortable rhythm. Nowadays he didn't even bother. It had become almost automatic: Aziraphale would finish the page and it would turn, no questions asked.
Aziraphale suspected it would baffle the minds of many to see a demon treat anything so gently, yet Crowley turned the pages in such a way that they were never bent nor crumpled. In fact, it seemed to him that the older the book was, the gentler Crowley'd be. He seemed... 'content' was the wrong word to describe his attitude towards the activity, but he never said a word otherwise. At least, not to Aziraphale.
He never pointed this out, of course. Crowley would stop doing it if he did, and he didn't WANT him to stop. He enjoyed it too much.
Once in a blue moon, Crowley would make a comment about whatever Aziraphale was reading at the time. It was often snide, mocking, not always audible. Hisses of exasperation or an exaggerated eye roll were not uncommon either. Then he would turn away, bored despondence washing over his face, shutting down any attempts to further the conversation. Not that he would respond if Aziraphale did, though that hadn't stopped him from trying. On one occasion Aziraphale had tried to push the topic, only for Crowley to deflect, insisting that he had only glanced the passage at random. He stopped turning the pages then. Aziraphale never tried again and settled with only giving him sidelong glances when he said something particularly egregious.
And so they would read, the silence broken only by the ticking of an old clock and the occasionally rustle of a page.
Aziraphale liked his books.
He liked reading them alone in his bookshop.
But he liked them best when Crowley was there to turn the pages for him.
Off my head on laudanum, not responsible for my actions

Crowley is pissed👀
This is my first ever fanart. I hope you like it :)
Good Omens Family
I have been watching and reading Good Omens stuff recently, and I have my own idea for an OC that is Aziraphale and Crowley's kid. She is tall and slender like Crowley with Zira's more solid frame helping round the kid out so she's not a beanpole. Appearance wise she has Crowleys dark hair and good cheekbones with Zira's blue eyes and kindly/cheerful smile and air. She doesn't like it when there are homophobic comments about her Papa (Zira) and Dad (Crowley when he isn't feeling feminine, which is when Crowley is Mum).
There are many ideas for how the ineffable idiots got a child. And in my AU Crowley carried their daughter after turning to female due to being bored and needing a change in her skin. After their initial panic when she didn't change back to male at will they found she was pregnant which was another round of panic. This idea is purely self indulgent as while it is fantastic for Crowley to be protective over a pregnant Zira, I just couldn't pass up on how dramatic a pregnant Cowley would be. And the idea of a sweet but equally protective Zira is something that should also be explored.
When it came to naming their daughter it was a long discussion. There were several biblical suggestions (Aziraphale) and more modern rockstars (Crowley). Finally they decided on the biblical but modern Sarah with a coin toss deciding that her middle name would be Ruth. Sarah was the reason that Crowley and Zira got officially married (according to mortals) and helped in their move to the South Downs (Zira accepted that an antique bookshop was not the right place for a baby). But as in another fic that I cannot remember the name of, Zira was able to open/run a library in their South Down village so it was an easier transition.
Sarah was generally a happy and well behaved baby, but when she needed/wanted something she was loud (Crowley would say it was the demon in her to even out the angel). Growing up Sarah was a quiet and introverted kid who loved books, oldies music, and the garden/plants that were around the house (Crowley could not stop her from stroking and complementing them, a fact that always made Zira laugh). And if there were a few times in elementary school that Sarah brought a pitch black snake for show and tell that insisted on staying around her shoulders for the entire day (it was a very well behaved snake, and Crowley was somehow never around on those days, Aziraphale had to come sort things out with the school). Though the rest of Sarah's schooling if there was ever a bullying problem that same black snake found it's way into her school bag and came out when she was being backed into a wall (and if anyone heard her call it dad, they had to be hearing things.) When Sarah learned to drive, and started thanking the Bentley for the help but she really did have to practice because not every car was as great as she (the Bentley) was everyone just thought that her parents had rubbed off on her too much.
I realized I have not talked about Sarah's fashion style. While she will dress up in a usually white button up/collared shirt and black knee length skirt on a formal occasion her daily style was normally dark blue jeans (not the skin tight ones Crowley wears on the T.V. show, boot cut ones) and t-shirts. Given her skin tone Sarah usually wears blue or green as they look better, but she will wear an occasional red or purple if she likes the shirt.
As for how Heaven and Hell reacted to the development of their traitors having a child together, it was mostly ignored. Some demons (I'm looking at you Hastur) put her down as a possible way to get back a Crowley but mostly it was noted as something they didn't know could happen but did. Sarah knows about Heaven and Hell, like she knows her Papa is an Angel and her Dad is a Demon which is why she has her own abilities. But these were just facts in her life. The sky was blue, the grass was green, her Dad turns into a snake, heaven and hell were real and she would never see them as long as her parents had a say in the matter.
These are all the ideas that I have currently. I hope you enjoy.
Good Omens Family: Sarah's six year old blessing incident
Yesterday after my first post about this I was wondering, how did Aziraphale and Crowley's daughter learn that heaven and hell were real? And I remembered how Hastur would probably try to use Sarah to get back at Crowley.
So one sunny summer day as Crowley chills as a snake in the garden keeping an eye on Sarah while he also dozed in the sun. She was just reading while leaning against the base of the tree that had been there when Zira and Crowley had moved into the cottage. All of the plants were also watching over her, they knew that as long as she was around Crowley would not punish them because she wanted to see them get better.
It was much like most other sunny afternoons with Crowley fondly thinking of how Sarah was so much like his Angel when he fell asleep. After the sleep had deepened partly naturally and partly due to a repression spell that was aimed at him for that purpose. Everything carefully set Hastur who had possessed the body of a little old lady and walked along the lane. In front of the little cottage he caused the body to drop the large basket spilling the contents.
Sarah's attention was drawn by the noise and quickly hurried up to her gate to see what the problem was. A look to her sleeping dad to check before she exited the gate, "Would you like some help?" The six year old asked the being posing as a harmless granny with all the innocence and trust of childhood.
With as warm of a smile that Hastur could draw out of the body, "That would be lovely dear." Coming closer Sarah picked up the spilled vegetables and held the basket up for the possessed granny to take. She was close enough for him to fully grab now but the smell was causing his vessels nose to twich. And the granny let out a sneeze.
Sarah looked up at him, "Bless your soul." Then she started screaming as the grandma was set on fire. Crowley, like any parent, woke up in a panic on hearing the sound and instantly turned back to his more human form.
Darting out as fast as a snake Crowley jumped over the fence and pulled Sara away from the flaming grandma before summoning water to douse the poor woman. Sending the grandma to the hospital with a wave of his hand Crowley quickly knelt down to comfort his sobbing daughter, "I'm a murderer!"
"Shhh, it's alright dove," wrapping her in his arms and picking her up, "I'm here." Walking into the house, "The granny's not dead either so you're not a murder." After getting Sarah a cup of tea and some biscuits she was finally calm enough to answer, "Can you tell me what happened before she was on fire?"
Sarah was a stress eater so she downed three biscuits before answering, "She dropped her basket so I asked if she needed help. When she said yes I picked up her vegies and put them back, and as I handed her back her basket she sneezed." Crowley was watching her carefully as the kid finshed, "So I blessed her like Papa said to."
"And she caught fire after you blessed her?" Crowley had leaned forward and there was a snakelike glint in his eyes as he asked.
Sarah nodded, "Why did she catch fire Dad?" Before he could formulate an answer her eyes filled with tears, "Did I do something wrong?"
Scooping her up again, "No, you did exactly what you were supposed to do." Hugging his daughter close Crowley silently cursed whichever demon scared her so much to the darkest torture pit of hell. He and Aziaphale would need to find a way to explain to Sarah about what had really happened today.
It was close to dinner when Azirphale got home after closing the library when Crowley met him at the door with a kiss. Noticing the lack of a little girl running up to hug him, "Where's Sarah?"
Seeing the old hunted look come into Crowley's eyes as he answered, "In the greenhouse."
Taking his husbands face into his hands Zira asked, "What happened?" On hearing the events of the day he sat down and they started talking about how to explain things to their little girl.
And that was how Sarah learned about Heaven and Hell. Also there was a new set of guidelines and rules to try to keep her safe from another attack.
We’ve all agreed that Aziraphale dresses to broadcast a friendly appearance. But I’m here to argue that’s only a secondary reason for the colors he chooses for his outfits.

The more I look at Aziraphale’s outfits, the more I just see the deuteranopia visual spectrum. I’m not saying whether or not Crowley actually is colorblind, but I am definitely saying that Aziraphale knows snakes to be dichromatic, and dresses specifically so that he knows his outfits appear the same to him as they do to Crowley. Crowley’s eyes are anatomically those of a snake, so that’s a logical conclusion for Aziraphale to make.

After the discourse on my colorblind Crowley post, I couldn’t ignore the urge to give these guys mantis shrimp eyes.
Now they see ALL.
It's a snakey boy

Could I request something with Crowley? Maybe the reader stumbles upon him hurt in his snake form maybe weakened from something or another and she nurses him back to health? Eventually he returns human and romance ensues
🐍wowie my very first request!!! this gave me “fruits basket” vibes and i loved it! hope you enjoy🐍

“Crowley, sweetheart, I’m here!” You chirp, slipping out of your shoes and leaving them neatly by the door. While the Archangels could harshly punish you for your intimacy with a demon, they wouldn’t catch you being rude. If you were anything, it was prim, proper, and especially polite!
Your greeting is met with an unusual silence. Normally, Crowley would be sauntering your way as soon as he heard the door creak open. But today? No standard bombastic greeting. No grandiose display of affection as he twirled you about before rewarding you with a kiss. There’s nothing, save for you and the nip of chilly air coming from the vents.
Keep reading

*In the 1st, 2cnd and 10th drawing the two humans are Adam and Eve
I made this comic with @azuletatwt!
Don't eat THE Apple!!!
Good Omens comic - part 1
>> Part 2

I made this comic with @azuletatwt!
Don't eat THE Apple!!!
Good Omens comic - part 2
>> Part 3 (WARNING‼️ >>> NSFW content!!!)
<< Part 1 >>

snakes smell with their tongue

+ bonus: Stargazing Syndrome

Do you guys think Crowley can have his wings out in snake form? This is a question I’ve had for a while but like he’s just like a big ass snake with a pair of black wings in the back??
holy shit I’m dying of laughter
"Crowley smiled like a snake."

Aziraphale would rather Crowley bite him in his human form...