So That The Dark Voice Werent All He Had To Rely On - Tumblr Posts

I was reading through Percival de Rolo’s wiki page for inspiration for one of my oc’s character descriptions; thing is I use reader to browse wiki. I was reading through and when I saw this image of a dog on Percy’s page I got really excited. Percy having a dog that didn’t know about. Dude could use his own emotional support animal. Good for him.

I Was Reading Through Percival De Rolos Wiki Page For Inspiration For One Of My Ocs Character Descriptions;

Yeah it was an ad for SpotOn GPS Fence.

Still I think Percy with a dog would be awesome. He could’ve named them Whitestone but short called them “Stone”. They could’ve been best buds with Trinket. They could’ve been the boldest good boy who’s also a freakin killer at Percy’s defense. God, I wish Percy had had a dog.

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