Critical Role Campaign 1 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Hey Sillies I Have A Discord Server For Imodna Fans And Cr Fans Alike! Called Anchor&Tether! If Anyone

Hey sillies I have a discord server for Imodna fans and cr fans alike! called Anchor&Tether! If anyone is interest in joining lmk!! (Minors and adults welcome!!) we also talk about other ships and other fandoms entirely too!!

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1 year ago

Btw wanted to clarify bc I realized I didn’t include it so I edited the post but while we talk about Imodna a lot this is also for any critical role enjoyers in general as we also talk about other ships and other campaigns as well :D dm me or comment if ur interested in joining!!

Also those fun emotes in the banner were made by me!!

Hey Sillies I Have A Discord Server For Imodna Fans And Cr Fans Alike! Called Anchor&Tether! If Anyone

Hey sillies I have a discord server for Imodna fans and cr fans alike! called Anchor&Tether! If anyone is interest in joining lmk!! (Minors and adults welcome!!) we also talk about other ships and other fandoms entirely too!!

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1 year ago

GUYS I ONLY HAVE 3 EPISODES OF CR2 LEFT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO <- (is going to watch campaign 1)

EDIT: now I’m on the last one 😭

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1 year ago

This is still open btw!!

pspsps hey critical role fans would yall wanna join a silly little cozy discord server i have for the imodna ship as well as all of bells hells and the other campaigns as well ?? Just wanna find some silly goofy critters i can scream about cr with! (dm me or comment for the link <3)

(You can also ask for it in my asks if you’d like!!)

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1 year ago

Watching critical role campaign 1 and I’m currently on episode 38.

I love drunk keyleth so much she’s so cute like omg


*throws up as Percy holds her hair back* “AaAuGh gRoG sAiD iT wOuLd wAkE mE up”

“What aRE we tALkiNg about??”

“OPEN THE WINE!!!” (The rest of the party,) “No no don’t listen to her” “WE PAY YOU OPEN THE WINEEE”

“ggnIGhT pEErcYYYee”

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1 year ago

Pspsps cr fans and sillies alike, this is still open! Anyone else wanna join 👀

pspsps hey critical role fans would yall wanna join a silly little cozy discord server i have for the imodna ship as well as all of bells hells and the other campaigns as well ?? Just wanna find some silly goofy critters i can scream about cr with! (dm me or comment for the link <3)

(You can also ask for it in my asks if you’d like!!)

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5 months ago

I love watching tlovm with my bf who has never listened to CR so much because it's just

Me: you are literally Grog

Him: no I'm not bro Percy just like me fr

And then he says Grog's lines 2 seconds before Grog... I love him so much. (btw I'm 99% sure that my bf loves Grog, he just wants to be an anime protag)

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I was reading through Percival de Rolo’s wiki page for inspiration for one of my oc’s character descriptions; thing is I use reader to browse wiki. I was reading through and when I saw this image of a dog on Percy’s page I got really excited. Percy having a dog that didn’t know about. Dude could use his own emotional support animal. Good for him.

I Was Reading Through Percival De Rolos Wiki Page For Inspiration For One Of My Ocs Character Descriptions;

Yeah it was an ad for SpotOn GPS Fence.

Still I think Percy with a dog would be awesome. He could’ve named them Whitestone but short called them “Stone”. They could’ve been best buds with Trinket. They could’ve been the boldest good boy who’s also a freakin killer at Percy’s defense. God, I wish Percy had had a dog.

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The Eradith Siblings

The Eradith Siblings

Born in the elven city of Syngorn to the Herald of the New Age, Kesstryn Eradith, the Eradith children were putatively raised amongst the cream of elven society. As a young child Talric was always trying to make a good impression on his mother, but they hardly acknowledged his interests and/or achievements due to a general disinterest in him. Regardless, he persisted hoping to gain his mother’s attention.

When he was five, his mother, reoriented his genes, fundamentally refitting his genetics to further her own “studies.” Thusly, his agreeable nature was stripped and replaced with an insecure, opportunistic, and distrustful disposition. Alas, on his sister, Fia’s, second birthday, their mother reformed her body, irrevocably marring Fia’s drafted path in life. In one fell breach of kinship, Fia’s childhood was poached, replaced with endless days of ridicule and exclusion.

In the days following her transfiguration, her brother, Talric implemented a plot that delivered them from the abuses of their mother. On account of this, the two spent the ensuing years, growing up in isolation. After a year or so foraging, they were taken under the wings of half-elven twins, Vax’ildan and Vex’halia Vessar.

Talric Eradith

Talric is a pragmatic and efficacious interbred elven child. He approaches almost all matters with a rigid survivalist attitude that distinctly belies his age. A rather guarded individual, he presents a tendency towards extremely inconsistent social behavior and has a hard time trusting others. Talric has admitted that as much as he craves a meaningful relationship with other humanoids they feel they cannot rely on others to meet their physical or emotional needs. They have trouble believing that any individual, primarily adults, will love and support them as they are. Thus, he’s adopted the isolating defensive mechanism that is social withdrawal. Pushing people away has become his default. Intriguingly, the little boy exhibits an unparalleled self-possessed peace of mind when performing duties in open air environments, especially those involving the exercise of tree climbing.

Considering the mannerisms of other children, Talric is comparatively cautious and calculating, reserving his warmer, gentler moments for his beloved younger sister, Fía. Given that his mother, someone he trusted to unequivocally love and accept him, didn't, his apprehension in social settings is understandable. Vulnerability, more often than not, has rewarded him with nothing but pain. Still, it is unclear to what extent his asocial personality and behavior are genuine. Much of his detached behavior is viewed as a façade for his desperate yet haunting desire for affection; at least from those in his party. He has shown he can be fairly loving and understanding. However, these moments are far and few between and the few performed for anyone other than his sister are even less common.

Deviating from his reclusive bearing, Talric is quite clever and astute; or a “scheming little shit” as numerous individuals throughout the campaign have called him. Aided by an amazingly calculative mind, Talric has shown himself on multiple occasions to be capable of developing and managing intricate traps to injure and incapacitate adversaries. This is perhaps best illustrated in "Best Laid Plans..."(1x50) as he was able to use the variables from the information gathered by his investigation to predict paths that would lead to certain outcomes. This insight allowed him to devise a whole array of booby traps that effectively removed two-fifths of the members of the Herd of Storms from combat. Though he predominantly crafts his traps to be nonlethal, this rather merciful control can be overturned.

Fiannim Eradith

Fiannim is a sentimental, fairly quiet, rapt individual, who like many others her age is also curious minded and venturesome. Nevertheless, having grown up in nearly complete isolation, she is exceptionally wary in unfamiliar settings. Curiously, even with everything she’s highly cognizant of other individuals’ emotional states, good and bad: tied with her innate benevolence, she has an intense desire to help those in need (even to her detriment). Still, as a relatively passive individual she has a tendency to depend on others, namely her older brother, to take the lead in overwhelming social settings. On the whole Fia is a generally sweet, innocent, and diffident little girl. Moreover, according to her older brother, she’s also the most compassionate and merciful person you’ll ever meet.

She is played as a mainly silent character, choosing to use physical language such as pointing and nodding instead of traditional speech. Considering the nature of her childhood, her mousy, subdued behaviors are quite understandable, especially and specifically in unfamiliar social settings. She is shown to be extremely anxious in social situations, which often lead her to “shut down.” While it has been confirmed she can verbally communicate, she is somatically unable to speak around certain people or in certain settings. Her vocalizations are instead expressed in the form of noises reminiscent of bird calls. For all that, there are a select few who she feels comfortable verbally communicating with; namely her brother, the twins, Scanlan and Keyleth.

Despite her insecurities, Fiannim attempts to make sure that others have the things they need to feel safe, secure, and loved regardless of their alignment. Quite the opposite of her brother, she is well known for her warm and disarming presence. On several occasions throughout the campaign she’s seen putting the emotional contentment of others well before her own. Given the fact that she spent the better part of her childhood with few opportunities to interact with others, her inclination to approach both allies and adversaries alike, in a genuinely respectful manner is quite remarkable. Her non-discriminatory mindset and capacity for empathy has graciously equipped her with a demeanor that prompts friendship and trust from most of the individuals she meets, noticeably in the cases of Lady Allura and J’mon Sa Ord.

Art by @oliviajoytaylor

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Warnings: This story explores grief in a tangible way. These are children. This is a mother and a leader who has lost her chance to be a wife. Please take care and caution when reading.

Relationships: Keyleth/Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Keyleth & Original Child Character(s), Keyleth & Vex'ahlia (Critical Role)

Keyleth will never stop loving Vax'ildan. Nor will she stop loving his adopted children, Fia and Talric. Now that he's left the mortal plane, however, she struggles with her role as mother without him. The children learn to mourn their father, as she learns to mourn alongside them. Together, they learn to rely on each other as a family… and also, that their beloved Vax is never as far away as he might appear.

Written in collaboration with the incredibly kind RottenKidNextDoor (PortalofWords)

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Apparently last tarot session I had, the mini Percival de Rolo charm I had hanging off of my phone fell off in the room. So, little Percy had just been vibin on a table in the good energy of the tarot room of my local spiritual shop for 4 months.

I think this is exactly what Taliesin Jaffe would want.

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Nothing better than dancing at a RenFaire with a stranger cosplayed as Jester while dressed as Percy.

God, I love the critter fandom. Y’all are some of the best people <33.

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